高考英语一轮复习 语法专题 定语从句复习(讲)新人教版必修2

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定语从句语法知识精讲定语从句一、考点梳理。1.考查which/who(m)引导的非限制性定语从句which引导非限制性定语从句,用以指代整个主句的内容,或主句中某个词或短语的内容。 【例】She brought with her three friends, none of I had ever met before. A. them B. who C. whom D. these【答案】C。【例】 By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself,_can be very eye-opening and rewarding. A. who B.which C.what D.that【答案】B【解析】which在此引导非限制性定语从句,which在定语从句中作主语,表示前面所提到的情况。【例】 Chans restaurant on Baker Street,_used to be poorly run, is now a successful business. A. that B.which C.who D. where【答案】B【解析】which used to be poorly run为非限制性定语从句,其中的which指代前面的Chans restaurant。2.考查as引导的非限制性定语从句 as也可指代整个主句的内容,但不同于which的是,它引导的定语从句既可以位于主句的前面,也可以位于主句的后面。它的意思是“正如”,as在这些从句中作主语或宾语。 【例】_I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting. A. When B.After C.As D. Since【答案】C【解析】as引导非限制性定语从句,其意为“正如”。句意:正如我在电话中解释的那样,你的要求将在下次会议上予以考虑。【例】_is often the case, we have worked out the production plan. A. Which B.When C.What D. As【答案】D【解析】引导非限制性定语从句且位于主句之前,用as引导。句意:总是这样,我们已经制定出了生产计划。3.考查由“介词十关系代词”引导的定语从句 “介词十关系代词”结构中的关系代词主要是which或whom,不能是that;其中的介词则要根据句子中的相关搭配来确定。 【例】 He was educated at the local high school, _he went on to Beijing University. A. after which B.after that C.in which D.in that【答案】A4.考查由.of which引导的定语从句这类结构主要表示所属关系、同位关系或整体与部分的关系。 (1) It is reported that two schools,_are being built in my hometown, will open next year. A. they both B.which both C.both of them D. both of which【答案】D【解析】both of which are being built in my hometown为非限制性定语从句,其中的which指代前面的two schools。 (2) We shouldnt spent our money testing so many people, most of_are healthy. A. that B.which C.what D. whom【答案】D【解析】由于先行词为so many people,故关系代词只能用whom,而不能用其他三个选项。其中的of表示整体与部分的关系,most of whom意为“他们当中的大多数”。5.考查由where,when,why引导的定语从句 关系副词where,when,why引导定语从句时,它们分别在从句中充当地点状语、时间状语和原因状语。 【例】Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity_sight matters more than hearing A. when B.whose C.which D. where【答案】D【解析】where引导定语从句,修饰先行词an activity。句意为:那些失聪的成功舞蹈演员们认为,舞蹈是一种让人看胜过让人听的活动。此处where相对于in which。【例】The book was written in 1946, _the education system has witnessed great changes. A. when B.during which C.since then D. since when【答案】D6.考查whose引导的定语从句此时要注意三点:(1) whose引导的定语从句,其后应紧跟名词,构成“whose+名词”;(2) whose引导的定语从句,其先行词不仅可以指人,还可以指物;(3) whose引导的定语从句指物时,可用of which代替whose,但词序不同,即whose+名词=the+名词+of which。【例】Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from_effects the people are still suffering. A. that B.whose C.those D. what【答案】B【解析】whose引导的定语从句,表示所属关系。此处whose effects指the floods effects.句意:上个月亚洲的东南部受到洪水的袭击,现在人们仍然遭受其苦。【例】 George Orwell, _was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. A. the real name B.what his real name C. his real name D. whose real name【答案】D【解析】whose引导的定语从句,表示所属关系。此处whose real name指George Orwells real name.7.考查分隔式定语从句 即所考查的定语从句与先行词之间插有其他修饰语。做题时应撇开其中的修饰语,直接将先行词与定语从句联系起来。 【例】The film brought the hours back to me_I was taken good care of in that faraway village. A. until B.that C.when D. where【答案】C【解析】先行词是the hours,back to me是插入先行词与定语从句之间的干扰成分。【例】 It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,_for the first time in years their team won the World Cup. A. that B.while C.which D.when【答案】D【解析】定语从句修饰的先行词是an exciting moment。其在定语从句中作时间状语,故用when。8.考查关系词省略的限制性定语从句 能被省略的关系代词主要是用作宾语的that,which,whom,who等,且只限于限制性定语从句中。另外,the way后接定语从句修饰时,也可省略关系代词。 【例】-Why does she always ask you for help? -There is no one else_,is there? A. who to turn to . B.she can tum to C. for whom to turn D. for her to turn【答案】B【例】 What surprised me was not what he said but_he said it. A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which【答案】A【解析】考查the way后接定语从句的用法。the way后接定语从句有三种用法:用in which引导;用that引导;省略关系词。此题属于第三种用法。9.考查定语从句与其他知识点的综合运用【例】 He is the only one of the students who_a winner of scholarship for three years. A. is B.are C.have been D. has been【答案】D【解析】此题形式上好像只是考查主谓一致和时态的运用,实际上关键是确定先行词。代词one前是否有定冠词决定定语从句中的谓语动词的单复数形式,one of the students中的先行词是the students,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数形式;但此处the only one of the students中的先行词是the only one,所以定语从句中的谓语动词要用单数形式。而且句中因为有状语for three years,要用现在完成时,所以综合判断后答案是D。【例】 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _I will always treasure. A. that B.one C.it D. what【答案】B二、要点点拨在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系代词或关系副词,关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as,关系副词有when, where, why。一、关系词的基本用法who 指人,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语关系代词whom 指人,在从句中作宾语whose 指人或物,在从句中作定语that 指人或物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语which 指物,在从句中作主语或宾语关系副词as 指人、物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语when 指时间,在从句中作时间状语where 指地点,在从句中作地点状语why 指原因,在从句中作原因状语(1)The man (whom /who/that) my mother saw in the street is my teacher.(2)The book which/ that tells us about the earth is interesting.(3)She lives in a house whose windows faces south.(4)Do you know the boy whose father is an English teacher?(5)I have never heard such stories as he tells.(6)Ill never forget the day when /on which I joined the army.(7)I wont forget the factory where / in which my father worked.(8)Tell me the reason why you came late.二、必须用“that”引导的定语从句1、当先行词是不定代词all,little, few, much, anything , everything, none, nothing, no one, some等时。He did everything that he could to help us.2、先行词被all, every, no , some, any , little, much, the only, the very, the right, last , few , just 等修饰时。The only thing that we can do is to give you some advice.3、先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,或先行词本身就是序数词或形容词最高级时。This is the most interesting film that Ive ever seen.4、当先行时前有such 或the same修饰时,先行词和关系代词指同一物时。She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday.5、先行词既有人又有物时,Later they talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.6、当主句是以who或which开始时的特殊疑问句时,Who is the boy that won the gold medal?7、在同一个句子里,若有两个定语从句,其中一个关系词已用了which, 另一个宜用that.Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.8、当关系代词在从句中作表语时。(只限于限制性定语从句中)China is no longer the country that it used to be.9、当先行词是集体名词时,多用that,He wants to join the team that won the game.10、that在有些句型中可作为关系副词,且可省略。I dont like the way (that) he talks to me.三、只用which不用that时情况1、引导非限制性定语从句时:Bruce went toward the fire, which was still smoking.2、先行词在从句中作介词的宾语且介词前置。This is the house in which Lu Xun lived.3、先行词本身是that时:Whats that which flashed in the sky just now?4、先行词后有插入语时,Here is the English grammar book which, as Ive told you, will help improve your English.5、which 用作表语,指人时,一般指从事某种职业或是有某种特性、品质或才能的人。He is an engineer, which I am not。关系代as:在限制性定语从句中用在such, the same, as, so之后,as引导的定语从句常采用省略形式。I have the same book as you(have).Take as many as you want.Here is so big a stone as no man can lift.This is such a book as was given to me.四、关系代词的省略情况1、关系代在从句中作宾语时。Have you received the book (that) I sent you last week?2、关系代词在从句中作表语时。Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be.3、关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语,而这个介词又在句末时。This is the artist (whom) I spoke to you about.注意:关系代词的省略是指在限制性定语从句中,在非限制性定语从句中,关系代词不能省略。五、带介词的定语从句1、固定词组,介词置于后,关系代词使用灵活。This is the child (whom / who/ that) she is looking after.2、非固定词组,介词位置灵活,关系代词使用严格。The man (whom/ who/ that) I spoke to is a friend of mine.The man to whom I spoke is a friend of mine.3、介词词组(关系代词远离先行词)In front of, on top of ,at the foot of, with the help of, as a result of.We stand in a building in front of which stands a lab.We arrived at a hill, on top of which stood a tower.4、代词/数词+of +关系代词He has written many books, most of which are for children.We have many students, two of whom have won prizes of international competitions.5、介词+关系代词+代词/数词:He has written many books, of which most are in Chinese.6、介词+whose 修饰后面的名词:He is the very man in whose pocket I found my lost money.六、限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别限制性定语从句对先行词起限制确定作用。如果没有它,主句的意思就不完整,这种定语从句和主句的关系十分密切,不可用逗号隔开,在口语中前后没有停顿。He is the man whose father died last week.That is the reason why I didnt open the door.非限制性定语从句与主句的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词起描述或补充说明的作用,省略后也不影响全句的意思,非限制性定语从句可以修饰名词、代词、短语、主句的一部分或全句,它和主句之间常用逗号隔开,朗读时前后有停顿。I live in Beijing where my parents worked ten years ago.His sister, who works in WuHan, is coming to see him tomorrow.七、as 引导非限制性定语从句与which 的区别1、用于非限制性定语从句时,可以指代整个主句的内容,as 和which 可以换用。He left her, as/ which was strange.2、as 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句可置于句首,句中和句尾。As everyone knows, Tom is good at English.The earth, as we know, moves round the sun.3、非限制性定语从句中谓语为被动时,常用as 作主语。as is said/ known/ announced/ reported/ mentioned/ expected/ disused等。As is known to all, Taiwan is part of China.4、as引导非限制性定语从句,有“正如”的含义,因此,下列句式中多用as:as has been said aboveas anybody can seeas we had expectedas (it) appearsThings are not always as they appear.5、which 引导非限制定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句只能置于句尾。The decision was postponed, which was exactly what he wanted.6、which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句中的一个词(先行词)从句置于先行词后,可在句中或句尾。The football match, which I watched yesterday, is very interesting.7、which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句的谓语带有宾语,有的还带宾语补足语。After that things improved, which astonished me.Water changes into steam, which is known to be a physical change.8、which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句意思可与主句相反,即从句为否定式或带否定前缀的形容词。He can write a letter in English, which I cannot.He was married again, which was unexpected.八、定语从句运用中的注意点1、是用the one还是用that , which, where.(1)Is this school _ you study in?(2)Is this the school _ you study in?(3)Is this the school _ you study?(4)Is this school _ is a senior one?A. that/whichB. whereC. the oneD. the one where E. the one that / which 遇到这类句子,先将其变成肯定句,再看主句是否缺少表语。若缺表语,则必须用the one的形式,接着再看the one在从句中作什么成分,若作状语,则必须用the one where,若作主语或宾语时,则用the one (that/ which)2、是用when还是用that, which (1)May 1 is the day _ we spent together.(2)May 1 is the day _i joined the army.A. that/ whichB. when当先行词是表示时间的名词时,作时间状语时,用when, 若作主语或宾语时,就用that/ which.3、定语从句与强调结构的区别(1)It was in this house _ he was born.(2)It was this house _ he was born.(3)It was in the house _ he used to live that the exhibition was held.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. there判断是否是强调结构的方法是去掉it is /was that, 若整个句子结构和意义不受影响,则为强调结构,否则为定语从句。4、定语从句与其他从句的区别(1)定语从句与地点状语从句的区别是看有无表示地点的名词作先行词,有则是定语从句,试比较:You should leave the toy where you can find. I still remember the bus stop where / at which I met you.(2)定语从句与结果状语从句的区别是看从句的边接词是否在从句中作成分,作成分的是定语从句;若连接词在句中不作成分时,则为结果状语从句。试比较:He is such a kind person as everybody likes. He is such a kind person that everybody likes him.(3)定语从句与同位语从句的区别主要是看连接词是否在从句中作成分,作成分的是定语从句,不作成分而只是表示前面名词的具体内容的则是同位语从句。试比较:The news that he had been back surprised us all. The mews (that) he told us surprised us all.5、way 后面的定语从句(用that/ in which 或省略):Please tell me the way (that/ in which) you did the job.【即时巩固】1The results of the experiment proved to be very good, _ was more than we expected. A. which B. what C. that D. this【答案】A2. I looked through the window of our hotel, _ I saw a man taking photos in the yard.A. whereB. at whichC. whenD. from where 【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:我从旅馆的窗户向外看,看到一名男子在院子里拍照。分析语境可知from where I saw a man taking photos in the yard为定语从句,先行词为the window, 先行词在定语从句中充当方式状语,此处可理解为 I saw a man taking photos in the yard from the window, 故用from where 引导定语从句。故选D.考点:考查定语从句 3.I still remember the accident and the troubles _ has caused to me.A. whichB. whatC. itD. that【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:我还记得那场事故和它带给我的伤害。it has caused to me为省略了that的定语从句,完整的定语从句为that it has caused to me,先行词为the troubles,it指代的是the accident,the accident has caused troubles to me, 事故给我带来伤害。在定语从句that it has caused to me中,that充当宾语,故可省略。所以形成it has caused to me. 故选C.考点:考查定语从句4Mr. Sawyer started his career at Stanford University, _ he became Professor of Physics in 2002. A. which B. where C. when D. that【答案】B考点:考查非限制性定语从句。5.They reached the top of the mountain_ they could see the highway wandering before them.A. which Bwhy C. whose D. where【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:句意:他们到达山顶,在那里他们能看到高速公路在他们面前蜿蜒而过。A. which哪个;B. why为什么;C. whose谁的;D. where在那里。由句意可知,在定语从句中做地点状语,故选D。 考点: 考查定语从句关系词的用法。


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