高中英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement语篇专练 新人教版必修4

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Unit 1 Women of achievement语篇专练.阅读理解AUnder the worlds oceans and seas lies an attracting world of lands that stretches hundreds of kilometers in every direction.In this world,without the sun,there are deep canyons (峡谷),great plains,and towering ranges of mountains.And this underwater world covers 70 percent of the earths surface.The worlds longest mountain range extends 16,000 kilometers under the Atlantic Ocean from Iceland to the Antarctic.Called the MidAtlantic Ridge (山脊),this range of mountains contains a number of high peaks,among them are the Ascension Island,the Azores,and Iceland.The worlds highest mountain is found in the midPacific area.It is the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea,which is 9,450 meters from base to peak.This is nearly 610 meters taller than Mount Everest.Only 4,221 meters of Mauna Kea rises above the surface of the sea.In 1873 the British survey ship Challenger discovered the deepest trench (海沟) in all the seas.Named the Challenger Deep,it is near the island of Guam and is 11 kilometers deep.Since sunlight only reaches to a depth of about 244 meters,many of the creatures of the deep sea live in a world of darkness.However,to get help in their survival,many have their own bright lighting system.Food comes to them from the upper levels of the ocean and they can get a constant supply from the waste matter that gradually moves downward toward the ocean floor.These undersea creatures must remain at the various places for which they are fit.To wander to other levels could result in death from improper water pressure.1The best title for this text should be .AThe Sunless WorldBThe Longest MountainCThe Highest MountainDThe Deepest Trench答案A解析主旨大意题。通读全文可以看出,这篇文章主要讲述的是黑暗的海底世界的一些情况。2The worlds longest mountain range under the ocean .Aextends 1,600 kilometers under the Atlantic OceanBis called the MidAtlantic RidgeCcontains few high peaksDextends from Iceland to the Azores答案B解析细节理解题。由第二段可得出本题的答案。3From this passage we know that .Athe longest and the highest mountains lie in the seaBthe highest mountain lies on landCthe longest mountain lies on landDMauna Kea is 4,221 meters high答案A解析细节理解题。由第二、三段我们知道,最长的山脉在大西洋,最高的山峰则在太平洋中部的夏威夷。据此,我们可得出本题的答案。4If a kind of creature lives in an sea area about 300 meters from the surface, .Athe creature wont have enough food to eatBthe creature will feel very coldCthe creature will have to give light by itselfDthe creature will feel too hot答案C解析推理判断题。从最后一段我们知道,阳光只能到达离海面244米的地方,在此以下的地方生活的动物就必须靠自己的发光系统照明。BAs a seal rests on ice floating on the Antarctic Ocean,it should feel safe.But it is about to become a victim of a group of killer whales who have developed a great skill to catch seals.The killer whales work together as a group to create large waves that wash seals off the ice.Scientists who have discovered the technique,which has only been seen in killer whales hunting in the pack ice of the Antarctic,say it is so effective that it produces a meal for the whales three out of every four times they use it.Dr.Robert Pitman,a marine scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in California,said,“The killer whales were very good at knowing in advance if they were going to be able to wash a seal off a piece of ice and they were always successful in getting the seal into the water.Sometimes the seal was washed off but managed to flee.However,it was not very often.”Dr.Pitman and his colleague Dr.John Durban helped BBC capture the wavewashing behaviour on camera.By swimming in formation(队列) towards the ice from as far away as 150 feet,the whales created a bow wave in front of their bodies.When they reached the block of ice where the seal was hiding,they dove under the ice,kicking their tails in a powerful stroke(击) to create a large wave that washed over the ice and knocked the seal into the water where they could grab it and drown it.Research has shown that there are at least four types of killer whales living in the Antarctic,all of which have different colour patterns and hunting behaviour,and eat different things.The largest killer whale hunts minke whales in open water while the ice killer whales mainly hunt seals.A third type of killer whale mainly preys on penguins and the fourth dives deep to hunt fish.5According to Paragraph 1,killer whales hunt a seal on a piece of ice by .Apushing the ice onto the groundBknocking hard on the ice togetherCcreating large waves to wash it off the iceDfollowing it all the time until it swims in the sea答案C解析细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“The killer whales work together as a group to create large waves that wash seals off the ice.”可知这种鲸鱼通过制造大浪把海豹从冰上冲刷下来,然后捕食它们。6It is implied in the passage that .Akiller whales often stay hungryBkiller whales usually hunt aloneCcompetition among killer whales is very fierceDkiller whales are very good at hunting seals at sea答案D解析推理判断题。根据第二段的“.it is so effective that it produces a meal for the whales three out of every four times they use it.”以及第三段的“.they were always successful in getting the seal into the water.”可推断这种鲸鱼很擅长捕食海豹。7What does the underlined word “flee” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?AMove. BEscape.CStruggle. DFight.答案B解析词义猜测题。根据but的语境可知,有时候海豹也会成功地“逃脱”。8What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?AHow Dr.Pitman and his colleague work.BHow killer whales find seals.CHow killer whales hunt seals.DHow killer whales eat a seal.答案C解析段落大意题。通读第四段可知,主要是通过镜头来告诉我们这种鲸鱼是如何成功猎捕海豹的。.完形填空There was a lovely sprite(小精灵) living in a magic lamp.He loved to help people 1 their wishes.Unfortunately,he always made things 2 .Whenever people came to the magic lamp,he would 3 and say,“What is your wish?”But a great cloud of smoke would also 4 and the dust would fly in the air,which made it hard for people to 5 .His tricks were always so 6 that no one wanted him again.His lamp ended up being used only to throw at people.The sprite didnt come out of it for years,unhappy and 7 .One day a girl heard the 8 of the sprite,so she stopped and decided to become his best 9 .Her wish was able to enter and leave the lamp 10 they could spend time together.To her 11 ,the sprite agreed immediately.Then the girl entered the lamp,and she found that it was really 12 and everything was not in order.As the lamp was small,everything was pushed into it. 13 ,whenever the sprite tried to get something,a cloud of dust would fly up.The sprite explained that he had no time for 14 .But the girl told him that the 15 he was,the more important it was that he should have kept all his things 16 .In the end,they decided to give the place a good clean.It took them quite a few days,but when they 17 ,everything was in its correct place.Now,with no 18 ,the sprite was able to find whatever gift was asked for.So he began to be 19 once more.He learned that nothing great can be 20 without order and cleanliness.1A.realize BchangeCexpress Drespect答案A解析由下文中小精灵所问的“What is your wish?”可知,他喜欢帮助人们实现(realize)他们的愿望。2A.terrible BexcitingCdangerous Dwonderful答案A解析由下文的内容可知,他总是把事情搞得一团糟(terrible)。3A.go back Bhand outCjump out Dpick up答案C解析由上文中的“living in a magic lamp”可知,小精灵应该是从灯中跳出来(jump out)。4A.burn BriseCclear Dbreak答案B解析由下文的“a cloud of dust would fly up”可知,小精灵出来的时候会有一大团烟雾升起(rise)。5A.work BsleepCstand Dbreathe答案D解析由上文的“a great cloud of smoke.fly in the air”可知,这让人们呼吸(breathe)困难。6A.stupid BcleverCsimple Dattractive答案A解析由上文的相关内容和下文的“no one wanted him again”可知,小精灵的把戏很是拙劣。7A.useless BunknownChelpless Duncertain答案C解析由下文的内容可知,此时的小精灵又伤心又无助(helpless)。8A.jokes BcriesCpuzzles Dwarnings答案B解析一个女孩听到小精灵的喊叫声(cries),便停了下来。9A.teacher BdoctorCneighbor Dfriend答案D解析由下文的“Her wish was able to.spend time together.”可知,这个女孩想成为小精灵最好的朋友(friend)。10A.so that Bas ifCeven though Dever since答案A解析她的愿望是能够进出那盏灯以便(so that)同小精灵在一起。11A.shame BdelightCsurprise Ddisappointment答案B解析由下文的“the sprite agreed immediately”可知,女孩会很高兴。to ones delight意为 “令某人高兴的是”。12A.hot BhugeCcrowded Dnoisy答案C解析由下文的“As the lamp was small,everything was pushed into it.”可知,灯内十分拥挤。13A.After all BAt leastCAt the beginning DAs a result答案D解析根据上下文语境可知,此处表示结果,故选D项。after all毕竟,终究;at least至少;at the beginning开始。14A.writing BcleaningCdrawing Dexercising答案B解析由本空所在段最后一句中的“give the place a good clean”可知,此处小精灵解释说,他没有时间打扫(cleaning)。15A.poorer BhungrierCquieter Dbusier答案D解析根据上下文语境可知,此处表示“忙碌的”,所以要选busier。16A.in order Bin publicCin shape Din secret答案A解析女孩告诉小精灵说越是忙碌越应该把东西整理好(in order)。17A.stopped BfailedCfinished Dcontinued答案C解析当他们打扫完成(finished)后,一切都井然有序了。18A.purpose BdifficultyCpossibility Dpermission答案B解析现在,小精灵能毫不费力地(with no difficulty)就找到想要的东西了。19A.charged BeducatedCchallenged Drespected答案D解析所以他又赢得了大家的尊重(respected)。20A.judged BmatchedCachieved Drequired答案C解析由上文的内容可以知道,没有次序和整洁就一事无成。.微写作写作素材1今天我被请来作报告。2我本想早到可我的车坏了。3我碰见了史密斯先生。4他主动提出开车送我去。5多亏他的善良和体贴,我及时赶到。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)Today, I was asked to deliver a speech, I had intended to arrive early but my car broke down.Then I came across Mr.Smith, who offered to drive me there.Thanks to his kindness and consideration, I got here just in time.


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