贵阳市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel_ 单元测试卷A卷

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贵阳市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel_ 单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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贵阳市2019-2020年度英语六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel_ 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ areyou from? ( )ImfromtheUK.AWhenBWhichCWhere2 . John is very angry _ the little cat. ( )AwithBofCat3 . Father is ill today. He should _ a doctor. ( )Ato seeBseesCsee4 . We _ drink too much juice.AshouldBshouldntCcan5 . It is a morning. ( )AsunBsunyCsunny6 . Its six oclock _ the morning.AinBonCat7 . -_-I am from Beijing.AWhere are you from?BAre you from Beijing?CWhat do you do?8 . Dont _. Take a deep breath and count to ten. ( )Abe sadBbe angryCangry9 . My sister _ a song now. ( )Ais singingBis singCsing10 . Where _ Amys father _? ( )He works at a university.Aare; workBdo; worksCdoes; work二、阅读选择11 . 阅读理解。Hello, My name is Jerry. I have a pet, Its name is Snow white, Its very naughty. Its a lovely cat. I always play with her, sleep with her and study with her.When its three months old, It tears up the sofa, I am very angry. What should I do? I take a deep breath and say sorry to my mom. When its seven months old, It is so fat and cant jump, I am afraid. It should do more exercise. so we often tale it for a walk. When its one year old, it eats too much food on my birthday and it feels sick, I am very worried, I think it should see a vet. Now it is one and a half years old in December, its very cold, My mum thinks it should wear warm clothes, so we make a coat for it, we are happy now. I love my pet Snow white.( )1.Whats the cats name?A. Jerry B. Mike C. Snow white D. Mi Mi( )2. When its three months old and tears up the sofa, Jerry feels _.A. happy B. angry C. sad D. worried( )3. When its seven months old, whats wrong with the cat?A. its so cool. B. it tears up the sofa. C. it is so fat and cant jump.( )4. When its _ old, Jerry feels worried on his birthday.A. one year B. seven months C. three months D. one and a half years( )5. When it is in December, the cat is cold, Jerry makes a _for it.A. hat B. shirt C. coat D. shirt三、情景交际12 . 请别人吃面包时,可以说:( )AHave some bread.BHave some juice.CHave some eggs.13 . 你想让孩子们过来,你应说:_( )AWelcome, children!BCome here, children.14 . 拉拉不见了,毛毛很伤心,你会怎么安慰他?ADont be sad.BIts cool.CI hope so.15 . 你想知道教室里有什么时,可以问:( )AWhats in the classroom?BWheres the classroom?16 . 当你想请别人关门时,你应该说:_( )AClose the door, please.BOpen the door, please.四、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。My best friend, Lily, lives in Beijing, China. She is a student. Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a worker. Lily usually goes to school by bus. Her parents go to work by bike. Her brother is a scientist. Her sister is a doctor. They go to work by car. They have their own cars. Lily is ill today. She should see a doctor.17 . Lily lives in Shanghai. (_)18 . Lilys family has five people. (_)19 . Lilys father goes to work by car. (_)20 . Lilys mother is a dancer. (_)21 . Lilys brother is a scientist. (_)五、英汉混合英汉互译。22 . 寻找一些面包_23 . 许多害虫和瓢虫_24 . 洗一些蔬菜_25 . 一位很棒的厨师_26 . 闻起来不错_27 . some orange juice _28 . eat the meat _29 . in the fridge _30 . wash the dishes _31 . catch a ladybird from the tree _六、选内容补全对话32 . 选择恰当的选项补全对话。(填字母序号)ADont be sad.BWhats wrong?CLets go to the hospital.DHow does Dad feel now?E.Your father is ill.Mum: Sarah, come here, please.Sarah:1.Mum:2.He should see a doctor. We cant go to the zoo today.Sarah: Oh, no!Mum:3.We can go next time.Sarah:4.Mum:Not well.5.七、匹配题33 . Match (配对,在括号内填入正确的编号)( ) 1. Is Danny tall?A Hes Peter.( ) 2. Hello, Dolly. This is Mr Wang. B Yes, he is.( ) 3. How old are you, Ben?C Hello, Mr Wang.( ) 4. Good afternoon, boys and girls.D Im eight.( ) 5. Whos your friend?E Good afternoon, Mr Zhang.八、连线题34 . 请你将下面的图片与相对应的单词连线。1. Ahot2. Brainbow3. Crainy4. Dsun5. E. cold第 6 页 共 6 页


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