高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality section 4课时作业 外研版必修5

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高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality section 4课时作业 外研版必修5_第1页
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高中英语 Module 5 The Great Sports Personality section 4课时作业 外研版必修5_第3页
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Module 5 The Great Sports Personality section 4.单句语法填空1Mike has a big advantage_other applicants for the jobhe has two years teaching experience.答案:over2The children_(perform) very well last night and the audience were attracted by their play.答案:performed3The judges had different ideas about the results,so it was two hours before the results were_(declare)答案:declared4The young golfer has often competed _ famous players,but so far has always been beaten.答案:against/with5Before he_(retire),Frank was the head of a very large software company.答案:retired6In response to the fast pace of modern life,more and more people choose_(purchase) cars.答案:to purchase7There was a large crowd in the square_(protest) the war.答案:protesting8A girl usually_(score) highly in language exams.答案:scores9The old man_(rise) to his feet and walked out of the park.答案:rose10She is confident that they will win a_(finally) victory in Saturdays match.答案:final.单词拼写1Jordan led his team to_(胜利)Lets have a party to celebrate it tonight.答案:victory2Guess who will be the womens marathon _(冠军) at the London Olympics?答案:champion3Their _(质量) of life improved greatly after they moved to France.答案:quality4Over 200_(竞争者) entered the race.答案:competitors5Students walked on the streets to_(抗议) against the decision.答案:protest6The explorers have to be extremely_(困难)to endure the climate and other hardships.答案:tough7After many defeats,the war ended for us in_(最后的) victory.答案:ultimate8She_(宣布) her intention to run for office.答案:declared.句型转换1. The company admitted that it had been a difficult year.The company admitted that it had been a(n)_year.答案:tough2We celebrate September 16,the day when it was officially declared that Mexico was no longer ruled by Spain.We celebrate September 16,the day when Mexico_ _from Spain.答案:declared independence3You can pay weekly or monthlyyou decide.You can pay weekly or monthlyits_ _ _.答案:up to you4I know it wont cost very much,but thats not the important thing.I know it wont cost very much,but thats_ _ _.答案:not the point5A gentleman stands up when a lady enters the room.A gentleman_ _ _ _when a lady enters the room.答案:rises to his feet.阅读理解The newspapers are calling him the “Yorkshire Robinson Crusoe”,but the difference between Brendon Grimshaw and the famous fictional character is that Crimshaw chose to live on his desert island.And after so many years,Grimshaw has no plans to leave the 22 acres of forest and sand that he has called home since he bought the island for 8,000 in 1962.His island is surrounded by islands housing the luxurious houses of billionaires,but Grimshaw is happy with a wooden hut and the company of the 120 giant turtles he looks after.And hes not the first man to seek the life on a desert island.So why do some men love the lonely island life?According to travel writer Charlotte Amelines,desert island life is the oldest and still the most attractive travel fantasy in the book.Having an island paradise to yourself promises freedom,relaxation and beauty.And it basically represents the escape from everyday life.In fiction (小说),survivors of shipwrecks or plane crashes are often trapped on tropical islands,desperate to get away.But its amazing how many of them live a decent life on the islands.Fictionalized islands tend to provide most of what a man could need.But for those about to jump on the next flight to a remote island,Amelines has a waming.“Few would be prepared for the hard physical labor and loneliness involved in living the dream,” she says.The fact is that very few of us would like to live alone on an island,however sandy the beach is and however clear the water is.But according to experts,the fantasy might symbolize mens desire for space in a society where solitude (独处) is hard to find.So is island life for you?If youre honest,youd have to say probably not.But the island fantasy clearly represents a need.语篇解读很多人都梦想着能像“鲁宾逊”一样在荒岛上生活,但这样的生活是很辛苦的。1We can learn from the first paragraph that Brendon Grimshaw_.Awanted to follow Robinson Crusoes example from an early ageBdoesnt own the island that he is living onClives a simple life on the islandDaimed to raise turtles at first解析:推理判断题。从第一段的but Grimshaw is happy with a wooden hut and.可知Brendon Grimshaw在岛上过着简朴的生活。答案:C2What does Brendon Grimshaw think of his life?AIt is tough.BIt is luxurious.CIt is unexpected.DIt is great.解析:细节理解题。从第一段的描述,尤其是Grimshaw chose to live on his desert island.And after so many years,Grimshaw has no plans to leave the 22 acres of forest and sand that he has called home since.可知D项正确。答案:D3What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AWhat kind of people like island life.BWhy some people like island life.CHow to enjoy the island life.DHow to escape from everyday life.解析:主旨大意题。本段主要列举了人们喜欢在荒岛上生活的原因。答案:B4What does the writer think of living alone on an island?AIt is not practical.BIt is enjoyable.CIt is frightening.DIt is exciting.解析:推理判断题。从最后一段的So is island life for you?If youre honest,youd have to say probably not.可知A项正确。答案:A.任务型阅读Keep skid chains on your tongue;always say less than you think.Develop a low,persuasive voice._1_Make promises carefully,and keep them faithfully,no matter what it costs.Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody.Praise good work,regardless of who did it.If criticism is needed,criticize helpfully,never spitefully (怀有恶意地)Be interested in others,their pursuits (追求),their work,their homes and families.Make merry with those who cheer;with those who weep,mourn._2_Be cheerful.Dont burden or depress those around you by dwelling (细说) on your minor aches and pains and small disappointments._3_Keep an open mind.Discuss but dont argue.It is a mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable.Let your virtues speak for themselves.Refuse to talk of anothers vices (缺点)Discourage gossip._4_ Be careful of anothers feelings.Wit and humor at the other persons expense are rarely worth it and may hurt when least expected.Pay no attention to illnatured remarks about you.Remember,the person who carried the message may not be the most accurate reporter in the world.Simply live so that nobody will believe them.Disordered nerves and bad digestion are a common cause of unkind remarks.Dont be too anxious about the credit due you._5_ Forget about yourself,and let others “remember”Success is much sweeter that way.ARemember,everyone is carrying some kind of a load.BHow you say it counts more than what you say.CIt is also necessary to explain such matter to avoid misunderstanding,but never hurt others.DIt is a waste of valuable time and can be extremely destructive.ELet everyone you meet,however humble,feel that you regard him as a person of importance.FDo your best,and be patient.GKeep your attitude as positive as possible,whatever your circumstances.答案:1.B2.E3.A4.D5.F.短文改错Dear Editor,Recently several small shops around our school have started a new business calling “school lottery”Each lottery ticket cost five jiao and lots of students get addicted of this game.Some students use their money who should be spent on food to buy the tickets and some even borrow money to join in the chance game.In my opinion,it is necessary to take measure to stop the game.On one hand,the school should explain the harmless effects of lottery to students and make rules to forbidding students buying lottery tickets.On other hand,the local government should punish shop owners who carry out such business between students.If both the school and the government cooperate in fighting it,I think the school lottery activity will be effective stopped.Yours sincerely,Chen Hua答案:第一句:calling改为called第二句:cost改为costs;第二个of改为to第三句:who改为which第四句:measure改为measures第五句:harmless改为harmful;forbidding改为forbid第六句:On后加the;between改为among第七句:effective改为effectively


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