高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 5 Great people and Great Invention知能演练轻松闯关 外研版必修3

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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 5 Great people and Great Invention知能演练轻松闯关 外研版必修3_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 5 Great people and Great Invention知能演练轻松闯关 外研版必修3_第2页
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高考英语总复习 第一部分 基础考点聚焦 Module 5 Great people and Great Invention知能演练轻松闯关 外研版必修3_第3页
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Module 5 Great people and Great Invention.单句语法填空1After a long period of _(argue),we finally reached an agreement about the problems.答案:argument2He decided _(resign) and give up the position as manager because of poor health.答案:to resign3But family experts warn that the new _(equal) can also result in less respect for parents.答案:equality4It is of great _(important) for college students to master a foreign language.答案:importance5(2016济宁市名校教学质检)I have come to realize the way _ Richard impresses everybody is really practical.答案:that6I will lend you some _ condition that you never waste money.答案:on7Being brought _ in the countryside made Mr.Wilson very hardworking when he was very young.答案:up8As reward for his _(contribute) to botany,Joseph Banks had a flower named after him.答案:contribution9All the slaves fought against slavery to gain _(free)答案:freedom10The reason _ he explained to us is that he hadnt read it before.答案:that/which.阅读理解(2016江西上饶高三模拟)When Abraham Lincoln was young,he worked in a store.One day a woman came into the store and bought some things.They added up to two dollars and six and a quarter cents.The bill was paid,and the woman was entirely satisfied.But the young storekeeper,not feeling quite sure as to the accuracy of his calculations,added up the things again.To his surprise he found that it should have been but two dollars.“Ive made her pay six and a quarter cents more,”said Abe,disturbed.It was an unimportant thing,and many clerks would have forgotten it,but Abe was too conscientious for that.“The money must be paid back,”he decided.At night,he closed the store,and walked to the home of his customer.He explained the matter,paid over the six and a quarter cents,and returned satisfied.Here is another story of young Lincolns strict honesty.A woman entered the store and asked for half a pound of tea.The young clerk weighed it out.This was the last sale of the day.The next morning,when beginning his duties,Abe discovered a fourounce weight on the scales.It flashed upon him at once that he had used this in the sale of the previous night,and so,of course,given his customers short weight.I am afraid that there are many country merchants who would not have been much worried by this discovery.But Abe weighed out the balance of the half pound,shut up the store,and carried it to the defrauded customer.I think my young readers will begin to see that the name so often given,in later times to President Lincoln,of “Honest Old Abe”,was well deserved.A_man_who_begins_by_strict_honesty_in_his_youth_is_not_likely_to_change_as_he_grows_older,and_mercantile_honesty_is_some_guarantee_of_political_honesty.【文章大意】本文是一篇小故事。文章主要讲述了亚伯拉罕林肯小时候的诚实守信的故事。1We know from the text that Abe_Acharged less for the womanBtricked the woman on purposeCwas careful and responsibleDwas confident of his calculationsC解析:推理判断题。根据文中第二段第二句But the young storekeeper,.added up the things again.及第五段“The money must be paid back,”he decided.可推断出Abe是一个细心和负责的人。2From the underlined sentence,we can see that the author_Aspeaks highly of Abraham LincolnBlearns how to succeed in the political fieldCcomes to understand the importance of honestyDhopes to give readers some personal suggestionsA解析:推理判断题。根据该划线句前的I think my young readers will begin to see that the name so often given,in later times to President Lincoln,of“Honest Old Abe”,was well deserved.可推断作者是对林肯行为的高度赞扬。故选A。3What does the author mainly intend to tell us?ABetter late than never.BHonesty is the best policy.CA good name is better than gold.DWhere there is a will there is a way.B解析:推理判断题。A.Better late than never.再晚不嫌迟;B.Honesty is the best policy.诚实为上;C.A good name is better than gold.好名声比金子更重要;D.Where there is a will there is a way.有志者事竟成。根据文章叙述的两个故事和最后一段作者对林肯行为的高度赞扬,作者应该是想告诉我们:诚实为上。故选B。4The author develops his idea mainly_Aby reasoningBby making comparisonsCby giving examplesDby recalling what he had seenC解析:推理判断题。通读全文,作者是通过介绍林肯的故事来阐述自己的观点的。故选C。.完形填空(2016淄博实验中学教学诊断)Years ago,when I started looking for my first job,wise advisers advised,“Barbara,be enthusiastic(热情的)!Enthusiasm will take you _1_ than any amount of experience.”How right they were!Enthusiastic people can turn a _2_ drive into an adventure,extra work into opportunity and strangers into friends.“Nothing great was ever _3_ without enthusiasm,”wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.It is the inner voice that _4_,“I can do it!”when others shout,“No,you cant!”It took years and years for the early work of Barbara McClintock,a geneticist who won the 1983 Nobel Prize in medicine,to be _5_ accepted.Yet she didnt stop working on her experiments.Work was such a deep _6_ for her that she never thought of stopping.It is hope _7_ gives enthusiastic people such youthful air,_8_ their age.At 90,cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing Bach.As the music _9_ his fingers,his shoulders would _10_ and joy would reappear in his eyes.Music,for Casals,was an exciting thing that made life a never ending _11_Elizabeth Layton of Wellsville,Kam,was 68,_12_ she began to draw.This activity _13_ the depression that she has suffered from for 30 years and the _14_ of her work led one critic to say,“I have to call Layton a genius. Elizabeth had rediscovered her _15_”How do you rediscover the enthusiasm of your childhood? The answer,I believe,_16_ the word itself;“enthusiasm”comes from the Greek and means“God within”And“God within”is _17_ else but a sense of lovea proper love of self,that is selfacceptance,and the love of others _18_Enthusiastic people also love what they do,_19_ money or title or power.If we cant do what we love as a fulltime career,we can do it as a parttime _20_【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。作者在文章中以科学家、作家、音乐家等为例,说明了热情在人们成长和发展过程中的重要性。正如爱默生所言:“没有热情你就会一无所获。”1A.furtherBlessCbetter DfartherA解析:句意:跟任何经验相比,热情会让你走得更远。than前面的形容词用比较级。further更远的,深一层的,形容抽象意义的远;less更少;better更好;farther更远,指距离的远。根据语意和语境故选A。2A.interesting BlongCboring DshortC解析:interesting有趣的;long长的;boring令人厌烦的;short矮的,短的。句意:热情的人可以把沉闷的车程变成探险,把加班变成机会,把陌生人变成朋友。故选C。3A.discovered BachievedCsought DdescribedB解析:discover发现;achieve完成,取得;seek寻找,寻求;describe描述。句意:无热情成就不了伟业。故选B。4A.says BtalksCquarrels DwhispersD解析:句意:这是内心的声音。say说;talk谈话;quarrel争吵;whisper低语。根据语意和语境故选D。5A.frankly BgenerallyChonestly DwarmlyB解析:句意:一个在医学上获得1983年诺贝尔奖的遗传学家,被普遍接受。frankly坦白地,直率地;generally一般地,通常地;honestly诚实地;warmly热情地。故选B。6A.pleasure BsuccessCfeeling DloveA解析:句意:工作对她来说是一种如此巨大的快乐,以至于她从未想过要停止。pleasure快乐;success成功;feeling感情;love爱情。故选A。7A.which BwhatCsince DthatD解析:句意:它是给了热情的人们年轻的气息的希望。that引出强调句型中不被强调部分,故选D。8A.whenever BwhicheverCwhatever DwhereverC解析:whenever无论什么时候;whichever无论哪一个;whatever无论什么;wherever无论哪里。句意:无论他们的年龄是什么。根据语意故选C。9A.went through Bpulled throughCgot through Dflowed throughD解析:go through通过;pull through渡过难关;get through到达;flow through流过。句意:随着音乐流过他的手指。故选D。10A.strengthen BwidenClighten DstraightenD解析:句意:他的肩将会变直,快乐会重新浮现在他的眼睛。strengthen加强;widen变宽;lighten使轻松;straighten使挺直,整顿。根据语意故选D。11A.routine BadventureCtrip DtravelB解析:句意:对于Casals来说,音乐让生活变成一个没有结局的冒险之旅。routine程序;adventure冒险;trip旅途;travel旅游。故选B。12A.after BwhileCuntil DwhenD解析:句意:当她开始画画的时候。after在之后;while当时,句子谓语动词是延续的;until直到;when当时候,句子的谓语动词可以是延续的,也可以是非延续的。故选D。13A.ended BcompletedCbegan DstartedA解析:句意:这次活动结束了她30年来的消沉时期。end结束;complete完成;begin开始;start开始。故选A。14A.amount BqualityCbeauty DatmosphereB解析:句意:她的作品的质量致使一位评论家说。amount数量;quality品质,质量;beauty美丽;atmosphere空气。根据语意故选B。15A.enthusiasm BstrengthCadvantage DpowerA解析:句意:伊丽莎白发现了她的热情。enthusiasm热情;strength力量;advantage利益;power能量。根据语意和语境故选A。16A.consists of Bdates fromClies in Dbelongs toC解析:句意:我相信答案在于词的本身。consist of由组成;date from追溯到;lie in在于,位于;belong to属于。故选C。17A.something BanythingCnothing DnoneC解析:句意:并且上帝只是一种爱的感觉。nothing but只有,只不过。something某事;anything任何事情;nothing无事;none没有人,没有任何东西。根据语意和语境故选C。18A.follows BrunsCgoes DaccompaniesA解析:句意:并且其他人的爱也随之而来。follow跟随,接着;run跑;go去;accompany伴随,伴奏。故选A。19A.in spite of Bregardless ofCbecause of Dor ratherB解析:句意:热情的人们同样热爱他们所做的一切,不管金钱或头衔或权力。in spite of不管,虽然,尽管;regardless of不管的;不顾的,后接名词、代词;because of因为;or rather更精确地说,倒不如说。故选B。20A.goal BtaskCinterest DassignmentC解析:句意:如果我们不能做我们喜欢的工作,我们可以作为一个兼职兴趣做。goal目标;task任务;interest兴趣;assignment分配,任务。故选C。.语法填空(2016济南市5月针对性训练)Doctors have been warning for years that secondhand smoke leads to many types of illness.1._,many children around the world live in areas where adults 2._(regular) smoke.A journal 3._(call) Annals of Family Medicine recently published an article,4._ called for doctors to start treating childrens contact to secondhand smoke as abuse.In that case,contact to secondhand smoke would be viewed much like physical abuse or neglect.The author of the article,Dr.Adam Goldstein,is 5._ professor at University of North Carolina School of Medicine.He says secondhand smoke 6._(cause) many diseases in children.The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agree that secondhand smoke can cause serious health problems in children.They say that compared to children who grow up in homes 7._ smokers,children with parents who smoke have smaller lungs and 8._(many) illnesses.However,several organizations for smokers rights in the US say people have the right 9._(smoke) in their own homes.Dr.Adam Goldstein has warned tobacco companies are trying to avoid and even weaken antitobacco laws,and the fight is going to be difficult.But he added,“We should not give up 10._ we make sure tobacco industry goes out of business.”【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了二手烟对孩子们的健康威胁很大。1However解析:考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空格处应用副词;结合前后句意可知,二者之间是转折关系。故填However。2regularly解析:考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空格处在句中修饰谓语动词“smoke”,须用regular的副词形式。故填regularly。3called解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格处在句中应为非谓语动词,作后置定语修饰名词“journal”,二者之间为逻辑上的动宾关系。故填called,相当于定语从句that/which is called。4which解析:考查非限制性定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语,其先行词为“an article”。故填which。that不能引导非限制性定语从句。5a解析:考查冠词。根据语境可知,本句介绍的是Dr.Adam Goldstein的职业,表泛指。故填不定冠词a。6causes解析:考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,空格处在宾语从句中作谓语,用来陈述客观事实,应与主句时态保持一致;且cause与主语“secondhand smoke”之间为主动关系。故填causes。7without解析:考查介词。根据句中“compared to.children with parents who smoke”可知,本句将父母吸烟的孩子与父母不吸烟的孩子进行了对比。故填介词without。8more解析:考查形容词的比较级。根据常识可知,父母吸烟对孩子具有很大的危害;结合“smaller lungs”可知,此处指孩子会有更多的疾病。故填more。9to smoke解析:考查非谓语动词。have the right to do sth.是固定短语,意为“有做某事的权利”。故填to smoke,在句中作名词“right”的后置定语。10until/before解析:考查从属连词。根据语境可知,本句强调一直坚持到烟草业消失为止。故填until/before。


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