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Wild China(Tasting Notes),Land of Panda Part Three,1,I. Warming up Activities,Discussion: 1. Have you ever traveled to somewhere and had a good memory? Tell the class a story of your journey. 2. Which festival is your favourite one? And why?,2,II. Cultural Tips,1. Qinling Mountains 2. Mount Emei 3. Jiuzhaigou 4. the Temple of Heaven 5. The Chinese New Year- Spring Festival,3,Qinling Mountains,The Qin Mountains, or the Qinling Mountains are a major east-west mountain range in southern Shaanxi province, China. The mountains provide a natural boundary between the North and South of the country, and support a huge variety of plant and wildlife, some of which is found nowhere else on Earth. To the north is the densely populated Wei River valley, an ancient center of Chinese civilization. To the south is the Han River valley. To the west is the line of mountains along the northern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. To the east are the lower Funiu Shan and Dabie Shan which rise out of the coastal plain.,4,5,The highest mountain in the range is Mount Taibai (太白山) at 3,767 metres, which is about 100 kilometres West of the ancient Chinese capital of Xian and is the highest mountain in eastern China. Mount Hua (华山) , Mount Li (骊山) , and Mount Maiji (麦积山) make up the three other significant peaks in the range. They are home to the Qinling pandas, a sub-species of the giant panda. Between 250 to 280 giant pandas live in the region, estimated at around a fifth of the entire wild giant panda population. The mountains are also home to the golden takin(秦岭羚牛), golden pheasant(锦鸡), golden snub-nosed monkey(川金丝猴,仰鼻猴), Temmincks tragopan(红腹角雉), crested ibis(朱鹮), golden eagle( 金雕), blackthroat(黑喉歌鸲) and clouded leopard(云豹).,6,the golden takin(秦岭羚牛),7,golden pheasant(锦鸡),8,golden snub-nosed monkey (川金丝猴,仰鼻猴),9,Temmincks tragopan (红腹角雉),10,crested ibis(朱鹮),11,golden eagle ( 金雕),12,blackthroat(黑喉歌鸲),13,clouded leopard(云豹),back,14,Mount Emei,15,Made a World Heritage Site in 1996, Mount Emei is located in Sichuan Province and the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains(Wutai Shan, Emei Shan, Jiuhua Shan, Putuo Shan ) of China. It is the location of the first Buddhist temple built in China in the 1st century CE. The site has seventy-six Buddhist monasteries(寺院) of the Ming and Qing period, most of them located near the mountain top. Great spectacles of Mount Emei include the sunrise and Clouds Sea(日出和云海) seen from the Golden Summit(金顶) of the mountain.,back,16,Jiuzhaigou,17,Jiuzhaigou Valley is a nature reserve and national park located in the north of Sichuan, China. It is part of the Min Mountains on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau and stretches over 72,000 hectares. It is known for its many multi-level waterfalls, colorful lakes, and snow-capped peaks. Jiuzhaigou Valley was inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 1992 and a World Biosphere Reserve (世界生物圈保护区) in 1997.,back,18,the Temple of Heaven,19,The Temple of Heaven is a complex of religious buildings situated in the southeastern part of central Beijing. The complex was visited by the Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for annual ceremonies of prayer to Heaven for good harvest. The temple complex was constructed from 1406 to 1420 during the reign of the Yongle Emperor, who was also responsible for the construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing. The complex was extended and renamed Temple of Heaven during the reign of the Jiajing Emperor in the 16th century. The Jiajing Emperor also built three other prominent temples in Beijing, the Temple of Sun (日壇) in the east, the Temple of Earth (地壇) in the north, and the Temple of Moon (月壇) in the west . The Temple of Heaven was renovated in the 18th century under the Qianlong Emperor. Due to the deterioration of state budget, this became the last large-scale renovation of the temple complex in the imperial time.,20,Earth was represented by a square and Heaven by a circle; several features of the temple complex symbolize the connection of Heaven and Earth, of circle and square. The whole temple complex is surrounded by two cordons of walls; the outer wall has a taller, semi-circular northern end, representing Heaven, and a shorter, rectangular southern end, representing the Earth. The surrounding park is quite extensive, with the entire complex totaling 267 hectares. Some of it consists of playgrounds, exercise and game areas. These facilities are well used by adults, as well as by parents and grandparents bringing children to play. Some of the open spaces and side buildings are often used, particularly in the morning, for choral shows, ethnic dances, and other presentations.,back,21,Spring Festival,22,Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, usually celebrated from Chinese New Years Eve to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, making the festival the longest in the Chinese calendar. It is often referred to as the “Lunar New Year“. Traditionally, the festival was a time to honor deities(神明) as well as ancestors. Chinese New Year is celebrated in countries and territories with significant Chinese populations, including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Philippines, and also in Chinatowns elsewhere. Often, the evening preceding Chinese New Years Day is an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner.,23,IV. Now Words & Expressions,Proper Nouns: the Golden Takin秦岭羚牛 crested ibis朱鹮 Mountain Emei峨眉山 Tibetan macaque 藏酋猴;藏猕猴;藏酉猴 Minshan岷山 the Temple of Heaven天坛 Beijing Bird Club 北京鸟类爱好者俱乐部 Beijings Raptor Rescue Centre 北京猛禽救护中心 Chinese New Year春节 the Communist Party共产党,24,Expressions,make ones way to 找到去某地的路 a flock of 一群(鸟,羊等) in search of 寻找;搜寻 remove from 移除;远离 world heritage site 世界遗址 come to light 暴露;真相大白;众所周知 be wary of 提防;当心 the very heart of Beijing 北京正中心 wind ones way 蜿蜒而行;蜿蜒前行;蜿蜒向前;蜿蜒前进,25,OK, now lets watch the video.,26,V. Key Points,1. Right at the top of the Qinling Mountains lives a rare and mysterious creature that has inspired legends as far away as ancient Greece. 在秦岭山顶,居住着一种珍稀动物,关于他们的传说可以追溯到古希腊那个时代。 本句主语a rare and mysterious creature被that has inspired legends as far away as ancient Greece修饰,句中that为关系代词,a rare and mysterious creature是先行词。文中另外一个定语从句的例子有:And in the Qinling Mountains there is one story that shows just how valuable these traditions can be. 在秦岭有一个传说,展现了传统的巨大价值。文中还出现了关系副词when引导的定语从句:The birds and farmers had probably coexisted here for thousands of years until the 20th century when in many parts of China, rice was replaced by more profitable wheat production. 鸟儿和农民在此已共同生活了几千年,直到20世纪在中国的许多地方,稻谷被有利可图的小麦取代。,27,2.make ones way to 找到去某地的路 Golden takin make their way to the top of the mountains for the breeding season.秦岭羚牛在繁殖季节会向山顶迁徙。 3.Now victorious, this male will have access to the females.得胜之后,雄性就可以与雌性亲近。 本句中victorious这一形容词做了状语,形容词作状语用时,一般用逗号将其与句子的其余部分隔开。这种状语可位于句首、句末或句中。它在意义上相当于一个状语从句。如:Angry at the girl oversleeping, Mr Green went down to wake her up. (Mr Green went down to wake up the girl because he was angry with her for oversleeping. )格林先生下去叫醒她,是因为她睡过了头惹恼了他。,28,4.wind ones way蜿蜒而行;蜿蜒前行;蜿蜒向前;蜿蜒前进 As the dragon winds its way through the village, it has grown hundreds of metres long.龙灯沿着小镇的道路蜿蜒伸展,逐渐增至数百米长。 Quiet mountain roads wind through groves of bamboo and cedar. 幽静的山路蜿蜒穿过竹林和雪松林。,29,5.At one point, they were even believed to be extinct. 有一个时期甚至认为他们已经灭绝了。 本句可以转换成At one point, it was believed that they were extinct.即it做形式主语的句子。同样的用法还可用于say, think, known, report, estimate等。如:People think this winter is colder than usual.= It is thought that this winter is colder than usual. 6. make room for让出地方给,为腾出空位,也可引申为更重视如文中: In modern China, room is being made for nature once again. 在现代中国,保护自然再度受到重视。,30,7. While the impacts on wildlife from mass tourism is not entirely beneficial, the fact the increasing numbers of people are enjoying nature at first hand suggests some hope for the future.虽然大量游客带给野生动物的并非总是益处,这些不断增长的游客却无比享受自然情趣,这也暗示了未来的希望。 本句的主语是the increasing numbers of people are enjoying nature at first hand这一事实,其中the fact做其同位语。这与主语从句有区别。主语从句中引导该从句的引导词不可省略,如: That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.他在如此短的时间里写完了作文,真让我们吃惊。该句可把the fact改为that转变为主语从句,即While the impacts on wildlife from mass tourism is not entirely beneficial, that the increasing numbers of people are enjoying nature at first hand suggests some hope for the future.,31,8. as用法: (1)随着;伴随着;当时, 文中如: As the farmers tend their new crops, the secret life of Chinas most famous animal is finally coming to light.当农户照料作物时中国最著名生物中的神秘物种最终显形。 As night falls everyone from the neighborhood brings a lantern. 当夜幕降临,人们挟着灯笼涌出家门。 (2)尽管;虽然,文中有: As China looks to the future with a renewed sense of direction, ancient traditions are still very much a part of its culture. 尽管中国以崭新的面貌和趋势面向未来,中国传统文化依旧是重要的文明构成。,32,9. Once deemed fit and healthy, the owls are taken to the hills at the edge of Beijing.一旦确定恢复健康,他们将被带去位于京郊的山林放飞。 once作从属连词用表示“一旦就“,引导时间状语从句,表示时间上的两个动作或两件事彼此紧接着发生,同时带有条件意味。若从句中的主语与主句主语相同,且谓语中含有be时,可以省略从句的主语和be。如: Once you have taken the examination, you will be able to relax. 你一旦考完试就可以轻松一下。 Once(it is)found, any mistake must be corrected. 一旦发现任何错误就必须加以改正。,33,10. Here at the Temple of Heaven in the very heart of Beijing, there are signs of a new attitude towards nature. 在北京中心地区天坛,出现了对待自然的全新态度与理念。 very做形容词意为“恰好是,正是;甚至;十足的;特有的”,如: Everybody says he is the very man for the case. 人人都说他是这件案子的最佳人选。,34,VI. Exercises,1. Answering the following questions according to the passage. (1) The Golden Takin live high on the mountains, why are they still hunted to near extinction? Despite living high on the mountains, golden takin were once hunted to near extinction for their meat. (2) How are the crested ibis saved from the brink of extinction? The Chinese government stepped in, protecting the rice paddies so the birds could continue to feed and safeguarding neighboring trees to enable them to breed.,35,(3)How are the monkeys in Mount Emei influenced by people? Constant contact with people is changing the behavior of the monkeys, they are growing bolder. (4)Do pandas live alone or in a group? A pandas life is mostly solitary until the spring breeding season when the brief opportunity to mate arises. (5)Once deemed fit and healthy, what will the staff from Beijings Raptor Rescue Centre do with the owls? Once deemed fit and healthy, the owls are taken to the hills at the edge of Beijing and will be released.,36,(6)What does Tibetan macaques eyebrow-raising display mean? Tibetan macaques eyebrow-raising display means trouble. It means that they are angry. (7) Why are Mount Emei so attracted to the tourists? Because it is a sacred site for Buddhists and it is a good place for people in city to touch the nature. (8) What is the source of crystal-clear springs in Jiuzhaigou? The limestone mountains are the source of crystal-clear springs which are formed by over 100 lakes filled with lime-rich water of unbelievable colour.,37,2. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have heard from the video clip. Here at the Temple of Heaven in the (1) heart of Beijing, there are signs of a new attitude towards nature. Every year, as thousands of birds (2) southwards to escape the winter. One secretive species seek (3) in the temple grounds. Safeguarded by the temples tradition as many as ten owls can be seen in the (4) tree. The owls arrival is celebrated by members of the recently formed Beijing Bird Club. Migration can be a (5) undertaking and every year many owls (6) the hazards of power lines, traffic and industry.,very,migrate,shelter,same,dangerous,suffer,38,Some of the more (7) end up here at Beijings Raptor Rescue Centre. (8) in 2001, its the first of its kind. Here, owls are given medical (9) by Sun Quanhui and his team. The birds are even exercised to help their rehabilitation. Once deemed fit and healthy, the owls are taken to the hills at the edge of Beijing. Every spring, staff from Beijings Raptor Rescue Centre (10) dozens the owls. Today, there are over 1500 designated nature reserves in China, covering large tracts of some of the countrys finest landscapes.,fortunate,Established,attention,release,39,3. Reading comprehension. Choose the best word or expression with its proper form from the the list given to each blank. cherish, attraction, in search of, beneficial, awkward, source , bold, suppose, remove from, population, home to, be wary of, come to light, dominance, encounter China today has the worlds largest Buddhist (1) . These old sacred sites are highly (2) , nearly 2 million people visit Mount Emei each year. But the buddhist temples are not the only (3) . Mountain Emei is (4) Tibetan macaques, the biggest of their kind. Their thick coats enable them to thrive in harsh mountain conditions at altitudes up to 3,000 metres. Ancient Chinese people believe that good deeds towards human looking macaques were an investment for eternity.,population,cherished,attraction,home to,40,But for these city dwelling tourists whose everyday lives are far (5) wild life, this encounter is an uneasy mix of reverence and fear. For the macaques, too, its an (6) relationship. The monkeys normally forage for fruit, but the tourists are a much easier (7) of food. Constant contact with people is changing the behavior of the troop. Once wary of humans the macaques are growing (8) . How are tourists (9) to know that this eyebrow-raising display means trouble? Some of the more assertive monkeys have to be policed accordingly. While the impacts on wildlife from mass tourism is not entirely (10) , the fact the increasing numbers of people are enjoying nature at first hand suggests some hope for the future.,removed from,awkward,source,bolder,supposed,beneficial,41,4. Translation. Put the following passage into English. 游行的队伍渐行渐长,热闹的气氛再现了中国最古老伟大的壮丽场面。全国上下上演龙舞,这项庆典本身已有数千年历史之久,然而他依旧是中国旧历新年中的亮点,龙灯沿着小镇的道路蜿蜒伸展,逐渐增至数百米长,每个人都是其中的一个环节。,42,As the procession grows longer, the atmosphere builds for the spectacle of one of Chinas oldest and greatest inventions. The dragon dance is performed all over China; the ceremony itself is thousands of years old, but its still the highlight of the Chinese New Year. As the dragon winds its way through the village, it has grown hundreds of metres long. Every one is part of it.,43,5. For this part, you are required to write a composition about the topic “the environment problem”. The following points are useful for your writing. You should write at least 200 words but no more than 300 words. Tips: This composition can include the three parts: (1)Some basic information about this topic; (2)The reason why we have such severe environment problems; (3) Solutions to this problem.,44,One possible version:,In recent years, many nations have become more aware of the environmental issues each nation faces, such as air and water pollution. The question is, are the environmental issues a national problem or an international problem? It is my belief that the environmental issues have grown to the point of becoming an international problem needing international cooperation to resolve. Because of the differences in environmental policies, resources and technology, international cooperation could provide quicker results and have a greater impact on bringing resolution to environmental problems for nations of differing environmental policies and of lesser resources and technology. By pooling international resources and technology to address the environmental problems, the disadvantaged nations are provided the assistance needed. Otherwise their environmental conditions deteriorate ultimately affecting the resources and environment of the world as a whole.,45,One of the difficulties to an international resolution to environmental issues is the difference in individual nations view and policies toward environmental protection. In order for international cooperation to occur and succeed, the nations of the world must submit themselved to international standards and supervision by an international commission elected by the participating nations of the world. All members must agree to abide by the standards established. The environmental issues facing each country are not unrelated to the well being of the rest of the world. The impact is long term and international in scope. Without international cooperation and agreement to address such environmental issues as glacial melting at the South Pole, depletion of the ozone layer, water pollution, air pollution, etc., the environmental conditions of the world will deteriorate to the detriment of every nation, not just those that ignore or lack the resources and technology to resolve their individual environmental problems.,46,Thanks for your attention!,47,


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