黑龙江省大庆市肇源县2017届九年级英语上学期第一次月考(10月)试题 外研版

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黑龙江省大庆市肇源县2017届九年级英语上学期第一次月考(10月)试题 外研版_第1页
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黑龙江省大庆市肇源县2017届九年级英语上学期第一次月考(10月)试题 外研版_第2页
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黑龙江省大庆市肇源县2017届九年级英语上学期第一次月考(10月)试题考 号姓 名装订线( 装 订 线 内 不 要 答 题 )班 级题目总分得分第一部分听力测试Listening(每小题1分,共20分)Part1听句子,选择句子中所包含的信息,每个句子读一遍。( )1. A has B hides C hats( )2. A brown B born C board( )3. A deeper B paper C cheaper( )4. A expect B except C expert( )5. A park B party C peoplePart2 听五段短对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。( )6.When does the shop open on weekends? A At 11:00 a.m B At 10:00 a.m C At 9:00 a.m( )7.What does Eric like? A Coffee B Milk C Tea( )8.Where are the speaker talking? A In a bank B In a shop C In a library( )9. What does Mark think of the movie? A Terrible B Amazing C Funny( )10.Whats the girls favourite snack? A Popcorn B Potato chips C ChocolatePart3 听两段较长的对话,选择正确答案,每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第11-12题。( )11 Where does Mr.Huang work now? A England B America C France( )12 How did he go to work in Tokyo? A On foot B By bike C By bus 听第二段对话,回答第13-15题。( )13.When will the train leave? A At 9:45 a.m B At 10:00a.m C At10:45 a.m( )14.Where is Roses purse? A On the sofa B On the chair C On the floor( )15. Whats the weather like today? A Rainy B Windy C NicePart4 听短文,选择正确答案,短文读两遍。( )16 What does David like doing on weekends? A Playing basketball B Playing computer games C Playing the guitar.( ) 17 Who comes up with the idea? A Davids mother B Davids father C Davids teacher( ) 18 What can Divid do to get one dollar? A Cooking B Washing his clothes C Doing the dishes( ) 19 What can Divid do with the money? A Buy movie tickets B Buy model planes C Buy snacks( ) 20 How much can Divid get for doing chores on weeekends? A Four dollars B Six dollars C Eight dollars第二部分笔试(共计100分)第一节 选择题 (共70分)Multiple choice(共15小题,每题1分,共15分) Choose the best answers according to the meaning of the sentences( )1 Do you like the silk shirt? Yes,I do. It _ very soft. A sounds B smells C tastes D feels( )2 Jack has dreams _becoming a movie star since he was really young. A of B for C with D to( )3 Lets go to Quanjude to eat Beijing Duck. Your idea _great. A looks B sounds C smells D tastes( )4 Some boys of Class One enjoy _pop muice. A listen to B listens to C listening to D listened to( )5 He lived _in the small village. He felt very_and wanted to have a warm room. A alone,alone B lonely,lonely C alone, lonely D lonely, alone( )6 The soup doesnt taste _.Please add some_. A salty,salt B salt,salt C salty,salty D salt,salty( )7 My mother was_me because I got good marks in the final exam. A proud of B angry with C excited at D interested in( )8 What _news it is! We are all_about it. A exciting,exciting B excited,exciting C excited,excited D exciting,excited( )9 Have you_your homework? No,not yet. A finish doing B finish to do C finish do D finished doing( )10 Have you ever_any other cities?Yes,I have. Where have you_? I_Shanghai last year. A been to,been to B been to,been,went to C gone to,gone to,went to D been to,been to,gone to( )11 All of us find_necessary to take exercise every day. A this B that C them D it( )12 There are _people in the park on weekends. A such B so C so much D so many( )13 It takes 2-3 days_ from the earth to the moon_spaceship. A to travel ,by B travelling,on C travel,on D travelling,by( )14 I_ my sister for two years. A see B have see C have not seen D saw( )15 Wheres Tom now? He _ the post office. A has been to B has gone to C went to D goes toCloze Test(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)Choose the best answers to complete the passageI finished my cooking course in a college at the age of 21. I thought I was going to 16 a world-famous cook.I hoped people would travel from all over the world just to get a 17 of my food. But three monthslater,I knew I was 18 since nobody travelled to taste my food,I decided I should travel to taste theirs. 19 my travel, I visited many diffrent countries,such as Japan and France,where different kinds of food 20 my eyes.I especially loved the experiences in Italy and China. When in Italy,I learned how to 21 pizza and salads.We had long lazy lunches in the sun and evening meals where the 22 went on long into the night. In China,I loved the hot Sichuan food and 23 the delicious Beijing snacks.I also discovered the joys of making dumplings with good friends. My year of travel came to an end too 24 ,but I had decided what I should do for the 25 of my life.I want to bring the fantastic food of the world into my kitchen in New York. ( ) 16.A invite B become C follow D remember ( ) 17.A smell B sight C taste D feeling ( ) 18.A free B right C wrong D angry ( ) 19.A After B Until C Beyond D During ( ) 20.A covered B opened C losed D wounded ( ) 21.A try B send C make D show ( ) 22.A films B stories C introductions D conversations ( ) 23.A enjoyed B served C offered D fetched ( ) 24.A slowly B easily C quickly D suddenly ( ) 25.A rest B part C half D quarterCommunication(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)Choose the best responses from A to E Sally:Today were talking to Divid,Frank and Jimmy about their travel experiences.Divid,weve travelled a lot. But 26 .Divid: Yes,I have. Ive been to all over China. 27 . In fact, Ive flown to the United States three times!Sally:Thats great!What good experiences!So,Frank, 28 .考 号姓 名装订线( 装 订 线 内 不 要 答 题 )班 级Frank: Ive never been to the United States,but 29 .Ive been to China .Of course,Ive travelled all over China by train.It is fantastic!Sally:And you,Jimmy? Where have you been?Jimmy:Well,I live in Germany,but I havent been to the USA!Sally: 30 ,Jimmy?Jimmy:No,I havent.Im staying in Germany all the time. A I want to go there some day. B how about you? C Have you ever left Europe? D Ive also been to the United States. E have you travelled a lotReading Comprehension (A、B、C,D每小题2分,共40分)(A)A man came out of the airport. A lot of taxis were there. He asked the name of every taxi-driver. Then he took the 3rd one. It cost 5 dollars from the airport to the hotel. How much does it cost for the whole day? the man asked. One hundred dollars, said the taxi-driver. This was very expensive, but the man said it was OK. The driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening, they went back to the hotel. The man gave the driver I00 dollars and said, What about tomorrow? The taxi-driver looked at the man and said, Tomorrow? Its another I00 dollars. But the man said, Thats OK! See you tomorrow. The driver was very pleased. The next day the driver took the man everywhere again. They visited all the parks and museums again. And in the evening they went hack to the hotel. The man gave the driver 100 dollars again and going home tomorrow. The driver was unhappy because he liked the man and above all, 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. So youre going home. Where do you come from? he asked. I come from New York. New York!” said the driver. I have a sister in New York. Her name is Lucy. Do you know her? Of course I know her. She gave me 200 dollars for you!( ) 31. The man came from_. A. America B. England C. Canada D. Australia( ) 32. The man took the 3rd taxi because_. A. the 3rd driver was a kind-hearted man B. the other taxi-drivers asked for more money C. the other drivers didnt like him D. he didnt want to spend his own money on the coming visit( ) 33. Usually the cost of the travelling one day may be_. A. one hundred dollars B. more than one hundred dollars C. two hundred dollars D. less than one hundred dollars( )34. _asked the man to give the money for the taxi-driver A. The mans sister B. No one C. The man himself D. The drivers sister( ) 35. The driver was unhappy_. A. when the man asked every taxi-driver his name B. during the two-day visit C. when the man asked him for his sisters name D. when he heard the mans last words(B)Sams hobby was collecting stamps. He collected stamps from many countries. Sams favorite stamps came from France. And every year there was only one edition in France. He had all the French editions from 1960 to 2006 except that of 1974. It was hard to find it. He looked for it every where in stores, street markets and on the Internet. But the results made him very sad.“Dont worry. Be patient. Youll find it one day,”his father said to him.“I hope so,”Sam said.Sam also liked making friends. He had a pen friend named Vem in France. Vem knew Sam liked collecting stamps. One day Vems mother, Laura gave him an old French stamp. It was a big, green one. He used it to post a letter to Sam.As soon as Sam received the letter, he looked carefully at the stamp. He was amazed to see that it was the stamp he wanted.Sam was so excited! He told the good news to his father.“You see,”said his father.“You did find your stamp in the end. So you know, its good to have two things in life.”“What are they?”Sam asked.“Friends and patience!”his father answered.( ) 36. Sams favorite stamps were from _. A. China B. France C. England D. Germany ( ) 37. Sam felt very _ when he couldnt find the 1974 special edition stamp. A. happy B. angry C. unhappy D. excited ( ) 38. How many French editions does Sam have in the end?A. 46. B. 47. C. 48. D. 49. ( ) 39. What does the word “edition” mean in this passage?A. 颜色 B. 模式 C. 版本 D. 科目( ) 40. Which of the following is TRUE?A. All of Sams stamps were from France.B. Sam found the 1974 edition stamp on the Internet.C. The color of the 1974 edition stamp is blue.D. Sams father thought it was good to have patience and friends in life.(C)In my life,I have received mang gifts from my mother.The most important one is my life(生命).Howerer,theres another special gift I will nerer forget.When I grow up, I left home and got a job in South America.One day, a call came from my brother-Something is wrong with my Mum.Shes forgetful.She thinks were hiding(藏)you from her.I got back home at once.For nearly 4 years I stayed with my mother and we had fun.When I had to leave,I had to ask someone to look after her or drive her to my brothers.When it became clear that she was near the end of her life.Family members were called to come to say goodbye to her.For 3 weeks my sister and I just with Mom,took long walks and spent some real time with each other.My sister and I were both with Mom when she was passing away(去世)holding her hands and telling her how much we loved her.At the end of her life,my mother gave me the gift of sharing the time with my sister in a way we would nerer have given each other.( ) 41.The writer knew there was something wrong with her mother_. A.by giving her mother a call. B.when she stayed with her mother. C.from her brothers call. D.by talking with her doctor. ( ) 42.The writer spent 4 years_. A.working hard B.growing vegetables C. building a gardern D.looking after her mother ( ) 43.The writers family members were called _. A. to say goodbye to mother. B. to take care of mother C.to help mother do some housework D.to have a family get together. ( ) 44.From the passage we know _. A. the writer didnt get on well with her brother. B. the writer was kind and loved her mother. C. the writers mother didnt like her sister. D.the writers brother hid her mother. ( )45.whats the best title for this passage? A. My brother and I B. My Dear Mother C. A Happy Family D.A Special Gift(D)When Millie got up this morning, it was a beautiful spring day. She saw a few clouds far away, but she didnt think about them. She got her dog, Eddie, and put him in the car. Then she drove out into the country for a picnic with her dog.An hour later, the wind began to blow and it turned cold. However, Millie and Eddie felt warm because of running. Then when Eddie was playing with the ball, Millie saw snowflakes(雪花) in the sky. She called Eddie, picked up the picnic things and got back in the car. driving, she, heavier, was, home, the, snow, became, when, heavier, and. Soon all Millie could see was white all around her. The road became slippery and she had to drive very slowly. The car hit into a piece of ice and it went around in circles(圆圈). It went down a hill and finally stopped.考 号姓 名装订线( 装 订 线 内 不 要 答 题 )班 级Millie searched over for Eddie. He was shaking, but he was OK. She got her mobile phone and asked for help. At last, the police saved them. Next time, Millie will listen to the weather report before going for a picnic. 46. Who did Millie go out for a picnic with?_47. 请将处画线部分句子翻译成汉语。 _48. 请将处画线部分单词组成一个完整的句子。_49. 处画线单词的汉语意思是:_50. How did Millie get help at last? _ 第二节非选择题(共30分) Vocabulary(共10小题,每题1分,共10分)Complete the sentences with proper forms of the words given51 His words hurt my _ .(feel)52 My parents told me not to talk with _ .(strange)53 Thanks for _ (invite) me to your birthday party.54 Daming sends many_ (message) to his friends with the mobile phone every day.55 They _ (be) to Daqing twice.56 Ive also _ (enter) lots of speaking competitions.57 Ive stopped _ (try) now.58 Mars is very far away,much_ (far) than the moon.59 Scientists think that there_ (be) life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years.60 None of them_ (have) an environment like that of the earth. .Fill in each blank with a proper word with the help of the first letter(每空一分,共5分)On todays news,Tony has heard that scientists have s 61 a spaceship to Mars and it has a 62 on the planet after a journey of s 63 months from the earth.Scientists have not d 64 life on Mars y 65 . And no astronaut has ever been to Mars because it is very far away. Writing(本题15分) 介绍你游览北京的经历,内容如下并可展开合理的想象。 1北京在中国的北方每年有很多人到北京旅游 2爬过长城到过颐和园(the Summer Palace)和故宫(the Palace Museum) 3 拍下了很多照片与外国朋友用英语交谈过等等。要求:1.字迹清晰,工整。 2.字数70词左右 3.注意时态哟!_20162017初三英语上学期月考检测试题答案第一部分听力测试 1-5 BBCAB 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 BACBC第二部分笔试1-5 DABCC 6-10 AADDB 11-15 DDACB 16-20 BCCDB 21-25 CDACA 26-30 EDBAC(A)31-35 ADDDD (B)36-40 BCBCD (C)41-45 CDABD (D)46. Her dog, Eddie. 47. 然后,她带着狗开车到乡村去野餐。 48. When she was driving home, the snow became heavier and heavier. 49. 滑的 50. She called the police for help with her mobile phone.第二节非选择题 51 feeling/feelings 52 strangers 53 inviting 54 messages 55 have benn to 56 entered 57 trying 58 farther/further 59 has been 60 has .61 sent 62 arrived 63 several 64 discovered 65 yet 略12


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