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黑龙江省2019年三年级下册期末测试英语试卷(1)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ many books do you have? ( ) Five.AHowBGoodCWhatDWhere2 . -I dont like watermelons. ( )-_.AMe tooBMe, neitherCI like them too.3 . _do you like best? ( )AWhich coloursBWhich seasonCWhat time4 . There are _ books on the desk. ( )AsomeBanyClot of5 . _ youreadthis? ( )Sure.ACanBIsCAre6 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AsisterBlittleCbig7 . That picture _ a mountain is mine.AbyBofCto二、任务型阅读阅读理解Mr. Black and his wife live in New York with their children. They are very busy all day .On Sundays they get up early. They dont have a big breakfast, only coffee, bread and butter. Then they go to church. After that, they all go to the park in the centre of the city.First they sit under the tree and have their picnic lunch. The children fly their kites. Mr. Black always sleeps after lunch on Sundays.In the afternoon, the children ride their bikes. At about five oclock, they buy fruit or ice cream and then they catch the bus to go home.They have supper at home. Then the children go to bed. Mr. Black goes to bed early on Sunday.8 . Mr. Black lives in China.(_)9 . They have a big breakfast on Sunday.(_)10 . They sit under the tree and have their picnic lunch.(_)11 . His wife always sleeps after lunch on Sundays.(_)12 . They have supper in the restaurant. (_)三、匹配题给问句选择合适的答语。A.No,itisnt.B.Itsrainytoday.C.Yes,youcan.D.No,Ihaveacold.E.No,itishot.F. Its 7:00.13 . Isitcool?(_)14 . CanIgooutside?(_)15 . AreyouOK?(_)16 . Whatstheweatherliketoday? (_)17 . IsithotinDali? (_)18 . Whattimeisit?(_)19 . 读句子,找中文,填字母编号。(_)1. Can you draw?A是的,我会。(_)2. Lets swim.B好的!(_)3. Yes, I can.C不,我不会。(_)4. No, I cant.D不!(_)5. OK!E你会画画吗?(_)6. No!F那你呢?(_)7. What about you?G我们一起去游泳吧。四、看图题根据图片,补充句子。20 . He is _.21 . Sam is _.22 . She is _.23 . My brother is _.24 . She is _.第 4 页 共 4 页


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