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长春市2020年五年级下册期中模拟测试英语试卷(一)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出不同类的一项。1 . AmountainBhillClake2 . AbigBbeautifulCchildren3 . AhikingBfishingCeat4 . AthereBhereCwhat5 . AseeBhouseCgo6 . The books _shelf are about computers. ( )AforBinCon7 . Is hehis classroom? ( )AtidyBcleanCtidying8 . Tree Planting Day is in. ( )AFebruaryBAprilCMarch9 . I enjoy _ trees. ( )AplantBplantsCplanting10 . There was a lot of yesterday. It heavily. ( )Arains; rainBrain; rainedCrain; rainsDrains; rains11 . My parents often tell me _ China.( )AaboutBfromCforDby12 . First, draw a picture. ( )A首先,画一张图片。B首先,给它涂色。13 . He lives _ London Zoo. ( )AtoBatCon14 . An elephant eats _and _. ( )Aleave; grassBleaves; grassCleaves; grasses15 . _ is your birthday? ( )Its in May.AWhoBWhatCWhen二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello, friends! I am Liu Feng. I am a Chinese boy. In my family, there are three people. We like different(不同的) seasons. My father likes winter and he often makes a snowman in winter with us. My mother likes spring because she likes flowers. She often paints pictures of flowers in spring. I like autumn best because I like picking oranges on my uncles farm in autumn. They are so sweet.16 . There are _ people in Liu Fengs family( )AthreeBfourCfive17 . Liu Fengs father likes _. ( )AwinterBautumnCsummer18 . Liu Fengs mother often _ in spring. ( )Aflies a kiteBplants flowersCpaints pictures19 . Liu Feng likes to go to _ farm in autumn. ( )Ahis grandparentsBhis unclesChis friends20 . There are lots of _ in autumn on the farm. ( )AapplesBorangesCgrapes三、填空题21 . Look and choose.buy green costs expensive1. This camera is beautiful. Its_.2. Lets _a computer.3. Do you like _one?4. This pen _nineteen yuan.四、单词拼写22 . 看图,补全单词。 b_k 五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I am Tom. It is 6: 30. It is time to get up. It is hot today. I will wear my new yellow T-shirt. And I will wear my green shorts. They are old. But I like them very much. I have PE today, so I will wear my white shoes.23 . Tom gets up at 6: 20. (_)24 . It is cool today. (_)25 . Tom has a yellow T-shirt. It is new. (_)26 . Tom likes his green shorts very much. (_)六、汉译英27 . 在2003年, 它第一次载着中国宇航员进入太空。_ 2003, it took a Chinese taikonaut _ space for the first time.七、选内容补全对话28 . Read, think and choose.A: Happy New Year!B:_ Come in!A: _B: Thank you.A: _B: They are dumplings.A: _AI like dumplings.BWhat are these?CA present for you.DHappy New Year!八、匹配题29 . 根据汉语选择正确的短语补充句子1. Im_(听音乐).2. Im_(做蛋糕).3. They are_(吃汉堡).4. Im_(吹笛子).5. Im_(打篮球).Aplaying the fluteBplaying basketballCmaking cakesDeating hamburgersElistening to music九、连词成句30 . 连词成句。1. Sports we have are going a day to(.)_2. are five there in birds tree the(?)_3. going to Hainan were go to(.)_4. your whats name(?)_5. going to get up 5oclock at were(.)_第 5 页 共 5 页


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