中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破23 介词和数词试题2

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中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破23 介词和数词试题2_第1页
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中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破23 介词和数词试题2_第2页
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考点跟踪突破23介词和数词介词1The local community centre is open B Monday to Saturday.(2016,上海)Ain Bfrom Cfor Don2Pauls mother is a nurse.She works D a hospital.(2016,北京)Awith Bon Cof Din3Oh,my god! Ive left my keys in the room.Ill have to get in D the window.Its dangerous.Youd better wait for your mom to come back.(2016,鄂州)Apast Bover Cacross Dthrough4Xiaogan is well known B the culture of “Xiao”(2016,孝感)Ain Bfor Cat Don5Stephen Hawking got more than 380,000 followers in two hours C first message on Weibo.(2016,东营)Abefore Bsince Cafter Duntil6Id like to hold our next meeting C June 23rd.Is that OK for you?(2016,威海)Ain Binto Con Dwith7Nowadays,more and more people have taken an interest C watching Running Man _ Friday evening.(2016,安顺)Ain;in Bat;on Cin;on Dfor;in8Who is Dave looking B?(2016,襄阳)His mother.Shes been in hospital for a few days.Afor Bafter Cat Dup9Sleeping is a popular way to relax B students.(2016,临沂)Aon Bamong Cabout Dbetween10At the farewell party,Kobe Bryant said,“D the support of my fans,it would be hard for me to achieve such great success.”(2016,东营)AWith BUnder CThrough DWithout11C running after success,we have a lot of other interesting things to do in our lives.(2016,东营)ABy BOn CBesides DExcept12Many young people put mobile gaming C anything else,thinking little of their normal lives.(2016,广东)Aalong with BbehindCbefore Din front of13Tina had to sell the house even though it was C her own wishes.Aabove Bon Cagainst Dfor14Its so cold outside.Remember to close the door D you when you leave.(2016,河南)Abeside Bbefore Cwith Dbehind数词1Boys and girls,please turn to Page D and look at the _ picture.(2015,呼和浩特)AFifth; five BFive; fiveCFifth; fifth DFive; fifth2Have you heard of TFBoys?(2016,丹东)Certainly.About D teenagers love them very much in our school.Ahundreds Btwo hundreds ofCtwo hundreds Dtwo hundred3He climbed so fast that he reached C floor in two minutes.(2016,资阳)Anine Bthe nine Cthe ninth Dninth4On her B birthday,she got an iPad as a gift from her father.(2016,泸州)Atwelve BtwelfthCthe twelve Dthe twelfth5Meimei is going to be an older sister.Her parents are planning to have their D child.(2016,重庆)Aone Btwo Cfirst Dsecond6Please turn to page D and take a look at the picture on it.(2016,广东)Athe eightieth BeightiethCeighties Deighty7What do you think of the environment here?Wonderful!A of the land _ covered with trees and grass.(2016,滨州)ATwo fifths;is BTwo fifth;isCTwo fifths;are DTwo fifth;are


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