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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式新视野大学英语第三版第二册视听说答案Unit 1SharingTask 2(1) new things(2) At the moment(3) quite difficultTask 31, 3, 7, 8Task 41. (1) ever learned2. (1) a combination3. Learning to drive4. (1) nine cases5. French6. hatedListeningTask 2Activity 1e-c-a-g-d-h-b-fActivity 2(1) speak(2) saying the wrong(3) native speakers(4) pronunciation(2) found (2) body movements (2) by most standards(5) talking to himself(6) making mistakes(7) listening skills(8) listeningActivity 31. (1) embarrassed2. anything you like3. (1) voice4. (1) how it sounds5. on the Internet6. sound likeViewingTask 2Activity 1BABAActivity 2DABADRole-playTask 2Activity 11Activity 2G:1, 3, 5(2) hear (2) pronunciation (2) the news (3) English television R:2, 4, 6, 7Activity 31. (1)2. (1)3. (1)4. (1) you should eat should not spend Why dont its a good (2) (2) (2) (2) a good Youre am not sure thats suppose so ConversationsTask 1BDDCATask 2CDACPassageTask 1DACDTask 2(1) alternative(2) numerous(3) traditional(4) academic(5) countryside(6) athletes(7) take advantage of(8) Secondary(9) in a collective effort(10) serve asUnit 2SharingTask 2(1) different countries(2) home(3) places(4) culturesTask 31, 4, 5Task 41. mature2. airport3. theater4. scenery5. culture6. languageTask 5b-a-d-f-c-eListeningTask 2Activity 11. slowly sinking2. two and a half3. try and stop4. temporary5. permanentActivity 23, 4, 5ViewingTask 2Activity 1DBBCDActivity 21. busy2. bars3. friendliness4. elegant5. views6. (1) beaches (2) cheap7. (1) changing (2) sunset8. criedRole-playTask 2Activity 13Activity 2(1) trying to(2) takes(3) looking for(4) right way(5) the first left(6) until you reach(7) get to(8) Is it far(9) Go left(10) on the leftPresentingTask 1(1) isolated(2) far(3) plane(4) three months(5) culture(6) way of life(7) speak to(8) find out(9) history(10) dreamsConversations Task 1ADBCDTask 2ADCAPassageTask 1DABDTask 2(1) scared(2) perceive(3) negative(4) result in(5) lose faith in(6) goes down(7) depressed(8) preferably(9) adapt(10) revealUnit 3SharingTask 2(1) concerts(2) a bar(3) bandTask 31. (1) keep fit2. (1) small children3. (1) eating and drinking4. (1) friends around5. (1) love to read6. (1) playing the guitar Task 41, 6ListeningTask 2(1) free art exhibition(2) a concert(3) dinner(4) bus home(5) museum(6) paintings(7) entertainers(8) comedy(9) comedy club(10) Covent Garden(2) theater (2) seeing friends (2) houses (2) a jazz club (2) oil painting (2) watching filmsViewingTask 2Activity 1(1) sightseeing(2) beach(3) get away from(4) relaxing(5) a dozen(6) fantastic(7) attitude(8) perfectActivity 2BAABABActivity 3c-e-f-b-a-dRole-play Task 2Activity 1(1) Book a table(2) 4(3) Saturday(4) 10 oclock(5) two tickets(6) Starr(7) June the fifth(8) June the ninth(9) dinner with friends(10) eight-thirty(11) Saturday(12) dinner tonight(13) 098845673Activity 2(1) repeat(2) check(3) catch(4) slow down(5) speak upPresentingTask 1Activity 1e-d-b-f-a-cActivity 2b-a-c-e-dConversations Task 1DCCBCTask 2DAADPassage Task 1AADDTask 2(1) objectives(2) farthest(3) recognized(4) separated into(5) involves(6) is referred to(7) life-threatening(8) designed(9) endurance(10) putting themselves at risk Unit 4 Sharing Task 2(1) finding out(2) a normal person(3) feel about fame Task 32, 3, 4Task 41. exciting2. worthwhile3. a model4. real fame5. invention6. in the street Task 5b-a-c-f-e-dListeningTask 2(1) advertising(2) enjoy the job(3) travel(4) chance(5) go traveling(6) a doctor(7) have time(8) play the piano(9) writing songs(10) make more timeViewingTask 2Activity 11. (1) the attitude2. speed3. (1) Formula One4. ambitious driversActivity 2(1) speed(2) survive(3) October(4) richest(5) track(6) bank(7) glory(8) better(2) the talent (2) big guysActivity 3(1) 7(2) 4(3) everythingRole-playTask 2Activity 1(1) White House(2) tomorrow afternoon(3) a space flight(4) next week(5) her husband(6) 80(7) three or four(8) organize(9) this weekend(10) restaurant service(11) French(12) Paris(13) directions(14) bookActivity 2R:1, 2, 4 O:3, 5, 6PresentingTask 11. South Wales2. a rock star3. his dream4. (1) drum kit(2) write songs5. apart fromConversationsTask 1BBCDDTask 2ABBDPassageTask 1BDACTask 2(1) commentators(2) exaggerated(3) focus on(4) lead an active life(5) laid the foundation(6) annual(7) a series of(8) advocating(9) abolish(10) influentialUnit 5SharingTask 2(1) cities(2) mix of people(3) peace and quietTask 3d-e-a-c-f-bTask 41, 2, 5Task 51. horribly2. get round3. (1) on the go (2) take time out (3) missing out4. green transport5. (1) crimeListeningTask 2(1) shopping(2) good nightlife(3) safe(4) cheap(5) terrible(6) restaurants(7) fantastic(8) fast(9) green(10) crowded(11) friendly(12) atmosphere(13) clean(14) safe(15) see(16) do(17) beautiful(18) perfect(19) culture(20) too muchViewingTask 21. a combined age2. (1) forgotten(4) 16 times(2) committing crimes (2) stuck indoors (5) closure (3) felt right (6) meet3. 404. (1) available online (2) 2 million Role-playTask 2Activity 1Conversation 11. a hotel2. The air conditioning3. send someone upConversation 21. a restaurant2. (1) 20 minutes (2) the service charge3. busy timeConversation 31. a train station2. an hour3. wrong type of snowActivity 2C:1, 2, 5 R:3, 4, 6 ConversationsTask 1AABADTask 2AADBPassage Task 1BDCDTask 2(1) join up(2) reaction(3) makes increasing sense(4) sustainable(5) aims(6) monitored(7) access to(8) experimenting with(9) eye-catching(10) commuting Unit 6SharingTask 2(1) a researcher(2) gets too busy(3) relax(4) flatTask 33, 4Task 4c-e-a-d-b-fListeningTask 2(1) a free bus(2) a dentist(3) Lunch(4) a cheap(5) a surprise holiday(6) free coffee(7) bring their children(8) free drinks(9) go fishing(10) all the fishViewingTask 2(1) traveling to work(2) live abroad(3) cheap houses(4) an online map company(5) working(6) drive(7) 700(8) 38 pounds(9) quality of life(10) the trafficRole-playTask 2Activity 11, 3Activity 21. like2. cant stand3. absolutely love4. (1) dont like5. dont mind6. keen on7. hate8. (1) not very keen on(2) prefer (2) want to bePresenting Task 1 Activity 11. (1) shaped2. (1) personal3. at home4. beautiful website (2) faces (2) special message Activity 2 c-e-a-b-dConversations Task 1 BDACC Task 2 ADBBPassage Task 1 BBADTask 2(1) evaluate(2) compensation(3) negotiating(4) confirm(5) schedule(6) circumstances (7) turn down (8) start over (9) work out (10) informedUnit 7SharingTask 2(1) enjoy(2) live without (3) plan my life(4) listening to musicTask 3b-e-f-a-d-cTask 51. (1) on it all the time 2. (1) my laptop 3. beyond that 4. (1) computer(2) my husband(2) phone (2) Internet(3) essentialListeningTask 2 Activity 11, 2Activity 21. on the Internet2. videos3. (1) a break 4. reading books 5. (1) the computer(2) someone in the office (2) sports and going out(3) looking through (3) live in the real worldViewingTask 2 Activity 11, 4Activity 2CBDDCRole-playTask 2 Activity 1Reasons(1) all the time (2) texting(3) watch much television (4) terrible (5) for work(6) an emergency (7) a problem with (8) go on the Internet (9) Someone elseActivity 2Speaker 1:c-a-b Speaker 2:b-a-cPresentingTask 1(1) 2(2) near the sea(3) real achievement (4) 12(5) talked online (6) hello (7) lonely (8) a new girl (9) bored(10) my real friends (11) a club(12) good-looking(13) start talking to him (14) on the dance floor (15) havent been dancingConversationsTask 1BCDDCTask 2BBACPassageTask 1DAADTask 2(1) response (2) illegal(3) in charge of (4) consequently (5) relied heavily on (6) linked to (7) anticipate (8) familiar with (9) remedy (10) betrayingUnit 8SharingTask 2(1) come from(2) most of my family(3) talking to peopleTask 3c-e-a-f-b-dTask 41. (1) height2. (1) my sister3. (1) a younger version4. quite calm5. (1) my brothersTask 52, 6(2) same traits (2) similar to (2) organized (2) quite different (3) think about things (3) mathematical (3) louderListeningTask 2(1) 1689(2) advisor(3) soldiers(4) sailors(5) dull(6) incredibly(7) surname(8) great funViewingTask 2(1) islands(2) There are no rules(3) an account(4) a digital(5) male(6) half animal(7) edit(8) short(9) face(10) features(11) pick(12) personality(13) online stores(14) over three million(15) chatRole-playTask 2Activity 1Conversation 11. speaking and listening2. conversationConversation 21. summer camp2. Different agesConversation 31. online classes2. demandingActivity 2(1) So for me the most important thing is to(2) I suppose Id have to say(3) In my opinion(4) One thing Id like to say is that PresentingTask 1Activity 1(1) BBC breakfast TV(2) hair color(3) businesswoman(4) personality(5) buildingActivity 21, 3, 4, 5, 6Conversations Task 1 BCCDA Task 2 CDABPassage Task 1 CCABTask 2(1) infancy(2) assumed(3) inherited(4) rooted in(5) fairs(6) compensate for(7) cement(8) witness(9) exposed to(10) contributed to Unit test Part BBCCB Part BDAAPart BCCAA Part(1) kicked out of(2) hang out(3) involved(4) useless(5) failure(6) fell in love with(7) positive(8) especially(9) took off(10) succeed16.


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