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Unit 17 Laughter Section Language Awareness & Culture Corner & Bulletin Board.单句语法填空1In 2015, he was studying(study) in a university in the south.2The Green is watching(watch) a football match now.3Your father is coming(come) to see you tomorrow.4He is (be) always ready to help others.5It is no good waiting(wait) here.Lets walk home.6He always likes to play jokes on me because we are close friends.7We are faced(face) with a lot of problems but well win through in the end.8Perhaps it may do him(he) good to leave you here.9It is doubtful whether she will be able to come.10We will start at the point where we left off.单句改错1That is a mystery to me how it all happened._2The bookshop which I bought this book is not far from here._3When face with the choice of doing nothing or doing something,always choose to act!_4China attached great importance to develop ties with France._5He has a great personality and just loves to tease and have a fun. 【导学号:96750044】_【答案】1.That改为It2.which改为where或者which前面加in3.face改为faced4.develop改为developing5.去掉fun前面的a.阅读理解A sense of humor can brighten the family life.You can put on a silly hat and chase a 3yearold kid,or pretend to fall into a pile of leaves to amuse a firstgrader.As kids grow into preteens(about 11 or 12)and teens(13 to 19),you can share jokes as their sense of whats funny becomes better.Humor is what makes something funny;a sense of humor is the ability to recognize it.Someone with a welldeveloped sense of humor has the ability to recognize whats funny in others and can amuse them as well.A good sense of humor is a tool that kids can rely on throughout life to help them.Kids with a welldeveloped sense of humor are happier and more optimistic,have higher selfesteem,and can handle differences(their own and others)well.And a good sense of humor doesnt just help kids emotionally or socially.Research has shown that people who laugh more are healthiertheyre less likely to be depressed and may even have an increased resistance to illness or physical problems.They experience less stress,have lower heart rates,pulses,and blood pressure,and have a better digestion(消化能力)Laughter may even help humans better endure pain,and studies have shown that it improves our immune(免疫的)function.But most of all,a sense of humor is what makes life fun.We tend to think of humor as part of our genetic makeup,like blue eyes or big feet.But its not true.A sense of humor actually is a learned quality.Kids can start developing a sense of humor at a very young age.Babies dont really understand humor,but they do know when youre smiling and happy.When you make funny noises or faces and then laugh or smile,your baby is likely to sense your joy and imitate (模仿) you.Sometime between 9 and 15 months, babies know enough about the world to understand that when Mom puts a piece of cloth on her head, shes doing something unexpected and that its funny.To help kids at each stage of development, parents should know whats likely to amuse them.【语篇解读】幽默感能够使整个家庭及其成员健康快乐,特别是对孩子来说尤为重要。家长可以根据孩子的年龄特点和身心发展来培养孩子的幽默感。1Which of the following people do you think can best share jokes with their parents?AA newborn baby.BAn elevenyearold kid.CA fiveyearold kid.DA fifteenmonthold baby.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段的“As kids grow into preteens(about 11 or 12)and teens (13 to 19),you can share jokes as their sense of whats funny becomes better.”可以判断,一个十一岁的孩子是可以理解笑话的。【答案】B2It can be concluded from the third paragraph that a good sense of humor_Ais one of the most important things needed for a kid to succeedBhelps kids make more friends throughout their lifeCcan improve a kids mental and physical healthDmay sometimes cause embarrassment【解析】推理判断题。第三段内容介绍了幽默感对孩子的身心健康都有好处。【答案】C3Which of the following statements about a sense of humor is NOT true?AIt can make the family life bright.BIt is something that kids can rely on for all their life.CIt is something people are born with.DIt is the ability to recognize humor.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段的“We tend to think of humor as part of our genetic makeup,like blue eyes or big feet.But its not true.A sense of humor actually is a learned quality.”可知幽默感不是与生俱来的,而是后天习得的。【答案】C4What is the passage mainly about?AThe reason why people should develop a sense of humor.BThe characteristics of kids sense of humor at different ages.CTips on how to develop a good sense of humor.DThe importance of a good sense of humor for kids.【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,这篇文章主要介绍了幽默感对孩子的重要性。【答案】D.完形填空(2016沈阳二中高二上月考)Dear Laura,I just heard you tell an old story of gift giving and unselfish love in your program.You doubted that such unselfish love would happen in todays world.Well, Im here to give you _1_I wanted to do something very _2_ for my fifteenyearold son,who has always been the perfect child.He _3_ all summer to earn enough money to buy a used motorcycle.Then, he spent hours and hours on it _4_ it looked almost new.I was so _5_ of him that I bought him the shiniest helmet and a riding outfit.I could _6_ wait for him to open up his gift.In fact, I barely slept the night before.Upon a wakening, I went to the kitchen to _7_ the coffee, tea, and morning goodies.In the living room was a beautiful keyboard with a _8_:“ To my wonderful mother, all my love, your son.”I was so _9_It had been a longstanding joke in our family that I wanted a piano so that I could _10_ lessons.“Learn to play the piano, and Ill get you one” was my husbands _11_I stood there shocked, crying a river, asking myself how my son could _12_ this expensive gift.Of course, the _13_ awoke, and my son was thrilled(激动的)with my reaction.Many kisses were _14_, and I immediately wanted him to _15_ my gift.As he saw the helmet and outfit, the look on his face was not _16_ what I was expecting.Then I _17_ that he has sold the motorcycle to get me the keyboard.Of course I was the proudest mother _18_ on that day, and my feet never hit the ground for a month.So I wanted you to know, that kind of love still _19_ and lives even in the everchanging world of me, me, me!I thought youd love to _20_ this story.Yours,HilaryPS.The next day, my husband and I bought him a new “used” already shiny motorcycle.【语篇解读】本文通过讲述一对母子互相为对方买礼物的故事,说明世界上仍有无私的爱的存在。1A.hopeBadviceCsupport Dcourage【解析】针对Laura对“当今世界是否有无私的真爱”的怀疑态度,作者通过自己的亲身经历来说明无私的真爱是存在的。比较4个选项,同时结合下文的内容,只有A最佳。【答案】A2A.polite BsimilarCspecial Dprivate【解析】下文提到,“我”希望看到儿子激动的表情,所以是想给儿子一个特殊的(special)礼物。【答案】C3A.played BstudiedCtraveled Dworked【解析】因为要挣钱买摩托车,所以整个夏天都在work。【答案】D4A.after BbeforeCunless Duntil【解析】此处指儿子在这辆二手摩托车上花费了很长时间,一直到(until)它看上去跟新车一样。【答案】D5A.sure BfondCproud Dconfident【解析】从搭配上看,四个选项都是对的,即be sure of对有把握,be fond of喜欢,be proud of为而骄傲,be confident of对有信心(把握)。但根据文章意思可知,作者的儿子是一个优秀而且很懂事的孩子,所以作者应该是对他引以为豪。【答案】D6A.perhaps Breally Calmost Dhardly【解析】此处指母亲等不及希望儿子早点见到礼物,描述的是母亲的迫切的心情。hardly意为“几乎不”。【答案】D7A.start BcookCset Dserve【解析】由于tea和morning goodies无需cook,故排除B;而set和serve不符合语境。start在此表示“开始准备”。【答案】A8A.note BnoticeCword Dsign【解析】note在此指“字条”“便条”。【答案】A9A.disturbed BconfusedCastonished Dinspired【解析】没想到儿子会给自己买keyboard,所以感到很吃惊。另外,根据下文的I stood there shocked也可推知答案。【答案】C10A.give Btake Cdraw Dteach【解析】根据下文说Learn to play the piano,and Ill get you one可知,作者还不会弹钢琴,此处用take lessons表示“上课”,也就是学钢琴。【答案】B11A.reason Brequest Ccomment Dresponse【解析】作者想拥有一架钢琴,而她的丈夫的答复是Learn to play the piano,and Ill get you one。【答案】D12A.present BaffordCfind Dorder【解析】此处指作者想知道儿子是怎样弄到那么多钱来买这个礼物的。afford指“付得起钱”。【答案】B13A.neighbor BbuildingChome Dhouse【解析】家里人都醒了,也就是整个屋子的人都醒了,这是拟人的写法。【答案】D14A.exchanged BexperiencedCexpected Dexhibited【解析】指家人之间因高兴而互相亲吻。比较:exchange交换,experience经历,expect期待,exhibit展览。【答案】A15A.tear Bopen Ccheck Dreceive【解析】此处用open表示打开礼物的包装。【答案】B16A.purely BbasicallyCobviously Dexactly【解析】此处指作者的儿子看到礼物后脸上的表情并不像作者所期待的那样兴奋(因为他把摩托车卖掉了)。exactly意为“确切地”。【答案】D17A.realized BrememberedCimagined Dsupposed【解析】根据作者儿子给她买的贵重礼物以及儿子收到礼物后的表情来看,此时作者意识到儿子是把摩托车给卖掉了。【答案】A18A.only BstillCever Deven【解析】ever与最高级连用表示加强语气,ever的意思“一直以来”,又如:It was the best result theyve ever had.这是他们历来取得的最好成绩。【答案】C19A.works BexistsCmatters Dcounts【解析】指作者想让Laura相信,无私的爱仍然存在(exist)。【答案】B20A.send BpublishCshare Dwrite【解析】指作者认为Laura会与自己分享(share)这个故事。【答案】C7

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