2012高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit1《Great scientists》新人教版必修5

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2012高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 Unit1《Great scientists》新人教版必修5_第1页
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如何写建议信 本单元的写作要求是写封建议信。建议信是用书信的方式发表你的建议与看法。在写建议信时应该做到:1. 注意格式。2. 客观提出问题。3. 针对所存在的问题给出你的观点与看法,提出你的建议。4. 语言要委婉,精练,表达要简洁清楚。,假如你是某乡镇一小学的校长杨华,写信给有关领导反映你学校附近一家化工厂给你们带来的危害,建议政府关闭化工厂。理由如下: 1. 工厂排放的气体污染空气。2. 学校的饮用水受到污染。 3. 工厂噪音影响教学。 4. 上学、放学途中,进出工厂的车辆给师生的安全带来隐患。 要求:词数120左右(开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数) 参考词汇:化工厂chemical plant,Dear Sir/Madam, Many students and teachers have been feeling sick and some began to cough. We conclude that the chemical plant near our school is to blame. _ _ _ Yours sincerely, Yang Hua,【审题谋篇】 1时态:一般现在时兼用一般过去时 2人称:第一人称和第三人称 3结构:开头用简练的语言提出问题,引出话题。 正文列举现象及结果。 结尾提出建议和愿望。,【遣词造句】 1. 词汇: 责备;谴责blame 判断; 推断conclude 暴露expose 污染pollute 此外apart from 吸收absorb 预见;预知foresee 建设construct,2. 句型:(仿写) 我们判断我们学校附近的化工厂是罪魁祸首。 示例:It seemed that the water was to blame. (be to blame) 仿写:We conclude that the chemical plant near our school is to blame.,我很担心每天暴露于恶劣环境下的师生。 示例:He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. (exposed to. . . v. -ed形式作后置定语) 仿写:Im concerned about the teachers and students exposed to a terrible environment every day.,为了我们不受到危害,我写信建议将化工厂关闭。 示例:To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. (suggest+that从句) 仿写:Im writing to suggest that the chemical plant be shut down to prevent us from being harmed.,Dear Sir/Madam, Many students and teachers have been feeling sick and some began to cough. We conclude that the chemical plant near our school is to blame. Im concerned about the teachers and students exposed to a terrible environment every day. Firstly, the terrible smell sent out by the plant makes it hard for us to breathe. We breathe in the polluted air and absorb it into our body, which,does harm to our health. Apart from it, the water we drink is also polluted. Thirdly, with the noise going on, we cant concentrate on our teaching and study. Fourthly, we teachers and parents are worried about the road safety, because there are many trucks going in and out of the plant on our way.,I wonder whether the government had foreseen this when the plant was constructed. Im writing to suggest that the chemical plant be shut down to prevent us from being harmed. Im looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Yang Hua,1. 写作前要明确写作的体裁。本文为书信,因此首先要注意书信的格式,不要遗漏书信的开头和结尾。 2. 写作时要注意要点全面,可以根据现象加以联想与发挥。根据题目背景构思好文章的结构,将要点归于不同的部分。如本题首段要引出话题。所给的要点1、2、3、4都属于中段正文部分,末段为结束段。,假如你是来自美国的Peter,在中国留学期间,经常在马路上看到一些人不遵守交通规则,于是向某报社写信反映此情况,内容如下: 1. 部分行人过马路时慢慢悠悠或攀爬护栏,乱穿马路; 2. 某些骑自行车的人擅闯红灯,骑车带人; 3. 一些司机驾车时不系安全带;超速行驶;在开车时抽烟、打电话; 4. 你的看法和建议,注意:词数120左右(文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数) 参考词汇:行人pedestrian;护栏guardrail;系安全带fasten seat belts,Dear Editor, I am a foreign student from America and I am studying in China. I find many people break the traffic rules here. _ _ Yours sincerely, Peter,【参考范文】 Dear Editor, I am a foreign student from America and I am studying in China. I find many people break the traffic rules here.,For example, some pedestrians cross the streets slowly and some jump over the guardrails in the streets. Some cyclists dont stop when the traffic lights turn red. And they often carry a passenger or more than a light load. Whats worse, many drivers dont fasten their seat belts while driving. Smoking, speaking on mobile phones and speeding while driving can be seen everywhere.,In my opinion, these actions are very irresponsible and dangerous. It is our duty to obey the traffic rules. We must treasure our lives and protect the lives of others. So I suggest that those who break traffic rules should be fined or punished. Only in this way will they think twice about breaking traffic rules again. Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Peter,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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