高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选编(一)11

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山西应县2017高考英语完形填空一轮选编(一)2016高考完形填空训练题。阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It was during those hard days in a small community Food was in short supply I used to stop by MrMillers stand for 41 One particular day, while MrMiller was 42 some potatoes for me I noticed a small boy 43 admiring a basket of green peas Soon I was also 44 to the fresh green peasThe boy left MrsMiller _ 45 to me and said, There are two other such boys in our 46 _, all from poor families Jim always offers to 47 our produce for their marbles(弹珠) He somehow makes them believe he likes red marbles 48 Sometimes he even sends them home with some peas for 49 I left the stand, 50 with this manYears later, I went back to visit some 51 in that community and while I was there I learned MrMiller had died I agreed to 52 my friends to see MrsMiller Upon our arrival, we offered whatever words of 53 Ahead of us were three young men They moved to the casket(棺椁) MrsMillers eyes followed them 54 each young man placed his own 55 hand over the cold pale hand and then leftOur turn came to meet MrsMillerI told her who I was and mentioned the 56 of the marbles She said, Those three young men were the boys They told me how they 57 Jims kindnessWeve never had much 58 , she said, but right now, Jim would consider himself the 59 man Then she lifted her husbands lifeless fingers 60 beneath the hand were three shining, red marbles !41A flowers B grains Cvegetables D fruits42A bagging B digging Cselling D cooking43A happily B hungrily Ccuriously D seriously44A carried B sent Cdrawn D led45A pulled up B picked up C got up D came up46A community B town C home D store47A trade B bring C change D get48A in time B in particular C on purpose D on average49A something B everything C anything D nothing50A impressed B surprised C disappointed D satisfied51A relatives B friends C businessmen D workers52Aintroduce B send C accompany D assist53A comfort B thanks C praise D encouragement54A since B whether C because D as55A cool B warm C red D pale56A price B color C story D number57A appreciated B forgot C needed D helped58A debt B wealth C hope D health59A tallest B dearest C richest D toughest60ARolling BFading CHanging DResting完形填空41. B 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. D 51. A 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. B 59. D 60. C 完形填空【2014厦门市双十中学高三模拟】Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It speaks _1_than words.According to specialists,our bodies send out more_2_than we realize.In fact,nonverbal (非言语) communication takes up about 50% of what we really_3_.And body language is particularly_4_when we attempt to communicate across cultures.Indeed,what is called body language is so_5_a part of us that its actually often unnoticed.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it._6_,different societies treat the_7_between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having_8_contact (接触) even with friends,and certainly not with_9_.People from Latin American countries,_10_,touch each other quite a lot.Therefore,its possible that in_11_,it may look like a Latino is_12_a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino,trying to express friendship,will keep moving _13_.The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep_14_which the Latino will in return regard as _15_.Clearly,a great deal is going on when people_16_.And only a part of it is in the words themselves.And when parties are from_17_cultures,theres a strong possibility of _18_.But whatever the situation,the best_19_is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be_20_.1.AstraighterBlouderCharderDfurther2A.soundsBinvitationsCfeelingsDmessages3A.hopeBreceiveCdiscoverDmean4A.immediateBmisleadingCimportantDdifficult5A.wellBfarCmuch Dlong6A.For example BThusCHowever DIn short7A.tradeBdistanceCconnections Dgreetings8A.eye BverbalCbodilyDtelephone9A.strangersBrelativesCneighboursDenemies10A.in other words Bon the other handCin a similar wayDby all means11A.troubleBconversationCsilence Dexperiment12A.disturbingBhelpingCguiding Dfollowing13A.closerBfasterCinDaway14A.stepping forward Bgoing onCbacking away Dcoming out15A.weakness BcarelessnessCfriendliness Dcoldness16A.talkBtravelClaugh Dthink17A.differentBEuropean CLatino Drich18A.curiosity BexcitementCmisunderstandingDnervousness19A.chance BtimeCresult Dadvice20A.noticedBtreatedCrespectedDpleased语篇解读本文是说明文,介绍了肢体语言的作用,以及在不同文化里肢体语言的不同含义。通过学习本文我们可以了解文化的趣味性。1解析:由首句“肢体语言是所有语言中沉默、秘密而又最有威力的语言!”可知,本句应表示“肢体语言比语言更有说服力”,所以本题选择louder。答案:B2解析:我们的肢体发出多于我们可以想象到的信息。身体发出的是message“信息”,而不是sound。sound泛指自然界一切声音;invitation邀请;feeling感情,感受。答案:D3解析:事实上,非言语交际占据了我们想表达的大约50%。mean意思是,意味着。答案:D4解析:根据下文论述,当涉及跨文化交流时,肢体语言尤为重要,故选important重要的。immediate立刻的,表示动作的直接性和迅速性;misleading误导的;difficult困难的。答案:C5解析:肢体语言几乎已经成为我们的组成部分,以致常常被忽视。此处实际上是对“so much a(n)名词”的用法的考查。四个选项中有此用法的只有much。答案:C6解析:下文是举例,故选For example“例如”。thus因此;however然而;in short简而言之。答案:A7解析:不同的社会对人们之间的距离有不同认识。空格后面的北欧人和拉丁美洲人等的例子都与distance“距离”有关。答案:B8解析:北欧人通常不喜欢肢体的接触,故选bodily“身体的”,下文的touch each other是提示。答案: C9解析:北欧人不喜欢和朋友有肢体上的接触,更不用说陌生人了。enemy虽然与friend相对,但此处是说不同国度文化的差异,并不是敌我的分歧。答案:A10解析:由上文可知,此处表示语意上的转折,故选on the other hand“另一方面”,本句讲到拉丁美洲人喜欢肢体接触。in other words换句话说;in a similar way用相似的方法;by all means当然可以。答案:B11解析:trouble麻烦;conversation谈话,交谈;silence寂静,沉默;experiment实验。in conversation在交谈中,在会话中。答案:B12解析:在交谈中,北欧人不喜欢肢体接触,拉丁美洲人喜欢肢体接触,所以我们看到的很可能是一个拉丁美洲人跟随一个挪威人移动,故选following“跟随”。答案:D13解析:拉丁美洲人喜欢肢体接触,为了表示友好,会离挪威人越来越近,故选closer(更近地)。答案:A14解析:挪威人不喜欢肢体接触,会一直向后退,故选backing away后退。step forward前进;go on继续;come out出版,发芽。答案:C15解析:挪威人的后退反过来会让拉丁美洲人觉得是冷漠。weakness虚弱;carelessness粗心;friendliness友谊;coldness冷漠。答案:D16解析:选项中的talk(交谈)与上文的conversation相呼应,且文章主要讲述交谈中的body language。答案:A17解析:different不同的;European欧洲的;Latino拉丁美洲的;rich富裕的。different cultures不同的文化。答案:A18解析:当来自不同文化的人聚会时,有可能会出现误解,故选misunderstanding“误会,误解”。curiosity好奇心;excitement兴奋;nervousness紧张。答案:C19解析:此处是对避免误解而提出建议,故选advice“建议”。chance机会;time时间,次数,倍数;result结果。答案:D20解析:你希望怎样被对待,那你就那样对待别人,B选项与前面的treat others相呼应,一个是主动形式,一个是被动形式(to be treated)。答案:B2016高考完型填空训练题。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。England was one of the first countries to set aside a day to recognize mothersIn the eighteenth century, 21 many people worked as household servants for the 22 , Mothering Sunday was _ 23 for them to return home to be with their mothersThough this 24 stopped when the Industrial Revolution altered the working and living patterns of people, one 25 for mothers was established as a holiday in the twentieth centuryIn the United States, Mothers Day did not become a(n) 26 holiday until 1915Its establishment was 27 due to the perseverance and love of one 28 , Anna JarvisAnnas mother had provided strength and support as the family 29 their home in West Virginia and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 30 her father served as a ministerWhen Mrs Jarvis died on May 5, 1905, Anna was determined to 31 herShe asked a minister at the church in West Virginia to give a sermon(布道) 32 memory of her motherOn the same Sunday in Philadelphia, ministers there honoured Mrs.Jarvis and all mothers with a (n) 33 Mothers Day serviceAnna Jarvis began writing to congressmen, asking them to 34 a day to honour mothers. In 1910, the governor of West Virginia proclaimed(宣布) the second Sunday in May as Mothers Day and a year later every state 35 itOn Mother s Day morning some American children 36 the tradition of serving their mothers breakfast in bedOther children will give their mothers 37 which they have made themselves or bought in 38 Adults give their mothers red carnations, the official Mothers Day flowerIf their mothers 39 , they may bring white carnations to their grave(坟墓)sitesThis is the busiest day of the year for American 40 On the special day, family members do not want Mom to cook dinner!21Abefore Bsince Cwhen Duntil22Arich Bpoor Cliving Dinjured23Aprotected Breserved Cchanged Dpersuaded24Aform Bcustom Chabit Dplan25AMonday BWednesday CSunday DFriday26Aordinary Bcommon Cregular Dofficial27Anearly Blargely Cdeeply Dhighly28Amother Bsister Cdaughter Dwaitress29Adestroyed Bfound Cmade Dleft30Awhere B. when Cwhy Dhow31Areward Bhonour Caward Dinspire32Aon Bat Cin Dfor33Aspecial Bexpensive Csimple Deasy34Aput off Bgive up Ctake on Dset aside35Aunderstood Breceived Ccelebrated Dprevented36Afollow Brefuse Caccept Dsupport37Aletters Bgifts Ccalls Dtoys38Aschools Bchurches Cstores Dhospitals39Awent ahead Bmoved on Cstayed up Dpassed away40Arestaurants Bdepartments Coffices Dmarkets 完型填空21-25 CABBC 26-30 DBCCA 31-35 BCADC 36-40 ABCDA22015年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国新课标卷)Where do you go when you want to learn something? School? A friend? A tutor? These are all 41 places of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really want 42 somewhere else instead. I had the 43 of seeing this first hand on a 44 .My daughter plays on a recreational soccer team. They did well this season and so 45 a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some 46 experiences on Saturday as they played against teams 47 trained. Through the first two games, her 48 did not get one serious shot on goal. As a parent, I 49 seeing my daughter playing her best, 50 still defeated.It seemed that something clicked with the 51 between Saturday and Sunday. When they 52 for their Sunday game, they were 53 different. They had begun to integrate (融合) the kinds of play and teamwork they had 54 the day before into their 55 . They played aggressively and 56 scored a goal.It 57 me that playing against the other team was a great 58 moment for all the girls on the team. I think it is a general principle. 59 is the best teacher. The lessons they learned may not be 60 what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and meaningful, because they had to work them out on their own.41. A. publicB. traditionalC. officialD. special42. A. passes B. works C. lies D. ends43. A. dream B. ideaC. habitD. chance44. A. trip B. holidayC. weekendD. square45. A. wonB. entered C. organizedD. watched46. A. painfulB. strange C. commonD. practical47. A. lessB. poorlyC. newly D. better48. A. fansB. tutors C. class D. team49. A. imaginedB. hatedC. avoidedD. missed50. A. if B. or C. butD. as51. A. girls B. parentsC. coaches D. viewers52. A. dressed B. showed up C. made up D. planned53. A. slightly B. hardlyC. basically D. completely54. A. seen B. knownC. heard D. read55. A. styles B. trainingC. gameD. rules56. A. evenB. stillC. seldom D. again57. A. confusedB. struck C. remindedD. warned58. A. touchingB. thinkingC. encouragingD. learning59. A. ExperienceB. IndependenceC. CuriosityD. Interest60. A. harmful to B. mixed withC. different fromD. applied to【文章大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者讲述了通过观看女儿所在的足球队和比自己强的队进行比赛,在实战中学习的过程,总结出看来学习不都是在学校跟着老师学的。语篇解读 当你想学东西的时候你会去哪里呢? 学校? 朋友? 导师? 本文通过女儿踢足球的经历介绍一个不同的地方,即通过自己的体验,你会学到更棒更有意义的东西。【语篇导读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者女儿所在的球队因为这个赛季表现突出而入围锦标赛。虽然与强手角逐的前两场比赛中失利,但是善于吸取教训的孩子们在周日的比赛中进球了。通过这次经历,作者得出结论:学习的途径有许多,通过亲身实践得来的经验更加富有意义。试题分析:本文通过看女儿参加的一场足球锦标赛,给我们启发,学校里的学习很重要,但是亲身经历和实践是更好的学习和老师。本文是一篇记叙文。作者的女儿所在的足球队在和训练有素的对手比赛时前两场输了,但是这些女孩子把比赛的经验融合到了第二天的比赛中,终于得分了。作者由此得出了“经验是最好的老师”的结论。21【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的形容词辨析。【答案】B【解析】学校,朋友,老师,这些都是传统的学习渠道,而非公共的、官方的、特殊的地方。21B根据下文Butsomewhere else instead可知,这些都是传统意义上的学习的地方。考查语境中形容词的辨析。根据首句的意思及“School? A friend? A tutor?”,再结合生活常识,不难看出,这些都是传统意义上的(traditional)学习途径。public公共的:official官方的,正式的:special特别的。均不符合题意。22【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的动词词义辨析。【答案】C【解析】但是很有可能你真正想学的在除此以外的别的地方。此空是learning的谓语,lie位于,在于。22C根据第一句话的Where可知这里是lie,意为“在于”。考查语境中动词的辨析。既然你想要的学习方式不是传统的:在学校里跟朋友交流或向导师求教。那么它很可能会存在于其它地方。lie(位于,存在于)符合语境。23【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的名词辨析。【答案】D【解析】“我”有机会在一个周末亲眼看到。first hand第一手的,亲自的。A梦想;B观点;C习惯,都不符合句意。23D have the chance of意为“有的机会”。考查语境中名词的辨析。联系下文可知,“我”有机会亲自观看了女儿的一场足球赛并领悟到了这一点。dream梦想;idea主意;habit习惯。均与句意不符。评析这句话起到承上启下的作用,作者有这样一个机会目睹第一手的材料,以下的女儿踢球的故事印证了作者要表达的主题:通过亲自体验和领悟,能够学到更有价值的东西。24【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的下文呼应。【答案】C【解析】从下文得知比赛在周末进行。24C根据第二、三段可知这次体验是在周末。考查语境中名词的辨析。作者下面叙述的几场比赛都是发生在周六和周日的,因此答案选C。25【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的动词词义辨析。【答案】B【解析】女儿的球队表现好进入了这个赛季的联赛。这个联赛通常只让技术更加娴熟的俱乐部球队参加。因为比赛还没有进行,所以不可能胜利。C组织;D观看。她们是队员,应该参加比赛。25B根据上文They did very well this season可知答案。考查语境中动词的辨析。这个赛季女儿所在的球队表现出色而有资格参加锦标赛。win赢;enter进入;organize组织;watch观看。26【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的下文照应。【答案】A【解析】根据下文的“跟比她们好的队比赛”、“没有进球”的提示可知这些经历是痛苦的。B奇怪的,陌生的;C普遍的;D实际的。26A根据上文normally was only for more skilled club teams可知答案。考查语境中形容词的辨析。由于参加锦标赛的多是技术更加娴熟的俱乐部球队,他们的球员训练有素(well trained),技术过硬。女儿的球队艰难鏖战,还是没有一次真正意义上的射门(did not get one serious shot on goal)。painful困难的,艰难的;strange奇怪的:common普通的;practical实用的。由句意可知A项为正确答案。27【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的上文呼应。【答案】D【解析】上文提到参加联赛的球队都技高一筹,所以此处是说和训练得比她们好的队比赛。27D根据上文可知对手比她们强。28【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的措辞界定。【答案】D【解析】前两场比赛,她们队没有一个像样的射门。28D根据下文did not get one serious shot on goal可知答案。考查语境中名词的辨析。联系上下文可知,女儿所在的球队在前两场比赛中未能进球得分。故答案选D。29【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的前后呼应。【答案】B【解析】作为家长,“我”不愿意看到孩子虽然尽力,但还是输了的结果。29B根据前面一句话可知,我讨厌看到女儿尽全力踢,但是还是被打败。考查语境中动词的辨析。作为父母,谁也没有想到愿意看到竭尽全力踢球的孩子遭受失败的结局? imagine想象;hate憎恨;avoid避免;miss错过。由语境可知B项最能表达此意。30【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的上下文逻辑关系。【答案】C【解析】上下句是转折关系。30C此处表示转折。考查语境中连词的辨析。由空格前的played her best和still defeated的语意逻辑,不难看出前后为转折关系。因此C项为正确答案。31【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的常识判断。【答案】A【解析】文章提到的是“女儿”。所以队员应该都是和她一样的girls。在周六和周日之间,孩子们好像一下子开窍了。31. A根据上文可知此处为girls。考查语境中名词的辨析。女儿所在的球队在接下来的比赛中有了很大的改变。由此可以推断该句意思是“周日比赛之前,这群女孩子似乎突然间明白了什么。”故A项正确。It seemed that something clicked with the girls between Saturday and Sunday. 在周六和周日之间,这群女孩子们似乎突然间明白了什么(好像一下子开窍了)。32【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的上文照应。【答案】B【解析】在周日出场的比赛中,她们表现得完全不同。show up出现;make up组成,编造。32B根据上下文可知此处为show up“出现”。考查语境中短语动词的辨析。由语境可知,周六比赛失利,女孩子们又出现在周日的赛场上。show up(出现,露面)与语境相吻合。33【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的副词辨析。【答案】D【解析】slightly稍微地,hardly几乎不,basically基本上,completely完全地。33D根据上下文可知此处意为“完全不同”。A:稍微;B:几乎不;C:大体上;D:彻底地。考查语境中副词的辨析。根据下文所述,女孩子们的表现与上一场比赛迥然不同。slightly稍微;hardly几乎不;basically基本上;completely完全地。34【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的动词辨析。【答案】A【解析】她们把前一天看到的比赛方法融合到自己的比赛中。虽然比赛输了,但她们看到了比赛中其他队的战术。34A根据上下文可知答案。考查语境中动词的辨析。她们的表现之所以有很大改观是因为善于总结经验教训,将周六比赛中看到的对方团队协作的技术运用到自己的比赛中。由语境可知A项正确。35【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的固定搭配。【答案】C【解析】integrate into把融合到里。在这里当然指比赛。A型号,样式;B训练;D规则。35C根据上下文可知为game。她们把前一天在赛场上看到的打法和团队精神运用到自己的赛场上。所以才和以前不同。36【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的上文照应与逻辑关系。【答案】A【解析】她们踢得很有攻击性,甚至进了一球。因为昨天她们连一个像样的射门都没有。36. A根据上文played aggressively可知这里是递进关系。考查语境中副词的辨析。在强手面前,孩子们努力拼搏,志在必得,甚至还进了一个球。even甚至;still仍然;seldom很少:again又,再。37【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的措辞界定和固定搭配。【答案】B【解析】这让“我”突然想到和别的队踢球,对队里的每个孩子来说都是学习的时刻。It struck me that“我”突然想到作者是看到她们的进步突然想到的。remind提醒,使想起,与句意不符。A使迷惑;D警告。37B这是一个固定句型,It strikes/struck me that意为“我猛地意识到”。考查语境中动词的辨析。由作者接下来阐发的感想可知这是他从这场比赛中突然想到的。It strikes sb that意为“使某人突然想到”。38【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的上文照应。【答案】D【解析】本段是文章的结束段,与首句的learning进行收尾呼应,在此点题。38D根据首段可知这里表示这是一个学习的时刻。考查语境中动词的辨析。由前文对比赛的描述可知,对于球队的每个孩子来说,这场比赛是一个学习的好机会。因此答案为D。39【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的措辞界定。【答案】A【解析】句意:经历是最好的老师。A经历,经验;B独立;C好奇;D兴趣。她们的学习属于在实践中得到的,这次比赛对她们来说是一次经历。39A根据上面所举的例子可知,经历是最好的老师。考查语境中名词的辨析。通过这场比赛,孩子们学到了以前没有接触到的东西,经历促使发她们成长得更快,经历是最好的老师。experience经历,经验;independence独立;curiosity好奇心;interest兴趣。其余三项均与短文主旨无关。40【考点】本题考查语篇理解中的措辞界定和固定搭配。【答案】C【解析】她们所学到的和在学校学到的可能没有什么不同,但是因为是她们自己学到的,那当然更有意义了。A对有害;B和混合;D应用于。40C根据上下文可知选C。A:对有害;B:与混合:C:与不同;D:应用于。查语境中形容词的辨析。由后面but一词的转折意义可以推断本句的意思:孩子们通过赛场总结的经验或许与课堂上学到的经验并无二致,但从赛场上获取的经验肯定会更有个性化,更加有意义。因为那是靠亲自实践得来的。因此,答案非C莫属。参考译文:当你想学东西的时候你会去哪里呢? 学校? 朋友? 导师?这些都是传统意义上的学习的地方。但很可能你真地想要的学习却在其他某个地方。“我”有机会在周末亲眼目睹了女儿的一场足球赛并领悟到了这一点。我女儿在一个业余队里踢球。女儿的球队表现好进入了这个赛季的联赛。这个联赛通常只让技术更加娴熟的俱乐部球队参加。当她们周六对抗的球队是一些受过更好训练的强队时,这给她们带来一些痛苦的经历。通过前两轮比赛,尽管女儿的球队艰难鏖战,还是没有一次真正意义上的射门,作为一位家长,“我”不愿意看到孩子虽然尽力,但还是输了的结果。在周六和周日之间,这群女孩子们似乎突然间明白了什么(好像一下子开窍了)。周六比赛失利,当她们出现在周日的赛场上时,女孩子们的表现与上一场比赛迥然不同。她们开始把前一天在赛场上看到的打法和团队合作精神融合到自己的比赛中。她们踢得很有攻击性,甚至进了一球。这让“我”突然想到和别的队踢球,对队里的每个孩子来说都是学习的时刻。我认为这是一个普遍原则。经历是最好的老师。孩子们通过赛场总结的经验或许与课堂上学到的经验并无二致(可能不会有太大的不同),但从赛场上获取的经验肯定会更有个性化,更加有意义。因为那是靠亲自实践得来的。


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