河北省2020年英语三年级下册Unit6 May I have your telephone number_ 练习卷B卷

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河北省2020年英语三年级下册Unit6 May I have your telephone number_ 练习卷B卷_第1页
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河北省2020年英语三年级下册Unit6 May I have your telephone number_ 练习卷B卷_第3页
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河北省2020年英语三年级下册Unit6 May I have your telephone number_ 练习卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_ you wash the clothes, Susan? ( )- Yes, I can.ADoBAreCCan2 . _ have your telephone number? ( )Yes. Its 896721368.AWhoBMay ICAre you3 . _ is the Changjiang River? ( )Its more than six thousand kilometres long.AHow manyBHow bigCHow long4 . Do you go to the zoo by bus? ( )_ANo, I dont.BNo, Im not.CNo, you dont5 . Its _ turn to tell a story. ( )AyouByourCI6 . How do Kitty and Ben feel?( ) _ happy.AHesBTheyreCWere二、任务型阅读班里来了一位新同学特德,他在做自我介绍,请你完成以下的任务。A. B. C. D. 7 . 看图,找出与图意相符的句子,将其大写字母编号写在括号内。(1) My name is Ted. I am nine. I am happy. (_)(2) I like toys. I have a toy car and two robots. (_)(3)This is my family. My father is tall. My mother is pretty. I have a brother and sister. (_)(4) Lets be friends. My phone number is 37713920. My QQ number is 5789012108. My We Chat number is TD45698. (_)8 . 判断下列句子是否符合特德的情况,如符合,在括号内写 “ T ”,否则写“ F ”。(1) Ted is eight. (_)(2)Ted has(有)one brother and one sister. (_)(3)Ted has a toy bus and a robot. (_)(4) Teds telephone number is 37713920. (_)(5)Teds QQ number is TD45698. (_)9 . 根据以上内容完成左边特德的小名片,并尝试用右边的句型口头表达你的信息。My name is _. I am _.My phone number is _. I have _._三、匹配题10 . 对号入座,请将右栏中相应的序号填入左栏的括号内。(_)1.Whatdoyouhave?AFive.(_)2.Lookatmycap.BGreat!(_)3.Howmanycatsdoyouhave?CHownice!(_)4.Canyouplayfootball?DOrange.(_)5.Idontliketigers.ESure.(_)6.CanIhavealook?FYes,Ican.(_)7. Doyoulikepandas?GItsunderthetree.(_)8. Letsmakeafruitsalad.H.Idontlikeeither(_)9.Whatcolourisyourbox?I. Yes,Ido.(_)10.Whereisthedog?J.Ihavesomeballs.四、看图题看图片写单词。11 . _12 . _13 . _14 . _15 . _第 4 页 共 4 页


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