高考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专项突破 第9讲高效演练跟踪检测 重庆大学版

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高考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专项突破 第9讲高效演练跟踪检测 重庆大学版_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专项突破 第9讲高效演练跟踪检测 重庆大学版_第2页
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高考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专项突破 第9讲高效演练跟踪检测 重庆大学版_第3页
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第9讲 单句语法填空1(2015全国卷样题语法填空)Are they there? Oh, my goodness. I have put them there when the phone rang.答案:must2(2015北京高考单项填空)Cant you stay a little longer?Its getting late. I really go now. My daughter is home alone.答案:must3(2015陕西高考语法和词汇知识)You feel all the training a waste of time, but Im a hundred percent sure later youll be grateful you did it.答案:may/might4(2015天津高考单项填空)I (not worry) before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me.答案:neednt have worried5According to the factory safety rules, all accidents be reported to the safety officer.答案:shall6(2014四川高考单项填空)I still remember my happy childhood when my mother take me to Disneyland at weekends.答案:would7(2014陕西高考语法和词汇知识)We would rather our daughter (stay) at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.答案:stayed8(2014重庆高考单项填空)It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I (do) it?答案:had done9(2014湖南高考单项填空)If Mr. Dewey (be) present, he would have offered any possible assistance to the people there.答案:had been10Jack is a great talker. Its high time that he (do) something instead of just talking.答案:did/should do11The upset mother thought to herself, “If only I (know) whats going on in my little boys head right now.”答案:knew12His ship was delayed because of the heavy fog yesterday; otherwise I (pick) him up on time.答案:would have picked13(2016陕西西工大附中模拟)Im going to San Francisco for a couple of days.I really envy you. How I wish I (get) away for a while.答案:would/could get14(2016福州一中模拟)He agreed to our suggestion that we (put) on a play at the English evening.答案:should put15It is advised that one (take) plenty of boiled water.答案:(should) take 单句改错1Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.You might not have my computer if you dont take care of it.mightshall2I suppose he dares tell the manager the truth.在dares后加to或daresdare3Will the book I ordered arrive on time?It shall, if there is no traffic jam.shallshould/will4On Sundays when I was a child, father and I will get up early and go fishing.willwould5I find it astonishing that John would be so rude to me.Not astonishing at all. He is always rude to others.wouldshould6(2016北京海淀区模拟)Jeff, whats up? You are not yourself today.Oh, Mom. I really wish I got the chance but I failed.got前加had7(2016江西师大附中等重点中学联考)He called to tell me that she was in hospital, otherwise I have known nothing about it.在have前加would8He will come tomorrow.But Id rather he comes the day after tomorrow.comescame 语法填空A new opera, written by a secondgeneration NigerianAmerican, tells 1. story of Harriet Tubman, who escaped from slavery and led others to 2. (free) a centuryandahalf ago.Tubman was born into slavery in the state of Maryland in 1822. In 1849, a dozen years before the U. S. Civil War which was aimed 3. solving the question of slavery in southern states, Tubman escaped to the north and freed herself. But she 4. (become) famous because she went back to rescue the rest of her family and anyone else that would go with her.Tubman helped arrange a series of safe houses and 5. (hide) places called the Underground Railroad, 6. escaped slaves used to reach freedom. People who ran the Underground Railroad were called“conductors”There are many tall tales about Tubmans life. Those early 7. (story) turned into a fascination that Okoye has now turned into a work of art.“After I graduated from college, I wanted to remember Harriet Tubman by writing a 8. (high) fictionalized (小说式的) account of her,” she said.Afterwards, she 9. (inspire) to dig into the true story of Tubman, rather than the legend. Using that research, Okoye created 10. is called a“folk opera”【文章大意】本文讲述了美国历史人物Harriet Tubman的事迹以及Okoye把她的事迹改编成民族歌剧的故事。1the解析: 考查定冠词。 根据语境可知, 此处特指Harriet Tubman的故事, 故用定冠词the。 2freedom解析: 考查名词。 一个半世纪前, Harriet Tubman摆脱奴隶身份, 并带领其他人奔向自由。 根据lead sb. to sth. 可知, 空处应填名词。 3at解析: 考查介词。 be aimed at doing sth. 为固定搭配。 4became解析: 考查一般过去时。 根据空后的“because she went back” 及语境可知, 此处应用一般过去时。 5hiding解析: 考查动名词。 动名词修饰名词时可以表示该名词的用途, 此处表示“藏身之处” , 应用动名词。 6which解析: 考查关系代词。 此处是一个非限制性定语从句, 定语从句缺宾语, 先行词指物, 故应填入关系代词which。 7stories解析: 考查名词的数。 根据本句中的“Those” 可知, 此处应用名词的复数形式。 8highly解析: 考查副词。 此处修饰形容词fictionalized, 故要填入副词形式。 9was inspired解析: 考查动词的时态和语态。 根据语境可知, 她是受到鼓励而去挖掘Harriet Tubman的真实故事, 且这个事情发生在过去, 故应用一般过去时的被动语态。 10what解析: 考查宾语从句。 此处是一个宾语从句, 宾语从句中缺主语, 故用what引导。 短文改错(2016大连模拟)In the summer holiday,we travelled to Qingdao and paid visit to my uncle there.It was a long and bored journey.But the moment I arrived,I fall in love with the city.Its such beautiful a city that I can hardly find any word to describe it.The streets are cleaning and the sky is blue.If you walk along the coast,you can feel the wind to blowing on your face.The sea is vast and sometimes you can find a boat or a ship.You may also do some fishing as far as it is permitted.Moreover,I think the driver there drive too fast in the street.You can never be too careless when crossing the street.答案:In the summer holiday,we travelled to Qingdao and paid visit to my uncle there.It was a long and journey.But the moment I arrived,I in love with the city.Its beautiful a city that I can hardly find any word to describe it.The streets are and the sky is blue.If you walk along the coast,you can feel the wind to blowing on your face.The sea is vast and sometimes you can find a boat or a ship.You may also do some fishing as as it is permitted. ,I think the there drive too fast in the street.You can never be too when crossing the street.


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