高中英语 课时作业16 Module 6 War and Peace 外研版选修6

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课时作业(十六)Module 6War and Peace.单词拼写1A camel can store enough water in its body to_(持续) more than a week.答案:last2She knew that society would_(谴责) her for leaving her children.答案:condemn3He went to rescue a _(溺水的) child regardless of his personal safety.答案:drowning4The heartless man_(抛弃) his disabled wife and ran away with all their money.答案:abandoned5Though_(受伤),the soldier managed to get to the village safely.答案:wounded6It is our duty to defend our country when she is_(侵略)答案:invaded7. Our garden is_(俯视) from the neighbors balcony.答案:overlooked8He has taught men and women of all ages and of various_(国籍)答案:nationalities.用所给词的适当形式填空1The boy was one of the_(survive) of the accident.答案:survivors2I felt very_(shock) at the news that a tsunami hit Japan in 2011.答案:shocked3May I take this seat?Sorry,this seat is_(occupy)答案:occupied4Though_(wound),the soldier managed to get to the village safely.答案:wounded5It was half a year_my good friend returned to his hometown.答案:before6Soon they reached an_(abandon) building,where there once lived an old monk.答案:abandoned7Hundreds of the miners are still in water,waiting_(rescue)答案:to be rescued8She picked_Japanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.答案:up.完成句子1We shouldnt_(沉迷于) a life of pleasure.答案:abandon ourselves to2Many scientists have _(致力于) the research.答案:been occupied with3Scientists have _(取得重大突破) in cancer research.答案:made a breakthrough4The people in the mountainous areas_poverty.答案:have declared war on5It was a relief to see a cancer patient _(好转) after the treatment.答案: pick up 6When a person was diagnosed with cancer,he would be_(恐惧得无法生存)答案:too frightened to live on.完形填空A man lost his legs in a tragic accident.After the accident,only two fingers_1_on his right hand.However,he was bright,creative and educated.He had gained much experience while traveling throughout the world.Yet,he became very_2_after the accident.He was afraid he would spend his life_3_and would no longer be able to live a life in a(n)_4_way.One day,he remembered how he had_5_loved getting letters.He realized that he still had partial_6_of his right hand and could write with difficulty.Then,he had an idea.“Why not write to other people who need_7_?”Who to write to?He thought of people in prison.Many of them hoped to_8_their freedom.Others would keep feeling sad and remain locked away for the rest of their lives.He decided that he must try to_9_them.He wrote to a prison officer about sending letters to prisoners.The prison officer replied that writing to the prisoners would be_10_.However,it would be_11_ prison rules for them to write back.Filled with the_12_ of carrying out his idea,the man knew he had to write.He began sending oneway_13_of love,hope,strength and encouragement.He_14_twice a week,testing his strength and ability to the limit.He poured his heart and soul into his words,_15_his experience and optimism.It was difficult to write those letters,especially without hope of a_16_.Frequently,he felt discouraged.He often wondered if anyone _17_ read his letters.However,he determined to_18_as long as he could help others.One day he received a letter from the prison officer.It was a short note from the officer who monitored (监控) and_19_ the prison mails.The letter said,“Please write on the best paper you can_20_.Your letters are passed from cell (牢房) to cell until they fall to pieces!”语篇解读一场车祸使男子失去了双腿,在短暂的消沉之后,他决定用自己右手仅剩的两个指头给监狱里的服刑人员写信,给予他们关爱、希望和力量,鼓起他们重新做人的勇气。1A.appeared BremainedCgrew Ddeveloped解析:男子经历车祸之后,右手仅剩下两个手指。答案:B2A.moved BdepressedCinterestedDtired解析:根据本句中的转折词Yet以及下一句的afraid和no longer be able to live a life.可知,男子经历车祸后变得沮丧和消沉。答案:B3A.worryingBregrettingCthinking Dsuffering解析:由于失去了双腿,而且右手也只剩下两个手指,这对于男子来说是一种痛苦和折磨。答案:D4A.meaningfulBdifferentCnew Dattractive解析:由于经历了悲惨的车祸,男子担心他再也不能过一种有意义的生活了。答案:A5A.seldom BneverCalwaysDhardly解析:由下文男子给监狱里的囚犯写信可知,是他平时经常希望收到别人的信件而启发了他。答案:C6A.muscle BenergyCtask Dfunction解析:根据本句中的could write with difficulty可知,男子虽然右手仅剩两个手指,但他觉得他的右手还有部分功能或作用,可以写信给需要的人。答案:D7A.money BknowledgeCfriendship Dencouragement解析:由下文的love,hope,strength and encouragement可知,男子心想:“为什么不给需要鼓励的人写信呢?”答案:D8A.enjoy BexpressCregain Dreceive解析:根据下文的remain locked away for the rest of their lives可知,与监狱里的有些囚犯要在冰冷的铁窗后度过余生形成对比的是,很多囚犯想重新获得自由。lock sb.away把某人关押起来。答案:C9A.educate BreachCsaveDsupport解析:根据下文的He wrote to a prison officer about sending letters to prisoners可知,男子想和监狱里的囚犯取得联系,以鼓励他们重新做人。reach在此意为“与取得联系”。答案:B10A.impossible BnecessaryCacceptable Ddifficult解析:根据紧接着的转折词However可知,狱吏回复说可以给囚犯写信,但是他们不能回信。答案:C11A.against BaboveCfrom Dwithin解析:根据转折词However以及下文的oneway和男子从来没有收到过囚犯的回信可知,囚犯回信违反监狱的规章制度。答案:A12A.planBstrengthCabilityDintention解析:男子给囚犯写信是有目的的:给予他们关爱、希望、力量和鼓励。答案:D13A.messages BticketsCgiftsDrules解析:根据上文的sending letters to prisoners以及下文的write those letters可知,男子是在给囚犯传达书面信息。答案:A14A.playedBtraveledCwrote Dstudied解析:根据文章中多处出现的write和letters可知,男子每周写两封信。答案:C15A.forgettingBsharingCincreasing Dforming解析:男子全心全意投入到写信中,将他的经历和乐观的精神与监狱里的囚犯分享。答案:B16A.storyBreplyCjob Dreward解析:根据上文However,it would be _prison rules for them to write back可知,监狱里的囚犯不会给男子回信,因此男子没有收到回信的希望。答案:B17A.immediately BalreadyCactuallyDluckily解析:男子自己克服困难给囚犯写信,但是没有回音,因此他不知道是否真的有人看过他写的信。答案:C18A.wait BaskCchange Dcontinue解析:根据However和as long as he could help others可知,男子决心继续给囚犯写信。答案:D19A.checkedBchoseCkept Dsent解析:与前面的monitored构成并列的词应该是checked,此处指监控和检查监狱来往信件的狱吏。答案:A20A.makeBaffordCimagine Dexpect解析:根据最后一句的passed from cell to cell.fall to pieces可知,男子写的信被大家传阅,很受欢迎,因此狱吏要求男子用他能够买得起的最好的纸写信。答案:B.阅读理解Wildfire is one of the most powerful forces in nature.While North Americas wildfire season typically peaks in late summer and early fall,climate change is already being blamed for a longer fire season.When experts explain fire,they often talk about something called the “fire triangle”:heat,fuel and oxygen.All three must interact for a fire to get started and to keep going.Take away any one of these and the fire is suppressed.Heat is constantly coming out from a fire,warming the surrounding air and preheating fuel in its path.According to experts at the National lnteragency Fire Center heat allows fire to travel more easily by evaporating the moisture (水分) from nearby fuel.The temperature of these fuels can sometimes grow so high that they begin to burn even before they come into contact with flames.Fuel is really just anything that can burn.That could mean both living and dead plants,coal and buildings.Whats important to know here is that its the moisture inside a fuel that determines how easily it will burn.Living trees have a lot of moisture.Dead trees have very little.But if a fire is really hot,the moisture content of a fuel means very little.In areas where the plants are dry,the temperature needed for burning is much lower.For a fuel to burn,it needs to react with oxygen from the surrounding air so that it can release heat,which in turn helps the fire to spread.The air we breathe contains roughly 21 percent oxygen.Most fires require only 16 percent oxygen.Wildfire can change its supply if the oxygen level drops below 16 percent.Hot flames cause the air to heat up,and hot air will rise.Fresh air from a higher part of the sky then rushes in,providing the fire with new oxygen.语篇解读野火经常会演变成旷日持久的大火灾,是什么让它难以被扑灭?1In North America,wildfire happens the most frequently in_.Alate springBearly summerClate summer and early fallDlate winter解析:细节理解题。从第一段的North Americas wildfire season typically peaks in late summer and early fall可知答案。答案:C2The underlined word “suppressed”in the second paragraph probably means “_”AendedBimproved ClitDallowed解析:词义猜测题。前一句指出如果大火要开始和持续,那么有三个要素“必须”都具备,隐含的意思就是如果其中一个不存在了,那么大火就会熄灭。答案:A3We can learn from the passage that heat_.Asometimes allows fire to keep going without fuelBcan even cause something to burn without the help of flamesCtravels more easily when there is no fuelDdetermines how easily something will burn解析:推理判断题。从第三段的最后一句The temperature of these fuels can sometimes grow so high that they begin to burn even before they come into contact with flames.可知B项正确。答案:B4We can learn from the fourth paragraph that_.Aliving plants can also catch fire easily in wildfireBcoal is the most important fuel in wildfireCthe moisture inside a fuel is hard to be driven outDin areas where the plants are dry the temperature is often low解析:推理判断题。从第四段的its the moisture inside a fuel that determines how easily it will burn.Living trees have a lot of moisture.But if a fire is really hot,the moisture content of a fuel means very little.可知A项正确。答案:A.任务型阅读People living in the country enjoy several advantages that people living in the city cannot enjoy._1_They make friends with trees and stones.They breathe fresh air.They fight with strong winds._2_This contact with nature is good for health.There are many diseases that are common in the city,but are not to be found in the country.For example,nearsightedness is almost unknown to country people.Because of the absence of cars,one can walk more freely in the country than in the city,_3_People living in the country can easily get fresh vegetables,fresh fruit and fresh milk,and they get them at lower prices than in the city._4_There are practically no temptations to waste money._5_They say what they mean,and make and keep promises with sincerity.They do not put on air (摆架子)They do not pretend to have those ridiculous manners which are necessary in what we call polite society.AThey listen to the song of birds.BCountry people are mostly honest.CThey are in close contact with nature.DCountry people are far from town life.ECountry life is economical in other ways,too.FCountry life provides much more enjoyment.GThere are no rules of the road nor traffic signs to obey.答案:1.C2.A3.G4.E5.B


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