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数字和符号 $0.02 我的 2 美分 请参阅 my two cents。 & & 号 1、在 HTML 或 SGML 文档中,用于指明有字符存在(特殊字符)的默认符号。另见 HTML,SGML。【英】The default character used to designate a character entity(special character) in an HTML or SGML document. 2、在电子制表程序中,用于在描述单元格相互关系的公式中插入文本的操作符。【英】In spread-sheet programs, an operator for inserting text into a formula specifying the relationship between cells. *星号 请参阅 asterisk。 *.* 星点星 请参阅 star-dot-star。 . 双点号 DOS 和 UNIX 中表示父目录的语法。单个圆点表示当前目录。【英】DOS and UNIX syntax for the parent directory. A single dot refers to the current directory. / 斜线 1、用于分隔 UNIX 和 FTP 路径,或者 Web 浏览器中 Internet 地址部分的分隔符。【英】A character used to delimit parts of a directory path in UNIX and FTP or parts of an Internet address in Web browsers. 2、在命令行界面下,用于标志控制程序执行的开关或选项。另见 command-line interface。【英】A character used to flag switches or options that control the execution of a program invoked by a command-line interface. / 双斜线 与冒号 (:) 同时使用,用于分隔 URL 的协议(例如 http 或 ftp)和 URL 中的主机名称。例如 http:/www.yahoo.com。另见 URL。【英】A notation used with a colon to separate the URL protocol (such as http or ftp) from the URL host machine name, as inhttp:/www.yahoo.com. : 冒号 在 URL 中协议名称之后的符号。另见colon, URL。【英】A symbol used after the protocol name in a URL. 尖扩号 1、在 HTML 文档中用于划分标记的一对符号。请参阅 HTML。【英】A pair of symbols used to set off a tag in an HTML document. 2、在 Internet 联机聊天系统(IRC) 或多用户网络游戏 (MUD) 中,用于设定动作或反应的符号,例如。另见 emo tag,IRC,MUD。【英】In an Internet Relay Chat or a multi-user dungeon,a set of symbols used to designate some action or reaction, as in . 3、在电子邮件头中,用于划分返回地址的一对符号。【英】A pair of symbols used to set off a return address in an e-mail header. 大于号 1、在 DOS 和 UNIX 系统中,此符号用于将某些命令的输出结果重新定向到文件中。【英】A symbol used in DOS and UNIX to direct the output resulting from some command into a file. 2、在电子邮件信息中,此符号通常用于区分那些引用自其他邮件的文本。【英】A symbol commonly used in e-mail messages to designate text included from another message. ? 问号 请参阅 question mark。 符 在 Internet 电子邮件地址中,此符号用于分隔帐户名称和域名。口语中, 读作“at”。 【英】The separator between account names and domain name in Internet e-mail addresses. When spoken, is read as “at”. 反斜线 请参阅 backslash。100BaseT n. 100BaseT 以太网 一种以太网标准,该标准用于使用双绞线、速度为 100 Mbps 的基带局域网络。也作 Fast Ethernet。另见 Ethernet(定义 1)。【英】An Ethernet standard for baseband local area networks using twisted-pair cable carrying 100 Mbps. 101-key keyboard n. 101 键键盘 在改进型键盘后的另一种计算机键盘模式,由IBM 为 IBM PC/AT 生产。101 键的键盘在键的数目和功能方面与改进型键盘相似,但是键的布局和按键时表达的触感反馈量,以及键的形状和手感可能不同。另见 Enhanced keyboard。【英】A computer keyboard modeled after the enhanced keyboard; introduced by IBM for the IBM PC/AT. The 101-key keyboard and the enhanced keyboard are similar in the number and function of their keys; they may differ in the way the keys are laid out, the amount of tactile feed back expressed when a key is pressed, and the shape and feel of the key-caps. 1024x768 n. 1024x768 显示模式 Super VGA 计算机的一种显示标准,横向1024 个象素点,纵向 768 个象素点。另见 SVGA。【英】A standard super VGA computer display having a resolution of 1,024 columns of pixels by 768 rows of pixels. 10Base2 n. 10Base2 以太网 一种以太网标准,该标准用于使用细同轴电缆、速度为 10 Mbps 的基带局域网络,在总线型网络中,最远传输距离为 200 米。网络节点使用网卡上的 BNC 接头连接到电缆。也作 Cheapernet,thin Ethernet,Thin Net,Thin Wire。另见 BNC connector,bus network,coaxial cable,Ethernet(定义 1)。【英】The Ethernet standard for baseband local area networks using a thin coaxial cable up to 200 meters long and carrying 10 Mbps in a bus topology. A network node is connected to the cable by a BNC connector on the adapter card. 10Base5 n. 10Base5 以太网 一种以太网标准,该标准用于使用粗同轴电缆、速度为 10 Mbps 的基带局域网络,在总线型网络中,最远传输距离为 500 米。网络节点装有收发器,该收发器插在网卡上的 15 针的连接单元接口(Attachment Unit Interface) 中,并接到电缆上。也作 thick Ethernet,ThickNet,ThickWare。另见 coaxial cable,Ethernet(定义 1)。【英】The Ethernet standard for baseband local area networks using a thick coaxial cable up to 500 meters long and carrying 10 Mbps in a bus topology. A network node is equipped with a transceiver that plugs into a 15-pin AUI (Attachment Unit Interface) connector on the adapter card and taps into the cable. 10BaseF n. 10BaseF 以太网 一种以太网标准,该标准用于使用光缆、速度为 10Mbps 的星形基带局域网络。该网络中所有节点连接到一个中继器或集中器。其中一个节点配备了光纤收发器,收发器插在网卡的连接单元接口 (Attachment Unit Interface) 中,并使用 ST 或 SMA 连接器连接到光缆上。另见 Ethernet(定义 1),fiber optics,star network。【英】The Ethernet standard for baseband local area networks using fiber-optic cable carrying 10 Mbps in a star topology. All nodes are connected to a repeater or to a central concentrator. A node is equipped with a fiber-optic transceiver that plugs into an AUI (Attachment Unit Interface)connector on the adapter card and attaches to the cable with an ST or SMA fiber-optic connector. 10BaseT n. 10BaseT 以太网 一种以太网标准,该标准用于使用双绞线、速度为 10 Mbps 的星形基带局域网络。该网络中所有节点连接到一个中心集线器(也称为多路中继器)上。另见 Ethernet(定义 1),star network,twister-pair cable。【英】The Ethernet standard for base band local area networks using twisted-pair cable carrying 10 Mbps in a star topology. All nodes are connected to a central hub known as a multiport repeater. 1.2M adj. 1.2 兆 1.2-megabayte 的简写形式。即 5 英寸高密度软盘的容量。【英】Short for 1.2-megabyte. Refers to the capacity for high-density 5.25-inch floppy disks. 14.4-Kbps Modem n. 14.4-Kbps 调制解调器 最大数据传输速率为每秒 14.4 千比特的调制解调器。【英】A modem with a maximum data transfer rate of 14.4 kilobits per second. 1.44M adj. 1.44 兆 1.44-megabayte 的简写形式。即 3 英寸高密度软盘的容量。【英】Short for 1.44-megabyte. Refers to the capacity for high-density 3.5-inch floppy disks. 16-bit adj. 16 位 请参阅 8-bit,16-bit,32-bit,64-bit。 16-bit application n. 16 位应用程序 为在 16 位计算机或操作系统(例如 MS-DOS 或 Windows 3.x)上运行而编写的应用程序。【英】An application written to run on a computer with a 16-bit architecture or operating system, such as MS-DOS or Windows 3.x. 16-bit color n. 16 位彩色 即 RGB 彩色,在其中指定象素点中三种基色所占的位数。典型情况下,红色和蓝色元素各占据 5 位。因为人类的眼睛对绿色比对红色和蓝色更敏感,所以绿色元素占 6 位。一幅 16 位彩色图形最多可以有216 (65536) 种颜色。【英】RGB color in which the level of each of the three primary colors in a pixel isrepresented. Typically the red and blue elements each take up 5 bits. Because the human eye is more sensitive to shades of green than to red and blue, the green element takes up 6 bits. A 16-bit color image can contain up to 2 16(65,356) colors. 16-bit machine n. 16 位计算机 将 16 位数据作为一组同时操作的计算机。如果计算机的处理器按 16 位字长进行内部操作,或者其数据总线只能同时传送16 位数据,则认为该计算机是 16 位计算机。IBM PX/AT 以及基于类似 Intel80286 微处理器的计算机是 16 位计算机,因为其微处理器字长和数据总线宽度均为 16 位。Apple Macintosh Plus 和 Macintosh SE 使用 32 位字长的微处理器,但是具有 16 位的数据总线,所以通常也认为是 16 位计算机。【英】A computer that works with data in groups of 16 bits at a time. A computer may be considered a 16-bit machine either because its microprocessor operates internally on 16-bit words or because its data bus can transfer 16 bits at a time. The IBM PC/AT and similar models based on the Intel 80286 microprocessor are 16-bit machines in terms of both the word size of the microprocessor and the size of the data bus. The Apple Macintosh Plus and Macintosh SE use a microprocessor with a 32-bit word length, but they have 16-bit data buses and are generally considered16-bit machines. 16-bit operating system n. 16 位操作系统 一种陈旧的操作系统,可同时处理 16位的或 2 字节的信息。因为软件和芯片必须密切地协同工作,所以 16 位的操作系统(例如 MS-DOS 或 Windows 3.x)反映了 16 位处理器的性能。与早期的 8 位操作系统相比,16 位操作系统的主要优点是采用较宽的总线(16 位)进行内存寻址。16 位的操作系统正在被 32 位操作系统(例如 Mac OS,Windows NT,Windows 95)以及 64 位操作系统(例如某些版本的 UNIX)逐步取代。另见 32-bit operating system。【英】An operating system, now outdated, that can work with 16 bits, or 2 bytes, of information at one time. A 16-bit operating system, such as MS-DOS or Windows 3.x,reflects the functionality of a 16-bit processor because the software and the chip must work together so closely. The main advantage of a 16-bit operating system over its earlier 8-bit predecessors was its ability to address more memory and use a larger (16-bit) bus. The 16-bit operating system has since been eclipsed by 32-bit operating systems, such as the Mac OS, Windows NT, and Windows 95, and by 64-bit operating systems, such as some versions of UNIX. 1NF n. 第一范式 first normal form 的简写形式。请参阅 normal form。【英】Short for first normal form 2000 time problem n. 2000 年问题 请参阅 Year 2000 problem。 24-bit color n. 24 位彩色 一个象素中,RGB 三原色中每一基色的深浅程度都用 8 位信息来表示。24 位彩色图像包含了超过一千六百万种不同的颜色。并非所有计算机显示器都支持 24 位彩色。那些不支持的可以使用 8 位或 16 位彩色。也作 true color。另见 bit depth,pixel,RGB。比较 16-bit color,32-bit color。【英】RGB color in which the level of each of the three primary colors in a pixel is represented by 8 bits of information. A 24-bit color image can contain over 16 million different colors. Not all computer monitors sup-port24-bit color. Those that do not may use 8-bit color or 16-bit color. 286 n. 80286 处理器 请参阅 80286。 287 n. 80287 协处理器 请参阅 80287。 28.8-Kbps modem n. 28.8K 调制解调器 最大数据传输速率为 28.8Kbps 的调制解调器。【英】A modem with a maximum data transfer rate of 28.8 kilobits per second. 2NF n. 第二范式 second normal form 的简写形式。请参阅 normal form。【英】Short for second normal form. 32-bit adj. 32位 请参阅 8-bit,16-bit,32-bit,64-bit。 32-bit application n. 32 位应用程序 一种应用程序,为在有 32 位体系结构或操作系统(如 Mac OS 或 Windows95)的计算机平台上运行而编写。【英】An application written to run on a computer with a 32-bit architecture or operating system, such as the Mac OS or Windows 95. 32-bit color n. 32 位彩色 和 24 位彩色类似的 RGB 彩色,但增加了 8 个附加位用于更迅速的传送图像的颜色,另见 bit depth。比较 16-bit color,24-bit color,RGB。【英】RGB color that is similar to 24-bit color, with 8 additional bits used to allow for faster transfer of an imaged color. 32-bit driver n. 32 位驱动程序 一种软件子系统,用于控制某一硬件设备(设备驱动程序)或另一个软件子系统。这种 32 位版本的软件充分利用了 486 和奔腾处理器的指令集以提高速度。另见 driver,instruction set。【英】A software subsystem that controls either a hardware de-vice (device driver) or another software subsystem. The 32-bit versions of this software take full advantage of the instruction sets of the 486 and Pentium processors for improved speed. 32-bit machine n. 32 位机 能一次处理 32 位数据的计算机。Apple Macintosh II及其更高级机型是 32 位机,就微处理器字长及其数据总线宽度而言,基于 Intel80386 及其更高级微处理器的计算机也是 32 位机。【英】A computer that works with datain groups of 32 bits at a time. The Apple Macintosh II and higher models are 32-bit machines, in terms of both the word size of their microprocessors and the size of the data buses, as are computers based on the Intel 80386 and higher-level microprocessors. 32-bit operating system n. 32 位操作系统 能一次处理 4 个字节或 32 位数据的操作系统。例如 Windows NT,Linux 和 OS/2。另见 instruction set,protected mode。【英】An operating system in which 4 bytes, or 32 bits, can be processed at one time. Windows NT, Linux, and OS/2 are examples. 3.5-inch floppy disk n. 3.5 英寸软盘 请参阅 microfloppy disk。 360K adj. 360K 的 360-kilobyte 的简写形式。标准 5.25 英寸软盘的容量。【英】Short for 360-kilobyte. The capacity for standard 5.25-inch floppy disks. 386 n. 80386 处理器 请参阅 80386。 387 n. 80387 协处理器 请参阅 80387。 3-D adj. 三维的 1、three-dimensional 的简写形式。形容物体或图像具有或看上去具有所有三维空间尺度(高度、宽度及深度)。【英】Short for three-dimensional. Of, pertaining to, or being an object or image having or appearing to have all three spatial dimensions (height, width, and depth). 2、使人产生空间感或距离感,如三维音效。【英】Having the illusion of depth or varying distances, as in 3-D audio. 3-D audio n. 三维音效 three-dimensional audio 的简写形式。以立体声方式录制,听者沉浸于其中,仿佛能感觉到声音的确切位置(上、下、左、右、前、后)。该技术通常用于视频游戏和虚拟现实系统,以及一些 Internet 应用程序。也作 3-D sound,binaural sound。【英】Short for three-dimensional audio. Recorded as stereo sound,3-D audio enables the listener to feel immersed in the sound and to deter-mine its exact location (up, down, left, right, forward, or backward). This technology is commonly used in video games and virtual-reality systems, as well as in some Internet applications. 3-D graphic n. 三维图形 用高度、宽度、深度这三维来描绘一个或多个物体的图像。在二维媒体上展现三维图形时,其第三维深度,往往用透视以及诸如阴影、颜色梯度之类的技术来表现。【英】Any graphical image that depicts one or more objects inthree dimensions height, width, and depth. A 3-D graphic is rendered on a two-dimensional medium; the third dimension, depth, is indicated by means of perspective and by techniques such as shading or gradient use of color. 3-D metafile n. 三维元文件 一种独立于设备的文件,用于存储三维显示。另见metafile。【英】A device-independent file for storing a 3-D display. 3-D model n. 三维模型 请参阅 three-dimensional model。 3NF n.第三范式 third normal form 的简写形式。请参阅 normal form。【英】Short for third normal form. 3-D sound n. 三维声效 请参阅 3-D audio。 486 n. i486 处理器 请参阅 i486DX。4mm tape n. 4 毫米磁带 请参阅 digital audio tape. 4NF n. 第四范式 forth normal form 的简写形式。请参阅 normal form。【英】Short for fourth normal form. 5.25-inch floppy disk n. 5.25 英寸软磁盘 请参阅 floppy disk。 56K adj. 56K 的 表示通信线路可提供 56Kbps 的通信量。一路语音信道能承载 64Kbps(称为 T0 载波);其中 8Kpbs 用于信令信号,剩余 56Kbps 用于语音信号。另见 T-Carrier。【英】Having 56 kilobits per second available for traffic on a communications circuit. One voice channel can carry up to 64 Kbps (called a T0 carrier); 8 Kbps are used for signaling, leaving 56Kbps available for traffic. 56-Kbps modem n. 56K 调制解调器 一种基于 POTS(普通旧式电话服务)的异步调制解调器,能以 56Kbps 发送下行数据流,其上行速率为 28.8Kbps 或33.6Kbps。早期的慢速调制解调器传输中需经两次转换,而 56K 调制解调器只需一次模数转换,该转换通常在离传输起始处较近的电话公司交换局完成。这样就提高了其传输速率。56K 调制解调器是为提高 Internet 用户的下载速率而设计的,但需要允许只进行一次转换的公用电话网的支持,还需要 ISP 处的数字连接,例如 ISDN 或 T1 线路,以提供与 Internet 的实际连接。另见 ISDN,ISP,T1。【英】An asymmetric modem that operates over POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) to deliver data downstream at 56 kilobits per second, with upstream speeds of 28.8 and 33.6 kilobits per second. In contrast to earlier, slower modems, which invoke a two-conversion transmission process, 56-Kbps modems achieve faster speeds by converting analog data to digital data only once, typically at the telephone companys switching office near the beginning of the transmission. Designed to improve down-load times for Internet users, 56-Kbps modems rely on a public phone net-work that allows for a single conversion and on the availability of a digital connection, such as ISDN or T1, at the ISP location that provides the actual connection to the Internet. 586 n. 586 处理器 Intel 公司 i486 微处理器的后继产品,工业界分析家和计算机贸易新闻界在其推出之前的非正式称呼。为了更便于保护其商标,Intel 决定以 Pentium(奔腾)来命名该处理器。【英】The unofficial name used by industry analysts and by the computer trade press to describe Intel successor to the i486 microprocessor prior to its release. In the interest of using a name whose trademark could be more easily protected, however, Intel decided to name the microprocessor Pentium. 5NF n. 第五范式 fifth normal form 的简写形式。请参阅 normal form。【英】Short for fifth normal form. 64-bit machine n. 64 位机 能一次处理 64 位数据的计算机。如果计算机 CPU内部的操作字长度为 64 位,或其数据总线一次能传送 64 位数据,则可以称之为 64 位机。64 位 CPU 字长为 64 位,或 8 字节;64 位数据总线有 64 根数据线,所以该计算机能在系统中一次传送 64 位信息。具有 64 位体系结构的有:Digital Equipment 公司的 Alpha AXP,Sun Microsystems 公司的 Ultra 工作站,Motorola 公司和 IBM 公司的 PowerPC 620。【英】A computer that works with data in groups of 64 bits at a time. A computer may be considered a 64-bit machine either because its CPU operates internally on 64-bit words or because its data bus can transfer 64 bits at a time. A 64-bit CPU thus has a word size of 64 bits, or 8 bytes; a 64-bit data bus has 64 data lines, so it ferries information through the system in sets of 64bits at a time. Examples of 64-bit architecture include the Alpha AXP from Digital Equipment Corporation, the Ultra workstation from Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the PowerPC 620 from Motorola and IBM. 68000 n. 68000 处理器 Motorola 公司 680x0 微处理器家族的鼻祖,1979 年推出,用于最早的 Apple Macintosh 计算机,以及 Apple LaserWriter IISC 和Hewlett-Packard 公司的 LaserJet 打印机。68000 具有 32 位内部寄存器,但只能在 16 位数据总线上传送数据。该处理器能访问 16 兆内存,是 IBM PC 中Intel 8088 的 16倍。【英】The original microprocessor in the 680x0 family from Motorola, introduced in 1979 and used in the first Apple Macintosh computers as well as the Apple LaserWriter IISC and Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printers. The 68000 has 32-bit internal registers but transfers data over a 16-bit data bus. The68000 can address 16 megabytes of memory 16 times as much memory as does the Intel 8088 found in the IBM-PC. 68020 n. 68020 处理器 Motorola 公司 680x0 微处理器家族的一员,1984 年推出。芯片的地址总线和数据总线均为 32 位,工作于 16MHz32MHz 频率下。Apple 公司最初的 Macintosh II 及 LaserWriter IINT 使用了该处理器。【英】A microprocessor in the 680x0 family from Motorola, introduced in 1984. This chip has 32-bit addressing and a32-bit data bus and is avail-able in speeds from 16 MHz to 33 MHz. The 68020 is found in the original Macintosh II and the LaserWriter IINT from Apple. 68030 n. 68030 处理器 Motorola 公司 680x0 微处理器家族的一员,1987 年推出。芯片的地址总线和数据总线均为 32 位,工作于 20MHz50MHz 频率下。【英】A microprocessor in the 680x0 family from Motorola, introduced in 1987. This chip has 32-bitaddressing and a 32-bit data bus and is available in speeds from 20 MHz to 50 MHz. 68040 n. 68040 处理器 Motorola 公司 680x0 微处理器家族的一员,1990 年推出,具有 32 位地址及数据总线。68040 工作于 25MHz 频率下,包含一个内置浮点单元及多个存贮器管理单元。【英】A microprocessor in the 680x0 family from Motorola, introduced in 1990, with 32-bit addressing and a 32-bit data bus. The 68040 runs at 25 MHz and includes a built-in floating-point unit and memory management units. 68K n. 68000 处理器 请参阅 68000。 80286 n. 80286 处理器 Intel 公司 1982 年推出的一种 16 位微处理器,1984年用于 IBM PC/AT 及其兼容机。80286 具有 16 位寄存器,能在数据总线上一次传送 16 位信息,并以 24 位地址访问内存。该处理器工作于两种模式:实模式,与 8086 兼容并支持 MS-DOS;保护模式,使 CPU 能访问 16 兆内存,还能保护操作系统,避免由于应用程序非法操作对内存进行错误访问而引起的操作系统崩溃(实模式下,此类操作会导致系统崩溃)。也作 286。另见protected mode,real mode。【英】A 16-bit microprocessor from Intel, introduced in 1982 and included in the IBM PC/AT and compatible computers in 1984. The 80286 has 16-bit registers, transfers information over the data bus 16 bits at a time, and uses 24 bits to address memory locations. The 80286 operates in two modes: real mode, which is compatible with the 8086 and supports MS-DOS; and protected mode, which enables the CPU to access 16 megabytes of memory and protects the operating system from incorrect memory accesses by ill-behaved applications, which could crash a system in real mode. 80287 n. 80287 协处理器 Intel 公司 80286 微处理器家族中的一种浮点运算协处理器。80287 工作于 612MHz 频率下,提供扩展的数学计算能力。因为采用与 80286 相同的内存管理及保护方案,所以在 80286 的实模式及保护模式下都能运行。如果计算机制造商在主板设计中提供支持,还能用于 80386 微处理器系统。另见 floating-point processor。【英】A floating-point coprocessor from Intel for use with the 80286 family of microprocessors. Available in speeds from 6 MHz to 12 MHz, the 80287 offers expanded mathematical capabilities. Because the 80287 conforms to the 80286 memory management and protection schemes, it can be used in both the real and protected modes of the 80286. Also, if the computer manufacturer implements support for it in the motherboard design, the 80287 can be used in a system with an80386 microprocessor. 80386 n. 80386 处理器 Intel 公司 1985 年推出的 32 位微处理器。80386 是一种全 32 位微处理器,即有 32 位寄存器,能在数据总线上一次传送 32 位信息并以 32 位地址访问内存。同早期的 80286 一样,80386 工作于两种模式:实模式及保护模式。后者使 CPU 能直接访问 4GB 内存,支持多任务,还能保护操作系统,避免由于应用程序错误访问内存而引起的操作系统崩溃。80386还包含一种虚拟 8086 模式(也称作:虚拟实模式),该模式仿真 8086,但提供了与保护模式相同的内存保护措施。虚拟 8086 模式是 Windows 中 MS-DOS提示符方式的基础。也作 386,386DX,80386DX。另见 protected mode,real mode,virtual real mode。【英】A 32-bit microprocessor from Intel, introduced in 1985. The 80386is a full 32-bit microprocessor; that is, it has 32-bit registers, it can transfer information over its data bus 32 bits at a time, and it can use 32 bits to address memory. Like the earlier 80286, the 80386 operates in two modes: real mode and protected mode. The latter allows the CPU to access 4 GB of memory directly, supports multi tasking, and protects the operating system from crashing as a result of an incorrect memory access caused by an application program error. The 80386 also includes a virtual 8086 mode (also called virtual real mode), which emulates the8086 but offers the same memory safeguards as protected mode. The virtual 8086 mode is the basis for the MS-DOS prompt available inside Windows. 80387 n. 80387 协处理器 Intel 公司推出的一种浮点运算协处理器,用于80386 处理器。80387 工作于 1633MHz 频率下,提供扩展的数学计算功能。该协处理器在 80386 的各种模式下独立操作,无论 80386 是运行在实模式、保护模式还是虚拟 8086 模式,均不受影响。也作 387。另见 80386,floating-point processor。【英】The floating-point coprocessor introduced by Intel for use with the 80386 microprocessors. Available in speeds from 16 MHz to 33 MHz, the 80387 offers expanded mathematical capabilities. The 80387operates independently of the 80386s mode, and it performs as expected regardless of whether the 80386 is running in real, protecte


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