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.Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1教学内容:Look and sayWhat do you see? I seeLook and learn frog/rabbit/bee/birdAsk and answerWhat do you see? I seeWhat colour is it? ItsPlay a gameWhat do you see?Listen and enjoyA rhyme教时安排:1st periodLook and learn Listen and enjoy2nd periodLook and say Play a game Ask and answer 教学内容:认知内容: 能听懂会说frog/rabbit/bee/bird,掌握句型:What do you see? I see 能力要求: 会向他人询问所看见的东西,能在生活中运用学到的英语。情感态度: 培养学生喜欢、爱护小动物的思想情感。 the first period教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationRevision1.Great each other:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, teacher.2.sing the song : Good morning通过师生互相问候,巩固问候语句型。通过英语歌曲,激发学生的学习兴趣。 hile-task procedurepost-task activity AssignmentReview the words: panda/bear/tigerl/monkey1. Presentation2. PracticeLearn the new wordsfrog/rabbit/bee/birdGameA rhyme :PresentationReview the rhymeLet the students play a guessing game.T: Its fat.Its black and white.what is it?1. Say after the teacher2. Say together3. ask and answer in pairs.4. say and act in pairs.T:We have many new friends, lets see what are they?1. Read after the teacher2. read it one by one.3. read it in high voice in low voice.4. Who can be little teacher? Play a guessing game.Hold the word cards on the teachers hand.The students cant see the words.Then get them guess. If he is right, he can get a gift.One,two,three,I am a bee.Four,five,I am a bird.Six,seven,eight,I am a rabbitNine,ten,I am a frog.Ask the students to say after the teacher.1. ask the students to say and act it in pairs.2. ask some students to say and act in front of the class.Listen to the typeRead the new wordsRecite the new rhyme.通过做“猜一猜”的游戏,使得学生复习上学期所学的有关动物的单词。引入新单词用游戏来巩固新学的单词把单词放在小朋友所喜欢的儿歌中来进行具体巩固。Module 1 Unit 2 Listen and hearI. 知识点 Daily expressions: What do you hear?I hear What can you hear? I can hearVocabulary: sheep hen dog catText types: song, game, conversation, storyII. 课时安排Period 1: a. Look and learn: sheep hen dog cat Listen and say: What do you hear? I hear b. Play a game Period 2: a. Look and say: What do you hear? I hear What can you hear? I can hearb. Say and act : a short dialogue At home c. Make a short dialogue. d. sing a song “Bingo”III. The contentsWords: sheep hen dog catSkills: What do you hear? I hearIV. 能力要求学生学会用句型What do you hear?进行讯问。会用I hear.来回答V. 情感态度学生在游戏和表演中学习新的知识, 并通过游戏和表演来巩固新知识,创设良好的活动氛围, 让学生带着愉快的心情去迎接新的挑战.VI. Teaching Process( Period 1)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Song Good morning to you.Sing the song with the tape.在互动中引起学生的兴趣2Rhyme one, two three, I am a bee. Four, five, I am a bird.Six, seven, eight, I am a rabbit. Nine, ten, I am a frog.一起跟着说并做动作。复习旧知识,激发学习兴趣3Show a picture to the students.Learn: farm通过图片的出示激发学生的好奇心4Guess: Whats on the farm?猜一猜农场里会有什么动物, 互相讨论一下5Look and learn. Sheep hen dog catPut the animals on the picture看一看,学一学,说一说.通过图片来认识小动物并学习如何用英语来表达.通过观察,仔细的听和认真的模仿使学生学习新的知识, 掌握良好的学习方法6 Learn: sheep hen dog catMatch the words.Listen and say.通过学生亲手动和说,既提高了学习兴趣,又能从中学习并巩固所学的知识7Action: sheep hen dog cat听一听, 指一指,听到什么就指什么.通过听和做动作来复习巩固新的知识,符合低年级学生的学习特点8Listen and sayOink, Oink?Read after the tape.听读,跟读,培养模仿能力。9Groups Work小组同学互相指一指说一说学生之间的互动与合作,可以取长补短10Play a game. 学生边听边完成练习。.通过练习巩固所学到的新的知识。11Ask and answerWhat do you hear in the park(zoo)? I hear请个别学生练一练, 说一说。操练学生的运用能力。12Ask and answer.小组对话, 练一练, 说一说学生与学生之间的互动,让学生在情景中掌握句型VII. Teaching Process(Period 2)StepsContentsMethodsPurpose1Play and enjoy a rhyme学生集体表演复习已学知识2Listen to a short dialogue At homeT: What do you hear, Alice?OinkOinkI hear a pig.让学生初步感受, 熟悉句子。在情景中接受新知3Teach and say教师请学生个别说 , 在小组练习说。教师与学生的互动,吸引学生的注意力4Learn the sentences请学生跟老师读,并说一说还有什么动物可以替换的通过替换的活动,使学生在动脑中练习句型5Learn: What can you hear? I can hear教师进行比较What do you hear? What can you hear? 通过比较认知句型6S1: What can you hear?S2: I can hear What can you hear?S3: I can hear接龙游戏学生和学生之间进行练习小组进行表演.学生与学生之间的互动7Make a short dialogue.S1:Quack, Quack S2: What do you hear?S3: I hear a duck.S2,S3: Oh, its you, Peter.S1: Yes, its me.小组分角色进行表演。学生可以自创对话, 替换对话中的内容。在游戏中进行句型的操练和巩固。以及学习的自主性的培养8Sing a song Bingo学唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。在歌曲中体会所学的内容,进行快乐的学习。Module1 Using my five sensesUnit 3 Taste and smell教学内容:Look and learnrice,soup,egg,noodlesLook and sayTaste SmellLook and actCan I help you? Soup,please.Here you are. Thank you.Taste it,please. HmmYummy.YummyPlay a game gameListen and enjoy rhyme教时安排:1st period Look and learn Look and say Look and act2nd period Play a game Listen and enjoy The first period教学内容:认知内容: 1. 能听懂并会说rice,soup,egg,noodles 2.能够用祈使句来请别人闻一闻,尝一尝能力要求: 能够在食物方面表达自己的喜好情感态度: 培养学生在生活中运用英语的能力教学过程:ProceduresMethods ContentsPurposePre-task preparationreview the wordsa. Show a pic of KFC/MC,show some Coke,humberage,pie,ask the students to read the words.b. Make a dialogue in pairs:A:Can I help you?B:_,please.A:Here you are.B:Thank you.复习上学期的旧知识, 为之后的教学做好伏笔。While-task procedureLook and learn:rice,soup,egg,noodlessmellA gameDialogue:Say and actT: show a pic of a restaurant.There are many things in the restaurant.learn the word:rice,soup,egg,noodlesa. listen to the teacher b. read after the teacherc. ask some students to read it.d. Practice:Which word is missing?T: I like soup,I smell it. Its nice. Learn the word:smellAsk the Ss to say and act.I smell it and I taste it. Learn the word:tasteAsk the Ss to say and actAsk some Ss to say and act in pairs.One say ,one act.Ask the Ss to watch the video.Read after the video read it together.T:Kitty and her mother have many things to eat. What about Kitty and Danny?Lets see.Ask the students to read the passage.通过 接着学生所熟悉的场景,引出心单词,用不痛方法来让学生正确掌握单词:男生读,女生读,高声读,小声读。Post-task activitySay and actAsk some students to act in front of the class.让小朋友一起来说一说,演一演The second period教学内容:认知内容: 1. 熟练使用祈使句:stand up, touch your nose. Smell the flower. 2. 能认读listen and enjoy能力要求:能够背诵儿歌,并能熟练运用祈使句情感态度:能用How many.?的句型问答身边事物的数量教学过程:ProceduresMethods ContentsPurposePre-taskpreparationSing the songReview the wordsI can draw a flowerrice,soup,egg,noodlesa. look at the pics,say the word(guess)b. read the word as fast as you can .c. read together.通过歌曲来引入新课,这首歌曲是和动作有关,歌曲里含有新单词,为新授做准备。While-task procedureSay and actSay a chantSmell the flowerPlay a gameSentence: Smell the .Show the pics T:say the words,Ss:act it eg:T:Kitty:Smell the rice.S:actWork in pairsAsk some students to act it in pairs Show a flower:Whats this?Ask a student: Smell the flower, please.read the sentencea. play the game on page12 in groups of four.b. Ask some students to say and act in front of the class.(Smell the egg,smell the soup,smell the flower)将旧的单词和新的句型放在一起操练,让学生熟悉。为下面的教授做准备。用游戏的形式来巩固祈使句句型,让学生不觉得枯燥。让学生来说一说,来做一做。Post-task activitySay the rhymea. Ask the Ss to watch the videob. say the rhyme after the video.c.Say the rhyme together配合生动的动画,让学生一起来说一说儿歌。Module 1 Unit 3 Taste and smell(一) 教学目标语言知识词汇rice soup egg noodles (fish meat)句子Taste SmellCan I help you? , please.功能Asking for information语言技能听能听懂句子TasteSmell 能听懂Can I help you? , please.能听懂课文中的对话。说能用TasteSmell询问食物的味道。能模仿课文中的对话进行表演。情感态度培养学生不挑食的好习惯。学习简单的点餐礼仪。(二) 划分课时 PeriodGrammar and expressionsVocabularyMaterials1TasteSmellTouchrice soup egg noodles (fish meat)SB: P10, 13WB: P10, 12 (A, C)2Can I help you?, please.TouchSB:WB: P11,13 (B, Task)第一课时(1st PERIOD)Teaching aids: students book, workbook, media, picturesprocedurecontentsmethodspurposesPre-task preparationSong “apple tree”(media play the flash)Ps sing the song together.通过歌曲学生很快进入学习状态。Review the words of fruits and foods learned last semester. E.g. apple, orange, hamburger, pizzaT shows the pictures to the ps.Ps read复习旧知,同时为引入新知作准备。Pair work:In the fruit shop (At the snack bar)Can I help you?May I have _, please?How many _?_.Here you are.Thank you.(Media) T shows the dialogue and some pictures, group work to make the dialogue.While-task activityRice, soup, egg, noodles, fish, meat(注意)rice, soup 为不可数名词。T shows the photo of the dinner and introduces the names of the food to the students. E.g. I taste the soup. Hmmits yummy. I smell the egg. Its nice.Ps read after the teacher Pn reads 通过日常生活中实际的例子,使学生接受单词的音形意时有实观感受。Elicit:SmellYummy. yummy.TasteIts nice.TouchT brings some food and drinks to the class. Have the students close their eyes and guess the names of the items by tasting and smelling.E.g. T: close your eyes. Smell the food. What is it?P1 its an apple.T: yes. Smell the apple. Yummy. Yummy.Ps read after t.Pn read.通过师生之间互动,引出祈使句。学生乐于接受,易于理解。Taste the noodles, tom.Yummy. Yummy.Smell the soup, Alice.Its nice.(media)T shows the media of “look and say”. Ps listen. Ps practice the dialogue after t. boys act as Tom and girls act as Alice.T: Taste the noodles, Tom.B: Yummy. Yummy.T: Smell the soup, Alice.G: Its nice.通过媒体呈现对话,生动有趣。学生们分角色扮演。以不同方式操练句型。Pair work:SmellYummy. Yummy.TasteIts nice.TouchT presents the students the pictures of foods. Have the students do pair work to make a dialogue.e.g. p1: smell the egg.P2: (take the picture of egg) its nice.Some groups make performance.通过对话方式操练句型,巩固学生句型掌握能力。Post-task SB P13 “listen and enjoy”say a rhymethe egg.让学生注意定冠词the发音。(media)T shows the media of “listen and enjoy”. Ps listen. Ps repeat after the rhyme. Have them practice the thyme several times.通过小诗的操练,学生加深所学内容的记忆。WB: P10, 12 (A, C)Have the students do WB: P10, 12 (A, C). then have then chick it in pairs及时完成练习部分。Homework: 1. read SB P10, 13. 2. Tell your parents which foods or fruits smell nice, or taste yummy.第二课时(2nd PERIOD)Teaching aids: students book, workbook, media, picturesprocedurecontentsmethodspurposesPre-task preparationSong “share my lunch”(media play the flash)Ps sing the song together.通过歌曲学生很快进入学习状态。Guessing gameBring some foods and fruits to the class. Have the students to work in groups and play a guessing game.P1: close your eyes. Smell the food. What is it?P2: its an apple. Yummy. Yummy.P1: yes. Some groups make performance.以游戏方式操练上一节课所学的知识点。Say a new rhymeAsk the students to work in groups of four and make new rhymes like the one on SB P13. Then they say it out.While-task procedureSB P11”say and act”At the restaurantCan I help you?_, please?Here you are.Thank you.Taste it, please.Hmmyummy. Yummy.(media)t show the flash of SB P11”say and act” then let them repeat after the media. Have them practice the dialogue several times.学生通过看媒体,了解对话内容。学生重复对话内容。加深记忆。Pair workP1: Can I help you?P2: _, please?P1: Here you are.P2: Thank you.P1: Taste it, please.P2:HmmYummy. Yummy.Have the students act out the dialogue in pairs.通过学生表演形式,加深记忆与理解。Elicit:TouchGive command to the students and have them do the actions with you.e.g.teacher: Touch your nosestudents: this is my nose复习上学期学过的内容,为下面的内容做准备。SB P12 “play a game”(media)Have the students listen to and repeat after the dialogue on SB P12 “play a game”. Then have them act it out in groups.学生通过小组表演形式,呈现书12页上的内容。形式生动活泼。“Simon says”Play the game Simon says.(Review some imperatives learned yet.)Sit down.TouchGive me a , pleaseOpen通过玩“Simon says”的游戏,既巩固新学的祈使句型,又复习原来学过的祈使句型。Post-task activityplay and acts1: good evening.S2: good evening.S1: can I help you?S2: Im hungry. Fish, please.S1: here you are.S2: thank you.S1:Taste it, please.S2: niceniceGroup workGive each group a menu of foods. Have them make a new dialogue in groups then performance.通过演小短剧,模拟真实场景,操练句型。WB: P11,13 (B, Task)Have the students do WB: P11,13 (B, Task) then have then chick it in pairs及时完成练习部分。Homework: 1. read SB P11,12. 2. students practice the dialogue in groups after class.Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1 Toys I like教学内容:Look and learnball/ doll/bicycle/kiteLook and say I likePlay a gameI like the Listen and enjoy A rhymeSay and actAt the toy shopDo a surveyI like Its 教时安排:1st periodLook and learn Look and say Listen and enjoy 2nd periodPlay a game Say and actDo a surveythe first period教学内容:认知内容: 能听懂会说ball/doll/bicycle/kite; 掌握句型I like the /What do you like? I like能力要求: 会用英语与他人交流彼此的喜好情感态度: 玩具是孩子们的好朋友, 注意引导孩子爱护玩具,懂得与朋友分享教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarmerLook and learnP14a. Simon saysb. Show a pic of a park:What do you see?What do you hear?To elicit: ball/doll/bicycle/kitec. Listen and readd. Make a new rhymeA _, a _I can see.A _, a _ For you and me以游戏开场,既复习旧知, 也是正式教学钱的热身. 再用图片和上个单元的新授句型引出本课单词教学, 自然过渡. 最后让学生通过模仿编儿歌来巩固新单词, 加深印象. While-task procedureListen and enjoyP15a. Watch the videob. Listen and repeatc. Teach the word liked. Encourage the Children to say the rhyme e. Make a new rhyme (GW)玩偶儿歌是孩子比较喜欢的形式. 在教授后, 启发孩子发挥想象,联系旧知,编写新儿歌, 可充分调动孩子的学习积极性. 注意音近词的读音和辨析.post-task activity AssignmentLook and sayP14a. Show a pic of the park:How manyballs/dolls/bicycles/kites?What do you like?To elicit:I like b. Watch the videoc. Listen, repeat and translatee. Make a dialogue(PW)What do you like?I like a. Listen and read P14-P15b. Say the rhymec. Make a new rhyme通过听,跟读,说这三个步骤的层层递进,使机械的操练活动进入到意义性的交流,巩固活用语言知识。根据语境,适当拓展句型.the second period教学内容:认知内容: 1. 能听懂会说super/nice等形容词 2. 正确理解I like the和I like my 句型 3. 掌握What do you like? I like 句型能力要求: 1. 会用简单的英语与营业员交流 2. 会表达自己的喜好并简单说明原因情感态度: 鼓励孩子用英语在公共场合与他人进行交流, 如商店等。教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarmerPlay a gameP15a. Say the rhyme on P15b. Play a game: I like the d. Some pictures: What do you like?I like通过儿歌、游戏等形式复习上节课内容。用直观有趣的图片让孩子操练句型,复习旧知并为新课作铺垫。While-task procedurepost-task activity Say and actAt the toy shopP16a. A pic of a toy shopWhat do you see?What do you like?What colour ?How is the ?To elicit:( big/small/fat/super/nice)b. Watch the videoc. Listen, repeat and translated. Read the dialoguee. Act out the dialogue看图,通过问答引出新授单词,再观看动画,初步理解句型。学生通过听读模仿学习新句型。再通过朗读、翻译和表演对句型加深理解。Do a surveyP17a. Look and say: What do you like? I like Its (T-C)b. Do a survey (CW)c. Ask and answer What do you like? I like Its ( Sn-Sn)通过演示,和个别能力强的学生做示范,让学生在语境中感知并体验,并鼓励学生开展交流。Assignmenta. Listen and read P16-P17b. Recite the dialogueModule 2 My favourite thingsUnit 2 Food I like教学内容:Look and learnjelly, ice-cream, sweet, biscuitListen and enjoyI like ice-creamLook and sayDo you like? Yes./NoSay and actTea time教时安排:1st period Look and learn Listen and enjoy2nd period Look and say Say and act The first period教学内容:认知内容: 能听懂会说jelly/ice-cream/sweet/biscuit/I like能力要求: 学会用所学句型进行儿歌编写。情感态度: 培养学生懂得健康饮食的习惯,爱惜食物,不轻易浪费食物。教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarmerLets say some rhymes to show our happiness.RhymesT: So many animals in the rhymes? What animal do you like? S1: I likeT: I like pigs, little pigs. Look, this is my friend, Little Piggy. Lets say “Hello, Little Piggy!”S: Hello, Little Piggy!T: 用实物回答。Can you ask some questions to Little Piggy?S与小猪问答交流通过儿歌表演,迅速进入英语学习状态,同时营造愉快的英语学习氛围。While-task proceduresweet ice-creamjellybiscuit:First Lets say a chant, the answer my questions. OK?S:Ok!Sweet , sweet, sweet , sweet is sweet.T: There are many kinds of food.Sweet foodT: Teach sweet:Look! So many kinds of food. Look carefully! What is sweet food?S: sweets, ice-cream,Jelly, biscuitT: Taste the ice-cream.Oh, its cold.T: They are sweet food.T: There are many kinds of food in the bag. Please stick them on the five flowers according to the different kinds. Ok?Group work. T: Which group want to say sth about the sweet food?Show the pictures of the food. Have the students say what food they like to eat.e.g. S;I like sweets.yummy,yummy.I like ice-cream/jelly/ Sweet/biscuit.用Chant 来引出sweet,告诉学生sweet即解释糖,又解释甜的。通过在书包中选甜食的游戏教学jelly, ice-cream,biscuit教师在教ice-cream时,结合学过的句型Taste引出cold,为学listen and enjoy 做下铺垫.通过学生选择自己喜欢的甜食,引出I like的句型.1. Creation2. IntroductionP21. Listen and enjoy3. Role Playa. Listen to the rhyme b. Say the rhyme followed the tape a. Divide the class into pairs and act out:E.g.Group1:One,two,three.Group 2: I am a bee.S1: I like ice-cream.Cold and sweet.S2: I like jelly.Sweet and sweet通过选择自己喜欢的甜食,巩固了所学的单词。以小组形式编新的儿歌,将新旧知识融会贯通,加深对语言的体验,活跃了课堂的气氛。先用听一听的形式来训练学生的听力,养成良好的学习习惯.用不同的食物来编儿歌兴趣,感受合作学习后的快乐.增强学生之间的情谊。The second 教学内容:认知内容: 1、复习I like 2、能听懂会说Do you like? 并能回答Yes / No, I like 3、会用One for you. 能力要求: 学会用新句型表达自己的喜好。情感态度: 通过本课时的学习,培养学生关心他人,乐于与他人分享的品质。教学过程:ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming upAsk some questions.T: What is it ?How is ice-cream?Do you like ice-cream?教师用实物引起学生的兴趣。 While-task procedure1.Introductiona. Have the students make sentences using Do you like ? T: Sweets.S: Do you like sweets?T: Jelly.Ss: Do you like jelly??引导学生听懂Do you like ? 学说并回答。过看看记记说说的形式,吸引学生兴趣和注意力,来巩固新授的句型。2. Follow the chant.(sweets and jelly with biscuits and ice-cream)Do you like sweets? Yes. Yes. Yes.Do you like jelly?No. No. No.通过Chant,提高学生学习积极性。学生可选择自己喜欢的食物编儿歌,提高兴趣,发展能力。3. Act out the dialogue.Play the recording for Look and say on P18.Have the students listen to and repeat after the recording.通过表演对话,调动学生的积极性,活跃气氛。Post-task activity Making a dialogueAsk pupils to make a short dialogue in pairs.-What do you see?-I see biscuits.-Do you like biscuits?-Yes. / No,充分培养学


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