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西安市2020年(春秋版)英语三年级下册专项训练:常考易错题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Can we walk on the grass in the park?( )AYes, we canBNo, we cantCIts OK2 . _youknowMrLi? ( )AAreBdoCDo3 . Thomas Edison was famous for_.( )AplayingBinventCinvention4 . This is _ cousin.( )AMaryBMarys5 . I dont like _. ( )AmangsBmangoCmangoes6 . Is he going to play football tomorrow? ( ) AYes, he does.BYes, he is.CYes, he can.7 . 选一选,选出与图片相符的句子。(_)1.A. -Hello, Im Su Hai.-Hi, Su Hai.B. -Hello, Im Su Hai. -Hello, Im Wang Bing.(_)2.A. Is this a teddy? No. B. Is this a teddy? Yes. (_)3. A. Good morning, Yang Ling. B. Good afternoon, Yang Ling. (_)4.A. This is a teddy. B. This is a teddy bag. (_)5.A. Good morning. B. Good night.选出每组单词中不同类的一项。8 . AbananaBballCgrape9 . AelevenBwomanCtwelve10 . ApupilBunderCon11 . AheBsheCfamily12 . AsisterBbrotherCsmall13 . 读句子,找出画线词语的近义词。( ) 1. Can I have some tea?A. What B. May C. How( ) 2. Have some milk.A. Eat B. Let C. Drink( ) 3. Lets have some cakes.A. eat B. let C. drink14 . 你手里拿了一件外套,但是不知道是谁的,你可以问:_AWhere is the coat?BWhose coat is this?15 . This is _English book.A、a B、an C、am16 . _ is Shanghai? Seventeen million people. ( )AHow longBHow bigCHow many二、情景交际17 . 当你向他人介绍迈克时,你应该说:_ ( )AHello, Mike.BIm Mike.CThis is Mike.18 . 你想让朋友看天空中的风筝,你会说:_( )ALook at the birds.BLook at the kites.19 . 当你知道今天是你好朋友的生日的时候,你应该怎样对她说:( )AHappy new year1BHappy birthday!CGood morning!20 . 用英语询问“现在几点了”:_ ( )AWhat is it?BHow much time is it?CWhat time is it?21 . 想知道对方的年龄,你可以问:( )AHow are you?BHow old are you?CIm eight.三、填空题选词填空。to for Do How many How much of22 . -_ apples do you want?-Two kilos, please.23 . Lets go _ the supermarket.24 . -_ you like bananas?-Yes, I do.25 . -_ cheese do you want?-Half a kilo.26 . We need food _ our picnic.27 . Lets buy one kilo _ noodles.四、句型转换28 . I never play with dolls.(变为肯定句)_五、改错29 . 找出句子中错误的地方,把序号填在括号里,并在横线上改正。1.How does Sarah feels? She is happy.(_)_ABC2.What does he like? Hes tall and strong.(_)_A B C3. Turn right inthe bookstore.(_)_AB C4. Jack is going to visitwe next week.(_)_A B C5. Where doesMike uncle work?(_)_A BC6. By ferry, we canrun on the ferry.(_)_AB C六、匹配题30 . 为下列句子选择合适的图片ABCDE(_)(1)I can see some bananas.(_)(2)I can hear a tiger.(_)(3)This is a rabbit.(_)(4)I can hear a bird.(_)(5)I can see a bag.七、连线题31 . 连线。1.hamburgerA冰激凌2.milkB可乐3.ice creamC牛奶4.colaD汉堡包5.fishE披萨6.pizzaF鱼第 7 页 共 7 页


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