高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 4 Living Planet知能演练轻松闯关 重庆大学版必修5

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高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 4 Living Planet知能演练轻松闯关 重庆大学版必修5_第1页
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高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 4 Living Planet知能演练轻松闯关 重庆大学版必修5_第2页
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高考英语总复习 第1部分 基础考点聚焦 Unit 4 Living Planet知能演练轻松闯关 重庆大学版必修5_第3页
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Unit 4 Living Planet.单句语法填空1. A completely new situation will arise when the examination system comes into (exist)答案:existence2Whenever I have to give a speech,I get (extreme) nervous before I start.答案:extremely3Often organized outdoors or at big venues due their popularity,music festivals provide one day or even several days of nonstop entertainment.答案:to4The number of the tourists trapped high in the air at a scenic spot (add) up to eight last night.答案:added5The jobless rate remains (stick) at 9.6 percent,and the president says more work is needed.答案:stuck6Of the two readable books,which do you think is the (much) suitable one for me to read?答案:more7The Voice of China has set up a big stage for young people with a talent for music, some of them have stood out among others.答案:where8In spite of his broken English,he can make himself (understand)答案:understood9The speech was very ,and we were to tears.(move)答案:moving;moved10The former policy allowed a couple to have a second birth either was an only child.答案:if.阅读理解(2016河北七校联考)It was something she had dreamed of since she was five.Finally,after years of training and intensive workouts,Deborah Duffey was going to compete in her first high school basketball game.The goals of becoming an outstanding player and playing college ball were never far from Deborahs mind.The game was against Mills High School.With 1 minute and 42 seconds left in the game,Deborahs team led by one point.A player of Mills had possession of the ball,and Deborah ran to guard against her.As Deborah was running to block the player,her knee went out and she fell down on the court in burning pain.Just like that,Deborahs season was over.After suffering the bad injury,Deborah found that,for the first time in her life,she was in a situation beyond her control.Game after game,she could do nothing but sit on the sidelines watching others play the game that she loved so much.Injuries limited Deborahs time on the court as she hurt her knees three more times in the next five years.She had to spend countless hours in a physical clinic to receive treatment.Her frequent visits there gave her a passion and respect for the profession.And Deborah began to see a new light in her life.Currently as a senior in college,Deborah focuses on getting a degree in physical treatment.After she graduates,Deborah plans to use her knowledge to educate people how to best take care of their bodies and cope with the feelings of hopelessness that she remembers so well.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了Deborah Duffey是如何在篮球比赛受伤后找到新的人生方向的。1What is the best title for this passage?AA Painful MistakeBA Great AdventureCA Lifelong PunishmentDA New Direction in LifeD解析:标题归纳题。根据文章最后一段可知,Deborah Duffey现在正在大学学习理疗,毕业后,她打算利用所学知识教育人们如何照顾身体和应对无助的感受,即Deborah找到了人生的新方向,故选D项。2How did Deborah feel when she first hurt her knee?ACalm.BConfused.CAshamed. DDisappointed.D解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“she was in a situation beyond her control.Game after game,she could do nothing but.loved so much.”可推知,Deborah对自己目前的状况感到失望,故选D项。3Which is TRUE about Deborah Duffey?AShe didnt play on the court after the injury.BShe injured her knee when she was trying to block a player.CShe knew that she couldnt be a basketball player when she was a child.DShe refused to seek professional assistance to help her recover from her injuries.B解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“As Deborah was running to block the player,her knee went out and she fell down on the court in burning pain.”可知,Deborah在拦截一个球员时,膝盖受伤了,故选B项。4What does the underlined phrase “cope with” in the last paragraph most likely mean?APut up with. BGet along with.CDeal with. DCome up with.C解析:词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知,Deborah Duffey现在正在大学学习理疗,毕业后,她打算利用所学的知识教育人们如何照顾身体和应对无助的感觉,deal with“处理”,故选C项。.完形填空(2016石家庄模拟)Communication is an important part of any relationship. Many of us are 1 to share our experiences or emotions with our friends. But when its our turn to lend a(n) 2 , we soon become bored or are short of idea on how to 3 and offer advice.Thats because of what researchers call “listener burnout(倦怠)”. A friend might talk to us 4 , often complaining about the same 5 problems. When we offer quick advice to 6 the situation, we may be unconsciously trying to 7 ourselves from burnout. However, good listeners 8 their natural tendency to solve the others problems hurriedly and to keep the conversation brief.To be a good 9 , you need to use“active listening”. It starts with the real 10 to help others and think through their feelings. Dont 11 things. You can start by putting your phone 12 and sitting close to your friend. Let your facial expressions 13 what he or she is saying. 14 you are able to fully understand, acknowledge the other persons 15 by reflecting them back,“That must be really hard for you.” Use 16 words or even sounds such as “yes”,“right”, and “hmm” to 17 the other person to continue.Of course, a 18 can be extremely hard if the other person is too critical. But dont get defensive. Effective listeners dont 19 negative criticism. Instead, they listen and understand what the person is trying to convey 20 responding.【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。文章主要讨论了如何才能成为一个好的倾听者。1A.afraidBhesitantCshy DeagerD解析:A项意为“害怕的”;B项意为“犹豫的”;C项意为“害羞的”;D项意为“热切的”。根据下文中的“But.we soon become bored”的转折可推知,许多人都乐意与朋友分享自己的经历或感情。故答案选D。2A.shoulder Bhand Cear DeyeC解析:A项意为“肩膀”;B项意为“手”;C项意为“耳朵”;D项意为“眼睛”。根据下文中的“listener burnout(倦怠)”和“talk to us ,often complaining about.”可推知,此处意为“但当轮到我们去倾听时”。故答案选C。3A.explain Brespond Cargue DquitB解析:A项意为“解释”;B项意为“回应”;C项意为“辩论,争辩”;D项意为“停止”。根据下文中的“and offer advice”及“trying to convey responding”的提示可知,倾听时我们很快就厌烦了,或者不知如何做出回应并提供建议。故答案选B。4A.endlessly Baimlessly Cdeliberately DcautiouslyA解析:A项意为“无尽地”;B项意为“漫无目的地”;C项意为“故意地”;D项意为“谨慎地,小心地”。根据下文中的“often complaining”可知,有一些朋友总是抱怨,他们会不停地说。故答案选A。5A.difficult BoldCacute DsensitiveB解析:A项意为“困难的”;B项意为“老的,旧的”;C项意为“严重的”;D项意为“敏感的”。根据“often”和“the same”可知,有些朋友在不断地抱怨同一个老套的问题。故答案选B。6A.fix BdiscussCcreate DdescribeA解析:A项意为“解决(问题)”;B项意为“讨论”;C项意为“创造”;D项意为“描述”。根据下文中的“to solve the others problems hurriedly”可知,我们会快速地给出建议来解决问题。故答案选A。7A.forgive BprotectCdiscourage DpreventB解析:A项意为“原谅”;B项意为“保护”;C项意为“使气馁”;D项意为“阻止”。根据上文的“quick”可推知,人们不想让自己表现出厌倦,因此速战速决。protect sb.from sth.意为“保护免于”;prevent用于“prevent sb./sth.”或“prevent sb.from doing sth.”结构,与文中结构不符。故答案选B。8A.follow BdisplayCform DovercomeD解析:A项意为“跟随”;B项意为“展示”;C项意为“形成,养成”;D项意为“克服”。根据上文语境和“However”可推知,好的倾听者会避免匆忙给出建议。故答案选D。9A.reader BpartnerClistener DspeakerC解析:A项意为“读者”;B项意为“合作者”;C项意为“听众”;D项意为“说话者,演讲者,扬声器”。根据上文“good listeners”及下文“active listening”可知,此处表示做一个好的倾听者。故答案选C。10A.demand BhabitCdesire DabilityC解析:A项意为“要求”;B项意为“习惯”;C项意为“愿望,渴望,欲望”;D项意为“能力”。根据上文“active listening”可知,好的倾听者会真心想帮助对方、考虑对方的感受。故答案选C。11A.rush BskipCoverlook DpostponeA解析:A项意为“匆忙地做”;B项意为“跳过”;C项意为“忽略,俯瞰”;D项意为“推迟”。根据上文“When we offer quick advice”和“to solve the others problems hurriedly”可知,此处指不要仓促行事。故答案选A。12A.off Baway Cout DupB解析:put off意为“推迟”;put away意为“将收起”;put out意为“记下,熄灭”;put up意为“张贴”。根据语境可知,既然要好好地倾听,那么就要把电话收起来,与下文“sitting close to your friend”呼应。故答案选B。13A.record BrestrictCreflect DreplaceC解析:A项意为“记录”;B项意为“限制”;C项意为“显示,表明,认真思考”;D项意为“替代”。根据下文“by reflecting them back”可知,此处表示让你的面部表情表现出你的关心和兴趣。故答案选C。14A.Whether BSinceCWhile DIfA解析:A项意为“是否”;B项意为“自从,既然”;C项意为“然而,尽管,在期间”;D项意为“如果”。根据语境可知,上下文表示逻辑上的条件关系,故答案选A。15A.suggestions BpurposesCresponses DfeelingsD解析:A项意为“建议”;B项意为“目的”;C项意为“回应”;D项意为“感受”。根据上文“and think through their feelings”可知,此处表示理解他人的感受。故答案选D。16A.big BtoughCstrong DshortD解析:A项意为“大的”;B项意为“艰苦的,困难的”;C项意为“强壮的”;D项意为“短的,矮的”。根据下文“such asyes,right,and hmm”可推知,这些话语都是很简短的。故答案选D。17A.force BremindCencourage DconvinceC解析:A项意为“强迫”;B项意为“提醒”;C项意为“鼓励”;D项意为“使确信”。根据上文语境可知,倾听时,简短的回应可以鼓励对方继续讲下去,与上文“active listening”呼应。故答案选C。18A.suggestion BconversationCproblem DlectureB解析:A项意为“建议”;B项意为“谈话”;C项意为“问题”;D项意为“讲座”。因为本文的主题是如何做一个好的倾听者,因此此处表示双方的谈话。故答案选B。19A.give up Bmake upCleave out Dblock outD解析:A项意为“放弃”;B项意为“化妆,组成”;C项意为“漏掉”;D项意为“遮住,遮挡”。根据下文“Instead,they listen and understand”可推知,一个优秀的倾听者是不会规避负面评论的。故答案选D。20A.before BafterCwhile DonceA解析:A项意为“在之前”;B项意为“在之后”;C项意为“然而,尽管,在期间”;D项意为“一旦,曾经”。根据语境可知,一个好的倾听者在回应以前要充分理解他人所要表达的意思,与上文“you are able to fully understand”呼应。故答案选A。.短文改错(2016济南市针对性训练)My classmates and I take part in a wildness survival program from July 10th to July 13th this summer. Before we started, we given a compass, a map, a firstaid kit, tents, food, any clothes and so on. On the way we climbed three more hills and swam across two rivers. We lost our way in the forest. Lucky we found the right direction with a compass. As soon as they arrived at the campsite, we put up our tents, made a fire and then started cooking. We also learned what to give firstaid.Through the program, we learned to use knowledge gaining in class to solve problem. It was quite an unforgettable experience for me.答案:My classmates and I part in a wildness survival program from July 10th to July 13th this summer.Before we started,we given a compass,a map,a firstaid kit,tents,food, clothes and so on.On the way we climbed three more hills and swam across two rivers.We lost our way in the forest. we found the right direction with compass.As soon as arrived at the campsite,we put up our tents,made a fire and then started cooking.We also learned to give firstaid.Through the program,we learned to use knowledge in class to solve .It was quite an unforgettable experience for me.


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