八年级英语上学期第一次阶段检测试题 人教新目标版

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山门镇中学2016学年度第一学期第一次阶段性测试卷八年级英语温馨提醒:全卷满分为100分,考试时间为80分钟。请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现!(Dear Friends, please try your best to finish it carefully! )第一部分 听力部分(20分)一、 听力(共20分)第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案。(5分)1.How does the boy practise speaking English?A. By reading English books B. By working in pairs. C. By watching English films.2. What is the boy looking for? A. His grammar book B. His English newspaper C. His English magazine3. Where will they go?A. To the school B. To the zoo C. To the museum4.Whats the population of Shanghai?A. 20 million B.23 million C. 32 million5. Whats the matter with Peter?A . He hurt his leg B. He hurt his knee C. He hurt his finger第二节:听第一段长对话,回答6-7两小题(5分)6. What does the woman speaker want to do ? A. To buy a present for her son B. To buy a present for her fatherC. to buy a present for herself7. How old will Mikes father be ? A. forty B. fifty C. sixty听第二段长对话,回答第8-10三小题8. Where did Sue go for her summer holiday?A. Shanghai B. Hangzhou C. Dalian9. What did Sue think of the traffic there?A. It was excellent B. It was heavy C. It wasnt good10. Why did Sue go shopping every day?A. The fruits were nice there B. To make friends there C. To buy some clothes there第三节:听一段独白,完成信息记录表。(10分)The name of the book: _(11)Price: _ (12)Fit for: _ (13)Main idea: _ (14)Time to talk about: _ (15) 11. A. Man and Nature B. Gone with the wind C. Harry Potter 12. A. ¥20 B. ¥12 C. ¥24 13. A. College students B. Middle school students C. Primary school students14. A. Its about how to study English. B. Its about how to get on well with others. C. Its about how to protect the environment(环境).15. A. Next Monday afternoon B. Next Monday morning C. This Monday afternoon笔试部分:(共80分)一单项选择题:(每题1分,共10小题)16. 1、It is a good way to _ English in the morning every day. A. look B. see C. read D. watch17. Jim is a _boy, he can get on _with others.A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well D. well, good18._ travel all over China during the summer holiday?A. Why not you B. Why dont you C. What about D. It is a good idea 19. It is difficult me _ English well. But Ill study harder.A. to, learn B. for, learning C. for, to learn D. to, to learn20.Did you understand this play?I _ it but it was hard.Atry understand Btried understandingCtry to understand Dtried to understand21.We all hope Tom_ the gold medal in the next game.Ato win Bwin Ccan win Dwon22.-Is Hangzhou a busy city ? -Yes , but Shanghai is _,I think . A .larger B. busier C. younger D. older 23. When he heard a cry for help,he ran out as_as he could. A. hardly B. finally C. quickly D. slowly24. Tu Youyou is one of_ in the world, and she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine _October 5.A. the most famous scientists, in B. the most famous scientist, on C. the most famous scientists, on D. the most famous scientist, in25. Miss Li spoke too fast so I couldnt understand every word. _ Try to catch some important words. A. Sounds great! B. It doesnt matter. C. Of course. D. Good idea! 二. 完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)We began to learn English when we were in a primary school. And do you speak English easily , but still(仍然) have some_21_with English grammar ? If you want to learn it well, there is a lot you can do to teach _22_.First,make a plan, _23_to learn English grammar from a book or online. Next find out your_24_. You should spend more time_25_these grammar mistakes. _26_, youll need to do lots of exercises _27_you can use it easily. Look at a book of grammar exercises that has answers. Online tests can help, _28_. Finally, _29_something from your native(本国的)language into English. You can start translating some easy things like words and sentences. And then you can move to newspapers and magazines. Translating dialogues in plays is _30_good way to practise.26:A: questions B: problems C:ways D:advice27: A: us B:her C:them D: yourself28: A:Stop B:Want C: Try D: Have29:A: mistakes B:tests C:answers D:partners30: A: correcting B:leaving C: telling D: making31: A:Or B: But C: For D: Then32: A: to B: when C: before D: until33:A: too B: either C: also D: as well34: A: translate B: learn C: begin D: start35:A:the other B:another C: others D: other 三阅读理解(共30分,15小题,每小题2分) ASome Students Favourite SportsPE(体育)is difficult but I like it very much. I am in our City Sports Club, The members in the club are all young, between 6 and 13 years old. I go to the club every Sunday, I do the sports very hard. I want to be an Olympic champion(冠军).-SaraRunning! Lots of people dont think it is exciting. However, I like running very much. I run every morning. Running isnt expensive so anyone can run. Running is a good sport. Lets run together!-AlexBasketball, the Miami Heat T-Shirts and James are part of my life. I play basketball with my classmates on Saturday morning. I watch basketball games on TV with my brother on Saturday evenings. However, my sister Lisa doesnt like watching that. She likes tennis.-Frank36. Sara may be years old.A.4 B.5 C.12 D. 1437. is cheap and anyone can do it.A. Swimming B. Basketball C. Tennis D. Running38. may be a famous basketball star.A. Alex B. Lisa C. Frank D. James39. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Sara goes to the sports Club every day.B. Sara wants to be an Olympic champion.C. Alex likes running very much.D. Lisa doesnt like watching basketball games.40:The same topic(观点) of the three passages is main about _.A:health B: sports C:running D: clubs BIts a crazy dream! Riding from Shanghai to London! Starting on March 5, Zheng Sheng spent 136 days traveling 11 countries and finally arrived in London on July 18.Having studied maps for four months and borrowed(借) some money from friends, he left the company(公司)in Shanghai where he had worked for just a few months.“I was very confident at the beginning, but after I left China, I felt a little worried that I might meet bad men,” he said. Luckily, the trip was a safe one.Zheng believes that the safest place to sleep is somewhere people dont know about, so most of the time he slept in forests(森林). He rode more than 100km every day, but most of his food was just bread, as the food in Europe was too expensive. Later he learned to add some cheese to the bread.Zheng didnt tell his parents about the trip before he left for London, as he didnt want them to worry. After he arrived home in Yunnan Province at the end of July, he finally told his mum about it.“Im very confident for the future,” he said, “because I know very well that everyone can do what they decide to do.”41. From the passage we can learn that Zheng Sheng was born in A. Yunnan B. Shanghai C. London D. Beijing42. Before Zheng went for the trip, he was a(n) A. university student B. office worker C. cheese seller D. bicycle maker43. Most of the time Zheng slept in forests because A. he couldnt pay for his hotel B. it was much warmer in forestsC. he felt much safer in forestsD. he was too tired to find hotels44. The passage tells us that A. Zheng ate many kinds of delicious food on the way to LondonB. Zheng got a relaxing job in London after he finished the tripC. It took Zheng more than four months to travel 11 countriesD. Zhengs family worried a lot after he told them about the trip45. We can infer(推断)from the passage that Zheng A. is a very rich young manB. loves his parents very much C. gets weaker(虚弱的) after the tripD. is worried about his jobCDid you take a trip to New York? Yes, I did. In fact, I lived in the city for one year. It is a busy city with many tall buildings and all kinds of people from different countries. There are many famous places to visit, like Broadway, Central Park and Times Square. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is also a world-famous place. I like collections of ancient(古代的) works of art, so I often visited it. There you can see some Chinese ancient paintings. Sometimes I went shopping on New Yorks Fifth Avenue. I could buy many nice things there. Besides, it was wonderful to look at the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor.There is a movie about New York. Its name is the Day After Tomorrow. I like it very much, but I dont like the ending! If things are like what the ending of the movie played, it will truly be a had dream. 46. Which is NOT a famous place in New York?A. Times Square. B. Broadway.C. New York Cinema. D. Central Park47. Where did the writer go to buy nice things?A. To New Yorks Fifth Avenue. B. To Broadway.C. To Times Square. D. We dont know. 48. What did the writer see in the Metropolitan Museum of Art?A. A great collection of 3G mobile phones.B. Some Chinese ancient paintings.C. Some beautiful clothes for girls.D. Some concerts from different countries.49. What is The Day After Tomorrow?A. A book. B. A TV showC. A movie D. A radio programme 50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. New York is a quiet and small cityB. The writer often went to Times Square to do some shoppingC. The writer didnt like the cityD. The writer thinks the ending of The Day After Tomorrow is bad.四:任务型阅读(5小题,每小题1分,共5分)下面是Jack Smith 的爱好,请认真阅读并完成下面的表格。(每空一词) I am Jack Smith. I like football best. I really like watching football on TV. My favourite football club is AC Milan. It is in Italy. Im a member of its fan club. And Im in the school team. On Sundays, we play with the teams from other schools. Im a good goalkeeper( 守门员)in the team, but I want to be a striker(前锋). I like exciting sports. I also like basketball. I dont like running, although(尽管) it is cheaper and safer than football.Information Card51. Jack Smiths favourite sport is _46_.52. AC Milan is in _47_.53. Jack Smith often plays with other teams on _48_.54. Jack Smith likes _49_sports.55. Jack Smith thinks running is cheaper and _50_than football.五:词汇运用:根据短文内容和中文提示写出相应的单词,每空限填一词(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Australia is an_56_(岛)country in the world. It is a little _57_(小的) than China . Its in the _58_(南) of the earth. So when it is cold winter in China, it is hot summer in Australia. Australia is big but the _59_(人口) is small. Australia is _60_(著名的) for sheep and kangaroos. Sports are also very popular in Australia. Especially People like playing _61_(棒球) and swimming. In Australia, people like living a _62_(轻松的) life. They always go out to have a party near the sea or travel to other countries in their free time. So if you have a _63_(机会) to take a trip, I _64_(建议) you to travel around Australia. I believe you will be _65_(满足的) with your trip.六:书面表达 (15分)你的美国笔友Tony下周要来温州到你们学校学习中文。他对温州很不了解,而且又担心中文很难学。请你给他写封email简单介绍一下你的家乡-温州并且给他几条学习中文的建议。字数80词左右。可以参考下表的提示,并注意语言表达的准确性。文章首句以给出。Position(位置)in the east of China PopulationMore than 10 millionDelicious food Oranges, Lamps cake (灯盏糕) wonton(馄饨)Beautiful scenery Yandang Mountain , Mid River Islet(江心屿) Feiyun lake(飞云湖) clear water WeatherHot in summer, cold in winterAdvice of learning Chinese Dont be shy, speak as much as possible, read more interesting books, listen to .一听小对话,回答问题:1. W: Do you practise speaking English by reading English books?M: No, I practise it by working in pairs.2. M: Maria, I cant find my grammar book. Did you see it?W: I saw it under the desk just now.3. W: What are you doing here?M: Im waiting for my classmates. Well take a bus to the zoo.4. M: Whats the population of Shanghai? Do you know?W: About 23 million, I think.5. W: Whats the matter with you, Peter?M: I hurt my leg in the basketball match.二、听长对话,回答问题。第一段长对话,回答6 、7两个问题 A: Mike,I am going to the shops today. Would you like to come? B: What are you going to buy? A: I will buy a new watch for my father. Next Sunday is his 60th birthday. You forgot? B: Of course not, Ive already got a present for him. A: Really? Whats it? B: Oh, its secret.听第二段长对话,回答第8-10三小题M: Hi, Sue. Did you have a good summer holiday? W: Yes, I did. Thanks. I went to Dalian. M: Oh, really? How was the weather? W: Not good. It rained every day. M: Oh, thats too bad! How was the traffic? W: It was excellent. M: You said you had a good holiday. So what did you do there? W: I went shopping every day. The clothes there were very nice第三节:听一段独白,完成信息记录表。(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)Good morning, everyone! Here is the news for you. I bought a new book in the bookshop. Its name is Man and Nature. It is 12 yuan. I think the book is very interesting and it is fit for middle school students. It tells us how to protect the environment. I am sure you will enjoy it. Lets read the book first and talk about it on Monday afternoon next week.听力1-5 BABBA 6-10 BCCAC 11-15 ABBCA单项选择 完形填空:2125: B D C A A 26-30: D D A A B阅读理解:3135: C D D A B 36-40: A B C C B 41-45: C A B C D任务型阅读:46:football 47 Italy 48 Sundays 49 exciting 50 cheaper词汇运用:51:island 52 smaller 53 south 54 population 55 famous (well-known) 56: baseball 57 relaxing 58 chance 59 advise 60 pleased 12

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