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江苏省启东市2017届九年级英语下学期开学考试试题(考试时间90分钟 满分150分). 单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分)( )1. Do you think _ story I told you yesterday _ interesting one? A. a; the B. the; an C. a; an D. the; a( )2. Tom has _ that he lives a happy life. A. a so well-paid job B. such a well-paid job C. so a well-paid work D. such a well-paid work( )3I dont think _ polite to speak to old people like thatIm sorry for thatAthatBthey CheDit( )4Could you help me, Andy? We need _ tables for the birthday partyAmost threeBmore threeCthree most Dthree more( )5. - Do you know _?- All of them _ the museum.A. where are the students; have gone to B. where are the students; have been toC. where the students are; have gone to D. where the students are; have been to( )6. _ are crazy about listening to pop music in their spare time.A. Bill as well as Dick and Lucy B. Neither Victor nor TomC. Not only Tim but also the twins D. Either Anita or Jack( )7. Its said that his father was attacked _ a man _ a knife. A. with; withB. by; by C. by; with D. with; by( )8. _ everybody is here, lets begin our meeting. A. Though B. Since C. Unless D. While( )9. - Staying up late is bad for your health. -You are right. I decide to _. A. take it downB. find it outC. turn it offD. give it up( )10. - Mr Wu, could you tell me _?- Youd better do more speaking.A. how I can improve my English B. which way can I chooseC. how I do with my English D. whats wrong with my English( )11You had better _ wine because you have to drive back homeAnot drink Bdont drink C . not to drink Dwont drink( )12. Sherlock Holmes is a very exciting film. Its the third time that I _ it.A. will see B. see C. am going to seeD. have seen( )13. _ concerts are never quite the same on the small screen. A. LivelyB. Alive C. Living D. Live( )14The Apple founder and former CEO Jobs _ on Wednesday at the age of 56Atook awayBpassed away Cput awayDthrew away( )15. Oh, just imagine! _ it is to go to the wonderful tourist attraction!A. What a great fun B. How fun C. What great fun D. How great fun( )16. - _ I know by what time you want the report to be done?- By the day after tomorrow. _ you finish it on time?A. May; Can B. Must; Need C. Could; Must D. Need; Would( )17. I find this book _ for a six-year-old child to read.A. enough easy B. enough easily C. easy enough D.easily enough( )18. The project theyre working on _ many teenage problems that they care about.A. covering B. covers C. include D. including( )19 Harry Potty is the novel _I like best. Would you like to read it? SureAwhoBwhichCwhatDwhy( )20. - Will you go to the park tomorrow?- If you dont, _. A. so do I B. so will I C. neither do I D. neither shall I .完形填空(每小题1分,计15分) Not everyone has the chance to be a detective. But I ever got one when I was thirteen years old. It happened in 1988.One afternoon, I was walking down the street when I saw my 21 new car. I expected to see my father, but to my 22 , I saw a young woman driving instead. “She stole my fathers car,” I thought. So I quickly stopped a 23 and got in. I said to the driver, “Follow that new car 24 . ” And I told him why.The taxi driver had a car telephone, and I asked him to 25 the police. Soon we heard the 26 of a police car and its loudspeaker. The policeman told the woman to 27 her car. Our car came to a stop, too. I 28 right then and said to the woman, “Its not 29 car. Its my fathers.” The woman 30 and said, “Oh. Youre Mr Jacksons son, right? Ive once seen your photo at your fathers 31 .” Before I could say 32 word, the woman explained that she was my fathers new assistant. My father had asked her to take his computer to the shop to have it 33 . He lent her his car. After hearing her words, we called my father and he told us what she said was 34 . the police and the taxi driver laughed. I 35 very sorry. It was both the first time and the last time for me to work as a detective. Dont you think my story funny?21AmothersBfathersCaunts Down22Ajoy Bway Csurprise Dsurprised23Ataxi Bbus CcarDbike24Ain frontBafter Cat the backDat the back of25Atell Bcall CsayDask26Anoise Bvoice Ccry Dsound27Aleave Btake Cstop Dstart28Agot in Bgot intoCgot outDgot away29Amy Byour CmothersDfathers30AsmiledBfrightenedCworriedDrefused31Ahome BcarCofficeDbook32Aanother BotherCelse Dothers33AwashedBrepairedCfound Dseen34AwrongBinterestingCboringDtrue35AfeltBsoundedCfellDlooked.阅读理解 (每题2分共40分) A I often hear some students say English is difficult, and it gives them a headache. So they cant learn itwell. But English is very easy for me. Im good at it. Im very glad to tell you something about how I study English. First, I think an interest (爱好) in English is very important. When I was in Grade One, we had a newsubject - English. It was fresh for me . I was interested in it, so I worked hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How happy I was! After that, I learned English harder andharder. Our English teacher often teaches us English songs, the songs sound nice. I often think howinteresting English is! Second, I think English is a foreign language. I should learn it well in the following ways: Listen to theteacher carefully, speak bravely, read aloud and have a good vocabulary (词汇). Then practice again andagain, never be tired. And I also have a good habit: Asking . Whenever (不论何时) I have a question, Imust make it clear by asking our English teacher. How happy I am when I understand! Besides this, I often read English stories, jokes and easy novels. From these I know English is not onlyinteresting, but also useful. They help me understand a lot of things. So to do more reading is an important way to learn English well. And I also do some exercises from our class magazines, and I often write English diaries. English hasbecome a close friend of mine. Now I have learned English for more than two years. I always keep the first position in our school.From these words, I hope every student can learn English well.( )36. Why do some students often have a headache?A. Because they are easy to catch cold. B. Because its often very cold C. Because they think English is easy. D. Because they dont think English is easy. ( )37. The writer tells us that we should be _ in English if we want to learn it well.A. interest B. interested C. interesting D. strict( )38. The sentence I got a very good mark means _.A.I got a good way. B. I had a good idea.C. I did badly in the exam . D. I did well in the exam.( )39. The writer thinks English is interesting because_.A. English is full of stories. B. English is full of jokes. C. his teacher often teaches them nice English songs. D. of nothing ( )40. Which of the following is not the way the writer studies by?A. speaking bravely B. Writing to foreign friendsC. Reading aloud D. Writing English diariesBIf you won a lottery and had lots of money, what would you do? Most people start by buying themselves things, such as a new car or a bigger TV.Many people who win lots of money may suddenly find that they have a lot of socalled(所谓的)friends. The new friends they make may follow them for their money but they may also leave them when all the money is spent. Besides that, they cant decide what to do with the money, so they try to think what they want. In the end, most people usually decide to save the money.There are some lottery winners who decide to quit(辞职)their jobs, because they think they have enough money and dont need to work any longer. Some big lottery winners make even bigger changesthey end their marriages. They think that winning a lot of money has suddenly made them more intelligent and more attractive(有吸引力的).So they feel that they have to be with a younger or more attractive man or woman.They dont know their new money is just a bit of luck. It cant change everything.Next time when you buy a lottery ticket, think about what you would like to do and what you wouldnt like to do with the money if you won.( )41. A lottery winner may suddenly find himself with many socalled friends, probably because_.A. he wants to make lots of friends B. he doesnt know what to do with all the moneyC. these new friends are usually kind to the lottery winnerD. these new friends want the lottery winner to give them some money( )42. Some lottery winners want to be with a more attractive man or woman because they _.A. dont like their husbands or wives any moreB. think winning a lot of money has made them more intelligent and more attractiveC. have some new friends D. dont know how to spend the money( )43. What do most of the lottery winners do with all the money?A. They buy lots of houses. B. They find better jobs.C. They spend the money on their marriages. D. They save the money.( )44. The underlined word“It”refers to(指的是)_ A. the lottery B. the next lottery ticketC. the money that they win D. everything that has changed( )45. Which of the following is NOT true?A. All the big lottery winners want to end their marriages.B. Most lottery winners usually decide to save the money they winC. Some lottery winners might decide to move to a bigger houseD. Many lottery winners buy themselves things with the money that they won. CIn Britain you are allowed to drive a car when you are seventeen. You have to get a special two-yeardriving license before you can start. When you are learning, someone with a full license always has to be in the car with you because you arent allowed to drive the car on the road alone. You dont have to go toa driving school-a friend can teach you. The person with you isnt allowed to take the money for the lesson unless hes got a teachers license. Before you are allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take a test in your own car, but it has to be fit for the road. In the test you have to drive roundfor about half an hour and then answer a few questions. If you dont pass the test, you are allowed to take it again a few weeks later if you want to. In 1970 a woman passed her fortieth test after 212 driving lessons.When youve passed your test, you dont have to take it again, and you are allowed to go on driving as long as you like, if you are healthy. Britains oldest driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100. Before 1904 everyone was allowed to drive, even children. Then from 1904 car drivers had to have a license. But they didnt have to take a test until 1935. On the early days of car driving, before 1878, cars werent allowed to go faster than fourmiles an hour, and someone had to lead the car with a red flag.( )46. Which is NOT necessary for a young man who wants to drive a car alone?A. He should reach the age of 17.B. He should get a special two-year driving license.C. He should learn to drive in a driving school.D. He should pass a driving test to get a full license( )47. A person cant take money for driving lessons unless he _.A. has learnt to drive in a driving school B. has a full driving licenseC. has a teachers license D. is given a special two-year driving license ( )48. In the driving test, one _.A. can drive his own car, but it must be fit for the roadB. is usually asked to drive on roads for some timeC. has to be examined only in car driving skillsD. can drive round for more than an hour( )49. Which of the following is not true?A. There is no limit to the age of an old man who drives a car.B. One can take a driving test again and again until he passes it.C. There was a special limit to cars before 1878.D. A car driver didnt have to get a license until 1935.( )50. Before 1904 everyone was allowed to drive, even .A. old men B. young men C. women D. children DStephen Hawking was one of the most famous scientists in this century. He was born in1942. Hes a world well-known on space and time. Stephen is researching some very big questions, such as: How did the universe begin? How will it end?Stephen was a student atOxfordUniversity. He studied math and science. Then, at theage of twenty, he became sick. He was so young, but the doctors said to his family, “He has only two more years to live.” As a matter of fact, the doctors were wrong- he didnt die. He cant walk now but he uses a wheelchair(轮椅). He cant feed himself and get in or out of bed himself. But he refused to give in to the condition. He talks with the help of a computer. AfterOxford, Stephen went toCambridgeUniversity. Three years later, in 1965, he became a doctor of philosophy(哲学).Because of his serious health problems, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams(图表)or to write. So he started to think in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he became one of the most famous scientists in the world. In 1991, he met the Pope(教皇) in Rome. They talked about his ideas. Then in 1998, he wrote his first important book,A Brief History of Time. It sold more than 5.5 million copies in 33 different languages. He was once invited to China, he impressed us with his self-confidence, humorous and witty(风趣的) conversation.( )51. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Stephen is good at thinking.B. Stephen cannot walk.C. Stephen has had the answers to some very big questions.D. Stephen had once studied math and science atOxfordUniversity.( )52. How old was Stephen when he became a doctor of philosophy?A. 21B.23C. 27D. 25( )53.A Brief History of Timeis _.A. a book which is well-known all over the wordB. a book aboutRomes historyC. Stephens talk collection with the Pope inRomeD. Stephens talk collection with me inChina( )54. Stephens studies DO NOT relate(涉及) to _ according to the passage.A. scienceB. mathC. philosophyD. art( )55. The right order of Stephens main experiences is _.a. He went toCambridgeUniversity.b. He became very ill.c. He wrote his first import book.d. He met the Pope inRome.A. c- a- b - d B. a- b- c- d C. b-a-d-c D. a- c- b d. 词汇运用(每题1分共15分)A根据所给的首字母或中文提示及句意,写出句中所缺单词。1She has been an ORBIS nurse since she left ( 大学)2The Great Wall is one of the w in the world3Jackie Chan is _ (认为) by many people as a superstar.4There are lots of_ (富有的)people living in the centre of the city5We dont believe him, but he (says strongly that sth. is true) he is rightB根据句意用方框中单词的适当形式填空,使句子的意思完整、正确。pronounce high true safe success 6The government gives us some _( safe ) tips against crime.7Our English teacher often asks us to read after him in class to improve our .8To tell the _ (true) I dont like the drinks in that caf9He _ (success) brought Chinese and western music together.10People think _(high) of Hepburns efforts in charityC根据句意用方框中动词的适当形式填空,使句子的意思完整、正确。cancel prepare draw be mistake11Hepburn acted so well that some people her for a real princess.12 Both Jerry and his friends for the English exam these days13If it snows the day after tomorrow, the football match _ (cancel)14There a lot of rain in my hometown since last month.15When the teacher entered the classroom, some students pictures. 句型转换 (每线一词,每题2分共10分)1. Your friend said something bad about you. (改为否定句)Your friend said about you.2. Will there be a sports meeting next week? I wondered. ( 合并成一句)I wondered there be a sports meeting next week.3. I invited them to my birthday party last week. ( 改为被动语态)They to my birthday party last week.4. Yesterday afternoon I asked someone to take some photos for me.(改为同义句)Yesterday afternoon I some photos .5. If you dont work hard, youll not make any progress.( 改为同义句)You make any progress you work hard. .单句改错 (选出句中有错的一项,并将正确答案写在横线上)(每题2分共10分)( ) 1. It turned out that the young man was nothing to do with the case. A B C D( ) 2. I think attending the parents meeting is of great valuable to us. A B C D( ) 3. Amy is so good a nurse that each of her patients is pleasant with her service. A B C D( ) 4. The film was lasted for two hours and a half yesterday. A B C D( ) 5. The old man has left his hometown since he was a child. A B C D.根据首字母提示及短文内容填写所缺单词。(每题1分共10分)Success means to try your bestMany people b 1 that success means to winIn my opinion, it means to try your best when you do e 2 , no matter you will win or notWhen you are t 3 part in a long-distance race, if you keep on running as f 4 as you can, you are successful, though you may be the last to pass the finishing-lineBecause you have showed your best to others, and you have made your greatest e 5 to be the winnerSuccess means not to lose heartNo one can always be the w 6 You will certainly lose or fail some dayIt is important for you not to lose heartA person who has lost heart is just like a tree without roots(树根)It will be e 7 blown down by the windNobel had failed many t 8 when he was doing his experimentsSometimes his lab was on fire and he was nearly killedBut he never lost heart and kept on tryingFinally he was s 9 So when you fail or meet any d 10 , just believe in yourself, stand up and give the difficulty a heavy strike. 任务型阅读(每题2分共10分)Now youve finished three years of English study. Theres one way to demonstrate(展示)what youve learnedtake a test!Do you have any special methods you use to help you do better on a test? How well you do is often a matter of how well prepared you are. Here are some ways to make sure youre at your best on test days.Go to bed early. The night before a test is not the time to stay up watching TV. You want to be rested and wide-awake for test day.Have a good breakfast. Test day isnt a morning for donuts(面包圈). Nor is it a time to starve(挨饿) yourself. Eat plenty of low-sugar, high-energy food to keep your brain and body working their best.Be prepared. Make sure you have two pencils


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