高考英语顶尖学案:外研版 选修7 Module 6《The World’s Cultural Heritage》

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!2012届高考英语顶尖学案:外研版Module 6The Worlds Cultural Heritage世界文化遗产核心词汇1One of her fellow passengers came to her a_ when she was in trouble.2On the table were the r_ of the evening meal.3The best way to deal with an impolite person is to i_ him.4His work was judged objectively as well as s_.5The speaker said that he was feeling highly h_ as one of the guests invited to the press conference.6The company is planning to _(扩大) its production scale.7Dont waste _(宝贵的) time talking to him.8They will _ 5 million in the project and they want to see a better return on their _.(invest)9I dont think ghosts _.Meanwhile,many people question the _ of God.(exist)10Health _ has increased over the past decade.As a result,smokers are _ of the dangers to their own health.(aware)1.assistance 2.remains 3.ignore4.subjectively 5.honoured 6.enlarge 7.precious 8.invest;investment 9.exist;existence10.awareness;aware高频短语1_对做出贡献2_ 以防3_ 使某人想起4_ 反过来5_ 因而受到尊敬/获得荣誉6_ 获准,经过程序7_ 除之外8_ 多达,直到9_ 暴露给10_ 介入;卷入11_ 受的支配12_ 迄今为止1contribute to2.in case3.remind sb.of sth./sb.4.in return5.be honoured for6.go through7.apart from8.up to9.expose to10.get/be involved in11.at the mercy of12.so far重点句式1Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds,_.有些地方几乎全被杂草覆盖,造成严重破坏。2_,they were quite sophisticated.尽管如此,他们(北京人)进化程度已经很高。3They have _ that the general public _ to help with the problem.他们建议鼓励公众来帮助解决这一问题。4They are a precious part of our cultural heritageit is _ that we do something.它们是我们文化遗产中极其宝贵的部分因此我们采取行动就显得尤其重要。5_,the MidAutumn Festival reminds them of their Chinese origins and would help to unite Chinese people all over the world.包括在海外工作和生活的5千多万中国人在内,中秋节使他们想到自己的中国血统并且有助于全世界的中国人团结一致。6They have _ that the site _.他们建议关闭这个遗址并进行维修。1.causing serious damage 2.Even so3.suggested;be encouraged4.of vital importance5.With more than 50 million Chinese living and working overseas6.recommended;be closed and repaired知识详解 recommendvt.推荐,介绍;建议;劝告(回归课本P73)They have recommended that the site be closed and repaired.该组织提议关闭这个遗址并进行维修。【归纳总结】【例句探源】 The teacher recommended us to buy an EnglishEnglish dictionary.老师建议我们买英英词典。I recommended him as a manager.我推荐他当经理。His father strongly recommended sending him to school in England.他父亲极力建议把他送到英国上学。It is recommended that a new modern hospital(should)be built in rural areas.人们建议应在农村地区建一所现代化的医院。【注意】recommend,suggest,request,demand,urge,propose,prefer,advise,insist,require,order,command等词所带的宾语从句以及它们对应的名词所带的表语从句、同位语从句,再加上它们的过去分词所在的“It is/was过去分词主语从句”等结构中的谓语动词常用should do的形式,should可省略。【即境活用】1完成句子(1)I should _ (推荐它作为一本有用的参考书)答案:recommend it as a useful reference book(2)How do you _ (劝告即将出国的人们)?答案:recommend the people to do before going abroad2(2010年南昌模拟)What suggestion did Thomson give you?He said he would _ me to Professor Macrae as his postgraduate student.Acomment BselectCcommand Drecommend解析:选D。本题考查动词辨析。答句句意:他说他会向Prof.Macrae推荐我做他的研究生。comment评论;select选择;command指挥;recommend推荐。 remindvt.提醒;使想起(回归课本P81)With more than 50 million Chinese living and working overseas,the MidAutumn Festival reminds them of their Chinese origins and would help to unite Chinese people all over the world.包括在海外工作和生活的5千多万中国人在内,中秋节使他们想到自己的中国血统并且有助于全世界的中国人团结一致。【归纳总结】【例句探源】Your hair and eyes remind me of your mother.你的头发和眼睛让我想起了你的妈妈。Remind me where to go,for my sight is poor.我视力差,提醒我该往哪里走。I rang Jim and reminded him(that) the conference had been put off.我打电话给吉姆提醒他会议推迟了。(牛津P1682) Remind me to phone Alan before I go out.提醒我在出去之前给艾伦打电话。【易混辨析】remind,recall(1)remind “提醒,使想起”,指在外力的作用下回想起某事或指有意识地使某人牢记某事。(2)recall “回忆,使回忆”,侧重有意识地回忆起过去的事情。This reminds me of what we did together during our holidays.Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child.【即境活用】3The story _ me of an experience I once had in the forest.AmentionedBinformedCreminded Drecalled解析:选C。remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事。mention提及;inform sb.of sth.通知/告诉某人某事;recall主动回忆起。4.The girls appearance _ him of the old village.Asuggested BremindedCremembered Dmade解析:选B。句意:这个女孩的出现使他想起了那古老的村庄。contributev促成;捐助;贡献(回归课本P73)Pollution from nearby cement factories has also contributed to the problem.附近水泥厂产生的污染对此也难逃其咎。【归纳总结】【例句探源】Though he is not very rich,he contributes ten pounds to a charity collection every month.尽管他自己也不是很富有,可他每月都捐献十英镑给一个慈善机构。Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?吸烟会导致肺癌吗?He has made great contributions to the space development program.他对太空发展计划有很大的贡献。(朗文P437)Volunteers contribute about 16,000 hours of work each year to the city.志愿者每年为该市工作约16,000小时。【即境活用】5(2010年盐城模拟)Your hard work _ your great progress in English.Acontributed toBresulted fromCdepended on Dlied in解析:选A。句意为“你努力工作促使你英语取得了很大进步。”6.(2010年江苏省苏北四市)Zhao Benshan,whose overwork _ his health failure last year,is said to perfom in the coming Spring Festival Gala on CCTV.Asubmitted to Badmitted toCcontributed to Dsubscribed to解析:选C。本题考查短语动词。由句意语境“赵本山由于劳累过度去年病倒了。”submit to“顺从于”;be admitted to“被允许进入”;contribute to“导致”;subscribe to“预订”。n return作为回报,作为交换(回归课本P81)In return,UNESCO recognises the autonomy of provincial federal and state cultural organisations,but offers support and guidance when requested.作为回报,联合国教科文组织承认省、联邦政府及州文化组织的自治权,但是当需要时,为他们提供支持与指导。【归纳总结】【例句探源】(朗文P1751)She gave us food and clothing and asked for nothing in return.她给了我们食品和衣物,没有要求任何回报。Id like to buy you a meal in return for all your hospitality.我想请你吃饭来报答你的盛情好客。It took a few days before everything returned to normal.又过了几天一切才恢复正常。(牛津P1706)He was met by his brother on his return from Italy.他从意大利回来的时候,是他弟弟去接他的。【即境活用】7(2010年岳阳模拟)A clean environment can help a city bid for the Olympics,which _ will promote its economic development.Ain natureBin turnCin return Din fact解析:选B。句意:清洁的环境有助于该城市申办奥运会,而奥运会又转而会促进该城市的经济发展。根据句意可首先排除A项(本质上)、D项(事实上)。in turn意为:as a result of something in a series of events“相应地、转而”。in return意为:in exchange or as payment“作为的交换,作为的回报”。apart from除了之外(回归课本P74)Apart from providing warmth,what was fire used for?除了被用来取暖外,火还可以被用来做什么?【归纳总结】【例句探源】(牛津P77)Apart from their house in London,they also have a villa in Spain.他们在伦敦有一座房子,此外在西班牙还有一座别墅。The orphan had no one to take care of him apart from his uncle.除了他的叔叔外,没有人可以照顾这个孤儿。It is mans ability to think that sets him apart from other animals.是思维能力使人类有别于其他动物。I cant tell these two things apart.我对这两件东西无从区分。John enjoys taking old clocks apart.约翰喜欢拆卸旧钟。In addition to his job,Harvey also coaches Little League.哈维除了本身的工作外还兼任少年棒球联合会的教练。【即境活用】8_ busy schoolwork,the children also have to take arts,music and sports classes in their free time.I wonder what they will become.ARather thanBOwing toCExcept for DApart from解析:选D。句意为“除了繁重的学业外,孩子们在业余时间里还不得不参加艺体班。”注意后面also这个词的含义。9.I admired my classmate Lisa very much._ her prettiness,she was smart and helpful.AExcept for BBut forCApart from DIn spite of解析:选C。该题中的her prettiness属于Lisa的优点之一。故用apart from。go through经历(困难、痛苦等);仔细检查;顺利完成;(法律、议案等)被正式通过或接受;用光,消耗某物(回归课本P81)While the bid is going through,the state government allocates funds for each items protection.当争取获准之后,州政府分配资金用于每一个项目的保护。【归纳总结】【例句探源】He thought it his duty to go through the papers.他认为自己有责任检查这些文件。The poor girl has gone through such a lot since her parents died.这个可怜的女孩自从父母去世后经历了许多(痛苦)。She went through the room but couldnt find the missing ring.她搜遍了整个房间还是找不到丢失的戒指。The proposed bill failed to go through.这个被提出的议案未能通过。【易混辨析】go through,get through两者都可作“用完”讲。(1)go through意为:经历,经受;仔细检查;做完;浏览,查阅;通过,经过。(2)get through意为:通过(考试等);完成,干完;接通电话。(3)表示“通过”时,go through不用于被动语态,而get through常用于get sth.through结构中。Lets go_through the arguments again.She got all her students through the exam.【即境活用】10(2010年滨洲模拟)I _ the French written papers but failed in the English oral examination.Agot throughBlooked throughCwent through Dlived through解析:选A。句意:我通过了法语笔试,但是没通过英语口语考试。get through通过。look through浏览;go through经历;live through度过。11.Wed better try to _ with the experiment,I think.Now lets _ with it.Ago through;go on Bgo on;go overCgo over;go through Dgo on;go through解析:选A。go through with sth.做完,完成;go on with继续。句型梳理【教材原句】They are a precious part of our cultural heritageit is of vital importance that we do something.(P73)它们是我们文化遗产中珍贵的一部分我们能做些什么事情也是至关重要的。【句法分析】is of vital importance是“beof形容词抽象名词”结构。Your advice is of great help/very helpful to us middle school students.你的建议对我们中学生来说非常有用。(1)beofmuch/great/little/no 等抽象名词 (use,help,value,importance等),相当于用这些抽象名词对应的形容词,即beuseful/helpful/valuable/important等。这个结构在句中作表语、定语或补足语。(2)ofa/an名词(age,colour,size,height,weight,shape,kind,type,price,etc.)结构,相当于ofthe same名词。These programmes are of great help to learners of English.These programmes are very helpful to learners of English.这些节目对英语学习者很有帮助。The old books are of no use.The old books are useless.这些旧书没有什么用处。The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers.The new credit cards will be beneficial to our customers.新信用卡将会为我们的客户带来很多好处。The wine is of high quality.这种酒质量很高。Her mother is a woman of medium height.她妈妈是一位中等身材的妇女。【即境活用】12What do you think about his advice?To be honest,I can see nothing _.Aof any useBto be useCto be useful Dto be of use解析:选A。此处用ofn.结构作后置定语。13.Walking in the fresh air is of _ benefit to our health.Avery BgreatCquite Dpretty解析:选B。句意:在清新的空气中散步对我们的健康非常有益。be of great benefit相当于very beneficial,of和名词之间的修饰语只能是much,little,no,great等,不能是very,quite,pretty。作文指导图表类作文【体裁导航】图表类书面表达常以曲线图形式,流程图形式,柱星图形式,饼式图形式,数据表格形式及平面图解形式出现。这类题型具有文字少,信息少,要点分散等特征。我们在写作时只有在看懂图示的基础上才能动笔写。如果不能全部领会图表信息,写作中就会出现遗漏信息,分析不准确等一系列问题。图表作文的体裁以说明类和议论类为主,记叙类较少见。【写作示例】假如你叫李华,从某网站看到下面调查统计表,感触很深,从而决定写信给某英语报社,反映这一现象,并简要分析原因,呼吁教育部门和家长改变目前局面。要求:1.语言要连贯、准确,可适当发挥; 2.词数:120150。Dear Editor,_Yours sincerely,Li Hua【写作要领】一、审题1体裁:图表作文。要求考生对表格、图表进行分析,系统准确地表达出其含义,并得出令人信服的结论。2时态和人称:因反映的是现实情况,故应用现在时态和第三人称,发表个人观点时可使用第一人称。3本题以图表和文字提示的方式给出了写作要点。因而要根据文字去理解图表,弄清楚图表所反映的信息、问题和现象并准确表述。二、谋篇1首先:分析数据学生每天花在体育活动上的时间:美国:72分钟;韩国:42分钟;中国:12分钟2然后:分析原因(1)在学校里大部分时间都花在学习上。(2)回家后父母也让学生学习。3最后:提出措施教育部门和父母都要意识到体育活动的重要性,给孩子们更多的时间去参与体育活动。【范文点评】Dear_Editor,It can be seen easily from the above chart that American students spend 72 minutes on physical activities per day,and those in South Korea 42 minutes.However,Chinese students have only 12 minutes for physical activities per day.The reasons lie in the following.Almost all the time is spent on lessons in Chinese schools and students are made by parents to concentrate on their study even when they get back home.Thus there is little time left for their physical activities.In my opinion,both the education departments and parents are responsible to give the students more time for physical activities.Anyhow,knowledge can be learned not only from books but also through activities.Yours sincerely,Li Hua点评:第一段是对图表的分析:(1)注意一些固定句式的运用,如It can be seen easily from the above chart that.。(2)数据分析要准确。第二段是对上述问题的分析,内容要言之有理。第三段是从个人角度提出解决问题的建议。表述中“in my opinion,responsible,anyhow,not only.but also”等词汇、句式的使用比较到位,为文章提升了档次。【类题尝试】假如你是高中三年级的学生李华,你在学校组织了一项“有烦恼向谁说”的调查活动。请用英语给校报编辑写一封信,反映相关情况。内容包括:调查结果(如图所示)、持相应想法的理由及你对调查结果的看法。注意:1.信的开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数; 2.词数为100左右。Dear Editor,I am a Senior Three student.Recently we have carried out a survey“To whom do you go when in trouble?”The results are asfollows._Yours sincerely,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Editor,I_am_a_Senior_Three_student.Recently_we_have_carried_out_a_survey“To_whom_do_you_go_when_in_trouble?”The_results_are_as_follows.61% of the students surveyed select friends or schoolmates as their ideal listeners when they have trouble,the reason of which is that they are in the same age group and have a better understanding of each other.Another 22% choose teachers and parents to talk to.They suggest that teachers and parents are rich in life and educational experience.Nevertheless,there are also 17% who dont share their troubles at all. They say that their troubles are none of othersbusiness,or they find it hard to get along with others.It is not easy to reach definite conclusions based on such a survey example.However,some general comments can be made.It seems clear from the response that some students lack communication with others and teachers and parents need to play a more important role in their lives.Yours_sincerely,Li_Hua客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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