高中英语 5.2 Learning about Language,练习 新人教版必修2

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Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip一、词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子。1.addition1)I like swimming.,I like playing basketball.2)李华是我的邻居。此外,他也是我的朋友。答案:1)Additionally2)Li Hua is my neighbour.In addition/Additionally,he is my friend too.2.sort out1)He advised that the information out.2)我将把这些书籍进行整理。答案:1)(should) be sorted2)I will sort out these books./I will sort these books out.3.brief1)He showed himself at the party.2)我将要去上海进行短暂的访问。答案:1)briefly2)I will go to Shanghai for a brief visit.运用所学短语造句。4.above all答案:He is strong,brave and,above all,honest.5.attach.to.答案:We should attach great importance to our vocabulary.二、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空be serious aboutplay jokes oncome upstick tobreak upabove alldream ofbe honest withsort outby chance1.Its time for us to our party.It is nearly twelve oclock.答案:break up2.If you others,they will be glad to help you.答案:are honest with3.Though he persuaded me for a try of Japanese cuisine,I my Cantonese food.答案:stuck to4.How the young girl becoming a famous movie star!答案:dreams of5.He is so clever a boy that he always with new ideas.答案:comes up6.We were often when we were children,because we were regarded as fun.答案:played jokes on7.He broke the window .Dont mention it all the time.答案:by chance8.Is she wanting to marry the poor farmer?答案:serious about9.There are many things to do when the Spring Festival is coming.,being happy is the first one.答案:Above all10.Have you the papers that can be thrown away?答案:sorted out三、用适当的介词填空1.Have you ever dreamed visiting the Mars by spaceship one day?答案:of2.Will you pay for it cash?答案:in3.Its impolite for you to play a joke your teachers.答案:on4.We should rely Tom to keep the secret for us.答案:on5.The voice on the phone is familiar me,but I cant recognize it.答案:to6.If you are sensitive the drug,youd better stop taking it.答案:to7.My father carried on working late the night.答案:into8.More and more children show their devotion computer games.答案:to四、单句填空导学号020000501.She is very sensitive her students need for encouragement and knows when to praise them.答案:to2.The young designer who came up a good design plan came up the boss with it in his hand.答案:with;to3.And all,I wanted to show that I didnt care.答案:above4.He studies hard,so we are confident his passing the entrance exam.答案:of5.Well,(brief),he agreed to go to Beijing with us.答案:briefly五、完成句子1.这位医生动手术来挽救他的生命。The doctor to save his life.答案:performed an operation2.下个周末去郊游如何? going on an outing next week?答案:How/What about3.养成一种好习惯可能是一种斗争,但它是值得努力的。 can be a struggle,but it is well worth the effort.答案:Forming a good habit4.不要靠机会,要靠你自己的努力。Dont ; .答案:rely on chances;rely on your own efforts5.我熟悉他们使用的电脑软件。I the computer software they use.答案:am familiar with六、完形填空导学号02000051The police received a report that six men had stopped a car.The1was carrying factory wages(工资)and the men attacked(袭击)the2.They had tied him up and taken 3of the bags away.After three hours search the 4found the car near a 5.The driver was6on a bag in the car and his 7were tied behind his back.The thieves had tied a handkerchief(手帕) round his8 so that he wouldnt shout.The police climbed 9the car and10 the driver.Then they asked him what had happened.“I was 11soon after I left the 12,” the driver explained,“Six men stopped my car and made me13 to the river.If you 14,one of them said,Well shoot you.15I got to the river,they tied me up.Then they 16me into the back of the car.There were 17 bags in the back and the thieves took one of them.”“18money did the bag contain?” a police officer asked.“It 19contain any money at all,” the driver laughed.“It was full of letters.This one contains 20the money.I have sat on it for three hours.”1.A.driver B.carC.workerD.policeman答案:A解析:由前面的“six men had stopped a car”可知,A项正确。2.A.policeB.shopC.moneyD.driver答案:D解析:由后面的“The driver was on a bag in the car”可知,此处袭击的目标应该是the driver。3.A.halfB.someC.allD.one答案:D解析:由第二段最后一句“There were bags in the back and the thieves took one of them.”可知,D项正确。4.A.bankB.factoryC.policeD.thieves答案:C解析:由文意可知,此处应该是“找了三个小时后,警察在一条河附近找到了那辆被劫持的车”。5.A.lakeB.riverC.mountainD.park答案:B解析:由第二段“Six men stopped my car and made me to the river.”可知,B项正确。6.A.sittingB.lyingC.standingD.tied答案:A解析:由最后一段最后一句“I have sat on it for three hours.”可知,此处应该是“司机正坐在车里的一个袋子上”。7.A.handsB.armsC.feetD.legs答案:A解析:由后面的“behind his back”可知,此处应该是“手被绑在背后”。8.A.eyesB.earsC.mouthD.nose答案:C解析:由后面的“so that he wouldnt shout”可知,此处应该是“用手绢捂住他的嘴”。9.A.intoB.ontoC.out ofD.down答案:A解析:climb into the car“爬进车里”。10.A.sawB.metC.freedD.noticed答案:C解析:此处意为“警察爬进车里,把司机解救出来”。free sb“解救某人”。11.A.tiedB.foundC.stoppedD.followed答案:D解析:follow sb“跟踪某人”,此处用其被动语态。12.A.factoryB.bankC.carD.house答案:B解析:从上文“车里装着工厂工人的工资”可知,此处应是从银行取款,即刚离开银行后不久就被跟踪上了。13.A.goB.driveC.walkD.move答案:B解析:由上文可知,这六个人劫持了这名司机,故此处应为made me drive to the river。14.A.moveB.speakC.cheatD.shout答案:D解析:此处应是“如果你大声喊叫,我们就枪毙你”。15.A.AfterB.AsC.WhileD.Before答案:A解析:此处是“我开着车到达河边后,他们就把我绑起来了”。16.A.tookB.showedC.threwD.let答案:C解析:此处应是“他们把我绑起来,然后把我扔到车后面”。17.A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five答案:A解析:由后面“.the thieves took one of them”和最后一段“This one contains the money”可知,此处应该是A项。18.A.WhoseB.WhatC.How manyD.How much答案:D解析:money为不可数名词,故D项正确。19.A.doesB.does notC.didntD.couldnt答案:B解析:由后面“It was full of letters.”可知B项正确。20.A.wholeB.allC.half ofD.part of答案:B解析:由前面的信息可知B项正确。


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