英语:Unit1 sporting events-reading同步测试(牛津上海版S2A)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit1 sporting events-reading同步测试一、 单词填空。1. My uncle is a _(运动的) man.2. He decided to do the _(可敬的) thing by resigning.3. Im d_ at your success.4. Few people realized the _(重要性) of the discovery.5. Could you tell us what happened _(简要地).6. Several companies are _(竞争)for the contract.7. She is _(未婚的).8. The old man died _(安静地).9. It happened during your _(缺席).10. Which country is h_ the Games this year? 二、 短语翻译。1.在-起重要作用 2.高兴地做某事3.邀请某人到某地 4.和某人分享某物5.省下时间提问 6.没四年7.允许某人做某事 8.参加某项活动9.实现某人的梦想 10.受到重视11.以-名义 12.在开幕式上13.获得金牌 14.被认作15.打破世界纪录杯 16.对-贡献17.对-自豪 18.盼望做某事19.想出 20.制订旅行计划三、单句改错。1.He is honour to his parents.2.He has got married for 3 years.3.To my delighted, my son passed the exam.4. He paid great attention to write his composition.5.When did you get your hair be cut?6.I like sports while I dont like music.7.No matter who has eyes can see how great achievements we have made.8.I have booked dinner for 18:00 and ordered 4 seats for the concert.9.Speak louder, please. You should make yourself hear.10.His brother is 6 foot high but he is about 1.5-meter in tall.四. 单项选择。1. Our team was defeated _ a large score.A. by B. at C. in D. with2. Helen _ go on the trip with us, but she isnt quite sure yet.A. shall B. must C. may D. can3. I usually go there by train.Why not _ by boat for a change? A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going4. I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a reportA. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone5. Well _ a trip to the mountain next week. Will you _ us ? A. go to; join in B. go on; join C. go on with; attend D. go in for; join 6. This cake is very sweet. You _ a lot of sugar in it.A. should put B. could have put C. might put D. must have put7. Tom , you leave all your clothes on the floor like this !A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. may no8. You might wonder how they _to live without eating for so many months.A. succeedB. manageC. attemptD. try9. Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympic games,_delighted all the nation. A. who B. what C. which D. that10. How is Dennis getting along with his work? Well, he could always _ a new idea for increasing sales.A. come up with B. come about C. get away with D. get up11. The doctor always _ him not to smoke, but he didnt _ it.A. suggested; take B. advised; follow C. demanded; listen D. warned; listen12. It _ yesterday, for the ground is wet. A. must rain B. must be raining C. must have rained D.was raining13. Will you please write the words _ ? I mean you write them on the first line and then the third line and so on. A. every third line B.every second lines C.every other lines D.every other line14.I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She_ have spoken at the meeting. A. mustnt B. shouldnt C. couldnt D. neednt15. - I dont mind telling you what I know. - You . Im not asking you for it.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt16.There arent _ many nurses to care for _ little children. A. such; such B. so; so C. so; such D. such; so17. Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up18. It was in the small house _ was built with stones by his father _ he spent his childhood. A. which; that B. that; where C. which; which D. that; which五.对话填空A: What is your (1)o_ on the Olympic Games?B: I think the Olympics bring people from (2)a_ the world closer together. Do you agree?A: Yes, I agree. They help us learn about other countries.B: Yes, you are right. They also help countries live (3)p_ side by side. (4)A_ come from all around the world to compete in the Olympics. They each represent their own country and try to win (5)m_ for that country. However, it is not all about winning. Competing in the Olympics is a great honor and it is also a great (6)o_ to build relationships with other countries. A: Theres something in what you say. By the way, who is your (7)f_ sports star?B: Liu Xiang and Muhammad Ali. I think they set a great (8)e_ for young people around the world. They work hard. They are determined, strong-willed and have great confidence and perseverance. They show us that if you put you (9)m_ to something and work hard at it, you will (10)s_.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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