沈阳市2019年英语三年级上册Module 6 Unit 1 Happy birthday! 练习卷D卷

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沈阳市2019年英语三年级上册Module 6 Unit 1 Happy birthday! 练习卷D卷_第1页
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沈阳市2019年英语三年级上册Module 6 Unit 1 Happy birthday! 练习卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 把每组单词中不同类的一个找出来,把它的字母编号写在括号里。(_)1. A. workB. eatC. week(_)2. A. whyB. thatC. what(_)3. A. Nov.B. MayC. Jan.(_)4. A. seasonB. winterC. summer(_)5. A. usuallyB. oftenC. when2 . I like beans. ( )AB3 . How many gifts? ( )ASix gifts.BNine gifts.4 . 从右边选择左边的答语,将其标号填入括号内。( ) 1. What does she do? A She is going to the library.( ) 2. When does he go to work?B He is a postman.( ) 3. Where does he work? C She is a police officer.( ) 4. What does he do? D At 8 in the morning.( ) 5. Where is she going? E He works in a hospital.5 . 当你想要询问别人的生日是什么时候时,应该如何问:AWhen do you have breakfast?BWhen is your birthday?选出与画线单词同类的一项。6 . My favourite day is Monday. ( )AmusicBoftenCTuesday7 . I read many English stories. ( )AfootballBmusicCspeak8 . Sometimes they are difficult. ( )AquestionBusuallyClike9 . Bill is taller than before. ( )AnowBredCthinner10 . I often play the piano in music class. ( )Asing English songsBbeforeCred hat11 . Here you are. ( )_AThank you.BI dont like.CI see.12 . _ is my ball? ( )Its under the bed.AWhatBWhoseCWhere选出不同类的单词。13 . AmineByoursChersDhim14 . AourBmyCtheirsDyour15 . AjumpBflyingCsleepDclimb16 . AbearBelephantCmonkeyDcarrot17 . AdrinkBeatingClisteningDplaying18 . There are _ animals in Chinese Zodiac(生肖). ( )AtwelveBelevenCtwenty二、情景交际19 . 你想去看电影,可你不知道怎样去电影院,你该怎样问朋友呢?( )AHow can I get to the cinema?BI want to see a film.CIs this the cinema?20 . 当你想送别人一件礼物时,应说:_ ( )AGive me a present.BHeres a present for you.21 . 你告诉别人我妈妈30岁,你怎么说?( )AHow old is my mom?BMy mom is 30 years old.CMy dad is 30.22 . 胡图图今年6岁了,当别人问他年龄时,他应该回答:( )AIm six years old.BIm nine years old. CIm eight years old.23 . 朋友们互相告别,可能会说?( )AGreat!BGuess.CBye.三、匹配题24 . 给下列句子选择合适的答语。(_) (1) Who is that little girl?AYes, I have.(_) (2) What are you doing?BIm watching TV.(_) (3) What did you do yesterday?CYes, I am.(_) (4) Are you thirsty?DI played the piano.(_) (5) Have you got a cold?EShe is my sister.25 . 将句子与图片匹配ABCDEF(_)1. That is my chair.(_)2. Happy birthday!(_)3. Good morning!(_)4. This is my father. Hes a doctor.(_)5. I have six books.(_)6. My grandpa is a farmer.四、连线题26 . 对话连线(1)What are you doing? a.Sure.(2)May I see them? b.Danny said the basketball is heavy.(3) Look at this photo. Danny wanted to play basketball with a ping-pong ball. c. Im getting ready to go home next week.(4) Look, Li Ming! Heres a photo of you, Danny and Santa. Do you remember? d. He was on the playground.(5) Where was Bob last Sunday? e. Yes, I remember. I went to the shop with Danny.第 5 页 共 5 页


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