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海口市2020年(春秋版)六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(十二)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . It is four hundred _ fifty-two milometers long. ( )A/BorCand2 . does your school start? ( )AHow timeBWhat timeCHow long3 . He wants _ dumplings. ( )Ahalf a kilo ofBhalf a kiloChalf a kilos of4 . When are we going to eat?( ) _ 12:00.AAtBInCOn5 . Mary is good at _ the piano, she wants to be a _. ( )Aplaying; pianistBplay; pianistCplay; dancerDplaying; dancer6 . I go _ in summer. ( )AswimBswimmingCswiming二、填空题找出与下列单词不同类的一项,写在横线处。7 . businessman nurse teacher mother_8 . cute long hair short_9 . weather mother father grandfather_单词拼写(词汇运用)10 . 找一找,看看缺了哪几个?SundayMonday_Friday_11 . Our English teacher is very _(和蔼的). We all like her.12 . I will go there by_(火车).13 . g_14 . Clean the _.将下列单词分类,并将其字母编号写在相应的横线上。ApearBJanuaryCSeptemberDsoupEcoffeeFchipsGwindy H. tasteI. warmJ. FebruaryK. smellL. sunny M. milkN. lookO. tea15 . 食物:_16 . 天气:_17 . 月份:_18 . 饮料:_19 . 感官动词:_20 . 读句子,看图片,选出正确的单词。【小题1】Look at my_(head /hand)【小题2】This is my_(foot/ nose)【小题3】Look at my_(ear /eye)【小题4】Look at my_(arms /legs)【小题5】I have a red_(body /mouth)三、阅读回答问题21 . 读一读,按参观的顺序用“1-5”编号,写在相应的圆圈内。A: Welcome to my school, Miss Liu.B: Oh, your school is nice.A: Thank you. Let me show you around.B: Thank you.A: This is our playground. Its very big. We can play, run and jump here.B: I think you are very happy.A: Yes. And this is our canteen. We have lunch here. You can see many chairs and tables. Near it, there is a computer lab. There are many computers in this room. Its super.B: What is this place?A: Its a library. We can read book here. There are many books here. We like reading books.B: Is this a classroom?A: No, its our gym.B: How big!四、任务型阅读22 . Read and write.读一读,将对话中所描述的房间填写在方框内。1. A: Do you have a computer room?B: Yes. Its the first room on the second floor.2. A: Wheres the teachers office?B: Its next to the computer room.3. A: Do you have an art room?B: Yes, its next to the music room. Its on the first floor.4. A: Wheres the library?B: Its under the teachers office.(1)_(2)_Classroom 2GymClassroom 1(3)_(4)_Music Room23 . Look, read and choose. 看图读短文,将作物的数字标号写在图片对应的圆圈内,并判断文后句子正“”误“”。This is my farm. Its big. Look! This is the vegetable garden. These are green beans. They are long. I have so many animals. These are hens. Those are cows and sheep. Do you see my horses? Yes, they are in the fence(栅栏). Welcome to my farm!1. This is Amys farm. ( ) 2. Green beans are in the vegetable garden. ( )3. Green beans are long. ( )4. Amy has(有) goats and sheep. ( )5. The cows are in the fence. ( )五、看图题写单词完成句子。24 . Oliver stayed at home and _ last night. 25 . I _ last weekend. 26 . Mr Li is _ and stronger than Mr Chen. 27 . Zip is _ than Zoom.28 . Mike _ with his friends yesterday. 六、书面表达29 . 书面表达。寒假快到了,请写一写你的寒假计划,想一想你将如何度过愉快的春节。要求:1.条理清晰,语句通顺,书写工整、规范。2.不少于40个单词。_第 7 页 共 7 页


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