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长沙市2020版五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(一)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How do you feel? ( )_AThanks.BNot well.CYoure welcome.2 . When is our National Day? ( )_.AOctober 1stBSeptember 1st3 . Whats _ hobby? ( ) He likes _Ahe; readingBher; readingChis; reading4 . Whereshe ? Beijing.Ais, come fromBdoes, come fromCis going to come from5 . Lets pick _ the shells.AonBupCin6 . 找出不是同一类的单词,把标号写在题前的括号里。(_) 1. A. morningB. goodC. afternoon(_) 2. A. itB. youC. my(_) 3. A. howB. areC. what(_) 4. A. catB. redC. white(_) 5. A. amB. areC. fine7 . My P.E. teacher _ sports very well.( )AdoBdoesCdoing8 . New York is _ the east of America. ( )AfromBinCofDon9 . I_two oranges and he_one. ( )Ahas; hasBhave; haveChave; has10 . The London Eyeround and round. ( )AgoBgoesCgoing二、阅读选择阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案,将其大写字母编号写在括号内。Andy: Hello, Bobby.Bobby: Hello, Andy.Andy: Do you like toys?Bobby: Yes, I do. I like toys.Andy: What toys do you have?Bobby: I have six brown robots and three blue balls.Andy: Great! I like robots, too. I have two red robots and one white kite.Bobby: Wheres your kite?Andy: Its in my box. Lets go to play.Bobby: OK.11 . Bobby has(有)_ robots and _ balls. ( )Athree; sixBsix; threeCseven; three12 . Bobbys robots are _ and his balls are _. ( )Ablack; blueBbrown; blackCbrown; blue13 . Andy has _ robots. ( )Atwo blueBthree redCtwo red14 . What colour is Andys kite? ( )AIts white.BIts red.CIts yellow.15 . Wheres Andys kite? ( )AIts on the bedBIts in the box.CIts on the box.三、完形填空完型填空Today is Monday, _day of the week. Liu Tao and his friends _ at the Sports Club. Theyre _ about their weekends. Liu Tao is from Beijing. He _ Chinese and English. He often plays football _ the weekends. Sometimes he goes shopping _ his parents. David is an _ boy. But he lives in China now. He often surfs the Internet. Sometimes he helps his mother do some _ at home. Keven is from the UK. But now, he studies at Liu Taos class. He often _cartoons on Sundays. Sometimes he goes _ or plays football. He likes sport.16 . AfirstBthe firstCsecondDthe second17 . AbeBareCisDam18 . AtakingBtalkingCtakeDtalk19 . AspeakBsaysCspeaksDsay20 . AonBinCofDat21 . AandBtoCforDwith22 . AFranceBAmericaCAmericanDFrench23 . AwashesBcookCcleaningDshopping24 . AwatchBwatchesCreadsDlooks25 . AclimbingBclimbCclimbsDclimbed四、填空题26 . Fill in the blanks with proper words (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1.Here _ (be) some dog food._ (not run) in the classroom.3.- Are the lions _ (tooth) sharp? - Yes.4.My brother is six. He _ (have) many toys.5.-_ (there be) any students in the Century Park? - Yes.6.The crow is very _(full), he wants to eat much food.7.Heres a photo of _ (I ) birthday party.8.In Shanghai, summer is _ (sun), hot and wet.五、单词拼写写出下列英语单词的复数形式。27 . insect_28 . scientist_29 . picture_30 . invention_31 . story_32 . thing_六、英汉混合33 . 英汉短语互译。1. read my books _ 2. 进我的房间_3. go to bed _ 4. 在那边_5. call my mum_ 6. 在桌子上_7. get up_ 8. 骑自行车_9. be good for_ 10. 和我的玩具玩_七、句型转换34 . Think and write. 按要求改写句1. Are you tall? (按实际情况回答问题)_2. Miss Fang is my teacher.(对划线部分提问)_ your teacher?八、匹配题35 . 读句子,选择恰当的答语。How many crayons do you have?_ a. Yes, it is.Look at my new crayons! _ b. I can see 12.Is it in your toy box?_ c. I have 16.Do you like apples?_ d. Oh, how nice!I dont like watermelon. _ e. No, I dont.How many kites do you see? _ f. Me, neither.Lets buy some fruit_ g.OK!九、书面表达36 . 写作。请根据提示,以“My weekends”为题,介绍一下你的周末活动情况,不少于5句话。提示:I always/ usually/often/sometimes.My weekends_第 6 页 共 6 页


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