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南宁市2019版五年级上册期中测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出划线部分的正确读音。(_)1. happyA. e B. I C. (_)2. brother A. e B. C. : (_)3. thatA. B. C. (_)4. lookA. u:B. C. i:(_)5. deskA. B. e C. 2 . A: How are you going there? ( )B: _ bus or _ foot?ABy, onBOn, byCOn, on3 . 我会判断划线部分发音否相同。(1)Put bus( )(2)good look( )(3)Chinacheese( ) (4)peachChinese ( )(5)whowhite ( )4 . Im going to _. ( )Abe the kingBthe kingCis the king5 . It rained all day_12th April.AatBinCon6 . It _ Sports Day yesterday. ( )AisBwasCwere7 . Do you like_? AsheBherRead and choose(读一读,选出划线部分发音不同的单词)8 . ALook at the sea.BI have eggs in the evening.CIts eleven oclock.9 . AIts easy.BShes three years old.CHow happy I am!10 . AI like fish.BThe thin girl is May.CI ride a bicycle.11 . AHes still working.BShes my good friend.CThats a pretty doll.12 . AEat some apples.BIts a big egg.CCome and help me.13 . 找出每组画线部分发音不同的单词,将其序号写在题前括号内(_)1. A. lateB. thankC. badD. cat(_)2. A. kickB. bookcaseC. milkD. knife(_)3. A. horseB. workC. wormD. world(_)4. A. thinkB. theseC. thinD. thirteen(_)5. A. cheeseB. greatC. meetD. knee14 . 选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同的一项。(_)1.A.busB.putC.cup(_)2.A.forkB.horseC.word(_)3.A.snowB.slowC.now(_)4.A.catB.capC.cinema(_)5.A.hisB.shipC.nice二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。New Years Day is coming. The students want to make presents for their families and friends. Mr Chen is helping them. Jill wants to make a crown. Its for her little cousin. She needs a pair of scissors. Tom wants to make a toy plane for his brother. He likes playing with toy planes. Alice and Mary want to make a model house. Its for Peter.15 . _ is coming. ( )AChildrens DayBMothers DayCNew Years Day16 . The students want to make presents for their _. ( )AteachersBfamilies and friendsCclassmates17 . Jill wants to make a _. ( )Atoy planeBsawCcrown18 . _ wants to make a toy plane for his brother. ( )ATomBJillCPeter19 . The _ is for Peter. ( )AcrownBtoy planeCmodel house三、情景交际20 . 你想知道别人的尺子是什么颜色的,应问:_.( )AWhereisyourruler?BWhatcolourisyourruler?21 . 家里来了客人,你想请他坐下,你应该说:_ ( )ASit down.BStand up.22 . 你想询问对方有多少头奶牛,你应问:( )AHow many cows do you see?BHow many cows do you have?23 . 你想问玲玲是否想和你一起去上学,应问:( )ALets go to school together.BWould you like to go to school with me, Lingling?CLingling likes to go to school with me.24 . 小马虎壮壮找不着玩具了,他想问妈妈它们在哪儿,应该说:( )AWhats my toy?BWhere are my toys?CWhat are they?四、填空题选词填空,完成句子或对话。25 . I _ (play/played) football with my friends yesterday.26 . The students _ (are/were) at home last Monday.27 . Li Hua had a cold and _ (sleep/slept) all day yesterday.28 . What did you do the day before yesterday? I _ (went/took) fishing.29 . Did you _ (go/went) boating last weekend?Yes, I did.用所给单词的正确形式填空。30 . Can you _(draw)a tree for me?31 . Lin Ling _(try)on her new shoes.32 . Let _(he)take the bus to the zoo.33 . Nancy likes _(read)books in the evening.34 . Helen _(go)to school every day.35 . 读句子选出正确的选项:(_)Then we (AareBwere) hungry and thirsty.根据中文提示填空36 . The doctor _(帮助) sick people.37 . Liu Tao likes watching _(电影).38 . My sister usually _(画画) in the park with me.39 . I have an _(动物) friend.40 . It has red _(眼睛) and _(长长的) ears.41 . My uncle is an English _(教师).42 . They _ (go) to Hainan last year.43 . Read and choose.1. There _ a house now.2. There _ any benches before.3. There _ a park before.4. There _ some monkeys now.44 . 用be动词的适当形式填空。1. _ you at home yesterday?Yes, I _.2. _ it sunny in London now?Yes, it _.3. _ you at the park now?Yes, we _.4. _ your mother out yesterday?Yes, she _.5. _ they at school yesterday?Yes, they _.45 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1.I_(watch)TVthisevening.2.Theywant_(get)offthebus.3._heusually _(go)tobedat10?4.Can I _(make)aplane?5.Jim_(have)anewpenpal.6.How_(do)shefellnow?7.MrLiu_(teach)usmathseveryevening.8.Look!Kate_(swim)intheriver.9.Myauntisa_(report).10.Ilike_(read)newspapers.11.Whats_(Tom)favouritecolour?12.There_(be)alwaysthreelights.13.Youshould_(save)water.14.Where_(be)yourfriendsfrom?15.Whatabout_(play)theviolin?16.Myfather_(take)abustowork.用所给词的适当形式填空。46 . You must not _ (run) in the classroom.47 . Can you _ (driver) on the road? Yes, I can.48 . We must_ (keep) our desk clean and tidy.49 . There_ (be) so much juice in the fridge.50 . What is Mike _ (do)? He is _ (walk) on the road.51 . Jack _ (get) on the bus just now.选词填空。52 . Its time _(to/for) class.53 . (What/How) _time is it?54 . Its twelve _(oclock/clock).55 . Heres _(you/your) ruler.56 . That _(is/are) my book.五、单词拼写57 . live(第三人称)_58 . 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. My tooth hurts. What should I do?You should see the d_.2. You s_ read in the sun Its bad for your eyes.3. When do you go to bed at night?My b_ is before ten oclock.4. You should go to bed and have a r_.5. Whats the matter, Jim?I f_ ill.6. Why are you so sad?Im ill. I dont want to eat a _ .根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词。59 . Does Liu Tao have a h_ diet? Yes, he does.60 . My sister Su Yang likes eating s_ food.61 . We have _ (米饭) every day.62 . The girl wants to eat some _ (冰淇淋).63 . We should have a healthy_ (饮食).64 . My brother doesnt like eating _蔬菜).65 . My mother often has some _ (面条) for breakfast.66 . Mike d_ a little water at a time.67 . banana (复数) _68 . her(主格形式)_69 . no (对应词) _70 . Think and write. 按要求写单词。1.ship(同类词) _ 2.it (复数) _71 . 完成下列句子1. 这些_ are Toms _ (裤子)2. That is Toms _(毛衣)3.那些_ are Sams _( 短裤)4. This is Sams _(衬衫)72 . 看图和提示,写出你学过的英语单词 (开头字母已经给出)。73 . body(复数形式)_六、匹配题74 . 给下列问句选择正确的答语。(_)1. Whats that in English?(_)2. Do you like apples?(_)3. What does your brother do?(_)4. Whats eight and nine?(_)5. Whats the time?AIts 7:25.BYes, I do.CIts seventeen.DIts a pineapple.EHe is a farmer七、连词成句75 . 连词成句。1、toschoolourWelcome_.2、thecanteenisWhere_?3、aIsthisteachersdesk_?4、itisWhattime_? 5、 Whats like the weather Beijing in _?连词成句。76 . are, three chairs, there, and, my, room, in, a desk(.)_77 . eat, can, we, at Christmas, food, delicious, some(.)_78 . what, the, future, in, do, to, you, be, want(?)_79 . going to, were, picnic, park, the, have, in, a(.)_80 . at school, this afternoon, at, 4, was, Ben, oclock(.)_81 . 连词成句。(1)day,Im,to,read,going,a,every,story(.)_(2)picture,this,book,you,do,like(?)_(3)what,about,books,are,the(?)_(4)to,visit,future,going,places,Im,in,the,these(.)_(5)going,book,are,to ,some,take,of,the,they,photos(.)_82 . 连词成句。1. go, shopping, we, shall (?) _2. will, take, we, walk, a (.) _3. My, go, families, an, outing, on (.) _4. What, we, are, to, going, do (?)_5 ride, can, bicycles, we, together (.) _83 . 连词成句:are, we, with, angry, ducks, the(.)_八、书面表达84 . 书面表达What is exercise? Do you like exercise? How often do you exercise? 根据提示写一篇短文,不少于50词。第 12 页 共 12 页


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