高中英语 Unit 16 Stories 写作园地 北师大版选修61

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写作园地对应学生用书P32写人记事记叙文感悟范文请以“My First Class in the New School”为题,用英语写一篇短文。注意:内容只需涉及一个方面;词数为100左右。范文I still remember how nervous I was on my first day in the new school three years ago, when I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class. The teacher spoke English throughout the class, which was totally different from the lessons I had taken before.In the morning class the next day, the English teacher came to me while I was reading the text as aloud as other students. After listening to me for a while, she gave me a big smile and said she liked my voice very much. The smile shone on the whole day and the following days. A week later, I volunteered to take charge of English study in my class.Thanks to the comforting smile in my first morning class, I began to be confident. Since then not only can I follow the teacher, but also I have been improving my English gradually.技法讨论本单元的写作题材是写人记事,要求写出一件事或有关人物。一、写人记事属于记叙文范畴,包括人物介绍、讲述故事、撰写游记、新闻报道、校园轶事等。二、写人时,要交代清楚人物的身份和事迹,大体分为三段。第一段写出生年月和地点以及家庭背景。第二段要详细描述人物的成绩,例如,何时何地荣获何种奖项。第三段要写人物的优秀品质对他人的影响。三、写事时,要交代清楚事件发生的时间和地点,重点描述事件中感人的场面。黄金表达1记事One night about nine oclock, Dr. George received a call from Dr. Jim.It was after six oclock in the morning when he.This morning I went to a shop to.On March 23, at 10:30, a terrible accident happened on.Last Spring Festival, my parents and I went.School was over. Wang Lin asked Wang Gang to go home together.On my way to the park, I saw a group of young men.2. 记人Mrs. Smith, aged 55, has worked for our school for 2 years.Wu Ping, who is a famous young writer, was born in.I have a little niece, who is called.Liu Haiyang, a student from Chinese top university, badly hunts for.Once there was a man who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes.Sun Shuwei is a boy of 14 from Guangdong.Our English teacher, Ms. Yang, came to our school in 1998.亮点分析:亮点一:本文第一部分讲述了我作为一个新生在第一天的第一节英语课上遇到的困难;第二部分讲述了老师的微笑帮我解决了困难;第三部分感谢老师给了我自信,且英语成绩逐步提高。层次分明,条理清晰。亮点二:文中多处使用了复合句:how引导的宾语从句,when和which引导的非限制性定语从句,while引导的时间状语从句。为本文增加了得分点。亮点三:精彩词语be different from;take charge of;thanks to;not only.but also以及形式宾语it的运用,使文章内容生动,丰富。类文演练上周末你和你父亲及他的朋友所组织的“驴友俱乐部(LVYOU CLUB)”去神秘大峡谷徒步穿越,由于准备充分,组织到位,非常成功。你收获颇多,请你将此次穿越写成一篇120个词左右的短文发表在你的博客中,以便对此感兴趣的英国网友了解。 写作提示:1.简要描述此次活动。2.活动注意事项。3.感想和收获。 注意:开头已写好,不计入总词数。“LVYOU”, which has the same pronunciation as travel in Chinese from the Internet, is becoming more and more popular in our country.联想词汇1. 给某人留下印象_答案:leave sb. an impression2. 取得巨大成功 _答案:achieve great success3. 对感兴趣 _答案:be interested in/take an interest in4. 接近自然 _答案:come close to nature5. 参加 _答案:take part in/participate in连词成句按要求完成下列句子1. Last weekend I was pleased to travel through the Secret Valley with LVYOU CLUB.The LVYOU CLUB was organized by my father and his friends.It left me a deep impression.(用分词结构和定语从句合并句子)_答案:Last weekend I was pleased to travel through the Secret Valley with LVYOU CLUB organized by my father and his friends, which left me a deep impression.2. Because we made good preparations and had excellent organization, the trip was a great success.(同义句转换)_good preparations and excellent organization, we _.答案:Because of; achieved great success3. If so, they can come close to nature and appreciate the beauty of nature.They can experience the greatness of life.(用as well as合并句子)_答案:If so, they can come close to nature and appreciate the beauty of nature as well as experience the greatness of life.连句成章“LVYOU”, which has the same pronunciation as travel in Chinese from the Internet, is becoming more and more popular in our country.Last weekend I was pleased to travel through the Secret Valley with LVYOU CLUB organized by my father and his friends, which left me a deep impression. Because of good preparations and excellent organization, we achieved great success.In this kind of activity, all the participants should be interested in protecting the environment and enjoy travelling. They will face lots of difficulties in nature, so everyone should have great determination, take care of each other and obey the rules they have. If so, they can come close to nature and appreciate the beauty of nature as well as experience the greatness of life.I hope more friends have chances to take part in the exciting activities in future.


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