高考英语外研版选修7《Module 1 Basketball》SectionⅡ速效提能演练

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高考英语外研版选修7《Module 1 Basketball》SectionⅡ速效提能演练_第1页
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高考英语外研版选修7《Module 1 Basketball》SectionⅡ速效提能演练_第2页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!.词汇知识1_very clever in a special way2_ difficult;not easy to do or understand3_ to be good or bad enough to have something4_ of different kinds5_ the middle value of a set of numbers;the usual sort or amount of;the common standard6_ guard someone or something;fight to keep away dangerous things or people7_ to go to(a meeting,etc.);to be present at8_ happening at once答案:1.talented2.complicated3.deserve4.various5average6.defend7.attend8.immediate.重点短语1change.to._ 2turn professional _3finish ones studies _4the top scorer _5attend university _6rescue.from. _7at one point _8hold a record _答案:1.改变为2.成为职业选手3.完成学业4.顶尖球员5.上大学6.从救出7.曾经,一度8保持纪录.必背句型1He finished his first season(19841985)as one of the top scorers in the league,_28.2 points per game.他以平均每场比赛28.2分的成绩,作为联赛中的得分王之一结束了第一个赛季(19841985)。答案:with an average of2But _he deserves the title “outstanding player of his generation”但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。答案:there is no doubt that3_ he threw the ball straight through the basketand _ he had his eyes closed.每次他都把球直接送进了篮筐每次都是闭着眼睛投进的。答案:Each time;each time4He _ the University of North Carolina for a year before leaving to join the Chicago Bulls.在加入芝加哥公牛队前,他在北卡莱纳大学学习了一年。答案:attended5He was _ their most _player five times.他曾五次荣膺最有价值球员。答案:named;valued温馨提示:巩固学习效果,检验教学成果。请进入“课时训练1”,指导学生每课一练,成功提升成绩。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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