中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第一讲 七上 Units 1-4(精练)试题1

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中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第一讲 七上 Units 1-4(精练)试题1_第1页
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中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第一讲 七上 Units 1-4(精练)试题1_第2页
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中考英语命题研究 第一编 教材同步复习篇 第一讲 七上 Units 1-4(精练)试题1_第3页
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第一编教材同步复习篇第一讲七年级(上)Units 14.单项选择( B )1.(2016张家界中考)Playing computer games too much_bad for students health.Aam Bis Care( C )2.(2016青海中考)Where are the kids?Theyre playing soccer.You know,its_hobby.Ahis Bher Ctheir( B )3.(2016泉州中考)Is that_apple tree?Yes.My father planted it in 2008.Aa Ban Cthe( C )4.What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?I hope it will _ like a book.Ataste Bsound Clook( A )5.(2015贵阳中考)Nancy is really a hardworking student.We often see her _ books in the classroom.Aread Bto read Creads( C )6.Lee MinHo is _ actor from South Korea.He sang _ Chinese pop song on the 2014 CCTV New Years Gala.Athe;an B/;the Can;a( A )7.I cant find my ticket.I think I must have lost _Ait Bone Cthis( B )8.I will _ Daisy at three and introduce my best friend to her.Asave Bmeet Clook( B )9.(2017原创预测)Which room does Tom live in?Sorry I cant remember his room_Aaddress Bnumber Csize( A )10.(2017原创预测)It is our duty to _to clean our classroom everyday.Atake turns Btake measuresCtake.完形填空As two women walked into a New Jersey hospital,they laughed.It showed the love that had held them together_1_forty years as best friends.Although they were laughing,one of these ladies would soon put her life in danger to_2_her best friend.Patty Hurley and Eileen Riley met at high school and have been_3_friends ever since.But when Eileen,a nurse,became ill with kidney(肾) disease,she didnt go running to her friendPatty came to_4_her,after hearing Eileen was sick.“My kidneys are failing.”Eileen explained.“Can I give you one of mine?” came the_5_reply.The offer was so simple_6_Eileen thought she had heard wrong.But Patty repeated she was willing to help,and their journey to the operating table began.Eileen always knew that her friend would help her.She said_7_,“When Patty makes a promise,she keeps_8_.”The operation went ahead in May,and both women are now very healthy and_9_than ever.“There are no words to describe how_10_this woman is.”Eileen said afterwards.“She gave me my life.”( B )1.A.in Bfor Cafter( C )2.A.find Bmiss Csave( B )3.A.happy Bclose Cdifferent( A )4.A.help Binvite Crefuse( C )5.A.funny Bnecessary Cimmediate( C )6.A.as Bwhich Cthat( B )7.A.simple Bsimply Ceasy( A )8.A.it Bthem Cits( C )9.A.smarter Bclearer Ccloser( C )10.A.boring Bexciting Camazing.(2016衡阳中考模拟)阅读技能Christian Bucks is a second grader.One day he noticed that some of his classmates seemed lonely on the playground during the break.Then he remembered a good idea to help children make new friends at school.Bucks made a buddy bench.The students can sit on it if they feel lonely or have nothing to do.And other students will come up to them and ask if they want to play together or just sit.He says its a good way to“widen a big circle of friends”Bucks first heard about the buddy bench when he was living in Germany.He saw a buddy bench at a German school,and loved the idea right away.Bucks told the headmaster about the buddy bench.The headmaster loved the idea and even let Bucks pick out the color and style of the bench!The buddy bench is now near the playground.Bucks hopes that his classmates will use it and they can make new friends because of the buddy bench.1What did Bucks notice on the playground during the break?_He_noticed_that_some_of_his_classmates_seemed_lonely_on_the_playground_during_the_break._2Where did Bucks see the buddy bench?_He_saw_a_buddy_bench_at_a_German_school._3What did the headmaster allow Bucks to do?_He_let_Bucks_pick_out_the_color_and_style_of_the_bench._4What does Bucks think of the buddy bench?_He_thinks_its_a_good_way_to_widen_a_big_circle_of_friends._5Do you want a buddy bench at your school?Why?_Yes,because_we_can_make_many_new_friends_because_of_the_buddy_bench._.(2016南充中考改编)综合填空It is always very cold in Antarctica(南极洲)People have never lived there for long because it is too cold.There are scientists,but they only stay for a few 1._months_(month)In Antarctica,animals and plants cant live easily on the land,but the sea is full 2._of_living things.Many different kinds of penguins(企鹅) and seals(海豹) live there all year.They spend most of their lives 3._swimming_(swim) in the freezing Antarctica water.The sea provides lots of food for 4._them_(they) because it is full of fish and sea life.The 5._largest_(large) seals in the world live in Antarctica.Theyre called elephant seals.(2016原创预测)句子翻译Friends play an important role in our life.1.每个人都需要朋友。We all like to feel close to someone.It is nice to have a friend to talk,laugh and do things with.Surely,there is time when we need to be alone.We dont always want people around.2.But_we_would_feel_lonely_if_we_never_had_a_friend.Sometimes friends move away.Then we feel very sad.3.我们非常想念他们。But we can call them or write to them.It could be that we would even see them again.And we can make new friends.It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.Theres more good news for people who have friends.4.They_live_longer_than_people_who_dont. Why?It could be that they are happier.5.Friends_can_bring_you_pleasure_and_happiness!You should be honest and patient to your friends then you will get the beautiful wealth in the world.1_Everyone_needs_friends._2_但是如果我们从未有过朋友,我们会感到孤独。_3_We_miss_them_very_much._4_他们比没有朋友的人活得更久。_5_朋友可以带给你快乐和幸福!_.(2015怀化中考B卷改编)阅读下面对话,根据其情景,从方框中七个选项中选出能填入对话中的五个选项。(TTonyYYou)T:Excuse me.Y:Yes?1._D_T:Well,Im new here.Is there a pay phone around here?Y:2._E_Its across from the post office.T:How far is it from here?Y:3._A_T:How can I get there?Y:4._C_T:Thank you very much.Y:5._B_AIts about 5 kilometers.BYoure welcome. CYou can get there by bus.DWhat can I do for you?EYes,there is.FNot at all.GWhere is the post office?.(2015泸州中考改编)书面表达新学期伊始,你将遇到新同学,为了让别人更好地了解你,建立友好的同学关系,现要求你写一篇80词左右的作文,向同学们介绍一下你平时的学习和生活。要求:1.本篇文章要求简述你在学校一天来的学习和生活情况,因此是一篇记叙文,写作时用第一人称,时态为一般现在时;2文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;3词数为80个词左右。Now let me tell you something about my everyday school life.I usually get up at six oclock.After washing face and brushing my teeth,I run for about half an hour.At seven oclock I have breakfast.Then I go to school at half past seven.Classes begin at eight oclock.We have four classes in the morning.At twelve oclock I have lunch.After lunch we have class at two oclock in the afternoon.There are two classes in the afternoon.Then we play sports for about one hour.School finishes at half past five.In the evening I usually do some reading and do my homework for two hours.And sometimes I watch TV for a while.At about nine oclock I go to bed.My everyday school life is busy but interesting.I love it very much.


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