天津市英语高三单元测试:Book9 Module 6《Why Do We Need Dictionaries》外研版选修9

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天津市英语高三单元测试:Book9 Module 6《Why Do We Need Dictionaries》外研版选修9_第1页
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天津市英语高三单元测试:Book9 Module 6《Why Do We Need Dictionaries》外研版选修9_第3页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Book9 Module 6单元测试题(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题分,满分15分)1. Did you meet with the Super Girl, Li Yuchun? _ I had come here earlier!A. If only B. If not C. But for D. For fear2. After _ long, eager wait, _ word came that our team had won the championship of the World Cup. A. the; the B. a; a C. a; / D. a; the3. No sooner _ herself in her seat _ I asked her about the matter. A. she has settled; before B. had she settled; thanC. has she settled; when D. she had settled; than4. What he said at the meeting seemed _, so few people could make them out. A. practical B. real C. abstract D. interesting5. _ you be happy! The same to you!A. Wish B. Hope C. May D. Should6. I tried to _ in my speech _ grateful we all were for his help. A. convey; what B. convey; how C. predict; what D. predict; how7. I cant remember _ made the teacher give Mary the permission to leave the class earlier.A. that it was what B. what it was that C. what was it that D. that was it what8. I cant concentrate _ my work _ the loud noise outside.A. on; withB. in; for C. on; becauseD. with; with9. She always _ her husband of what the people expected of him.A. reminded B. rememberedC. recalled D. required10. Hearing the _ news, the boy cried for his mother in a _ voice.A. frightening; frightening B. frightened; frightenedC. frightened; frightening D. frightening; frightened11. Tom promised he would be here on time. _, Mary. Im sure nothings happened to him.A. How comeB. I cant believe itC. WhyD. Take it easy12. All of a sudden, the thief walking behind a young and pretty lady _ her purse, and _ into the crowd.A. seizing; rushed B. seized; rushed C. seizing; rushing D. seized; rushing13. There has never been and will never be anyone like you. You are _ in the entire history.A. uniqueB. magicalC. honest D. extra14. To learn the latest scientific and technical developments _ one of the aims that _ to be achieved in learning foreign languages.A. are; isB. is; areC. is; is D. are; are15. _ my nervousness, I finally worked up my courage to give the speech before the public.A. Because ofB. Due toC. In spite ofD. But for二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I teach history at UNLA. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I cheerfully asked my students how their 16 had been. One student said his weekend hadnt been so 17 . He asked me why I always 18 to be so cheerful.I said, “I choose to be 19 every day.”“Let me give you an example,” I 20 . “Besides teaching here, I also 21 at a college in Henderson, 17 miles from 22 I live. One day last week, I exited the freeway and 23 onto Cololege Drive. Suddenly my car 24 , just a quarter mile away from the college. So I put my flashers on, took my 25 and walked down the road to the 26 .” “As soon as I got there, I called AAA(美国汽车协会) and asked for a tow truck(拖车) to meet me at my car after class. A teacher 27 me what had happened. This is my 28 day,” I replied, smiling.“But your car broke down and today is your lucky day? She was 29 .”“I live 17 miles from here. I 30 . My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didnt. 31 , it broke down in the perfect place: within walking distance of here. Im 32 able to teach my class, and Ive been able to ask for the tow truck. The teachers 33 opened wide and then she smiled.” So I ended my story.I looked at the students 34 . Although it was during the early hour, no one seemed to be sleepy. 35 , my story had touched them. Or maybe it wasnt a story at all.16. A. vacationB. weekendC. SundayD. life17. A. goodB. badC. commonD. busy18. A. pretendedB. forgotC. regrettedD. seemed19. A. optimisticB. freeC. cheerfulD. pretty20. A. continuedB. askedC. stoppedD. began21. A. callB. teachC. liveD. draw22. A. whichB. whomC. whereD. that23. A. turnedB. walkedC. slippedD. fell24. A. bent downB. sped upC. sent upD. broke down25. A. casesB. books C. glovesD. socks26. A. townB. carC. collegeD. store27. A. offeredB. gaveC. toldD. asked28. A. badB. luckyC. bitterD. live29. A. excitedB. tiringC. pleasedD. puzzled30. A. repliedB. guessedC. addedD. failed31. A. ThenB. At lastC. InsteadD. Even so32. A. yet B. hardlyC. stillD. not33. A. handsB. bookC. armsD. eyes34. A. carefullyB. angrily C. fearfullyD. dully35. A. NaturallyB. SomehowC. LuckilyD. Slowly三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe idea for Fathers Day started in 1909. A woman named Sonora Dodd was living in the northwestern state of Washington. She thought about starting a Fathers Day holiday while listening to a Mothers Day speech at church.Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. He had fought in the American Civil War. Later, his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart raised the baby and his other five children on a farm in Washington state.When Sonora Dodd became an adult, she recognized how kind and loving her father had been while raising his six children alone. She believed her father had worked very hard to make sure his children grew up healthy and strong. Sonoras father was born in June. So she chose to hold the first Fathers Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on June nineteenth, nineteen-ten.In nineteen-twenty-four, President Calvin Coolidge gave his support to the idea of a national Fathers Day. Then, in nineteen-sixty-six, President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential statement declaring(宣布) the third Sunday in June as Fathers Day.In early times, wearing flowers was a traditional way to celebrate Fathers Day. People wore red roses to honor fathers who were still living. White flowers were worn to honor fathers who had past away.Today, Americans celebrate Fathers Day in many different ways. Some families take their fathers out to a restaurant for a meal. Others give their fathers gifts or cards with special messages of thanks. Children living far away call their fathers on the telephone to wish them a happy Fathers Day. However the holiday is celebrated, the idea is for children to let their father know that he is loved by them.36. Fathers Day was celebrated at first in the .A. 1910s B. 1920s C. 1930s D. 1966s37. How many ways of celebrating Fathers Day does the passage mention?A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.38. Which of the following does the passage NOT mention about William Smart?A. He was a soldier and a farmer. B. He was a kind father of six children.C. He loved his wife and job very much.D. His birthday was in June.39. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Mr. Smart raised his six children after his wife died.B. Smart was born on June nineteenth.C. It was Sonora Smarts kindness and loving that made Dodd think to set Fathers Day.D. Two American presidents played an important part in setting Fathers day.BNearly 600 performers from Beijing on Saturday staged a large parade(游行) for nearly two hours in Hollywood to show traditional Chinese culture to the American public and promote the 2008 summer Olympics, which will be held in Chinas capital next year.The event attracted thousands of local residents and tourists, who gathered along Hollywood Boulevard to watch various culturally rich programs by those in colorful classic clothes.Antonio Villaraigosa, who opened the ceremony of the event, said that it was a great honor for Los Angeles that Beijing chose it as the only U.S. city to hold such a gala. Villaraigosa visited China by leading a trade and business team several months ago. He said the two cities signed friendship agreement last year and face great prospects in fields like trade and tourism cooperation. Besides, he says that Los Angles has become the only foreign city with a tourism office in Beijing. Besides,more than 580 performers, aged from 7 to 70, from Beijing, some 200 schoolchildren and high school students from Los Angeles took part in the parade.Los Angeles is the only U.S. city where the parade has been shown, after those Beijing performers staged similar annul(每年的) parade in Paris, London and Sydney in the past three years.The Hollywood Boulevard parade was presented to Los Angeles, which has hosted two Olympic games separately in 1932 and 1984, to announce “Beijing Welcomes You” to encourage visitors to attend the2008 Olympics, said Yu Debin, director of the Beijing Tourism Administration. The official said the event also acted as an opportunity for those Chinese performers to share their traditional folk culture with the American public. 40. The purpose in writing the passage is to .A. show Chinese performers were well received in HollywoodB. encourage more performers to promote Chinese culture abroadC. show Chinese parade in Hollywood to promote 2008 OlympicsD. tell us traditional Chinese culture is attractive41. Antonio Villaraigosa is a man who .A. has been to China for several timesB. thinks highly of the galaC. has earned more for his contributions to AmericaD. is only interested in Beijing42. Which of the following cities is the one that held the parade later?A. Los Angeles.B. Paris.C. London.D. Syudney.43. The last paragraph mainly tells us _.A. the Hollywood Boulevard parade has a long historyB. China pays more attention to developing relations with HollywoodC. Yu Debin is in charge of the promotion of 2008 OlympicsD. why China holds such a gala in HollywoodCStars across Asia will bring attraction, as well as some healthy competition, to Hong Kong today for the first ever pan-Asian film awards ceremony.The Asian Film Awards are started this year by the Hong Kong International Film Festival (HKIFF). Among the stars to attend the event are famous French director Luc Besson and South Korean director Park Chan-wook.Korean actor and singer Jung Ji-hoon, Japanese idol Hirosue Ryoko, and actor Leung Chiu-wai will walk on the red carpet, along with local director Andrew Lau, whose “Infernal Affairs” was remade into the Oscar-winning gangster film “The Departed.”“With more than 4 billion people in Asia60 percent of the global populationa celebration of Asian cinema is long overdue,” HKIFF chairman Wilfred Wong said.More than 30 films across the region will be competing for 10 prizes in the Asian Film Awards: best film, director, actress, actor, screenwriter, cinematographer, production designer, composer, editor and visual effects.South Koreas huge box office hit and monster flick, “The Host,” received five nominations(提名), including best film, actor, cinematographer, editor and visual effects.Famous director Zhang Yimous “Curse of Golden Flower” won three nods including best film, visual effects and best actress for Gong Li. Hong Kong director Johnnie Tos gang war epic, “Exiled”, earned nominations(提名) for best director and best film.Jia Zhangkes “Still Life,” winner of a top prize at Venice Film Festival in 2006, got three nominations: best film, composer and director.Japanese film, “Love and Honor” and Indonesias “Opera Jawa” got the best film nods.Movies in the competing categories were selected by 17 experts from across the world from more than 700 films produced in the region in 2006.44. Where is the passage probably taken from?A. A textbook. B. The Internet.C. A travelers guidance.D. A magazine.45. The underlined word “flick” in Paragraph 6 means .A. screenB. novelC. directorD. film46. Which of the following is right?A. The world has a population of 8 billion.B. The competition is less competitive in Hong Kong.C. Theres only one Hong Kong director in the festival.D. The film “Still Life” was very famous in 2006.47. The film won visual effects in Hong Kong.A. “Curse of Golden Flower”. B. “Exiled”.C. “Love and Honor”.D. “Opera Jawa”.DA 70-year-old Japanese climber believed to be the oldest man to climb Everest marked the achievement by leaving a photograph of his dog on the summit(峰顶).Takao Arayama, aged 70 years and 225 days when he topped the worlds highest mountain last Wednesday, beat the record held by a fellow countryman by just three days. Arayama, who suffered headaches and breathing difficulties, said it was a wonderful feeling when he finally reached the top of the 8,848-metre mountain.“I am very happy to be the oldest man to scale the worlds highest peak,” the fit-looking Arayama said on his return.The previous(先前的) record holder was Yuichiro Miura, a professional skier, who made it to the summit of Everest in May 2003 aged 70 years and 222 days, according to Guinness World Records.“I stayed for 30 minutes on the top of the mountain and took some pictures and left a picture of my dog, Pacu,” Arayama said. “It was a wonderful feeling. Everything was below me, all the mountains and the world, when I reached the top.”Arayama, a man from Kamakura, was part of an 11-person team that included six Nepalese Sherpas and five Japanese climbers. He first climbed an 800-metre mountain near Tokyo at the age of 12 that inspired him to continue his liking. He has climbed 6,194-meter Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America, and later climbed the Alps. He only started on Everest when in his 60s.48. The purpose in writing this passage is to .A. praise Arayama for his great achievementB. tell us Arayama climbed EverestC. show old people began to climb EverestD. let us know who Arayama is49. The underlined word “scale” in Paragraph 4 probably means .A. climbB. respectC. enjoyD. praise50. When Arayama was on the top of Everest, he .A. took a picture with his dogB. had intended to rest much longerC. felt fairly good indeedD. found the other mountains are nothing51. Arayama is a man from Japan who .A. was eager to meet Yuichiro MiuraB. began to like climbing as a teenagerC. visited most of Japanese mountainsD. started on Everest for over 10 yearsEWASHINGTONMore than one in 10 of the nations airline pilots are cleared to carry a handgun while flying, and the number will continue to grow, according to a Transportation Security Administration projection.The Federal Air Marshal Service, a TSA agency that runs the armed-pilots program, reports that 85,000 to 90,000 pilots and crewmembers flying domestic passengers and cargo planes are eligible(符合条件的) to carry a gun. That puts the number of armed pilots at about 9,500.The TSA projects the program to grow to 16.5% of eligible pilots by the year 2011. Aviation experts were surprised and alarmed that so many pilots are toting guns in the sky.“Thats a big number compared to what I thought it would be,” said aviation-security consultant Rich Roth, who said he had predicted there would be fewer than 1,000 armed pilots. The 5-year-old program trains pilots for one week and arms them with 40-caliber semiautomatic pistols.“Thats a scary number,” said Joseph Gutheinz, a former Transportation Department special agent and aviation attorney in Houston. “By allowing so many pilots the opportunity to fly armed, were giving terrorists opportunity to identify somebody who has a gun and overpower him.”Capt. Bob Hesselbein, head of security for the Air Line Pilots Association, said the number of armed pilots is “a tremendous deterrent(威慑)” to hijackings. “The challenge of an organized terrorist team is to take control of the cabin, then the flight deck.”Armed pilots have come under scrutiny(审查) since March 22 when the gun of a US Airways pilot fired in the cockpit(驾驶座) of Flight 1536 as it approached Charlotte from Denver. No one was hurt, and the plane landed safely after the bullet pierced(穿透) the fuselage. 52. The best title for this passage is “_”.A. More than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armedB. Less than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armedC. More than 16.5% of pilots allowed to fly armedD. No chances for terrorists to hurt pilots 53. From this passage we can infer that about 9,500 pilots in the USA are allowed to carry _ while flying.A. shotgunsB. 40-caliber automatic pistolsC. handgunsD. all the above 54. Joseph Gutheinzs attitude towards pilots carrying guns while flying is _.A. positiveB. negativeC. angryD. surprised 55. Why did the US Airways pilot fire his gun in the cockpit of Flight 1536 as it approached Charlotte from Denver?A. To kill the terrorists who tried to hijack the plane.B. To escape from the hijackings.C. To tell the hijackers that he had a gun.D. The passage doesnt give the reason.四、书面表达 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)Not long ago I was in a pub called the Elephant and Castle in London, and I got talking to a woman, an oldish(稍老的) woman. We were talking about this and that, and she said she used to be a cleaner down in the Underground. They sweep out between the lines on one station, and then, in a group of about six or seven, walk on to the next station along the lines in the tunnels. Anyway this woman ( I dont know her name) says to me: Did you ever hear talk of the Bakerloo flea? Bakerloo flea? I said. No, no, never. Well, she said, you know there are rats down there-down the Underground? Hundreds of them. The thing is, she said, that some of them have grown enormous(巨大的). Huge great big things. Ive heard of them, I said. Super rats. Right, she says. Now you tell me, she says, what lives on rats? Fleas, right? Fleas. So-the bigger the rats, the bigger the fleas. Stands to reason. These rats, they feed on all the old garbage that people throw down on the lines. Its amazing what people throw away, you know. She told me they found a steak down there once, lipstick, a bowler hat, beads, a box of eggs and hundreds and hundreds of sweets-especially Maltesers and those balls of bubble gum(泡泡糖) you get out of slot machines. Anyway, the rats eat these, get big, and it seems that one day they were working the Bakerloo Line-Elephant and Castle to Finchley Road-and just before Baker Street one of the women in the gang was looking ahead, and she screamed out: Look-look-whats that? Up in front was a great, grey, spiky thing with huge hairy legs and big jaws. It was as big as a big dog-bigger. (314 words)56. Where was the writer when he started talking to the woman? 57. The woman told him about _(within 10 words to answer)58. why did the fleas grow bigger?. 59. The underlined word garbage refers to _ (one word) 60. where is the story set in ? .第二节 书面表达(满分30分)假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Robert来信询问全球金融危机对你家生活的影响。请根据以下内容用英语写一封回信:1. 影响:爸爸(或妈妈)失业,收入减少。2. 应对措施:(1) 削减家庭支出,增加收入;(2) 对未来充满信心。注意:1. 词数:100左右;2. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:全球金融危机 global financial crisisDear Robert,Thank you for your concern about our life in the global financial crisis._Yours truly,Li Hua参考答案:1-15 ACBCC BBAAD DBABC 16-35 BADCA BCADB CDBDA CCDAB36-5


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