高中英语 Module 3 Music Section Ⅲ Integrated Skills学业分层测评 外研版必修

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Module 3 Music Section Integrated Skills.完成句子1. (她刚一上了公共汽车) than it started.2 (我本想给你买个生日礼物)but I didnt bring my wallet with me.3 (他们在南京生活了15年) before they moved to Beijing.4 (当他年轻的时候),he used to be a heavy smoker.5. By the time he was forty, (他已成为举世闻名的科学家)【答案】1. She had no sooner got on the bus2. I had wanted to buy you a birthday present3. They had lived/had been living in Nanjing for 15 years4. When he was young5. he had become a worldfamous scientist.阅读理解ALife gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some sort or another. It doesnt matter where you livein the middle of a modern city, or a faraway villagethe chances that you will be disturbed by jet aeroplanes, transistor radios, oilpowered engines, etc, are almost everywhere. We seem to be getting used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working.Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be a very frightening experience for human beings. However, some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their eardrums(耳鼓). The noise level in some disco is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.One recent report about noise and concentration(专心) suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration, what really affects their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise. It goes on to say that a background noise, which doesnt change too much (music, for example) may even help people to concentrate.【语篇解读】不管你居住在繁华的都市,还是偏远的山村,都不会逃过噪声的干扰。噪声污染无处不在,而且日益严重。虽然科学证明完全的寂静对人类来说会是可怕的经历,但是太大的声音,哪怕是声音很大的音乐,都会给人带来危害。1. The best title for this passage is “ ”.ANoisy lifeBBackground noiseCDisturbed concentrationDChangeable noise【解析】主旨大意题。整篇文章都是关于噪声的问题。第一段描述了人们处在充满噪声的世界里,第二段是关于对噪声的科学测试,第三段讲述了一份关于噪声的报告。由此推断A选项更能概括文章内容。【答案】A2. From this passage, the pollution of noise Adoesnt matter muchBhas become worse everywhereChas become better in big citiesDhas become better in villages【解析】细节理解题。根据文章首段中的“Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some sort or another.”可以推断噪声污染日益严重,没有地方可以避免,故选B。【答案】B3. The underlined phrase “background music” in Paragraph 1 means“ ”A. music played in the concertBa kind of noise coming into your earsCmusic that helps people to concentrateDmusic that is played while people are working【解析】词义猜测题。根据文章首段中的“Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they are working.”可知background music是指人们在工作的时候播放的音乐,故选D。【答案】D4. Scientists have discovered that what prevents people from concentrating is Aany kind of noiseBgreat changes in the level of noiseCbackground noiseDvarious background music【解析】细节理解题。根据文章末段中的“.what really affects their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise.”可知答案为B。【答案】BB【导学号:06590044】The average American child spends three to five hours a day watching TV.In 1961, the average child began to watch television at age three; however, today it is nine months.Yet, most parents think that television has bad influence on their children.For example, in the early 1970s, my parents believed that my bad eyesight was the result of sitting too close to the screen, and they therefore made my stay at least six feet from it.Today, most people have no such worry, but many new ridiculous(荒谬的) sayings have appeared:*TV makes kids stupid.Many children watch more educational programmes when they are preschoolers.When they grow up, they can read more books and have much better ideas to solve difficult problems than other children.*TV makes kids violent.The real story is not so simple.Hundreds of studies show that watching violence on TV makes children more aggressive (好斗的)But a study of over 5,000 children also finds that some positive programmes make children kinder.The problem is that kids are increasingly watching shows with violence instead of those suitable for their age.*Sitting around watching TV makes kids overweight.An experiment finds that when children watch less television, they do lose extra weight; however, reducing their television time does not make them more active.The real problem lies in snacking (吃小吃)a widespread habit for kids, and junk food advertisements.*TV helps kids get to sleep.The opposite is true.The more television children watch, the more likely they are to have irregular sleep and nap(小睡) patterns.Allowing kids to watch television is part of the problem, not the solution.【语篇解读】电视真的会对孩子造成诸多不良影响吗?作者并不这么认为。5. Which one is the advantage of educational TV programmes?AThey will make children solve difficult problems better than others.BThey will improve childrens ability to get along with others.CThey are likely to make children more aggressive.DThey will make sure of childrens success in the future.【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“Many children watch more educational programmes when they are preschoolers. When they grow up, they can read more books and have much better ideas to solve difficult problems than other children. ”可知,看更多教育节目的孩子,在长大后会比其他的孩子阅读更多的书,且在解决难题方面会有更好的主意。故选A项。【答案】A6. Why are children spending much time watching TV likely to be fat?A. Watching TV makes children lazy and inactive.BChildren are attracted by the food advertisement on TV.CWatching TV doesnt burn up as much fat as doing sports.DChildren like to snack while watching TV.【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“The real problem lies in snacking (吃小吃)”可知D项正确。【答案】D7What influence does watching TV have on a childs sleep?A. Children are likely to sleep deeper after watching TV.BChildrens sleep time will be greatly reduced.CIt will make children form a bad habit of sleeping.DIt will make children sleep easier.【解析】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“The more television children watch, the more likely they are to have irregular sleep and nap(小睡) patterns.”可知C项正确。【答案】C8. What is the purpose of this text?A. To increase peoples knowledge of watching TV.BTo warn parents of the disadvantages of watching TV.CTo explain the bad influences that watching TV has on children.DTo correct parents wrong ideas of televisions effect on children.【解析】主旨大意题。该文罗列出人们对于电视对孩子的影响的误解,并一一给出理由。故选D项。【答案】D.语法填空Once upon a time, there lived a lazy man John Denny in a remote village. He would do 1. but daydream the whole day. One sunny afternoon, Denny was really hungry. 2. (step) out of his hut, he said, “What a beautiful day! How I wish I 3. (go) back to sleep! But now I have to go out and find some food.” After bathing, he took out a bowl and went out 4. (beg)By begging the whole day he managed to get a pot full of milk. “It is this pot of milk 5. is going to make me rich,” he thought, “I will use it to make butter. From the butter I will be able to make ghee (酥油)”“I will then go to the market and sell the ghee,” his dream 6. (continue), “and then I will buy a pair of goats. They will have kids after 6 months. Soon I would have 7. herd of goats.”8 (lose) in deep thought, he struck out with his foot, breaking the pot, and dirtied 9. with the milk. He saw the broken pot and cried. He lost whatever he had because of his 10. (lazy)【答案】1. nothing2. Stepping3. could go4. to beg5. that6. continued7. a8. Lost9. himself10. laziness.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I had a interesting dream last night. I dreamed that I took part in a race. At first, I could not run very fast and fall behind. So I didnt lose heart and kept running. All the students on the playground cheer me on, “Come on!” I was so encouraged that I ran faster and fast till I caught up all the other runners. I felt as if flying like a superman. In the end, I got to the finishing line at first. I won the race. I felt very proudly of my self. Many of my classmate threw me up into the air. Just at that time I woke up and found me still in bed!【答案】I had interesting dream last night. I dreamed that I took part in a race. At first, I could not run very fast and behind. I didnt lose heart and kept running. All the students on the playground me on, “Come on!” I was so encouraged that I ran faster and till I caught up all the other runners. I felt as if flying like a superman. In the end, I got to the finishing line first. I won the race. I felt very of . Many of my threw me up into the air. Just at that time I woke up and found me still in bed!

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