高考英语外研版选修7《Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year》SectionⅡ速效提能演练

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高考英语外研版选修7《Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year》SectionⅡ速效提能演练_第1页
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高考英语外研版选修7《Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year》SectionⅡ速效提能演练_第2页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!.词汇知识1electainvolving competition or competitiveness2forever bto grant(a person)the right to use ones property in return for periodic payments3competitive cdeal with sth.4suit dto choose(someone)to be a representative or a public official by voting5rent eunusually large in size,extent,or degree;immense;vast6enormous fthe most interesting or memorable part7settle gfor a limitless time;without an end8highlight hto make or be fit or appropriate for答案:1.d2.g3.a4.h5.b6.e7.c8.f.重点短语1回忆,回顾_2在方面有问题 _3做很愉快 _4与相比 _5太而不能 _答案:1.look back at2.have problems with.3.have fun doing.4.compare.with.5.too.to.必背句型1Meanwhile,I _ myself _ back at my senior year,and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happend.同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好往事。答案:find;looking2_think _ in a few days time Ill be walking out of the school gates forever.想想过几天我就要永远走出校门了,似乎有一种别样的感觉。答案:It seems strange to;that3Something else Ive greatly enjoyed is working as a peer mediator,someone who helps students to _that they _other students.另外一件我非常乐意做的事情是做同龄调解人,就是帮助学生们解决同学之间的问题。答案:settle problems;have with4_that Americans are competitive,and I _ enjoy it whenever I won our races!众所周知,美国人争强好胜。不管什么时候只要我赢得了比赛,都会为此欣喜万分。答案:Its wellknown;did5I found a dress that _me perfectly,and had my hair specially done on the day of the prom.It took two hours but it was _it ,as everyone told me I looked very elegant!我找到了一件非常适合我的晚礼服,毕业舞会那天我还特意去做了头发。这花了我两个小时,不过很值得,因为每个人都说我看起来端庄典雅!答案:suited;worth温馨提示:巩固学习效果,检验教学成果。请进入“课时训练3”,指导学生每课一练,成功提升成绩。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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