高中英语 Unit 10 Money Section Ⅳ Advertisements学业分层测评 北师大版必修4

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高中英语 Unit 10 Money Section Ⅳ Advertisements学业分层测评 北师大版必修4_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 10 Money Section Ⅳ Advertisements学业分层测评 北师大版必修4_第3页
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Unit 10 Money Section Advertisements.单句语法填空1The best way to learn English is to practice _(speak)it everyday.2The man saw the farmer on his tractor working in the field,and he signaled _ the farmer.3I try to have a positive mindset,keep my mind _(focus)on what I have to do.4So just let us know your schedule,and we can get together to go sightseeing at your _(convenient)5As soon as I get _ with my work Ill join you.6When you are _(relax),your breathing tends to be slow and gentle.7They do a great job of explaining and illustrating the principles through _(practice)examples.8I think her _(translate)of the article is much better than his.9Two of the windows were found _(break)10Americans like the _(free)of driving around by themselves.【答案】1.speaking2.to3.focused4.convenience5.through6.relaxed7.practical8translation9.broken10.freedom.单句改错1He is convenient to live downtown,but the traffic is very heavy._2For most of the day he can still be found work somewhere in the plant._3People are rushing by and do not have a relaxing look on their face at all._4The general signaled his officers for the attack to begin._5A mass equal to many stars might end up in a ball no large than a city._【答案】1.He改为It2.work改为working3relaxing改为relaxed4.signaled后加to5large改为larger.阅读理解Money is all surrounding us.Every day,we see it,use it,and it is on the tip of our tongue.Did you ever stop to consider where the money you carry around every day comes from?Making new money is a very unique job and no easy task.It has up to 65 steps.When the money in use gets dirty and worn out,it is replaced with new money.The old money is taken from banks and brought to places where it is destroyed.Usually,the old money is burned.The burned money is replaced by new paper money.If old money is being replaced,then new money is printed in a place called a mint(铸币厂)Large sheets of paper are printed with many pictures of some currency(流通货币)These large sheets are cut into individual bills.The individual bills are then put together in big stacks and then sent to banks.Sometimes the mint will make a new bill with a new picture(photos of statesmen and places of interest are favoured)or a new colour.It is not easy for the government to make a new bill.It takes a long time,and there are many steps to go through before a new bill can be sent to banks.First,people in the government decide that a new kind of bill is needed.Then,they ask an artist to design the new bill.A different artist cuts the new picture into a soft piece of metal called a die.The dies are made and put onto large printing machines.Then,very special paper is used,which no one but the mint can have.Along with this special paper,the mint also prints currency using special colours.After the dies print the new currency onto the paper,the bills are cut,stacked,and sent off to the banks.【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文,说明了钞票的印刷、流通以及从印刷厂到银行的运输过程。1From the passage we know that _.Abanks make new moneyBit takes 65 procedures to make new moneyCmints decide what kind of bill is neededDold money that is not used is forever stored in a special place【解析】细节理解题。由第二段中的“It has up to 65 steps.”可知。【答案】B2We can infer from the passage that a die is _.Asomething for dead peopleBa special machine that prints the moneyCa special piece of paper that the money is made fromDa piece of metal that puts the picture on the money【解析】推理判断题。根据上下文,尤其最后一段中的“A different artist cuts the new picture into a soft piece of metal called a die.The dies are made and put onto large printing machines.”和“After the dies print the new currency onto the paper.”可知答案。【答案】D3Which of the following shows the RIGHT order of dealing with new money?New money is printed in a mint.Bills are cut from large sheets of special paper.New money is sent in large amounts to banks.The government decides to make new money.ABCD【解析】信息排序题。对造钱的流程进行考查。根据最后一段中的“First,people in the government decide that a new kind of bill is needed.the mint also prints currency.and sent off to the banks.”等可知答案。【答案】D4Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AThe reason for making new money.BThe processes of making a new bill.CThe amount of new money needed.DThings used to make new money or a new bill.【解析】细节理解题。A项出现在第二段;B项在文章第二、三和四段均有涉及;D项出现在第四段。可以用排除法选出C。【答案】C.完形填空 【导学号:20030030】This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a _1_ effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know _2_ but whose actions gave a new _3_ to the wordskind and generous.I was walking down a busy street on a cold,windy day in early _4_.A homeless man,probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes,was _5_ for change on a street corner.A BMW car _6_ on the other side of the street and an executive(主管) who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car.He was probably about _7_ years old.He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie.He walked _8_ across the street and over to the homeless man.Without saying anything,he first gave him a lot of _9_ and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves(手套),beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks.Then he _10_ them to the homeless man.The homeless man took them and stared with a(n)_11_mouth.As he drove off,I couldnt _12_ thinking that it was probably the first time he had _13_ the pedal (踏板) of that topbrand BMW car with a _14_ foot! I stood there and the looks of _15_ appeared on my face and the homeless mans.Two men of about the same age _16_ very different lives had met and the one who was _17_ in materials had offered _18_ than his shoes.He had left this BMW car and _19_ down from his high position.He lifted up the other man when he offered respect,_20_ and real generosity.【语篇解读】一位驾宝马车的老人,特意下车给一位同龄的乞讨者很多钱,他的大方、仁慈和尊重别人的态度让“我”很感动。1A.strongBbadClightDslow【解析】从下一句可以看出,这件事对我影响很大,have a strong effect on“对有很大影响”。【答案】A2A.officiallyBpersonallyCsimilarlyDgenerally【解析】从下文可以推出,我本人(personally)不认识他们。【答案】B3A.benefitBattitudeCmeaningDaward【解析】作者认为:他的行为赋予了善良和慷慨新的意义。【答案】C4A.springBsummerCautumnDwinter【解析】从前文cold,后文leather gloves可以看出:这个故事发生在初冬。【答案】D5A.searchingBmakingCblamingDbegging【解析】一位在街角乞讨的老人。search for“寻找,搜寻”;make for“走向”;blame for“该受责备,应负责”;beg for“乞求,乞讨”。【答案】D6A.called upBbroke upCpulled upDsped up【解析】一辆宝马车停在了街边。call up“打电话给,召集,使想起”;break up“打碎,解散,(关系等)破裂”;pull up“(车)停下”;speed up“加速”。【答案】C7A.40B50C60D70【解析】由第二段可知乞讨者大约60岁“probably about 60”和最后一段第一句“Two men of about the same age”可知他们年龄相当,可以看出本空应选60。【答案】C8A.directlyBusuallyCunwillinglyDfluently【解析】老人直接向乞讨的人走去。【答案】A9A.moneyBwaterCsandDoil【解析】因为老人沿街乞讨,所以坐宝马车的老人给了他许多钱。【答案】A10A.postedBhandedCkickedDthrew【解析】因为乞讨的老人就在身边,坐宝马的老人很尊重地送给他钱物,所以选hand“递过去”。【答案】B11A.closedBfullCopenDempty【解析】一个沿街乞讨的老人收到如此的恩惠和尊重,当然是眼睛瞪得大大的,张着嘴,看着对方,显得很惊讶的样子。【答案】C12A.standBdelayCforgetDhelp【解析】couldnt help doing意为“禁不住地做某事”。句意:我情不自禁地想【答案】D13A.bendedBcutCrepairedDpressed【解析】鞋和袜子都已经送人了,所以这也许是他第一次光(bare)着脚踩(press)汽车的踏板。【答案】D14A.relaxedBlargeCbareDsingle【解析】见第13题。【答案】C15A.excitementBastonishmentCsadnessDpride【解析】句意:面对此情此景,我和乞讨老人都很吃惊(astonishment)。【答案】B16A.butBorCandDbefore【解析】两位老人年龄相同,但生活境况明显不一样,上下文为转折关系。【答案】A17A.successfulBcarefulCusefulDhelpful【解析】开宝马的老人在物质方面是成功的。careful“小心的”;useful“有用的”;helpful“有帮助的”,均与文意不符。【答案】A18A.ratherBmoreCotherDbetter【解析】给的不仅仅(more than)是鞋,还体现了高尚的品质。rather than“而不是”;more than“多于,超出,不止,不仅仅”;other than“除了,不同于,非”;better than“比好”。【答案】B19A.brokenBfellCsteppedDrolled【解析】老人从宝马车里出来,并放下(step down)自己高高在上的身份,帮助需要帮助的人。【答案】C20A.surpriseBdisappointmentCanxietyDkindness【解析】当开宝马的老人主动给予尊重,仁慈(kindness)和真正的慷慨时,他也扶起(lift up)了另一个人。【答案】D


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