高考英语总复习 第一部分 模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版

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高考英语总复习 第一部分 模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版_第2页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 模块6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you知能演练轻松闯关 牛津译林版_第3页
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Unit 1 Laughter is good for you.单句语法填空1As far as Im concerned,“English _ (week)” is of great help to our English study.答案:Weekly2I used to get_(tease) about my name.答案:teased3The store provides the customers with a great_(vary) of goods every day.答案:variety4I am not going to stand for that kind of_(behave)答案:behavior5To our great disappointment, the team_(performance) poorly on Saturday.答案:performed6Someone might be_(amuse) when they understand a joke.答案:amused7At present the government is taking some measures_(strengthen) the economy.答案:to strengthen8The mobile phone_(guarantee) for at least five years, but it was wrong only one year later.答案:was guaranteed9I found the book to be very_(instruct)答案:instructive10He gave me_guarantee that it would never happen again.答案:a.阅读理解(2016临沂模拟)I often teach about happiness and what has become clear is this: There are some qualities always unhappy people have.Here are some of them.Happy people know life can be hard and tend to live through hard times.They take responsibility for how they got themselves into a mess, and focus on getting themselves out of it as soon as possible.Unhappy people see themselves as victims of life and stay stuck in the “look what happened to me” attitude instead of finding a way through and out to the other side.Most happy people believe in the good in people instead of thinking everyone is out to get them.Generally open and friendly towards people they meet, happy people foster(培养)a sense of community around themselves and meet new people with all open heart.Unhappy people are distrustful of most people they meet and dont think strangers can be trusted.Unfortunately, this behavior slowly closes all chances of meeting new friends.Unhappy people believe someone elses good fortune steals from their own.They believe theres not enough goodness to go around and always compare others against theirs.This leads to jealousy(嫉妒)Happy people know that others good luck and circumstance are just signs of what they also can achieve if they try hard enough.They believe in unlimited possibilities and dont get stuck in thinking one persons good fortune limits their possible outcome in life.Theres only so much space between the two ears.Unhappy people fill that space with constant worry and fear.Happy people experience fear and worry too, but make an important difference between feeling it and living with it.When fear or worry crosses a happy persons mind, theyll ask themselves if theres an action they can take to prevent their fear or worry from happening and they take it.If not, they realize theyre spinning in fear and they lay it down.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文,主要介绍了幸福的人和不幸福的人之间的比较, 希望人们都做一个幸福的人。 1Paragraph 2 mainly shows that unhappy people tend to _Afocus on what they really wantBget worried about what will happenCstay focused on the past misfortunesDfind a way to live through hard timesC解析:细节理解题。 根据题干关键词Paragraph 2和unhappy people和文章第二段的Unhappy people see themselves as victims of life and stay stuck in the“look what happened to me” attitude instead of finding a way through and out to the other side中的关键词stay stuck in the“look what happened to me” attitude可知不高兴的人总是关注过去的不幸。 故选C。2According to Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4, unhappy people _Alike making some new friendsBhate seeing others with good fortuneCare more likely to be cheated by strangersDbelieve they can get good luck by working hardB解析:推理判断题。 根据文章第三段的Unhappy people are distrustful of most people they meet and dont think strangers can be trusted.Unfortunately, this behavior slowly closes all chances of meeting new friends.和第四段的They believe theres not enough goodness to go around and always compare othersagainst theirs.This leads to jealousy(嫉妒)可知不幸的人总是嫉妒好运的人们。 故选B。3What is implied about happy people?AThey dont think life is hard.BThey hardly ever fear anything.CThey try to get out of their fear or worry.DThey dont believe in every people they meet.C解析:推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段的Happy people experience fear and worry too, but make an important difference between feeling it and living with it.When fear or worry crosses a happy persons mind, theyll ask themselves if theres an action they can take to prevent their fear or worry from happening and they take it.可知幸福的人尽力摆脱恐惧和担忧, 故选C。4How is the text mainly developed?ABy making comparisons.BBy giving examples.CBy showing detailed data.DBy proving some theories.A解析:写作手法题。 ABy making comparisons通过比较; BBy giving examples通过举例; CBy showing detailed data通过展示详细的资料; DBy proving some theories通过提供一些理论。 通读全文可知该文章是通过比较幸福的人和不幸福的人展开的。 故选A。.完形填空The fighting for success always begins with a target.But too many people _1_ through life like sleepwalkers.Each day they follow familiar _2_, never asking, “What am I doing with my life?” And they dont know what theyre doing because they lack _3_Goalsetting is a focusing of the _4_ to move in a certain direction.Begin with a clear _5_ of what you want.Write down your goals and date themputting them into _6_ makes them clearer to you.Rather than concentrating on _7_ objects to acquire and possess, focus on satisfying your desires to do, to produce, to contribute, which gives you a true sense of _8_ we all need.Its important to picture yourself _9_ your goal.What often happens is that _10_ tend to picture the terrible consequences of failure, while winners picture the _11_ of success.Ive seen it among athletes, business people and public speakers.Ive done it myself.I was afraid of _12_ travel.Friends showed me statistics contrasting air and highway _13_, but it made no difference, because I had read too many articles describing _14_ scenes and imagined these scenes vividly.I had programmed myself, without realizing it, to _15_ planes.Then one summer I had the _16_ to fly on a private plane with friends.I didnt want to miss a great _17_So I spent two weeks imagining a smooth flight and easy _18_When the day arrived, I was _19_ to go.To everyones surprise, I got on the plane and flew with them without hesitation.I loved _20_ minute of it, and I still use the techniques I employed that day.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。 人生有了目标, 生活才有方向感、 成就感。 然而不同的人想象目标的方式不一样, 有人悲观, 有人乐观。 作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉人们给自己积极的暗示能够帮助人们达成目标。 1A.runBmarch Cwander DhurryC解析:句意: 但是太多人就像梦游者一样一辈子浑浑噩噩。 A项意为“跑”; B项意为“前进, 行军”; C项意为“漫步, 漫游”; D项意为“催促, 匆忙”。 根据语境“like sleepwalkers”可知, 大部分人没有目标, 如梦游者一样地生活。 故选C项。2A.routines Bguides Cexercises DteachersA解析:句意: 每一天他们都做着类似的日常工作, 从来没有问过“我的人生究竟应该怎么过?” A项意为“例行公事, 日常工作”; B项意为“指导”; C项意为“练习”; D项意为“老师”。 根据语境“Each day they follow familiar”可知, 这些人每天重复着类似的事情, 没有目标, 没有反思。 故选A项。 3A.experiences Bactions Cmethods DgoalsD解析:句意: 他们不知道他们正在做些什么, 因为他们缺乏目标。 A项意为“经历”; B项意为“行动”; C项意为“方法”; D项意为“目标”。 根据上文“The fighting for success always begins with a target.” 以及下文中多次出现的“goal”可知, 那些没有生活目标的人不知道自己在做些什么。 故选D项。 4A.light Bwill Cbreath DbloodB解析:句意: 设立目标就是要集中精力去朝某个方向前进。 A项意为“光”; B项意为“意愿”; C项意为“呼吸”; D项意为“血, 血液”。 根据下文“focus on satisfying your desires to do”可知, 此处表示“愿望, 意愿”。 故选B项。 5A.impression Btheory Cidea DskyC解析:句意: 一开始要清楚地知道自己想要什么。 A项意为“印象”; B项意为“理论”; C项意为“想法, 主意”; D项意为“天空”。 根据上文可知, 作者一直在强调的是要有自己的目标, 此处表示一开始就要明确自己的所求。 故选C项。6A.words Bhearts Cbags DpocketsA解析:句意: 把你的目标写下来, 给每一个目标制定一个日期将这些目标转化成文字, 从而使自己更明确自己的目标。 A项意为“文字, 话语”; B项意为“心脏”; C项意为“袋子”; D项意为“口袋”。 根据语境“Write down your goals”可知, 此处是指把目标写下来, 转化成文字。 故选A项。 7A.mental Bcheap Cboring DvaluableD解析:句意: 不是集中注意力去获取并拥有有价值的东西, 而是要竭力去满足自己想要去做、 去创造、 去贡献的愿望, 这将会给我们一种真正需要的满足感。 A项意为“精神上的”; B项意为“便宜的”; C项意为“令人厌倦的”; D项意为“有价值的”。 根据语境可知, 空格处应与“contribute”形成对比, 并与“acquire and possess”相呼应, 只有D项符合语境。 故选D项。 8A.humour Bsatisfaction Cdirection DjusticeB解析:此处与前面“satisfying”相呼应, 表示满足感。 故选B项。 9A.setting Bwriting Caccomplishing DseekingC解析:句意: 想象自己完成目标很重要。 根据下文“while winners.of success”及作者所举的自己乘飞机的经历可知, 作者认为想象自己成功(即能完成目标)很重要。 故选C项。 10A.losers Bheroes Cadults DchildrenA解析:句意: 常见的是, 失败者经常想象失败的后果, 而成功者则想象成功的回报。 A项意为“失败者”; B项意为“英雄”; C项意为“成年人”; D项意为“小孩”。 根据下文“while winners picture”的对比可知, 此处表示失败者。 故选A项。 11A.records Bawards Ceffects DrewardsD解析:根据上文“the terrible consequences of failure”的对比可知, 此处表示成功的回报。 故选D项。 12A.land Bair Csea DdesertB解析:句意: 我害怕乘飞机旅行。 A项意为“土地, 陆地”; B项意为“空中, 天空”; C项意为“大海”; D项意为“沙漠”。 根据下文“Friends showed me statistics contrasting air”和“planes”可知, 作者害怕乘飞机旅行。 故选B项。 13A.speed Bcost Csafety DcomfortC解析:句意: 朋友们向我展示了空中运输和公路运输安全性的数据对比, 但是这对我来讲毫无意义, 因为我之前读了很多关于飞机坠毁的文章, 并能够想象得到那些场景。 根据语境“but it made no difference”可知, 此处表示朋友们向作者证明高空旅行的安全性, 以打消其恐惧心理。 故选C项。 14A.crash Bmountain Cocean DforestA解析:A项意为“坠毁, 崩溃”; B项意为“山”; C项意为“海洋”; D项意为“森林”。 根据上文“I was afraid”可知, 作者被之前看到的关于飞机坠毁的文章吓到了。 故选A项。 15A.cut off Bput off Cpay off Dstay offD解析:句意: 我自我设定要远离飞机, 而我自己并没有意识到这一点。 A项意为“切断”; B项意为“推迟”; C项意为“偿还”; D项意为“不要上(路), 远离”。 根据上文作者害怕高空旅行可知, 作者对飞机避而远之。 故选D项。 16A.plan Bopportunity Ccourage DstrengthB解析:句意: 接着有一个夏天, 我有一个和朋友乘坐私人飞机的机会。 根据上文可知, 作者害怕乘飞机旅行, 所以不可能主动去计划乘飞机, 故排除A项; 根据下文作者花两个星期来想象乘飞机会顺利可知, C项也不符合语境; D项在文中没有涉及, 也可排除。 故选B项。 17A.train Bplane Cvacation DlectureC解析:句意: 我不想错过这个很不错的假期。 A项意为“火车”; B项意为“飞机”; C项意为“假期”; D项意为“讲座”。 根据上文可知, 作者对空中旅行有恐惧心理, 故排除B项; A、 D两项与文章无关, 故排除; 此处表示“假期”。 故选C项。 18A.landing Btravelling Cgoing DoperatingA解析:句意: 因此我花费了两个星期想象飞机顺利航行, 并平安着陆。 A项意为“着陆”; B项意为“旅行”; C项意为“去”; D项意为“操作, 动手术”。 此处与上文成功者想象着成功后的回报相呼应, 指作者想象着飞行顺畅, 并平安着陆, 与之前想象的飞机坠毁形成对比。 故选A项。 19A.unwilling Bsorry Cafraid DeagerD解析:句意: 当那一天来临时, 我迫不及待地去了。 A项意为“不乐意的”; B项意为“遗憾的”; C项意为“害怕的”; D项意为“迫切的”。 根据下文“To everyones surprise, I got on the plane and flew with them without hesitation.”可知, 作者很想去乘那架飞机。 故选D项。 20A.a Bevery Cthe DsomeB解析:句意: 我享受那次飞行的每一分钟, 而且我现在还在用那天我用的技巧。 根据“loved”和“and I still use the techniques I employed that day” 可知, 作者当时很享受飞行的每一分钟。 故选B项。 Unit 1Laughter is good for you(B卷).阅读理解AIf you tell a woman a joke and get a blank look, dont immediately despair.Shes just taking her time to understand it.But if the joke does eventually make her laugh it will be worth the wait.Scientists have found that while women are slower than men at getting jokes, they enjoy them more.Research shows that women use their brain more than men to process quips(妙语) and have less expectation that they will be funny.When a joke does hit the right note, however, they derive(得到) more pleasure from it.Scientists asked ten men and ten women to look at dozens of black and white cartoons and rate them on a “funniness scale”During the process they underwent sophisticated(复杂) scans that mapped which parts of their brain were lighting up and timed how long it took them to respond to a joke.The_women_tended_to_use_certain_parts_of_their_brain_more_than_the_men.Researcher Professor Allan Reiss said: “Our findings fit the stereotype of how men and women react to humour.We found that women tend to respond more to narrative and wordplay(双关语) than slapstick(闹剧)”Canadian research has shown that men and women use humour for different ends.Men are more likely to use “hostile” humour to criticize each other and establish dominance, while women employ humour to maintain relationships and put each other at ease.【语篇解读】文章主要介绍了女人没有男人听笑话反应得快, 但却比男人更喜欢笑话。1Which of the following is TRUE?AWomen tell more jokes than men.BWomen dont understand jokes.CWomen enjoy jokes more than men.DWomen are better at getting jokes.C解析:细节理解题。 根据文章第二段的内容可知, 女人没有男人听笑话反应得快, 但却比男人更喜欢笑话。 故可得出答案为C项。 2What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 mean?AMen like jokes more than women.BWomen like jokes more than men.CIt took women more time to respond to a joke than men.DIt took men more time to respond to a joke than women.C解析:句意理解题。 结合第五段画线句前面一句话中“.and timed how long it took them to respond to a joke.” 可知, 画线句应是关于: 通过脑部扫描可以测定他们对一个笑话作出反应的时间, 故排除A、 B项; 又根据画线句的意思可知答案为C项。 3According to the study, women respond more to_AslapstickBfunny picturesCnarrative and wordplayDblack and white cartoonsC解析:推理判断题。 由文章第六段最后一句“We found that women tend to respond more to narrative and wordplay(双关语) than slapstick(闹剧)” 可知, 与闹剧相比, 女人更易对故事和双关语作出反应, 故答案为C项。 4What do women use humour for?ATo criticize each other.BTo attract women.CTo laugh at each other.DTo keep relationships.D解析:细节理解题。 由文章末段第二句可知, 女人用幽默来保持良好的关系, 使对方感觉轻松自在, 故答案为D项。 B(2016石家庄五校联考)Each of us can live strong, healthy, energetic lives for a long time to come.The key?Actually, there are many of them.Eat fewer calories, but more foodSlimming down can help prevent disease, and cutting way back on the amount you eat may even slow the aging process.When nutrition researchers invited themselves over for dinner in kitchens across the globefrom Greece to Japan to the state of Pennsylvaniathey discovered a stomachsatisfying secret to good health: Pile your plate high with vegetables and fruits, add respectable parts of beans and whole grains, and ignore highcalorie food like cheeseburgers, cream sauces, and fatty meats.Use exercise as an antiaging vaccineExercise can help you gain a better quality of life as you age.Its no secret that physical activity strengthens muscles, burns calories and puts a happy bounce in your step.But recently, researchers discovered a new, extra benefit: Exercise acts as a powerful way against the aging process itself.When exercise physiologists put healthy people aged 60 to 85 on weighttraining programs for six months then tested them for signs of freeradical(自由基) damage, they were surprised by the results.By the end of the study, lowintensity exercisers had a drop in freeradical damage, while highintensity exercisers had a slight increase.Find something interesting to doLife is always busy no matter what your age.But the truth is, when people are retired, time usually does become more available for adults after 60.With this time come choices.The easy one is merely to relax: Watch more TV, eat out more often, talk on the phone as much as you want.The better choice? Discover something more meaningful to devote yourself to and do it wholeheartedly.【语篇解读】每个人都想过健康、 精力充沛的生活, 在本文中作者提出了几个关键的方面。 5Which of the following is what you should eat more?AFatty meats.BWhole grains.CCream sauces. DCheeseburgers.B解析:细节理解题。 根据文章第二段的add respectable parts of beans and whole grains, and ignore highcalorie food like cheeseburgers, cream sauces, and fatty meats可知选B。 6The new discovery of exercise probably is that_Ait can help you live a better lifeBit can strengthen musclesCit can burn caloriesDit can prevent aging processD解析:细节理解题。 根据小标题Use exercise as an antiaging vaccine和第三段的Exercise acts as a powerful way against the aging process itself.可知选D。 7When do you have more free time according to this text?AIn your fifties. BBeyond sixty.COver seventy. DBefore sixty.B解析:细节理解题。 从文章末段的But the truth is, when people are retired, time usually does become more available for adults after 60.可知六十岁以后人们的自由时间更多, 故选B。 8The best title of this text should be “_”AHow to Keep a Balanced DietBThe Importance of Your HealthCKeys to Living Longer and BetterDHobbies Making You HealthyC解析:主旨大意题。 文章首段提出人们都希望过健康的生活这一话题, 随后提出: The key?Actually, there are many of them.然后在下文中介绍了健康生活的几个方面, 由此判断选C。 .七选五(2016江西十校二模冲刺)Gratitude keeps us centered and wards off jealousy(妒忌) and negativity.Here are four little things we can do each day to nourish our sense of gratitude.1Choose your friends wisely.1_ Help your friends develop more positive characteristics by living with those positive characteristics yourself.Know what kind of friends will help you nurture(培育) your soul and set out to find some.2Help your friends cultivate gratitude.Before you say something about a friends situation, remember that everyones situation is unique.Ive seen it happen to myself and to my friends.Theyll be perfectly happy until someone tells them theyre being mistreated.Suddenly, theyre upset.2._ Make an agreement with your friends to cut the complaints from your conversations.3Say “thank you”Who in your life do you appreciate? Let them know, whether its your mom, your kids, your friends, your husband, your childs daycare provider or the helpful woman in the restaurant.3._ Make it a habit and your attention will suddenly turn to all the things people do for you.Also, write thankyou notes regularly, and be mindful of all the ways you show your appreciation by the things you do in return.44._Today, try to be aware of all the aspects of your personal, professional and family life for which you are thankful.Take a few minutes today to appreciate nature.5._ Whether you focus on the stars above, a distant mountain range or the cottonwood tree in your backyard, try to notice the details.Give thanks for the beauty that surrounds you.Regardless of whether you write down these items, spend some time each day focusing on the little things in your life that make each day special.ABe mindful of the little things.BLets work on focusing on what we have.CA heartfelt thankyou often does the trick.DDay by day, make a goal to stop complaining about your life.EGo for a walk and only notice those things that are beautiful.FAt the end of each day, you record at least five things youre grateful for.GIf you try to be spiritually strong, supportive, intelligent, energetic and positive, seek those characteristics in others.答案:15.GDCAE


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