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拉萨市2019版六年级上册期中测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This timetable is your day. ( )AonBatCabout2 . Some boys like to go _ a walk. ( )AinBtoCfor3 . A: Whose book is this? ( )B: Its _.AmeBsheCmine4 . Whats this? ( )_.AIts a book about ChinaBIts niceCThank you5 . What do you often do on Tuesday? ( ) _.AI go to the museum.BI can go to the museum.CI like museums.6 . The dog likes _. ( )AorangeBmilkCmeat7 . -Whats Mike doing? ( )-Hes _ his toy ship _ his classmates.Ashow; forBshowing; forCshowing; to8 . Look!_ that?( )AwhatBwhatsCWhats9 . It is _ largest event in Australia. ( )AaBanCthe10 . -How _is it?( )-Its 10 yuan.AmuchBmanyCmore11 . _ you like playing computer games? ( )AIsBAreCDoDDoes12 . How many _ are there in your family? ( )Three.AgirlBauntCpeople选出每组中不同类的一项。13 . AchairBdeskCtweet14 . AstandBwindowCsit15 . AtheBdownCup16 . ApointBsitCto17 . AdoorBwindowCthe18 . It_ a dog. ( )AareBisChave19 . Dont smoke in the meeting-room, _?( )Ado youBwill youCcan youDcould you20 . That sign means you can not _ here. ( )Ano smokingBsmokingCsmoke二、填空题21 . 根据和首字母填空。1. our school(中文)_ 2. class(复数)_3. have(现在分词)_ 4. evening (对应词)_5. we (宾格) _三、单词拼写英译汉。22 . clothes _23 . chicken _24 . noodle _25 . dumpling _26 . favourite _27 . colour _四、任务型阅读阅读理解。Hello,ImDaiSijing.MyEnglishnameisJoy.Imtenyearsold.Imhappyandalwayssmiling(微笑).Lookatmyblueschoolbag.Itsbigandnew.Theresayellowpencilboxinit.Thereisalongredandblackpencil,awhiterubberandashortrulerinthepencilbox.ThereisanEnglishbookandaChinesebookinmyschoolbag,too.Theresa newstamp(邮票)inmyChinesebook.ItisfrommyfriendinJapan.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。28 . Joysschoolbagisbigandnew. _29 . TheresabluepencilboxinJoysschoolbag. _30 . Joyishappyandalwayssmiling. _31 . ThereisanEnglishbookandaJapanesebookinJoysschoolbag. _32 . JoyhasafriendinJapan. _五、选内容补全对话33 . 根据所给情景,选择合适的句子补全对话,将其序号填在横线上。Mary: Hello, Sarah!_Sarah: I am 45 kilograms._Mary: I am 47 kilograms. _Sarah: Yes. You are heavier than me._Mary: I am 151 centimetres._Sarah: Yes, I am taller than you. I am 154 centimetres.AHow about you?BHow tall are you?CI am heavier than you.DAre you taller than me?E. How heavy are you?六、连词成句34 . 将下列单词排成一句话。1. are, what, boys, the, doing?_.2. teachers, the, about, what?_.3. football, are, they, playing._.4. go, lets, watch, games, the, and _.5. well, playing, are, very, they_.七、书面表达35 . 写作。请以How to keep healthy为题,写一篇作文。要求:1.条理清晰,语句通顺连贯。2.不少于50字。第 6 页 共 6 页


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