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黑龙江省2020年(春秋版)英语四年级上册专项训练:阅读理解、完形填空与短文填空A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Long long ago, there was a little mouse. On a sunny morning, the mouse rode a bike to the park. On his way to the park, he met a big fat cat. He was very afraid of the cat. So he rode his bike away, but his bike was broken. He had to take a bus home. When he got home, he was very hungry. He ate a bowl of noodles and drank a glass of milk. He broke the glass just after drinking up the milk. So, he had to clean the floor. When he was cleaning the floor, his grandma came. His grandma cooked him a very delicious dinner. After dinner, they took a long walk in the park. When they went back home, they were tired but happy.1 . The little mouse went to park_. ( )Aby bikeBon footCby bus2 . The mouse was _when he met the big fat cat. ( )AangryBafraidCworried3 . The mouse was hungry. He _. ( )Aate a bowl of noodlesBdrank a glass of milkCBoth A and B4 . _cooked a delicious dinner for the little mouse. ( )AHis motherBHis grandmaCHis grandpa5 . The little mouse and his grandma were_ at last. ( )AafraidBhappyCtired but happy阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is the first day of the week. On Sunday, I play cards with friends. Monday is the second day.I walk to school. Tuesday is the third day. I often do my homework. Wednesday is the fourth day. I fly a kite in the park. Thursday is the fifth day, I do my math. Friday is the sixth day. I work hard at school. Saturday is the seventh day. We have fun together.6 . There are _ days in a week. ( )AsixBfiveCseven7 . What is the first day of a week? ( )AMonday.BSaturday.CSunday.8 . What do I often do on Tuesday? ( )ADo my homework.BFly a kite.CDance.9 . The fifth day of a week is _.( )AFridayBThursdayCWednesday10 . On Saturday, we _.( )Ado our homeworkBfly kitesChave fun together二、完形填空11 . 完形填空Liu Taos grandparents live on the 1. They have a big house 2the house, there is a park.Today is 3Liu Tao and his parents dont study or 4Now they are at Liu Taos grandparents house. All of them are 5lunch around the table. There are some rice dumplings on the table. Liu Tao likes 6the rice dumplings with meat and eggs. But his parents like the 7with jujube (枣子). Grandpa is telling a 8about Quyuan.They are all listening to him. They are going to watch a dragon boat race in the park in the 9It will be very exciting (令人激动的). Liu Tao likes the races. He cant 10to see.1. A. zoo B. farm C. park2. A. In B. Under C. Near3. A. the Spring Festival B. Christmas C. the Dragon Boat Festival4. A. work B. play C. write5. A. have B. having C. has6. A. eating B. drinking C. cooking7. A. ones B. one C. first8. A. songB. book C. story9. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening10. A. wait B. stay C. go三、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。Look! There is an old man near the hill. He is digging(挖). A boy is standing behind him. He has some young trees in his hands. They are planting trees. How hard they are working! At the foot of the hill, there are not any cows, but there are two sheep. One is white, and the other is black. They are running now. Look at the sky. The sun is shining. I think it isnt going to rain.12 . Is there an old man near the hill?_13 . What is the old man doing?_14 . Are the old man and the boy planting trees?_15 . What colour are the sheep?_16 . What are the sheep doing?_阅读短文,回答下列问题。There are five people in my family. They are my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and me. My grandmother is old. She is eighty years old. My father is a businessman(商人).He is very busy(忙碌的).My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. My mother is younger than my father. My father is taller than my mother. My sister and I are students. We are in the same school. She is younger than me. She is ten years old. Im twelve years old. We often help each other(互相).17 . How many people are there in my family?_18 . How old is my grandmother?_19 . What does my father do?_20 . Is my sister a nurse?_四、任务型阅读21 . 任务型阅读,阅读短文,然后再空白处填入一个最恰当的词。注意每空一词。I asked the students from Class Three about their eating habits and free time activities. Look at the results(结果): Twenty percent (百分比)of them usually eat vegetables. Less than (少于)ten percent drink milk every day. And almost(几乎) all the students have junk(垃圾) food. Many students dont drink coffee. What about their free time activities? Only thirty percent of the students usually exercise, and more than (超过)seventy percent like using the Internet. Most students have to do their homework every day. I think many students habits arent good for their mind and body(身心).Class 3s eating habits and free time activitiesEatinghabits1._ percent of them usually eat vegetables.Less than ten percent drink 2._ every day.Almost all the students have junk food.3._ students drink coffee.Free time activitiesOnly thirty percent of them usually 4._.5._ seventy percent like using the Internet.Most students have to do their homework every day.阅读理解。Mary, Tom and Mum want to give Dad a surprise birthday party. Today is his birthday. But Dad is very busy these days. He must forget his birthday. Mum makes a big birthday cake. She also invites Dads friends. Mary makes a birthday card. Tom draws a nice picture. Then they begin to clean the house. Mary sweeps the floor. Tom cleans the windows and furniture. Mum cleans the kitchen. They blow up balloons and put a sign on the way saying, “Happy birthday!”All the guests arrive on time for the surprise party.When Dad walks in the house, everyone jumps up, “Surprise! Happy birthday!”“Wow!” says Dad.” This is really a surprise! My birthday is two months away!” Dad is surprised. Everyone else is surprised, too. But they have a great time together.根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。22 . There are only four people at the party. (_)23 . Dad is very busy these days. (_)24 . Mum buys a big birthday cake for Dad. (_)25 . Mary draws a nice picture. (_)26 . Its not Dads birthday. But they are happy today. (_)阅读短文,判断对错My name is Lily. Im 12 years old. I often goes shopping with my mother. Sometimes I pick vegetables from garden. I can wash my clothes. My brother Ben is 10 years old, he often clean the rooms and clean the tables after dinner. My little sister Sally can do some housework, too. She can clean her little bike. She can water the flowers. But she is too young. She cant wash her clothes.27 . Lily is 12. (_)28 . Lily has two sisters. (_)29 . Ben can wash the clothes. (_)30 . Sally can clean her bike. (_)31 . Kate can wash her clothes. (_)五、选内容补全对话32 . 根据图片选出正确的选项完成短文。Lets look at my poster. I_ (get up, go home) at 7. I go to school at _ (8, 9). I play_ (basketball, football) at 10. I have lunch at _ ( 12, 11).I go home at _ (5, 4).I watch TV at 6.第 7 页 共 7 页


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