Unit2 English around the world学案新人教版必修1

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Unit 2 English around the world 学案1、 词汇学案 1. because of 翻译:Tell your friends about the changes of the plan because of your illness. They are here because of us. We stayed at home because it rained. He was punished just because of what he had said. 用法: because of “因为;由于”, 是 短语,其后可接 , 动名词或由what引导 的从句,在句中作状语。 because “因为;由于”,是 ,后接 。 造句:. 因为粗心,他失去了工作。 . 因为错过了公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。 句一、 (用简单句) 句二、 (用复合句) 2. come up 猜测下列句子中come up 的词义。 The little by came up to the stranger and showed him how to get to the police station. We wont forget the day when we watched the sun come up on top of the Tai Mountain. It is certain that the question will come up at the meeting. The snowdrops( 雪莲花)are just beginning to come up. _ I am afraid something urgent( 紧急的) has come up. _ 造句:1)如有什么事发生,我会告诉他的。 2)会议上提出了许多问题。 短语归纳come at向扑来,攻击 come from 来自come out 出版; 开花;结果是come up with想出,发现,提出指点迷津 come up /come up with come up 意为“被提及”时,其主语是被提出的内容,不能用于被动语态。 The subject came up in the converation.谈话中提到了这个课题。 come up with 意为“提出”时,其主语是动作的发出者。 At the meeting, the old man came up with some good advice,and all the people there agreed with him. 造句: 用come构成的词组填空。 . The hunter walked across the forest when suddenly a bear _ _ him. . The magazine _ once a month. . The engineers has _ new ways of saving energy.3.actually :同义词组_、 造句:1)她看上去年轻,可是实际上已五十岁了。 2)你真的看到他打破窗户吗? 4. base 翻译: He based his hopes on the good news we had yesterday. The film is based on a famous novel. We camped at the base of the mountain. 用法:base vt 译为“ ”,作名词时,译为“ ”。 base A on/upon B be based on 造句: 我们应该把自己的观点建立在事实的基础之上。 这部小说是根据一件真事创作的。 5. at present 翻译:I am afraid I cant help you at present. We havent found the thief at present. 用法: at present 译为 “ ”。 拓展 present adj.目前的,现在的 preznt adj.出席的,到场的,在座的(常作表语和后置定语) n.礼物 v.pri zent 呈送,赠送,介绍 猜测划线单词的意思: The mountain bike is a birthday present from my parents. Were you present when the decision was announced? All the students present are against his advice. In the present case, I advise you to wait. May I present my new assistant to you? They presented him with a bunch of flowers. 常见短语at present = at the present time目前,现在be present at 出席,到场,参加present sb. with sth.=present sth. to sb. 把。交给某人;把。赠与某人 造句:I dont plan to go on holiday (目前). 很多人出席了他的婚礼。 大部分到场的科学家表达了他们对当前国家形势(national situation)的看法。 Most of the scientists expressed their ideas about the . . 这本书是哥哥赠送给我的。 _ 6. make use of 翻译:We should make good use of our spare time to review, for the final exam is near. _ You ought to make good use of any opportunity to practise English. _ The Internet resources should be made full use of。 _ 用法 make use of 译为 ;make good use of译为 ; make full use of意为 ,其中use 是 名词。 拓展 make the best use of 最大限度利用,善用 make the most of 充分利用,尽量利用 You should make the best use /most of this valuable opportunity. 造句: 我们应该充分利用一切机会来学英语。 主动句:We should make full use of every chance to learn English .(变被动句) 句一、_ 句二、_ 7. such as 翻译:Some of the rubbish, such as food, paper and iron, rots (腐烂)away over a long period of time. _ Such poets as Keats and Shelley济慈和雪莱wrote Romantic poetry. _ 用法: such as意为 ,用于列举前面所述情况。 可以用“名词+such as +被列举事物”和“such+名词+as 被列举事物” 的形式出现。 辨析 such as / for example such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as 后面 不可有逗号。使用这个短语时,后面列举的事物的数量不能等于它前面所提到的总和,一旦相等就要用 that is(to say) 或 namely。如不可以说:I have three good friends, such as John, Jack and Tom. 应该说:I have three good friends, that is, John, Jack and Tom。 我有三个好朋友,即约翰、杰克和汤姆。 for example 用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,可位于句首,句中或句末。 Ball games, for example, have spread around the world. 造句: 用that is,such as,for example填空 He knows three languages, ,Chinese,French and English. What would you do if you met a wild animala lion, ? The farmer grows various kinds of crops,_ wheat,corn,cotton and rice. Matter may be invisible;air, ,is this kind of the matter.8. command 翻译:I command you to start at once. I command that he go at once. She commanded that the prisoners (should) be set free. She has a good command of spoken English. He has a hundred men under his command. 用法: command可用作 和 ,意为“ ”。command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事command that sb. (should )do sth.under ones command/under the command of sb.受某人的指挥,在某人的指挥下have a good command of. 精通 造句:这支军队直接受国王指挥。 The army is _ the kings direct command. 他命令我们立刻离开这个着火的大楼。 1)He commanded that _ _ _ the burning building at once. 2)He commanded us _ _ the burning building at once.9. request 翻译:I requested him to help us. I bought it at your request. He requested that they (should) come early. The manager requested that all should be quiet at work/while working. 用法:request 词性 和 ,意为“ ,”指正式地或礼貌地请求。 常用短语request sth. of /from sb. 向某人请求某事request sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事request that sb (should ) do sth at ones request /at the request of sb. 应某人的请求。 造句:1)他按照经理的要求到达那里。 _ 2)老师们要求我们应该远离毒品。 句一、_ (简单句) 句二、_ (复合句)10. play a part /role in 翻译:The wheat plays an important part in our life._ He has played a part in the TV play. _ The UN plays an important part in international relations. 用法: play a part in意为“1) 2) ”。 造句:1)她对该计划的成功起了重要作用。_ 2)在这次晚会中你起了什么作用?_ 自我测试 Do you know the part that he in the meeting? A.took B.made C.causedD.played I think it is the government that plays in protecting the air around us. A. the partB.the roleC.a role D.roles11. recognize v. 翻译:I dont recognize this wordwhat does it mean?_ Many people fail to recognize that all these things are in danger of being denied. _ 用法:recognize词性 ,意为“ ”。recognize sb/sth as/ to be. 承认某人是be recognized as.被承认为recognizethatclause承认Its generally recognized that . 大家公认;人们普遍认为 造句:1)警察认出她是个小偷。 _ 2)我认识到自己犯了一个错误。_ 3)大家公认台湾是中国的一部分。_ 二、reading.Leadin 1.Can you name some countries in which English is spoken as the first language or official language? 2.Is the English in those countries the same? 3.Do you know the differences between American English and British English?British EnglishAmerican EnglishSpellingcolour favourite theatre centre metretravelled travellingwordslift (电梯) gas (汽油)flat (公寓) fallunderground (地铁) garbage(垃圾)dustbin (垃圾箱) vacationfortnight (两星期) . reading 1. Whats the main idea of the text? _ 2.read again and try to get the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1 _ Para 2_ Para 3_ Para 4_ Para 5_ 3 .精读课文,完成下列问题The road to modern EnglishAD 4501150The English was spoken in England. It was based more on (1) than the English we speak at present.AD 8001150Because the people who (2) England spoke first Danish and later French,English became (3) like German.In the 1600s(4) made use of a wider vocabulary than ever before.In 1620Some British settlers moved to (5) In the 18th centurySome British people were taken to (6) .17651947English was spoken in India as well as in Africa and Asia.It became the language for and education in India.By the 19th centuryThe English language was settled.Two big changes: Samuel Johnson wrote his (8) .Noah Webster wrote (9) and gave a separate identity to (10) English spelling.NowEnglish is also spoken in (11) ,(12) ,(13) ,(14) and so on. 4. Further thinking: Why did the writer decide to end the passage with a question? “Will Chinese English become one of the world Englishes?Only time will tell.” _ _ _ _ 5. Discussion Some people say that Chinese is a much more elegant language, so it is more important for us to master it and it is not so necessary to master a foreign language. Do you agree with this opinion and why? _ _ 三、课文知识点 1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English? 翻译: 根据例句归纳more than 的用法和意义 More than one student has read the book. Music is more than soundits a way of thinking. He was more than surprised with what his teacher had said. The heat there was more than he could stand. 用法: more than+数词= ,意为“ ”,其反义词为 ,后跟 名词作主语时, 谓语动词用 形式。 more than+名词,意为“ ”。 more than+形容词/副词, 表示加强语气,意为“ ” more than+sb.can do 意为“ _ ”。 造句: 有100多人参加聚会。 再次见到你非常高兴。 这个问题我解决不了。 她不仅是我的老师,还是我最好的朋友 联想拓展 more than的用法 He has more books than me. He is more careful than the others. He is more lucky than clever. He is more a scholar than a teacher. 归纳 moreadj.(n.)than 为一个表示比较级的句型,意为“ ”。 more +n. than +n. /more +adj. than +adj. 表示“ ” 造句:1)与其说他聪明,倒不如说他更勤奋。 2)与其说他是我的老师,倒不如说他是我的好朋友。 _ 2. than ever (before) 造句:1).这个姑娘看起来比以前漂亮多了。 _ 2). 雨下得比以前更大。_ 3. 1)In fact, China may have the largest number of English learners. 翻译: _ 2) India has a very large number of fluent English speakers. 翻译: _ 用法:the number of 意为“ ”,后接 名词,作主语时,谓语动词用 形式。 a number of 意为“ ”,后接复数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用 形式。 number 前可用large, big,great ,small 等修饰词。 造句:许多学生在山上植树。_ 我们班共有58人。 _ I know of your classmates are studying French;whats of them? A.the number;a numberB.a number;the number C.a number;a numberD.the number;the number4. Only time will tell. 翻译It is difficult to tell Lucy from Lily._ I cant tell who is wrong. _ 用法: tell意为 ,tell A from B ; 也可以用tell the difference between A and B或者tell sb./sth. apart 造句:这个小女孩太年轻而不能辨别是非。 _ 5. even if/ though 造句:1)即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。 2)即使被邀请,她也不会去参加晚会的。 四、课后练习及课文二知识点 1. 翻译:1)Add these phrases to the rhyme so that it makes sense.(P11) 2)Can you make sense of this poem? 用法:make sense 译为“ ”; make sense of 译为 “ ”。 造句:他说的话很有道理。 你能解释一下吗?我实在弄不懂这个句子。 Can you explain it to me ? I cant really _ the sentence. 2. Believe it or not ,there is such thing as standard English . 翻译: 语境展示 Believe it or not,the eightyearold boy can speak 3 foreign languages. 用法:believe it or not在句中通常作 ,意思是 表明说话者的语气或态度。 归纳拓展 常用作插入语的还有:judging from/by generally speaking to tell the truth to be sure确切地说to be frank I think/believe/suppose,you know/see等 3. there is no such thing as standard English. 翻译:There are many such books in the library. Have you ever heard several such songs? 用法:such与all,no,some,any,few,little,many,much,several,one连用时,应位于它们 的 ,但放在a/an的 。 造句:办公室没有这种人。 There is in the office. 你非要买这么贵的大衣吗? Do you have to buy coat? 这种事不会再发生了。 will never happen. 4. 翻译:1) So she asks directions and then tells her friends. P15 2) I can speak more English under the direction of my teacher. 3) Please read the directions before drinking. 用法:direction, _词,译为:1) 2) 3) , 常用 其_形式。归纳拓展ask and give directions问路和指路in all directions(in every direction)向四面八方;向各方面in the direction of.朝方向under the direction of.在指导下造句: 展览馆面朝什么方向? does this exhibition hall face? 鸟儿朝四面八方飞去。 The birds flew away_. 他向学校的方向走去。He walked the school.


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