九年级英语10月月考试题牛津译林版 (4)

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九年级英语第一次阶段性测试一、听力(20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题(10分)本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。( )1. What did the girl do at night?( )2. Who is Michelle Lee?( )3. When did the man start his new job?( )4. Where did the accident happen?( )5. How did Jenny go to school today? A. By car.B. On foot.C. By bike.( )6. What time is it now? A. Its 9:30.B. Its 9:45.C. Its 10:15.( )7. Where does the dialogue happen? A. on the No. 10 bus.B. On the No. 15 bus.C. At the bus stop.( )8. How long does it take the woman to go to the office? A. About 15 minutes.B. About 30 minutes.C. About 45 minutes.( )9. What does the man think of the concert? A. He thinks its great.B. He wants to watch a better one. C. He doesnt like it.( )10. Why was Kate so late? A. Because she got up too late. B. Because she didnt have a watch. C. Because her watch didnt work.第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题(计10分)你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为合适的备选答案。听一段对话,回答第11-12小题,答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入第一篇短文。( )11.What does the man want to have a look at? A. The womans ID card. B. The womans VIP card. C. The womans passport and arrival card.( )12. How long will the woman stay? A. For seven days.B. For ten days.C. For a month.听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。Customs of New Years EveIn ItalyPeople 13 the old things.In Spain 14 , people come to the streets together.In JapanPeople eat 15 on New Years Eve.( )13. A. sellB. take outC. throw out( )14. A. In the eveningB. In the afternoonC. In the morning( )15. A. dumplingsB. noodlesC. grapes听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。( )16. What is this message mainly about? A. Some team players.B. A basketball club.C. A sports TV programme.( )17. How often do the members meet? A. Twice a week.B. Three times a week.C. Once a week.( )18. When are the matches held for the team players? A. On Sunday morning.B. On Wednesday afternoon. C. On Friday evening.( )19. What should Marco take to the hall? A. A map.B. A sweater.C. A watch.( )20. How much rent(租金) do the players pay each week? A. $12.B. $15.C. $9.二、单项填空 (14分)( ) 21.Look! Shes running so fast! Hard to _ her legs were once broken. A. know B. imagine C. realize D. find( ) 22. I dont doubt _ she can do it well, but I doubt _ she is willing to do it. A. that; that B. if; if C. that; if D. if; that ( ) 23. _ in the countryside will make _ easier to enjoy fresh air. A. Live; it B. To live; that C. Living; it D. Live; that( ) 24. Little Tom seems to know who _ to get more pocket money. A. can he talk to B. he can talk C. to talk to D. to talk ( ) 25. _ I take my umbrella with me? _ better to do so. The weather is changeable. A. Must; Youd B. Shall; Its C. Need; Youd D. Would; Its ( )26. Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ the story by yourself? A. to ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; to write( )27. The shop _ until 9 oclock p.m. A. stays opened B. continues opened C. stays open D. continues open( ) 28.They speak perfect English. How long have they learnt it? _ they were seven years old. A. Since B. When C. After D. Until( ) 29. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT? A. Im not sure that he will come back in 2 days. B. Can you tell me which is the way to the hospital C. He asked me what I will do the next day. D. I am not interested in if he is crazy about football.( ) 30. The computer requires _. I think I need _ to ask Mr. Zhang for help. A. fixing; going B. to fix; going C. fixing; to go D. to fix; to go( ) 31. I wonder _ there will _ tomorrow. A. that; be rainy B. whether; have rain C. that; have rain D. whether; be rain( ) 32. What a pleasant surprise to see you here! I _ you _ Beijing. Me too. But I _ there next Friday. A. think; have gone to; am going B. thought; had gone to; will go C. thought; had been to; will go D. think; have been to; am going ( ) 33. Who do you have so much _?A. to say B. to say to C. to speak D. to speak to( ) 34. -Which do you prefer, coffee or orange juice? -_ is OK. But I prefer coffee _ milk. A. Neither , to B. Either , to C. None , with D. Either , with.三、完形填空 (10分) Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系)red with a strong feeling like anger. Red is used for signs of 35 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 36 in autumn. People say orange is a 37 color. They associate orange with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in 38 . People say it is a refreshing color. In general (总的来说), people 39 two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and yellow. Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people usually want to be 40 . Those who like to be with 41 like red. The cool colors are black and blue. Where there are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to 42 more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is a good one for a living room or a 43 . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. While 44 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.( ) 35. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places ( ) 36. A. landB. leaves C. grass D. mountains( ) 37. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening ( ) 38. A. summer B. spring C. autumnD. winter ( ) 39. A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell ( ) 40. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful ( ) 41. A. the other B. another C. other one D. others ( ) 42. A. past B. pass C. passed D. passes ( ) 43. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital ( ) 44. A. different B. cool C. warm D. all4、 阅读理解 (24分) AEveryone has two personalities. The one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real. You dont show your secret personality when youre awake because you can control yourself, but when youre asleep, your sleeping position(姿势) shows the real you. At night, of course, you often change your sleeping position. The most important position that shows your secret personality is at the beginning of your sleep.If you go to sleep on your back, youre a very open person. You often trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas. You dont like to make people unhappy, so you never express your real feelings. Youre quite shy and you arent very confident.If you sleep on your stomach, you are a person who likes to change your ideas, but you are satisfied with your life. You usually live for today not for tomorrow.If you sleep on curled up(蜷缩), you are probably a very nervous person. Youre shy and you dont like meeting people. You prefer to be on your own.If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You are usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel worried, but you dont often get unhappy. You always say what you think even if it makes people angry.( )45. You may find the passage in _.A. a science magazineB. a guide bookC. a sports newspaperD. a story book( )46. When does the sleeping position best show your secret personality?A. In the daytime.B. At the beginning of sleep.C. At night.D. During the deep sleep.( )47. What does the passage tell us?A. Sleeping on your side is the best way of sleeping. B. Changing positions will cause sleeping problems.C. Sleeping positions show peoples secret personalities.D. Enough sleep makes people look healthier and better.BWhen trouble comes, what do we usually do? We pick up our mobile phones and call for help. Thats easy, right? But in an emergency, many people are unable to call for help. Floods and earthquakes come suddenly. Wars can hurt or kill. Successful communication can sometimes mean the difference between life and death.Meet French NGO Telecoms Sans Frontiers (Telecommunications Without Borders (边际). Its goal is to use mobile communication technology (技术) to help people in need. TSF began in 1998. First, they opened their main base (总部) in France. Then in 2003, they started another base in Nicaragua. The next year they opened their Thailand base. Now if a disaster hits anywhere in the world, TSF is ready. They can send workers to a disaster area to set up communication systems within 24 hours.Once TSF arrives at a disaster area, they set up telephone connections (连接点)and Internet service. They share these services with other international helpers on the scene such as the UN or UNICEF. Mobile communication helps other volunteers do their jobs better.TSF also offers three-minute phone calls to local people who need to contact their loved ones. These communications can allow people to get together again after being separated (分开). Often the callers are moved to tears after speaking to a relative found to be still alive. Then the families can decide on a safe course of action for their family members.Since 1998, TSF has helped thousands of people in many countries. Most of the TSF workers does not get paid with money, but the satisfaction(满足)of helping others and changing lives is often a great reward.( ) 48. Telecoms Sans Frontiers is _.A. a mobile phone company from France B. a charity group from FranceC. a mobile phone company from Thailand D. a charity group from Thailand( ) 49. What does TSF mainly do?A. They teach people how to use Internet service.B. They provide clean drinking water for people.C. They offer communication services for people in need.D. They help other volunteer groups do their jobs better.( ) 50. How soon can TSF send workers to a disaster area?A. In one day. B. In two days. C. In three days. D. In four days.( ) 51. Which of the following is TRUE?A. TSF has a history of over 20 years. B. Most TSF workers are volunteers.C. TSF provides services for local people only.D. TSF had opened 4 bases all over the world by 2004.C“I cant believe this is happening”, I thought. I saw Jane walk into the restaurant. She hadnt changed at all. She was still tall and beautiful with curly fair hair and bright green eyes. I smiled and thought of how my life had changed since we had last met.It all started when I noticed her at a party in a friends house. I followed her to the dining room and talked to her about the food. “You seem very interested in food,” she laughed. “Why dont I cook you dinner sometime?”Two days later, Jane came to my house. However the dinner party was very embarrassing(尴尬). I ordered food from a nearby restaurant but I had told her I cooked it. After dinner, she offered to wash up and found the delivery boxes in the kitchen. She laughed at me and I felt bad. Angry with myself, I decided then and there to learn how to cook.I never saw Jane after our terrible dinner date. I started a cookery course and found that I was good at it after all. I went on a train to be a great cook. I worked hard and saved up until I was able to open my own restaurant.Now she had walked into my restaurant. Feeling very happy, I pretended(假装) I was a waiter and walked to her table. “Ready to order, Madam?” I asked.( )52. The writer met Jane at a _ for the first time. A. restaurantB. partyC. barD. hotel( )53. During their first talk, the writer _. A. showed her how rich he wasB. told Jane how much he loved her C. showed Jane how to cook a fishD. told Jane he was good at cooking( )54. The writer said “Why dont I cook you dinner sometime?” because he wanted to _. A. show Jane he was a good cook B. help Jane with her housework C. get a job as a cook and make Jane happy D. find an excuse to see Jane again( )55. The writer became an owner of a restaurant because _. A. He had an experienced cook hereB. his friends helped him a lot C. He learned his lesson and worked hardD. Jane had joined him in the business( )56. From the story we know that _. A. The writers life didnt change at all B. the writers life changed a lot C. The writer became a waiter in a restaurant D. The writer invited Jane to his restaurant五、词形变化(5分)1. He looked _(sad) at his dog with tears in his eyes.2. The _ (die) man looked forward to seeing his grandson who studied abroad.3. _ (decide) about medical treatment will be discussed in todays meeting. 4. I know from _ (person) experience how difficult this kind of work is. 5. The job _ (require) a lot of time and energy isnt suitable for a mother like you. 六、根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式(5分)1. Every foreigner was _ (热情) welcomed at the party.2.More _ (庆祝活动) will be held in the coming term.3. The picture looks even _ (生动) with flowers and animals in it. 4. China is one of the most important _ (古代的) countries in the world. 5. He soon _ (发觉) that the job wasnt as easy as hed expected.七、动词填空 (8分)1.Tom is worried about _ (not have) supper because his parents arent at home.2. The teacher made everyone _ (not shout) loudly in the hall.3. Tell me what I should pay attention to _ (improve) my English grammar.4. The holiday they always looked forward _ (come) finally.5. The house will look a little bigger if its walls _ (paint) blue or white.6. Since Joe _ (wear) out the old shoes, hes going to buy a new pair.7. We havent decided whether _ (sell) the house.8. Nothing _ (grow) on top of that area, did it? 八、完成句子 (9分)1.据说虎年出生的人很勇敢。 _ are very brave. 2. 他宁愿受罚也不愿意为同学们做点额外的工作。 He _for his classmates.3. 如果在平衡学习和爱好之间有困难,他最好向老师请教。 Hed better ask his teacher for help if he _.4. 彼得情绪不好, 没吃早饭就走了。Peter was _ that he left without having breakfast5. 丹尼年轻时经常更喜欢模型飞机而不是动物玩具。 Daniel often _ when he was young.6. 接受新的挑战需要勇气和胆量。 _ needs courage and bravery.九、任务型阅读(根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。每格填一词。)(5分)Many of us have ever loved the two toy bearsa brown Teddy bear and a yellow Winnie-the-Pooh bear. The two toy bears come from real stories in life.In 1902, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA, went on hunting. The hunting dogs found an old bear in the forest near Washington D.C. and the guide asked the president to shoot it. But President Roosevelt disagreed. A cartoonist drew a cartoon showing that the president refused to shoot the bear. Soon, the bear began to appear in other newspapers. People named the bear Teddy which was Theodores nickname(昵称).In 1913, a captain named Harry Colebourn paid 20 dollars for a black bear which was born in the Canadian countryside. The captains hometown, Winnipeg, was the origin(起源) of the bears name. In Winnipeg, Winnie served as the mascot(吉祥物). When World War I began, the captain went to France. Winnie was sent to London Zoo which many kids often visited. Because of its lovely look, the bear became popular with children.The Stories about the Two Real 1 NameTeddyWinnie-the-PoohAppearing Time11 years 2 than WinnieIn 1913Birth PlaceAmerica 3 Origin of the NameTeddy, the nickname of President Theodore RooseveltWinnipeg, the 4 of Captain Harry ColebournReason for Being PopularA cartoon showing that the president didnt 5 with the idea of shooting the beatThe lovely look attracting the attention of children who often went to London Zoo1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 十、书面表达 (10分)Millie想推荐李华做班长,根据提示和要求写一篇推荐信。提示:1你想推荐李华当班长;2他自信,乐于助人,深受同学喜欢;3精力充沛,经常做额外的工作4谦虚,从不炫耀;5能够使用电脑让自己更有效率;6总共赢过6次科学竞赛;7你认为(发挥2点)要求:1语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范,字迹工整;2所有提示需全部用上,可适当拓展,使行文流畅;3词数90个左右,开头结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear sir or madam, I want to recommend_Wish to hear from you soon.Yours sincerely,Millie班级_ 姓名_ 序号_密封线内不要答题初三英语第一次阶段性测试答题卷一、听力(20分)题号12345678910答案题号11121314151617181920答案二、单项填空 (14分)题号2122232425262728293031323334答案三、完形填空 (10分)题号35363738394041424344答案四、阅读理解 (共24分)题号454647484950515253545556答案五、词形变化 (5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 六、根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、动词填空(8分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 八、完成句子(9分)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _九、任务型阅读(5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 十、书面表达 (10分)Dear sir or madam, I want to recommend_


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