七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I'm watching TV Period 4教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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七年级英语下册 Unit 6 I'm watching TV Period 4教案 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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Unit 6 Im watching TV Period4 SectionB2a-selfcheck【教学目标】知识与技能(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: 名词n.race, host, study, state, the United States, American, dragon, child 形容词adj. American, any, other 动词 v. miss, wish, study 代词 pron. Other 副词 adv. still(2)熟练掌握下列短语: Living room theUnitedStates,DragonBoatFestival, wishtodosth.,likealot,anyother(3)掌握下列句型: I do my homework every day.I am doing my homework now.He cleans his room every afternoon.He is cleaning his room now.过程与方法 阅读理解,写作练习情感、态度与价值观培养同学间的友好相处,规范自己的行为,同时能提高他们的观察能力和判断能力,激发他们对学习英语的兴趣和热情,在接近生活常态的交际中能乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。了解中西方文化的不同,具有世界观念,了解其他的国家的文化。【教学重难点】重点:1. 能够理解时间表达方式。2. 能理解区分现在进行时与一般现在时。3. 能够掌握阅读技巧。 4. 能用所学知识写出精美文章。难点:1. 理解较长文章。2. 用所学知识写出完整的文章。【导学过程】一新课预习1.your/pals/pen/doing/are/what_?2.father/reading/newspaper/the/his/is_.3.some/of/are/here/my/photos_.4.dinner/she/eating/is/now_?5.at/pool/swimming/am/the/I_.6.she/want/to/movies/go/to/does/the_?二对下列各句提问并作简略回答。1.Kateisdoingherhomework._?Yes,_.No,_.2.Hisparentsaretalkingwiththeteachers._?Yes,_.No,_.3.Jimiscleaninghisroom._?Yes,_.No,_.4.Myfriendsareeatingbreakfast._?Yes,_.No,_二. 情景导入图片展示酒店大堂里世界各地一些不同城市的不同时间。三合作探究1. Work on 2aLook at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places. 通过学习帮助学生认识到世界各地的时间不同。2. Work on 2b. Read the TV report and answer the questions.3. Work on 2c. Match the verbs in column A with the words in Column B. Then use the phrases to write sentences according to the TV report.阅读文章应先略读在细读。因此第一个问题的设置要求学生略读找到关键词语进行推测。接下来的4个问题能够帮助学生对文章有整体理解。2c的设计能够帮助学生更好的理解文章,读懂细节。4. Work on 3a。帮助学生学会用正确的语言进行写作,为完成本单元的写作部分进行铺垫。5. Work on 3b & Self Check四点拨总结现在进行时的构成:be(am/is/are) + v-ing。以动词work为例,现在进行时的肯定式、否定式、疑问式和简略答语如下: 肯定式 I am working. You are working. He / She / It is working. We / You / They are working. 否定式I am not working. You are not working. He / She / It is not working. We / You / They are not working. 疑问式和简略答语: Am I working? Are you working? Yes, you are. Yes, I am. No, you are not (arent) No, I am not. Is he / she / it working? Are we working? Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, you are. No, he / she / it is not (isnt). No, you are not (arent) Are you working? Are they working? Yes, we are. Yes, they are. No, we are not (arent) No, they are not (arent).3) 动词-ing形式的构成: 一般在动词原形末尾加-ing. gogoing askasking looklooking 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing. writewriting makemaking taketaking 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加-ing。 getgetting sitsitting putputting runrunning beginbeginning 以ie结尾的重读开音节动词改ie为y,再加-ing。 diedying lielying tie-tying五训练评价 选择填空。()1.A:Ishewritingorreading?B:_.A.Yes,heisB.No,heisntC.Hesreading()2._istheboydoing?A.WhatsB.WhatC.Who()3.Thewomen_totheradio.A.arelisteningB.listeningC.islistening()4.Istheboy_thedoor?A.openningB.openingC.open()5.Wemust_toschoolatseventhirty.A.goB.goingC.aregoing()6._somebreadonthetable.A.ThereareB.TherehasC.Thereis()7.Lily,_thewindow.A.dontcloseB.doesntcloseC.isntclosing()8.A:Wherearethechildrenplayinggames?B:_. A:OverthereB.AttenthirtyC.Theyareplayingfootball翻译句子1)他们正在用电话交谈。(onthephone)2)这个电视节目很有趣。(TVshow)3)你在等谁?(waitfor)4)她每天都做家庭作业。(dohomework)5)老师们正在谈论什么?(talkabout)六学习反思开心 ,我学会了: 1. 2. 3. 加油 ,这些我还不懂: 1. 2. 3.


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