高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 综合过关检测(三)外研版必修3

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综合过关检测(三)(时间: 100分钟满分: 120分)第卷第一部分阅读理解共两节,满分40分第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ASpecial Holiday OfferYour holiday summary:Holiday typeCountryTravel typePrice rangeTravel partnerDurationToursChinaFlyFrom 1,699 to.Newmarket Holidays9 nightsAs an exciting world with a history of about 5,000 years far away from the West,combining an agesold civilisation with the glass and steel of the 21st century world into which it is rapidly developing,China is a wonder to see,and a joy to experience.Need help with your booking:03303336731Accommodations(住宿):Throughout your stay we have reserved top quality accommodation,generally fourstar level.Many hotels will have a pool,and all will have a restaurant and bar.Where we will stay are Best Western Premier in Beijing,Dorure International Hotel in Shanghai,Tang Cheng Hotel in Xian and Universal Hotel in Guilin.Your stay is arranged with a Europeanstyle breakfast at each hotel and a Chinese lunch and dinner that will generally be taken in local restaurants,offering typical food of each local area.【文章大意】本文是一则旅游广告,文章提供了旅游形式、价格、时间、住宿、饮食、联系方式等信息。1What you have just read may be_Aa news reportBan advertisementCan announcement Da book reviewB解析:推理判断题。本文是关于去中国旅游的介绍,包括旅游形式、价格、时间、住宿、饮食、联系方式等信息。故本文是一则广告。2The tourists will travel to China by_Aship BtrainCplane DbusC解析:细节理解题。根据文章表格中Travel type所对应的Fly可知,游客可乘坐飞机去中国旅游。故选C。3If you want help when booking the holiday to China,you may_Acall Newmarket HolidaysBgo to consult Newmarket HolidaysCwrite a letter to Newmarket HolidaysDsend an email to Newmarket HolidaysA解析:细节理解题。根据文章表格中的Travel partner所对应的Newmarket Holidays可知,这次旅游的承办方是Newmarket Holidays。下文中又提供了需要帮助时可以打的电话,所以在预订这次旅游时,如果需要帮助,可以给Newmarket Holidays打电话。故选A。4How many cities will the tourists stay in China?A3. B4.C5. D6.B解析:细节理解题。文章对Accommodations(住宿)的介绍中提到了北京、上海、西安、桂林四个城市。故选B。BRecently I came in contact with the true meaning of love. That would have been, Kane, a boy. Kane was the twoyearold son of Jolene, my new neighbor.At a glance Kane was a sight. Hed been born with hard sticks for legs. And on that morning I witnessed the effect that Kanes physical shortcomings had on his family. But I also witnessed much more than that.I saw an extraordinary family that embraced this special child, a family that wouldnt allow Kane to know he was different. Jolene had constructed a small cart just a few inches off the floor for his son to get around. Using his hands to move, Kane moved the cart to “go to” any place just as everyone else was able to do. Kane worked that little cart like a master. Kane was a vital focus of the entire family. He was more than just a member of the family; he was the soul. This child was the driver, the motivator, and the founder of much of the interaction.Much later in my life, I came to realize that God had sent this child to help some of us who just werent getting what love was all about. Even with my limited capacity for understanding at the time that Kane was a highlydeveloped spirit with great wisdom.Kane demanded attention, but not because of his mobility challenges or other apparent shortcomings. In his mind, he had no challenges or shortcomings. The truth is that he received attention because he was alive and real and had so much to offer.Kane had and still has a lot of warm and powerful energy sent to us all, so we might learn that love is beyond all things. Kane, a fragile yet lovely baby, was here to teach us all an important lesson. And at the age of two he did just that.【文章大意】这是一篇关于什么是爱的文章,通过描述“我”的邻居Kane,一个两岁大但身体有缺陷的孩子的家庭成长环境,告诉我们:爱可以战胜一切困难。5How did the author think of Kanes family members?AIt was ridiculous for them to make a cart for Kane.BThey were greatly brave to face all the difficulties.CThey were strange because they locked Kane at home.DIt was respectable for them to start their own business.B解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“I saw an extraordinary family that embraced this special child, a family that wouldnt allow Kane to know he was different.”可推知,这个家庭勇敢地面对所有的困难,故选B项。6How did Kane “go to” everywhere he wanted to go?ABy moving his cart with his own hands.BBy asking his father to lead him ahead with a stick.CBy asking his grandparents to push him everywhere.DWith the help of a babysitter employed for him.A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Using his hands to move, Kane moved the cart.was able to do.”可知,Kane用他的双手移动手推车,故选A项。7Kane needed attention because he wanted to show _Ahe could challenge his difficulties in movingBhe had challenges or shortcomings in his lifeChe had the power to prove he was capable tooDhe himself needed to be looked after by othersC解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“The truth is that he received attention because he was alive and real and had so much to offer.”可知,他需要关注是因为他想证明他能提供很多,故选C项。8What can we learn from Kanes story?ALove me, love my dog.BPure gold fears no fire.CLove is above all things.DMany hands make light work.C解析:主旨大意题。根据最后一段中的“so we might learn that love is beyond all things”可知,爱高于一切,故选C项。CPeople tend to have one of three beliefs about the meaning of work and which category you fall into largely depends on your parents, according to the new research from the University of Michigan.Workers who are joboriented are those just trying to make a living who much prefer the activities they pursue outside of the office. Careeroriented adultsyour typical “workaholic”value the social status and reputation that comes with professional achievement, and gain much of their identity from their jobs. Callingoriented people do work that they are passionate about because they want to have a positive impact on the world.In the first empirical study into how these orientations originate, researchers found that how teenagers view their parents work ethic is central to the development of their own work attitudes.Its not a straightforward transfer of values. People who perceive their father to have a strong careerorientation are more likely to be careeroriented themselves, but careerdetermined mothers have no effect on their kids work orientation. The researchers attributed this to generational gender norms. When the studys participants were teenagers, mostly in the 1980s, men were more commonly employed outside of the home and were more likely than women to hold “career” jobs with opportunity for advancement.Mothers do have a notable effect on whether children have a joborientation mentality. Teenagers who are close to their mothers are less likely to view work as just a job when they grow up, probably because theyve been raised to value social, rather than instrumental, life experiences.Having both parents display the same work ethic has an amplified influence, but only in the case of callingoriented children. As our society favors money and professional achievement, a child with two callingoriented parents is more likely to have the confidence to ignore these social pressures and pursue his dreams.Children can affect their parents work ethic, too. Allowing people to bring their children into the office has been shown to improve efficiency and productivityand could help raise that next generation of careeroriented workers.【文章大意】据密歇根大学的研究,孩子对工作的态度受父母的影响,特别是父亲。如果父母所属的工作类型相同,父母对孩子的这种影响力会增强。9If you are proud of being a teacher, and you are enthusiastic about your job, you belong to_Athe joboriented group Bthe careeroriented groupCthe workaholic group Dthe callingoriented groupD解析:推理判断题。从第二段最后一句特别是“passionate”一词可知答案。10What is the attitude of the child with two callingoriented parents towards the social pressure?AHe takes no notice of it.BHe thinks too highly of it.CHe looks on it as a difficulty.DHe considers it confusing.A解析:细节理解题。从第六段中的“a child with two callingoriented parents is more likely to have the confidence to ignore these social pressures and pursue his dreams”可知答案。11If children are at their parents workplace, their parents_Awill not be affected by their children at allBwill ask them to leave as quickly as they canCwill be more effective and productive thenDwill probably feel nervous and embarrassedC解析:推理判断题。从最后一段中的“improve efficiency and productivity”可推知答案。DA new German study has uncovered evidence that there is a strong link between traffic jams and developing a heart attack.It has been found that individuals were three times more likely to develop a condition if they had recently got stuck in traffic,most probably because of the exposure to the car fumes and other pollution they breathed.The researchers analyzed data of heart attack cases between February 2014 and December 2015.They interviewed nearly 1,500 patients to gather information and figure out what could be potential triggers for a heart attack.The participants were asked a standardized set of questions,such as what they were doing on the day of the heart attack,where exactly they went,what means of transportation they used and how much time they spent in a traffic jam.The experts found that driving a car turned out to be the most common source of traffic exposure.However,using public transportation and riding a bicycle were also other forms of traffic exposure.The researchers reported that 8% of all heart attack cases were specifically linked to having been in traffic.In general,time spent in any type of transportation in traffic was associated with a more than 3 times higher risk of experiencing a heart attack within the first hour immediately following the exposure.The team has also found that women,elderly men,patients who were unemployed,and those with a history of angina(心绞痛) appeared to be particularly sensitive and were affected the most by traffic.Female participants,in fact,were more likely to have a 5 times greater risk of a heart attack following such exposure,compared to men.【文章大意】德国的一项新研究发现,陷入交通堵塞和患心脏病之间有很大联系。12The underlined word in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by _Adirections BeffectsCtendencies DcausesD解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段的内容和第三段中的“driving a car turned out to be the most common source of traffic exposure”“8% of all heart attack cases were specifically linked to having been in traffic”以及最后一段中的“greater risk of a heart attack following such exposure”可推知,trigger意为“诱因”,与cause同义。13The researchers came to the conclusion _Aby doing experiments in hospitalsBby observing the traffic in the streetsCby surveying patients in hospitalsDby interviewing drivers trapped in traffic jamsC解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They interviewed nearly 1,500 patients.”可知,研究者通过调查医院的患者,然后分析结果的方式得出第一段的结论“there is a strong link between traffic jams and developing a heart attack”。14From the last two paragraphs,we can know that _Anearly half of all heart attack cases have a link with trafficBtaking public transportation will certainly avoid heart attacksCwomen are less likely to be affected by traffic than menDunemployed women patients may be affected by traffic mostD解析:细节理解题。由最后一段“The team has also found that women,elderly men,patients who were unemployed.Female participants,in fact,were more likely to have a 5 times greater risk of a heart attack following such exposure,compared to men.”可知失业的女病人受到交通的影响可能最严重。15What could be the best title for the passage?ATraffic Jams Are a Great ConcernBBe Sure to Avoid Traffic JamsCTraffic Jams May Lead to Heart AttacksDGet Your Heart Away from Traffic JamsC解析:标题归纳题。文章第一段提出研究结果“there is a strong link between traffic jams and developing a heart attack”,下文就此展开论述,所以C项作文章标题最佳。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How do you stay true to yourself when youre surrounded by friends and/or family that have an opinion on everything you do? Its not easy! 16._ Here are 4 tips which can help you live a dynamic life.17_Stay true to yourself by listening to the only opinions that really matteryour own and those from people who believe in and encourage you.Deep down you know yourself better than anybody else.Dont fear people.18_ The reason why most people dont take risks,or live on the edge is the fear of what others might think of them.If you want to live the life you truly deserve,you must give up the need to be liked by everybody.Value yourself and your choices.When you do,others will too.Own the choices you make in your life. 19._ When you believe in yourself,in time,others will believe in you too.Show confidence in your choices and what you stand for whether others agree or not.Focus on appreciation.No matter what the circumstances are,there is always something to be grateful for.All successful people ask: What am I grateful for?How can I improve my situation and use the tough time to inspire others? 20._These steps,if applied,will help you transform your peace of mind,lifestyle,and productivity.AFocus on your own talents and strengths.BNever let others opinions guide your choices.CTreat every person like they are important.DWhen you doubt yourself,others will doubt you.EStay fearless in everything you will have to do.FBe thankful to life and be helpful to others,and youll lead a successful life.GHowever,there are great possibilities that you can lead the life you really want.答案:1620.GBEDF第二部分英语知识运用共两节,满分45分第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Dear God,I am really eager to share my thoughts and feelings with you.Now that I am no longer young,I have friends whose _21_ have passed away.I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was _22_ late to tell them.I am _23_ with the dear mother who is _24_ alive.I appreciate her more each day.My mother does not change,_25_ I do.As I grow older and _26_, I realize what an extraordinary person she is.How sad that I am unable to speak these words in her _27_, but they _28_ easily from my pen.How does a daughter begin to _29_ her mother for life itself? For the love,patience and just plain hard work that go into _30_ a child? For running after a toddler (学步的小孩),for understanding a moody _31_, for tolerating a college student who seems to know _32_? For waiting for the day when a daughter _33_ who her mother really is?How does a(n) _34_ woman thank a mother for continuing to be a mother? For being ready with _35_(when asked) or remaining silent when it is most _36_? For not saying:“I told you so”,when she could have said these words _37_ of times? For being essentially herselfloving,thoughtful,patient,and forgiving?I dont know how,dear God,except to bless her as richly as she _38_ and to help me live up to the _39_she has set.I pray that I will look as _40_ in the eyes of my children as my mother looks in mine.A daughter【文章大意】本文是一封女儿写给上帝的信。古人云:树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待。趁母亲还健在,抓住这个机会,好好感谢一下我们伟大的母亲吧!21A.fathers BmothersCsisters DgrandmothersB解析:与下文中“.they never fully appreciated their mothers”相呼应可知,此处表示他们的母亲去世了。故选B项。22A.too BratherCmuch DveryA解析:与本句中“never fully appreciated their mothers”形成呼应,并根据固定搭配:too.to“太而不能”可知,此处表示遗憾。故选A项。23A.happy BpleasedCblessed DcontentC解析:与上文提到有些朋友的母亲“have passed away”形成对比,并与本句中“alive”形成呼应可知,作者是幸运的。happy“开心的,幸福的”;pleased“高兴的”;blessed“被祝福的”;content“满意的”。故选C项。24A.yet BevenCever DstillD解析:与上文提到的朋友的母亲“have passed away”形成对比可知,此处表示母亲还健在。yet“还没有”,经常用于否定句;even“甚至”;ever“曾经”;still“仍旧”。25A.so BbutCor DasB解析:根据本句的句意可知,两句之间的逻辑关系为转折。so“因此”;but“但是”;or“或者,否则”;as“因为,尽管,随着”。故选B项。26A.weaker BwiserChealthier DslowerB解析:句意:随着年岁增长和心智成熟,我逐渐意识到妈妈是多么了不起的一个人!weaker“更加虚弱的”;wiser“更加智慧的”;healthier“更健康的”;slower“更缓慢的”。故选B项。27A.presence BfaceCabsence DlifetimeA解析:根据本句中“how sad”提示和呼应可知,此处表示当面赞美有些难为情。presence“存在,在场,礼物,呈现”;face“脸”;absence“缺席”;lifetime“一辈子”。故选A项。28A.fly BcomeCfloat DflowD解析:与上句“不好意思当面赞美”形成呼应和对比可知,此处表示感激之情溢于笔端。fly“飞”;come“来”;float“漂流”;flow“流动”。故选D项。29A.thank BforgiveClove DblameA解析:与下一段的第一句“How does a(n)_woman thank a mother for continuing to be a mother?”形成呼应可知,此处表示感恩。thank“感谢”;forgive“原谅”;love“爱”;blame“责备”。故选A项。30A.rising BarisingCraising DfeedingC解析:根据语境可知,此处表示“养育”。rise“升起”;arise“出现”;raise“举起,养育,筹集”;feed“喂养”。故选C项。31A.teenager BpupilCyouth DchildA解析:很明显,本句在描述人生不同阶段母亲的呵护和爱,那么介于小孩和大学生之间的,自然是青少年了。teenager“青少年”;pupil“小学生”;youth“青年,青春”;child“小孩”。故选A项。32A.something BnothingCeverything DanythingC解析:与本句中“tolerate”相呼应,并结合大学生的共同特性,即:自以为无所不知可知,此处表示了解一切。something“某事”;nothing“什么都没有”;everything“一切”;anything“任何东西”。故选C项。33A.recognizes BrealizesClikes DknowsB解析:与上文“I realize what an extraordinary person she is”相呼应可知,此处表示“意识到”。recognize“辨认出”;realize“意识到”;like“喜欢”;know“知道”。故选B项。34A.immature BseniorCinexperienced DgrownD解析:根据四个选项及下文语境可知,是一个成年女性。immature“不成熟的”;senior“上了年纪的,年老的”;inexperienced“没有经验的”;grown“长大成人的”。故选D项。35A.encouragement BknowledgeCadvice DapprovalC解析:根据“when asked”提示和下文“I told you so”可知,此处指提供建议。encouragement“鼓励”;knowledge“知识”; advice“建议”;approval“批准”。故选C项。36A.ignored BunnoticedChoped DappreciatedD解析:与本文的主旨相呼应,即:感谢母亲,由此可知,此处表示母亲被赞美、感激时,往往会沉默不语。ignored“被忽略的”;unnoticed“未被注意的”;hoped“希望的”;appreciated“感激的,被欣赏的”。故选D项。37A.dozens BscoreCcouple DnumberA解析:根据固定搭配:“量词复数of可数名词复数”,如:dozens of books或a dozen of books,dozen后面接名词时,必须用of来连接,并结合本句语境可知,A项符合语境。故选A项。38A.pays BmatchesCdeserves DdemandsC解析:根据语境可知,作者不知如何表达自己的感激之情,因为母亲太伟大,她值得所有的赞美和祝福。pay“付钱”;match“匹配”;deserve“值得”;demand“要求”。故选C项。39A.level BexampleCfigure DambitionB解析:set an example“树立榜样”,为固定搭配,符合语境。level“水平”;figure“数字,身材”;ambition“野心”。故选B项。40A.tough BgoodCneat DconsiderateB解析:根据本文的主旨,即感恩母亲可知,母亲是伟大的,了不起的。tough“强硬的,严厉的”;good“好的”;neat“整洁的”;considerate“体贴的”。故选B项。第卷第二部分英语知识运用共两节,满分45分第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。We are what we eat because what we eat every day has 41._ great impact on our health. Therefore, we should make every effort to change our bad eating habits. 42._ we all know, baked or fried foods may be 43._(taste),but eating too much of them will 44._(probable) result in some illnesses. Moreover, some food that costs us a great deal of money and is not healthy is junk food.45_(compare)with people in the West, Chinese people used to eat more grain and vegetables, and 46._(little) meat, which is a good eating habit. However, things are quite different now. With the rapid economic 47._(grow) of our country, we now also eat a lot of food that is high in sugar and fat. We 48._(run) risk eating out without considering the balance of our diet.The food we choose affects our health, so we must keep 49._ in mind that the food we choose should give 50._(we) the nutrients we need.【文章大意】一个人的饮食习惯对健康有很大的影响。文章对比了中西方的饮食习惯,并建议人们养成良好的饮食习惯。41a解析:句意:因为我们每天吃的东西对我们的健康有很大影响。根据句意可知,设空处后的impact(可数名词)在本句中表示泛指,故用不定冠词。42As解析:考查非限制性定语从句。句意:我们都知道,熏烤、油炸食品可能很好吃。先行词为后面一句话,关系词在定语从句中作宾语且定语从句置于句首,故用as引导。43tasty解析:设空处需用形容词作表语,taste的形容词形式为tasty,意为:好吃的。44probably解析:句意:但熏烤、油炸食品吃得太多可能会导致一些疾病。设空处需用副词形式,probable的副词形式为probably。45Compared解析:考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:与西方人相比,在过去中国人常常吃更多的谷物及蔬菜,但较少吃肉,这是一个好的饮食习惯。46less解析:根据本句中的more grain and vegetables以及后面出现的a good eating habit可知本空需用比较级less。47growth解析:随着我国经济的迅速发展。设空处前为形容词,设空处后为介词,故可判断设空处需用grow的名词形式,故答案为growth。48are running解析:根据上句(我们现在吃的很多食物中,糖和脂肪的含量太高),可判断本句要表达的意思是:目前我们在不考虑均衡饮食的情况下冒险去外面吃饭。由此可见设空处需用现在进行时。49it解析:keep.in mind意为:牢记。it作形式宾语。50us解析:give sb.sth.给某人某物。本空需


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