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第一部分选修6Unit 1.单句改错1Its a pity that we have wasted a great deal money on the project._2As far as I know, the newlybuilt company is in possession of him._3She visited the school with the aim of see the library._4Someone has made a attempt on the Presidents life._5If you adopted my advice yesterday, you would have passed the exam._【答案】1.在money前加of2.在in后加the3.seeseeing4.aan5.在adopted前加had.语境填空aim,typical,adopt,possess,attempt,specific,aggressive,permanent,reputation,allergic,contemporary1I like cats but unfortunately Im _ to them.2He is respected as a very _ and competitive CEO.3He taught her how to rely on her other senses, _ her hearing.4As Chinas leading university of the arts, the Chinese Institute of the Arts lives up to_.5People who are thinking about _ a dog as a friend for their cats are worried that they will fight.6In fact, his childhood lacked the harmony that was _ of a happy family.7You _ the secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others.8And body language is particularly important when we _ to communicate across cultures.9An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons character;however, they are not always _.【答案】1.allergic2.aggressive3.specifically4reputation5.adopting6.typical7.possess8.attempt9permanent.短语活用on the other hand,in the flesh,appeal to,lose faith in,a great deal,have a preference for,for another1If I had time, I would visit the scholar _.2I_ serious novels to popular fictions.3If I hadnt let out the secret, he wouldnt _me.4Exercising the body does_ to improve ones health.5Europeans usually do not like having bodily contact.People from Latin American countries, _, touch each other quite a lot.6His goal of forming the foundation is to _ soccer players to help poor kids.【答案】1.in the flesh2.have a preference for3lose faith in4.a great deal5.on the other hand6appeal to.完成句子1一方面,我坚信会在考试中做得很好;另一方面,虽然不难,我仍感觉有点紧张。(2014四川) _, I have strong belief that I will do well in the exam; _, I feel a bit nervous, though its not difficult.【答案】On the one hand; on the other hand2这项活动的目的是提高学生的阅读能力。This activity _ the students ability of reading.【答案】is aimed at improving3.typical of her3她这个人就是爱忘事。It was _ to forget.【答案】appeals to students to make full use of4校长呼吁学生充分利用业余时间阅读名著。The headteacher _ spare time to read masterpieces.5不要试图自己修理这台电脑。Do not_ this computer yourself.【答案】attempt to repair2


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