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八年级英语期末测试题 听力部分 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。每个句子读2遍。(5分)1. A You are right. B.Its OK. C.Its dangerous.2. A.In the morning. B.On the hill. C.Its serious.3. A.I was cooking. B.I want to play. C.Under the table4. A.I got a headache.B.Its very nice of you C.you are right5. A.Yes,I will. B.To stay calm. C.at 3;40 pm.听对话选择正确答案(10)6. What happened in New York this morning? A.A rainstorm. B. A typhoon. C.An earthquake7. Who lives in New York? A.Jack. B.Sam. C.Jane8. When did the earthquake happen? A.In Tokyo B.in Paris C.In London9. When did the earthquake strike city? A.Yesterday morning. B.Yesterday afternoon C.Yesterday evening.10. What will Steve do? A.Write to his grandparents. B.Email his grandparents. C.Call his grandparents.听短文,选择正确答案(10)11. The earthquake happened in _ A.April B.August. C.December12. _felt the earthquake A.Wang Bins father B.Wang Bins mother C.Wang Bin13. They stayed_for a moment after the earthquake A.In the corner B.under a table C.Under a bed14. .Wang Bin must be_ A.An office worker B.A teacher C.A studends15. It is a level_ earthquake A.5.1 B.4.5 C.4.1 笔试部分II 完形填空。(10分)Four students are talking about the future after class. “In 2050, our life will be much 16 than it is now. The sky is bluer and water is clearer. We can 17 the fresh air every day. Humans and animals 18 the world peacefully. ” says Zhang Tao, full of hope. Wang Yan thinks that it is not a 19 to travel to the moon for a holiday. We eat healthy food every day. At that time, everyone will enjoy a 20 life. Li Yuanyuan believes that people will have more free time because robots (机器人) will be very popular and will do many things 21 people. And we will build new 22 on other planets (星球). Maybe we can chat with each other in our new homes. Zhao Kai thinks that no animals will die out because of cloning (克隆). There will 23 no pollution (污染). The whole world will be one big 24 . As time 25 , well live a much easier and better life. Their teacher Mr. Chen tells them to work hard for their dreams and future. “Nothing is impossible. ” says Mr. Chen. ( )16. A. betterB. longerC. safer( )17. A. lookB. tasteC. breathe( )18. A. fightB. shareC. live( )19. A. dreamB. wayC. feeling( )20. A. shorterB. fasterC. longer( )21. A. toB. withC. for( )22. A. familiesB. homesC. schools( )23. A. isB. areC. be( )24 A. familyB. earthC. ball( )25. A. pastB. pastsC. passesIII.阅读理解。(40)(A)Sitting on a chair all day in school can make anyone want to move around. So, more and more teachers are letting students have a ball. By sitting on exercise balls instead of chairs, teachers find students attention improve.Peter, a fifth-grade teacher in West Virginia, the USA, has been using balls as chairs since December 2010. “The students love them”, he says. Peter took a survey of his students. He found that 80% of the students thought sitting on the balls helped them pay more attention to what they were learning.The manager(经理), Mary, felt so strongly about the use of balls as chairs, she encourages the use of the balls. She hopes not only teachers but also students know how to use them. “Our products(产品) are used in 24 states(州), three provinces(省) in Canada, Puerto Rico and Japan,” says Mary. “Research(调查) shows that sitting on the balls makes them sit up straighter,” says Mary, “but it feels not boring.” Because the students are moving, so the kids have more energy and can keep longer.“Besides, theyre fun.” says Peter.( )26What will happen if a student sits on a chair all day in school? The student will _.A. pay more attention to his lessons B. be funC. like to move around ( )27. How long has Peter used the balls?A. About five years.B. Only one year.C. 8 years.( )28 In how many countries are the balls used as the students chairs?A. Four. B. Three. C. Two. ( )29. Teachers choose balls instead of chairs because sitting on balls helps the kids_.A. improve the students posture and attention B. slouch(没精打采地坐着) on the chairsC. Both A and C are correct answers.( )30. Which is better for kids to study in class, sitting on a chair or sitting on a ball? A. Sitting on a chair. B. Sitting on a ball.C. They are the same. (B)How do animals communicate (交流) with each other? They have special “languages”. In fact, they are using signals (信号). Different signals have different meanings. For example, when a bee (蜜蜂) finds food somewhere, it flies home quickly. It cant speak, but it can tell others by dancing. Other bees will know where and how far the food is. Some animals show their feelings by making sounds. For example, when a dog is angry, it barks (吠). At this time, youd better stay away from it. Birds can make several sounds to show different meanings. Sometimes we humans show feelings by making sounds instead of by speaking. For example, when we feel painful (疼痛的), we cry“Oh!”or“Ouch!”. We humans have languages and words. We can communicate face to face by speaking. We can write down what happened in order to remember clearly. We can also send (寄) messages to people far away. But animals cant. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )31. Humans and animals both have their own languages. ( )32. A bee can tell others the messages by singing songs. ( )33. Birds can make different sounds to show different meanings. ( )34. All the animals can communicate with others far away. ( )35 When a dog is not happy, youd better keep away from it. (C)Teeth are important. Strong , healthy teeth help you chew(咀嚼) foods that help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes ,they help you look best. Here are some tips for you to take care of your teeth: 1. Brush your teeth the right way.Brush your teeth at least twice a day after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks, too. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend time brushing teeth along the sides and back of your mouth. Spend at least three minutes each time you brush. Play a song you like to help pass the time. Get a new toothbrush every three months. When you buy toothbrush, be sure it has soft bristles(鬃毛).2. Learn how to floss(用牙线清洁牙齿) your teeth.Flossing is a very important way to keep your teeth healthy. Food may hide between two teeth. Flossing can help get rid of it. Youll need to floss your teeth at least once a day.3. Have good eating habits.You need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Eating sugar is a major cause of tooth decay(蛀牙).Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda(苏打).( )36. How many times at least should we brush our teeth a day?_ A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 ( 37. What is the major cause of tooth decay? _A. Not brushing teeth B. Not changing toothbrush C. Eating sugar ( )38. How often should we change our toothbrushes? _ A. never B. three times a month C. every three months ( )39. The bristles of the toothbrush must be_ A. hard B. soft C. expensive ( )40. Which is the right way to take care of teeth? _A. Only brush front teeth. B. Not brush teeth before sleeping.C. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda. (D)What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange and red? You do, you must be a person full of hopeful(充满希望的) happy feelings about life. Do you like gray and blue? Then maybe you are quiet, and you would rather go after than go before. And sometimes you feel unhappy. If you love green, you are strong-minded. 43You wish to do everything well and want other people to see you are successful. At least this is what psychologists (心理学者) tell us. They tell us that we dont choose our favorite color as we grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.A yellow room makes us feel happier and more comfortable(舒适)than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and gladness to the saddest winter day.44Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have few accidents when their machines are painted (漆) orange rather than black or dark gray. Remember, then, that if you feel low, you can brighten your day or your life with a new shirt or new colorful things. Remember also that you will know your friends better when you find out what colors they like or dislike. And dont forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character (性格) when you choose something in different colors.根据短文内容,完成任务。任务一: 根据短文内容简要回答问题。41. If a person like red, whats the person like?_42. What can you do if you feel low?_任务二:将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。43._44. _任务三:请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。45_IV情景交际。(10分)在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。A:Hello! Kangkang! 46. B:Hi, Xiao Lei! Im going to the post office. A:47. B:Im going to send some clothes and books to the students in Wenchuan. A:Youre really warm-hearted.48. B:No, they cant. Their school buildings fell down and the government (政府) is rebuilding schools for them. A:Its good news. I hope they can go to school early. B:49. Oh, what about you? What will you do for the students there to show your love?A:50. V 综合填空。(5分)阅读下面短文,根据中文、首字母、音标、所给词或语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个 适当的单词,要求所填的单词意义准确、拼写正确。What is your choice when you feel like eating something between classes: fruit or candy? Experts say snacking (吃零食) is not all b 51 . It depends on what you eat and why and when you eat it. First, it is important to remember what snacks are 52 (health). Forget sodas and fast food because they are harmful to your health.Second, youd better know why youre snacking before you are actually doing it. 53 (记得) that its always better to eat for hunger. Never binge (大吃大喝) just because you feel bored or everyone else is eating. If you do so, you might put on weight (重量). Finally, when to eat snacks? Its not wise to eat snacks while you are watching TV or doing homework. Then you dont really focus on your food. Youll probably eat much more than you need. And some doctors suggest eating snacks two hours 54 /bIf5(r)/ meals, or you will lose your appetite (食欲) at dinner time. Bedtime is not a good t 55 for snacking.If you watch what you eat , you will live a better life. 51. _ 52_ 53 _ 54. _ 55 _据短文内容完成短文里缺的单词(10)In Britain, people usually begin their talks with _56_. For example, they will say“Its a fine day, isnt it?”“Do you _57_ it will rain?”Many people believe that they are _58_ to tell what the weather will be like. But they never _59_ with each other. One man may say, “How cloudy (阴的) it is now! Its going to rain.” _60_ man will say, “No, its going to be fine later.”People always hope the weather they want. For _61_, when a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him its going to _62_. When a man wants to travel, he is sure the weather will be _63_ quickly. Now almost everyone _64_ to the weather report. It doesnt always tell us the weather we want, it only tells us what the weather will be _65_. But sometimes it makes mistakes(错误). VI句子翻译。阅读下面短文,翻译划线部分的句子。(10)The Yushu earthquake was terrible. 1_(许多建筑物倒塌). 2.The earthquake killed more than two thousand people and hurt more people. 3._(许多孩子失去家园不能上学).4. Miss Wang told them that running out of the door could be dangerous 5._(最重要的是保持镇静).66.请把1句翻译成英语67. 请把2句翻译成汉语68. 请把3句翻译成英语69请把4句翻译成汉语70. 请把5句翻译成英语_VII书面表达(10)这学期马上就结束了,作为一名八年级学生你是否有一个良好的生活习惯?你的个人爱好是什么?你对自己的将来有何打算?请根据以上提示,写一篇70词左右的英文短文,课适当发挥。 I am a student in Grade 8. 2016年下期初二期末考试英语答案听力(25)1-5 CACAB 6-10 ABCBC 11-15 ABBCC 16-20 BACDD完形填空(10)ACBAC CBCAC阅读理解(40)A段 CAACBB段FFTFTC段 BCCBCD段 41. He/She must be a person full of hopeful happy feelings about life.42. If you feel low, you can brighten your day or your life with a new shirt or new colorful things.43.你渴望把一切做好,并想让其他人看到你是成功的。44.浅而亮的颜色使人们不仅更快乐而且更活跃。45. Different Colors,Different Characters情景交际。(10) 46. Where are you going? 47 What are you going to do? 48 Can they go to school now? 49. I hope so. 50. I will send some money(to the students there). 综合填空。Bad healthy remember before tims据短文内容完成短文里缺的单词(10)Weather think able agree another example rain fine listens like句子翻译。阅读下面短文,翻译划线部分的句子。66Mang buildinds fell down67.在地震中2000多人死去,更多的人受伤68Mang children lost their lives and coundnt go to school.69.王老师告诉他们跑出教室不安全。70.The most important is stay calm.11


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