山东省2019年英语六年级上册Module 9 单元测试卷D卷

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山东省2019年英语六年级上册Module 9 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How tall the _ is! ( )AbuildBbuildsCbuilding2 . Who is playing the piano in the next room? _ is Li Pings brother. ( )AThisBThatCItDHe3 . _ some lunch. ( )ADoBGetCHave4 . The shop is the hospital and the cinema. ( )AwithBbetweenCin5 . HowJoe go to the zoo? ( )AdoesBdoCis6 . Whata_daytoday!( )AsunBsunsCsunnyDsuny7 . Im _.( )AcomeBcomesCcoming8 . I _ a good friend. ( )AhaveBhasCam9 . _ is the day of the moon. ( )AMondayBFridayCSunday10 . What _ he _? ( )Ais; likeBdo; likesCdoes; like11 . A koala can _.( )AflyBswimCclimb12 . Sorry, I left my homework at home. ( )Never mind. _ it here tomorrow.ATakeBBringCCarryDSend13 . Is this a watch? ( )AYes, it is.BYes, I can.CNo, I dont.14 . 从下列各组词中找出一个不同类的单词。【小题1】ASundayBsunnyCsnowyDwindy【小题2】AMondayBTuesdayCFridayDrainy【小题3】AShenyangBBeijingCDalianDLondon【小题4】AtakeBlakeCtalkDwalk【小题5】AhouseworkBhomeworkCworkerDmake15 . There _ lots of tall buildings in Shanghai. ( )AamBisCare二、阅读选择阅读短文,选出正确的答案。Do you know Big Ben? Big Ben is not the name of a man. Its the name of a big clock in London. This clock has four faces. So, no matter which direction(方向)you stand in, you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. The minute hand on each face is about four metres long. If you go to London, you may want to visit the Houses of Parliament(议会大厦). There you will find that Big Ben sits at the top of the clock tower. You will probably(可能)hear it and see it. The big clock makes such a loud sound. It strikes every quarter(一刻钟)of an hour.16 . Big Ben is_. ( )Athe name of a busBthe name of a clockCthe name of a man17 . You can read the time of Big Ben_. ( )Aon the left of the clock towerBon the right of the clock towerCon the four faces of the clock18 . The underlined word “hand” means_. ( )A手B胳膊C指针19 . Big Ben is in_. ( )AChinaBthe USCthe UK20 . The clock strikes every_. ( )Aten minutesBfifteen minutesChour三、填空题21 . 用所给的动词的适当形式填空1. -What can you do? I can _.(swim)-I like _.(swim)2. -Did you go _(shop)yesterday?-No, I didnt. I _(sing)and _(dance)with my friends. 3. -What are you going to do this weekend?-I _(climb)a mountain. 4. -How does your mother go to work? -She _(go)to work by bike. 5. -Look! What are the boys doing?-They _(play)football.22 . 用适当形式填空:Today my mother is_(go) shopping.按要求完成下列各小题。23 . big(反义词)_24 . flag(复数形式)_25 . outside(反义词)_26 . UN(完整形式)_27 . 到处,遍及(汉译英)_28 . member state(英译汉)_29 . 填空。1. The teacher _the children _last lesson. 2. The dog is _ (jump) up and down now.3. _ are on the desk. 4. 看图,在购物单上选出已有的东西_购物单jellyjuicecakemilkappleCokebananassweetsorangepeach30 . 选词填空。Alots ofBtalkingCgirlsDbuyingEatLook 1._ the picture. There are 2._ shops in the street. Look! There are 3.many_ walking to the Chinese shop. There are some women 4. _ some things in the Lantian Shop. There are many men there. They are _.31 . 填写句子。1. There _ a pair of green shoes.2. There is a pair of shorts _ there.3. Where _ my shoes?4. The pair of shoes _ small.5. There_ (be not) my shoes.32 . Do you like _(listen) to music?33 . He_(fly)to New York now.请根据句子的前后内容,填入你认为恰当的单词或短语,使该句子意思完整。34 . My mother _ last week.35 . Where is the book?Its _ the _.36 . Amy is _(clean the room).37 . How many _ (crayon)have you got?38 . I like_(oranges, banana).39 . 填空。1. What will you do _ summer?2. Ill go _ Beijing.3. Will you go _ see the Great Wall.4. Ill _ my homework.(do)5. Will you play _ basketball? (a/an/the/不填)四、阅读回答问题阅读下面内容,回答下列问题。Dear Amy,Im going to be in Hangzhou with you next month. Do you believe it?My mother is going to come with me. We want to go to the West Lake. It is very famous. People say it is really fantastic. It is the place that want to visit most (最).I want to buy some Chinese stamps and Chinese kites for my friends. I think they will like these presents.I will take my camera with me. I want to take photos of the West Lake.See you next month.Yours,Simon40 . When is Simon going to go to Hangzhou?_41 . What does Simon want to buy for his friends?_42 . What is the place that Simon wants to visit most?_43 . What is Simon going to take?_五、任务型阅读阅读短文, 完成下列各题。The Smart family are looking at a map of China. They want to visit many places for their winter holiday. Mr Smart wants to visit Tibet. He wants to climb the mountains and 骑马. Mrs Smart wants to go to Hong Kong. She wants to do some shopping. Amy wants to go to Harbin. She wants to see the beautiful snow and she wants to skate and ski. Sam wants to go to Guilin. He likes the mountains and the stones. He wants to boat. Tom wants to stay at home and play computer games.44 . 将处句子译为中文。_45 . 将处短语译为英文。_46 . _ wants to go to Hong Kong.47 . Does Amy like skating?_48 . 判断正(T)误(F)。Sam wants to go boating in Hangzhou. (_)六、判断题判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)一致。49 . table bag (_)50 . house young(_)51 . big sick(_)52 . boy toy(_)53 . 判断每组画线部分发音是 (T) 否 (F) 相同。1. six five nine _2. kite nice fine _3. big pigice _4. rive bike five _5. itis hi_判断下列单词画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。54 . threetree(_)55 . standdog (_)56 . redrobot (_)57 . capbird (_)58 . sleep up(_)59 . ball book (_)60 . 判断下列每组单词的发音是(Y)否(N)相同(_)1.A.cake B.hat C.candy(_)2.A.five B.like C.quiet (_)3.A.note B.lost C.not(_)4.A.name B.glasses C.have(_)5.A.dog B.nose C.box61 . Read and judge.判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用表示,不同的用表示。(_) 1. boat window(_) 2. dear wear(_) 3. Joe photo(_) 4. until build(_) 5. story cry(_) 6. these stay七、选内容补全对话62 . 根据情景, 选择合适的句子完成对话。William: Hello, Joe! 1. _Joe: Wow! Thank you! 2. _William: Its a book about China. Joe:I like China very much. William: 3. _Joe: Yes, I do. William: 4. _Joe: I want to go to Beijing. Its very big and beautiful. William: I want to go to Beijing too. Joe: 5. _William: OK! I think well have a great time there. ALets go next year. BHeres a present for you. CWhere do you want to go in China?DDo you want to go to China?EWhat is it?八、匹配题63 . 选词填空。brush paints(1)_(2)_九、书面表达64 . 小练笔。假期就要到了,每个孩子都有自己的计划。请根据下面图片提示的内容,写一写明明、丽丽、Lucy和Jim的出行计划吧!要求:1. 以“Our Plans”为题目。2. 语言通顺,40个词左右。MingmingLiliLucyJimKunmingHong KongGuilinShanghai_第 11 页 共 11 页


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