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情态动词练习( )1.(2016重庆A卷) -Must we finish the work today? -_. We have something else to do tomorrow. A. Yes, we can B. No, we cant C. Yes, we must D. No, we neednt( )2.(2016年安顺)-Must I be home before 8 oclock , mum ? -No, you _. But you have to come back before 10 oclock. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. couldnt ( )3.(2016年自贡改编) -Whose book is this ? -I am not sure. It _ be Marys. A. shall B. must C. might D. could( )4.(2016年泰安) Rock music _ sound popular with the young , but its not the favor of the aged people. A. must B. need C. should D. may ( )5.(2016年成都改编) -Is that man Mr Zhang? -It _ be him. He went to Beijing for a meeting yesterday. A. cant B, mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt( )6.(2016年哈尔滨改编)-Hi, Jack. Could you come to our English party ? -Sorry, I _. I have to look after my little sister at home. A. must B. could C. cant D. may( )7. (2016年临沂) Students _ enjoy the colorful school life if they study at home instead of going to school.A. mustnt B. cant C. must D. can ( )8.(2016年长沙改编)-Finally they came back. -They _ be hungry after such a long walk. A. cant B. must C. neednt D. shouldnt( )9.(2016年呼和浩特)-Where are you going this month ? -We _ go to Xiamen , but were not sure. A. neednt B. might C. must D. mustnt ( )10.(2016年鄂州)- What will the weather be like tomorrow?-It _ be rainy, cloudy or sunny. Who knows?A. mustB. mightC. shouldD. cant( )11.(2016年宿迁)I cant go with you. I _stay at home until my parents come back.A. can B. may C. must D. could( )12(2016年盐城) -Is that man Mr. Green ? -It _ be him. He has gone to Paris on business. A. may B. must C. cant D. shouldnt( )13(2016年天津)-Mum, _ I play football this afternoon ? -Sure, but you _ finish your homework first. A. may, could B. can, must C. can, mustnt D. may, cant ( )14(2016年滨州)-Must I go to a law school like you, Dad? -No, you _.You are free to make your own decision. A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt( )15(2016年上海)A good friend is someone you _ share your pleasure and pain with. A. ought B. need C. can D. must( )16(2016年攀枝花)-Mum, _ I play the computer games for a while ? -Im afraid you have to finish your homework first. A. must B. need C. will D. may( )17(2016年绵阳)-Is Mr. Brown driving here ? -Im not sure. He _ come by train. A. may B. shall C. need D. must ( )18.(2016年重庆B卷) He _ speak English very well although he has studied it for only one year. A. mustnt B. cant C. must D. can( )19.(2016年安徽) Please dont make so much noise. I _hear the speaker very well. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt 20.(2016年广安)-Listen. I think it _ be Mr. White singing in the office. -No. It _be him. He left for London just now. A. must, mustnt B. may, mustnt C. must, cant D. can, can1-5: CCCAA 610 CBBBB; 1115 CCBDC 1620 DADCC; 4


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