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第18练阅读理解七选五写作.阅读理解A less wellknown benefit of having great EQ is that it can help in effective stress management,or in other words,to bring our stress to a comfortable level.But how can Emotional Intelligence help in stress management?Our emotions are good indicators of our stress level.If we are aware of our own emotions,we can identify the signs of unusually high stress earlier.Then we can take steps to relax or to control our emotions,and avoid further stress.For example,getting angry ten times in one single day at our team members,peers,or other people we interact with is most likely not a sign that they have suddenly become more annoying or incapable.It is more likely to be a sign that our level of stress has increased,and that our tolerance for anything that doesnt go our way has decreased.Selfmanagement,the second dimension of Emotional Intelligence,also helps decrease our stress.Selfmanagement is our ability to prevent the waves of our negative emotions from rising too high.An example of selfmanagement is keeping our sadness or anger from reaching an intensity when we cannot function and work normally,and when it can even be painful.Such high emotional wave further escalates stress in two ways.First,stress is expanded by the feeling that we are “losing control”And then it can be accompanied by guilt.and even more stress.Secondly,decisions we make during these emotional waves are usually not wellthought and usually bring us more trouble and more stress.For example,decisions we make during a period of anger can be expected to result in extra work to repair “additional damages”Social awareness,the third dimension of Emotional Intelligence decreases stress by reducing interpersonal conflicts in the workplace.One serious conflict with one of our team members or peers can eat up a large amount of our energy and result in a lot of stress.How exactly does better social awareness lead to less conflicts?Social awareness is the ability to recognize emotions in other people,and to handle them resourcefully.In situations when conflicts can easily arise,this skill is particularly useful.By identifying the emotions in our counterpart and then acknowledging these emotions,we can prevent a disagreement from turning into an open personal conflict.As a conclusion,if you are feeling that you are too stressed,I encourage you to look at how you could develop your Emotional Intelligence further.1Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “escalates” in Paragraph 4?ADecreases. BRaises.CRelieves. DSubstitutes.答案B词义猜测题。根据后文内容“.stress is expanded by.And then it can be accompanied by guilt.and even more stress.Secondly,.bring us more trouble and more stress.”可知,high emotion waves能在两个方面导致more stress,也就是raise stress“增加压力”,故选B项。decrease减少;relieve缓解;substitute替换。2In how many ways does great EQ help in stress management?A5. B4. C3. D2.答案C推理判断题。根据文章内容以及结构可知,文章介绍高情商在三个方面对缓解压力有帮助,emotion(第二段内容),selfmanagement(第三、四段内容)和social awareness(第五、六段内容),故选C项。3What do we know from the passage?AGetting angry 10 times a day at other people indicates that theyre annoying.BDecisions made during emotional waves can be thoughtless and regrettable.CSocial awareness can remove interpersonal conflicts in the workplace.DWhen we are feeling too stressed,we had better look at our EQ level.答案B细节理解题。根据文章第四段第四句“.decisions we make during these emotional waves are usually not wellthought and usually bring us more trouble and more stress.”可知,我们在情绪波动的时候做的决定往往没有经过周密考虑也会给我们带来更多的麻烦和压力。故选B项,在情绪波动的时候所做的决定往往是欠考虑并且会后悔的。4The structure of the passage is _( to represent Paragraph 1 to 7)答案A篇章结构题。本文是一篇“总分总”结构的文章。文章第一段总领全文。第二段是关于emotion的;第三、四段涉及selfmanagement;第五、六段涉及social awareness;最后一段是总结。故选A项。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tobacco use is responsible for nearly 443,000 deaths each year in the United States.Quitting smoking can be difficult for many people,especially lifelong smokers with a packaday habit._5_Make a Plan and Write It DownMaking a plan to help you quit smoking can actually make the difficult process easier.When deciding to quit smoking,set a stop date.Write your reasons for quitting down,whether its because of your health,the health of your children or because you want to save money._6_Cut Back GraduallyMost smokers have success quitting by setting a stop date and abruptly quitting on that date,according to the Mayo Clinic._7_The clinic recommends delaying your first cigarette of the day,smoking only half of each cigarette and having a smoke break for physical activity.Form New HabitsMany smokers are likely to feel the urge to smoke when theyre in situations where they routinely smoke,like at a bar or in front of the television.While you may not be able to avoid all the places where you used to smoke,like workplace,there are some you can avoid while youre quitting._8_For example,you can chew gum,use a stress ball or have a healthy snack.Seek SupportTell your friends,family and coworkers that youre quitting smoking._9_Having people you care about remind you why you want to quit when a craving strikes might be enough for you to successfully fight the urge to smoke.Also,online and telephone support groups can help as well.AThey will support you.BQuit smoking as soon as possible.CAnd also tell them why its important for you to quit.DHowever,there are some things you can do to quit smoking naturally.EThe specific reasons dont matter,as long as they are your real motivation to quit smoking.FBut if youve tried that and it doesnt work,cutting back gradually may produce better results.GWhen you must visit places or perform activities where smoking is involved,do something else.【语篇解读】每年约有443 000个美国人的死亡与吸烟有关。戒烟虽然困难,但人们可以采取一些办法来达到戒烟的目的。5D上文提到对于很多人来说戒烟是一件很困难的事情,下文提到了一些戒烟的方法。由此可知,此处选择D项,意思是“然而,你可以做一些事情自然地把烟戒掉”。6E上文提到了人们戒烟的很多原因,故此处选择E项,意思是“戒烟的具体原因不重要,只要这些原因是你戒烟的真正动力”。紧承上文进行论述。7F上文提到有些人定下戒烟日期并且在那一天突然成功地戒掉,此处选择F项,意思是“但是如果你尝试了这种方法而且不起作用的话,逐渐戒烟的方式有可能会产生更好的效果”,这与上文形成转折关系,引出了本段主题(Cut Back Gradually)。8G上文提到尽量避开那些让你习惯了吸烟的场所,下文提到比如说你可以嚼口香糖、使用压力球等等,所以此处选择G项,意思是“当你不得不去那些经常吸烟的地方或者做一些与吸烟有关的事情时,你可以做一些其他的事情避免吸烟”。9C上文提到告诉你的朋友、家人和同事自己正在戒烟,故选择C项,意思是“也要告诉他们戒烟对你非常重要”。.写作(一)应用文写作假如你是李华,2016年3月13日上午汉诺威孔子学院的几十名师生来你校访问,请你根据以下提示向来访客人介绍你校新建的网络学校。主要优点:1.方便教学,并且很有趣;2可向世界各地发送电子邮件;3方便有电脑者学习,能学到更多知识。注意:1.词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2短文应包括以上要点,可适当增加内容,使行文连贯。Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our school.Now I would like to introduce our netschool to you._Thats all.Thank you!【参考范文】Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our school.Now I would like to introduce our netschool to you.Our netschool is very helpful in many ways.First,it makes both teaching and learning easier and more interesting.Students can get more knowledge in class.Whoever has a computer can have the lessons we give at home.Second,its accessible to both teachers and students.We can make good use of the Internet,sending emails,searching for any information we need etc.Third,the net also helps improve our school management and meet the needs of modern education.Fourth,as a key school in our city,it sets a good example to the newlybuilt schools and may be of some help to them.Thats all.Thank you!(二)概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Many people who drink alcohol also like to smoke cigarettes.Drinking and smoking seem to be closely linked.Some people might even say they go together handinhand.But this may be more than just a mixing of two fairly common activities.New research has looked more closely at the relationship between cigarettes and alcohol.And the relationship is equally dependent.Smoking and drinking seem to feed on each other.These are the exact words of Mahesh Thakkar.He is head of research in the Department of Neurology at the University of Missouris School of Medicine.Thakkar explains that when a person drinks alcohol they get sleepy.He says a drug in cigarettes fights that sleepy feeling.That drug,nicotine,can be addictive;smokers need more cigarettes because of their bodys growing dependence on the drug.So,if a person smokes,then he or she is much more likely to drink alcohol,and vice versa.Thakkar says,“They feed off one another.”Researchers have already known that people who use alcohol often smoke.In fact,earlier research shows that more than 85 percent of alcoholdependent American adults also depend on nicotine.Thakkars earlier research showed that nicotine combined with alcohol stimulates what he calls the “reward center” of the brain. However,the new study shows a dependent relationship between the substances.Thakkar says his team “found that nicotine weakens” the sleepcausing effects of alcohol.It does this by activating an area of the brain called the basal forebrain. According to the Psychology Definition website,that area is responsible for memory,learning and attention.For this new experiment,Thakkar and his team used equipment that measures brain activity in rats.They injected the rats with both nicotine and alcohol,and then studied brain activity in the animals as they slept.The researchers find that nicotine goes through the basal forebrain(基底前脑) and cancels out the sleepcausing effects of alcohol._【写作指导】议论文通常包括论点、论据和结论三部分,因此写议论文的概要首先要找出主题句(the topic sentences)、支撑句(supporting sentences)和结论句(conclusion sentences),其中最主要的是找准主题句。概要模板:论点论据(结论)。通读全文可知,本文的论点为:前三段;第四段到第十段为论据,本文没有结论句。【参考范文】The relationship between smoking and drinking is equally dependent.And smoking and drinking seem to feed on each other.(主题句)When a person drinks alcohol they get sleepy so they need more cigarettes to fight that feeling.(论据1)If a person smokes,he or she is more likely to drink alcohol.(论据2)The new study shows a dependent relationship between them.(论据3)Nicotine goes through the basal forebrain and cancels out the sleepcausing effects of alcohol.(论据4)7


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