高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修7

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高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修7_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修7_第2页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅲ Learning about Language and Using Language课时作业 新人教版选修7_第3页
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Unit 3Under the seaSection Learning about Language and Using Language.单词拼写1Why do you always put the blame on others?Why dont you_(思考) on your own actions?答案:reflect2The passage was so _(狭窄的) that two people couldnt walk side by side.答案:narrow3The water in the lake is so _(纯净的) that you can drink it.答案:pure4The foundation of the building is so_(浅的) that no more storeys can be added.答案:shallow5Michelle tries to be_ (整洁的),but it is almost impossible with her two big dogs.答案:neat6Its extremely difficult for Gordon to climb a(n) _(陡峭的) mountain.答案:steep7Residents are opposed to the prison being built within the city_(界限)答案:boundary8Many people find it hard to live on a basic state _ (养老金)答案:pension.词汇运用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons_(finish) for the day.答案:finished2With everything_(need) got ready for the party,she settled down with a book,waiting for her guests to arrive.答案:needed3The young man had a narrow escape yesterday when his car hit a tree because of _(careful)答案:carelessness4The fans gave a _(vividly) description of the first match of the World Cup as if they were footballers.答案:vivid5His suggestion is worth _ (consider)答案:considering6_(translate) into Chinese,the book is widely read among the young people.答案:Having been translated7. The building_(build) is our new office building.答案:being built8The road bends _(sharp)答案:sharply.功能词专练(在下列各句中填入适当的连词、介词或关系词)1The corals were shaped_fans,plates,the branches of trees,_made me amazed at the magical power of nature.答案:like;which2A man suddenly jumped_behind a big tree,shouting_me to hand _all my money to him.答案:from;at;in3There was one day_we enjoyed ourselves out in the bay.答案:when4All of a sudden,I was aware_the dangerous situations I was facing.答案:of5I felt scared _death when the bear ran out of the cave towards the child.答案:to6What _wonderful,limitless world it was and_tiny a spot I was in this enormous world.答案:a;how7_Old Tom and the other killers were fierce hunters,they never harmed _attacked people.答案:Although/Though;or8_the meantime,I shall go for a few days to Oxford perhaps.答案:In.完形填空I bought a small boat when my family spent one summer vacation enjoying the beaches of beautiful Gulfshores.Both of my daughters_1_all day in the boat.But the little one got tired and was beginning to look pretty_2_with too much sun._3_,I took her to our spot on the sand as my elder girl continued to play in the boat.I probably became a little too_4_with my younger daughter,not noticing the boat with my elder daughter in it was moving far out from the_5_.I called to her to come closer to the shore and she_6_ to be frightened.Unfortunately,the thing we hadnt thought to_7_for the boat were any oars.Her little arms were too_8_to reach across the boat and into the water.All she could do was to paddle (划)_9_to one side and the boat was just making small_10_.I stood as far out in the water as I couldshouting_11_to her.There was a boat of teenagers not far from her.When they_12_what was happening,they started to head her way immediately.Im not a good_13_but I determined to get myself out there.The first attempt of my arms seemed to be slow,and I couldnt_14_I was doing this.I continued swimming_15_I no longer knew or could feel that I had legs,but I always kept my_16_on her.Helped by the teenagers,I finally made my way back pulling her and_17_her.We came back to the shore and my life was changed forever by the_18_.I learned that maybe we think we are not_19_enough sometimes,but if we_20_ourselves enough and take that first attempt we have all the strength we need.语篇解读作者通过在海边度假的一次危险经历告诉我们:只要我们有足够的自信心,我们就一定能成功。1A.hid Bfished Cslept Dplayed解析:通过下文the little one got tired及as my elder girl continued to play in the boat可知,作者的两个女儿一整天都在船上玩(played)。答案:D2A.green Bblue CpinkDyellow解析:由本空后的sun可以推断出小女儿在海面上被晒了一天,皮肤变得红红的(pink)。答案:C3A.ThereforeBStillCHoweverDAgain解析:小女儿累了,又被晒得红红的,于是(Therefore)作者就把她带上岸。答案:A4A.familiarBbored Cangry Dinvolved解析:根据后半句not noticing可推断,作者太关注(involved)小女儿了。答案:D5A.crowd Bshore Ctrip Dgoal解析:从下文的come closer to the shore可以得到提示。答案:B6A.pretendedBseemed CrefusedDdecided解析:看到自己离海岸越来越远,作者的大女儿应该是看起来(seemed)非常害怕。答案:B7A.make Bbuy CborrowDchange解析:由文章首句可知,作者是在度假的时候买的船,再由下文他的大女儿用手划船可知,作者买船的时候没有想到买(buy)桨。答案:B8A.fat Bpainful Cshort Dweak解析:由little arms可推断,作者大女儿的胳膊太短(short),够不到船两边的水。 答案:C9A.hard BnaturallyCpatientlyDfast答案:A10A.waves Bmistakes Cattempts Dcircles解析:她拼命地(hard)在一边划,结果弄得小船只在原地打转(circles)。答案:D11A.orders BinstructionsCdemands Dopinions解析:作者走进海水中,尽可能离大女儿近点,然后使劲向她喊,告诉她该怎么做(instructions)。答案:B12A.remembered BnoticedCpredictedDimagined解析:当附近船上的少年注意到(noticed)发生了什么事情后,他们马上向作者大女儿的方向划来。答案:B13A.swimmerBfather Cfriend Drescuer解析:由本空后的I determined to get myself out there及下句的slow可推断,作者水性不好(not a good swimmer)。答案:A14A.admit Bbelieve Csay Drecognize解析:作者水性不好,但仍迈出了尝试的第一步,他自己都不相信(believe)自己在游泳。答案:B15A.but Bafter CuntilDunless解析:作者拼命往前游,直到(until)手脚都麻木了。答案:C16A.hopes Beyes Chands Dfeelings解析:但是,作者始终注视着(eyes)他的大女儿,拼命往她那儿游。答案:B17A.calmingBcuring CpraisingDtraining解析:在那些少年的帮助下,作者一边奋力往回游一边安慰(calming)大女儿。答案:A18A.memory BboatCexperience Dbeach解析:显然,作者对待人生的态度因为这次经历(experience)而改变。答案:C19A.smart Bstrong CqualifiedDmodest解析:根据上文作者水性不好的事实及文末的strength可推断,这里指有时侯我们认为自己可能不够强大(strong)。答案:B20A.remindBsupport Cbehave Dtrust解析:通过作者的经历可知,如果我们足够相信(trust)自己,并迈出尝试的第一步,我们就会得到我们所需的力量。答案:D.阅读理解Dear Editor,I was surprised to read your recent article on the question of students parttime jobs.You appear to be making a lot of generalizations (归纳) on the basis of just one unfortunate incident (I assure you that not all young people who deliver newspapers are as foolish and dishonest as the two youths mentioned in your article)The first point I would like to make is that there are many jobs teenagers can do which give them useful experience of the working world.They are brought into contact with a variety of people,often older,and are given experience of expressing themselves clearly and fluently.I am thinking here of jobs such as travel guides and shop assistants.Another argument for schoolchildren and college students having holiday or weekend jobs is that many parents need the financial assistance.If we take,for example,a family in which the father is unemployed or perhaps a singleparent family on a low income,it seems logical and fair that a son or daughter should try to bring money into the family. One further thing I want to say is that a lot of jobs for the young can be both fun for the people who do them and useful to the community.Young people who help in schools and hospitals often get a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction as well as contributing something valuable to local society.In conclusion,I would add that when I was a girl,my father said my teens were a time for books,hobbies and academic studies:Thinking back,I feel I would have learnt much moreabout myself,other people and life in generalif he had allowed me to do a limited amount of real work.Certainly,when she is old enough,I shall encourage my own daughter to do so,rather than waste her time on soap operas and computer games.Yours faithfully,Margaret Williams (Mrs)语篇解读作者在信中表达了自己支持学生从事兼职工作的观点。1Why did Margaret write the letter to the editor?ATo ask for some advice.BTo express her support.CTo show her thankfulness.DTo give a different opinion.解析:写作目的题。通读全文可知,Margaret Williams不同意那位编辑的观点。Margaret认为学生可以去从事一些兼职工作。故本文的写作目的是为了表达一种不同的观点。答案:D2What was the editors attitude towards students parttime jobs?ASupportive.BIndifferent.COpposed.DTolerant.解析:推理判断题。主要根据在第一段。Margaret Williams认为那位编辑只根据一件不幸的事件就得出了很多结论。她认为那个事件的发生,两个年轻人也有责任。根据下文可知,Margaret Williams是支持学生从事兼职工作的。故可推断那位编辑是反对学生从事兼职工作的。答案:C3Margaret believes that students parttime jobs_.Ahelp improve their speaking abilityBhave a good influence on their studiesCmight cause higher unemploymentDusually offer them very little pay解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的and are given experience of expressing themselves clearly and fluently可知,Margaret Williams认为学生从事兼职工作可以提高口语表达能力。答案:A4In the last paragraph,the author supports her idea by_.Apointing out dos and dontsBdescribing the idea in order of placesCraising questions and answering themDoffering her own experience as an example解析:写作手法题。文章最后一段通过作者的亲身经历说自己小的候没有作兼职,而她却希望自己的孩子年纪合适时能够有机会去工作,而不是看肥皂剧和打游戏。可以看出D项是正确的。答案:D


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